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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Johnny dropped the kid abruptly, without much thinking. His strange feeling strenghtened, so he kicked him, too.

"Hurry up, then! I'm longing to enjoy you..." he taunted the kid. This threat was effective before. Even if the best was temporarily out of question... this should still work...
I sighed and kept walking shaking my head. The kick made me feel numb more than anything. One thing that did frighten me was the "enjoy you" line. I was scared of what that meant, my knees did buckle so I fell a bit. But I kept on my feet and walked to the man's bedroom. I was feeling shaky and disoriented. But I didn't even know who I was anymore. And I'd nearly ran out of any fear to show.
The man shut and locked the door behind them, then grabbed the boy's wrists by the cuffs, and hauled him back to wall. He used the same hook that he used last night, and hung the boy the same way - facing the wall.

He started to feel being back in control as he grabbed his belt.

"What should we do first?" He asked, sickeningly sweet. "I thought about playing with needles before choosing something bigger...."
I pressed my forehead on the cold hard wall and squeezed my eyes closed.

Be brave. Be brave for you Dad. He needs you. Let me man have his way with you and then he'll leave you alone and he'll leave Da alone. Be brave

Thoughts ran through my mind at a mile a minute. I waited for the man to strike as me body hung from a hook. My ribs were stretching. It hurt like hell. But I kept quiet. I had to
Johnny grinned. Finally, this felt all right...

He kept his word, though, grabbing the needles from the table, and dipping them into the salty solution. He just stabbed them into the boy's back first, shallowly, slowly dragging them down. Then he pulled them out, just to pierce his left thigh...
I grunted and my body made a growl.

Just pretend you're getting a tattoo I thought to myself A tattoo of something cool

I surprised myself. I kept it up. I didn't make too much noise. Inside my body wants to scream louder than I ever have before but I didn't. Just some grunts.
"Oh, ew. What now?" asked the man, more and more angered by the second. "Where are those delicious screams? You are permitted to make noise, you know. Even... encouraged. I love when they struggle and make a lot of noise..."

He stepped back, disappointed. Maybe he should switch tools...

Johnny growled, frustrated. He couldn't find the vial he brought back tomorrow... ah, doesn't matter. He lifted up the side of the lamp, and grabbed a screwdriver, holding the metal over the flame.

"I will give you something... thicker, then" he said, viciously, and then added: "And warmer. You might even enjoy it..."
"Do your worst" I say as I breathe heavily through my teeth. "I won't scream you won't. You can't. Break me." I was burying my head in my arms.

I was trying to think of happier times. Me and Darius playing video games.... Running around the museum. Playing hide and seek at the age 0f 18 because why not
Johnny froze as he heard those impossible words. His blood boiled over with cold anger. He would like to just stab the boy to death… but he didn’t do it. He wanted to answer the challenge.

“Oh, I can’t? Strange” he answered sweetly, turning to the boy, holding the red-hot tool. “That’s the same your daddy said… and well… you saw how that ended…”

He stepped closer, sinking the sizzling iron oh-so-slowly into the wounds on the boy’s back, turning it over and over to burn a bit more.

“By the way, I was able to look him up, after he told me enough” he added nonchalantly. “Who knew I really had known him before the apocalypse after all. You were laying with a convicted war criminal, kid… offering yourself to a man who conducted mass murder in Africa… despicable. Well. To be honest, the last one was here, at home. He decided to take a farm over after he saw the owner’s son, and took him. He resisted, so he raped him to death. Killed the family, too. He really has something for families… impersonating and killing them. I guess you’re just lucky you were willing…”

Johnny grinned. There was no way to confirm or deny the truth of his words. The dentist was broken now, his mind long gone, and the man knew that even if they save the man’s body, it would be unlikely to return. All who survived his attention became very, very silent, only focused on a single goal, what he wanted them to do…
"Your lying" I say through gritted teeth "anyway. I dont care." I suck air through my teeth in pain "And I didn't lay with him" I add for the record

I start grunting trying to suppress my screams but the pain was too much. Suppressing my screams hurt more, so I decide to speak again to take my mind of it "he's no worse than you your bastard"
“Oh, he is!” answered Johnny gleefully, leaving the obvious lie without a comment for now. He saw the tenderness with what that two touched each other, the desperate scrambling to keep each other from hurt. It was something only lovers would do.

Breaking up couples always felt wonderful.

“At least I do not wear a mask” he added, stepping back to lift a water bottle, dousing the fresh burns with icy cold water. “And I don’t seduce boys just to pump them full of lead the moment they aren’t able to satisfy me anymore…”

Something was moving in the back of his mind. A strange thought. He set it aside without inspecting it, and lift up the boy from the hook, just to throw him on the ground.

“Well. What do you think about good old fashioned foreplay?” he asked, grinning. “Nothing you wouldn’t do for your daddy…”
I try to suppress my anger. "Don't talk about him like that. You're not fit to." I spit my words to him in red fury.

"He's cared for me. None of what your saying. No foreplay. Nothing. Unless you don't understand love without sex. Nobody's ever loved you except that nurse". I had to speak my mind. I didn't like the look of his crotch area. It was doing that thing again. The thing that made me the most uncomfortable.
Johnny growled with anger, grabbing the youth by his long hair, hauling him to his knees.

“I’ve seen you! I’ve seen you two embracing! I know you are a little sweet liar…” he spat the words, kicking the boy in his stomach again. “I take you think that burnt murderer is better than me?”

He really enjoyed the pained squirming before. Now, he was starting to become uncomfortable… and something else. Disturbed. Something was not right. He still wasn’t in control.

“We might show you what real love is, then” he growled, grabbing the kid again, pulling him closer to take a good look at him. “A few things about sharing, too. You know, I think I am actually liking you now… a lot. Maybe I’ll give you a hard, hot gift…”
I put my hand on his hand that was pulling my hair. It hurt. I didn't know whether screaming would get me off the hook. Maybe being brave was just egging him on to try.

I didn't like the idea of "hard got gift" but I wanted to show it didn't bother me, which it did in reality. Maybe if I invited him instead of squirming he wouldn't. Or he would

"Just try me" I say looking at him in the eye with pure anger.
Johnny lost his head for a moment. He liked the power game, forcing others to submit, but never for that… and now, as the kid said the words with those burning eyes, he almost got sick right there.

“Fucking disgusting little fggot” he spewed, kneeling the boy in the face. “I knew it! You disgust me! Even the thought makes me…”

He didn’t shut up immediately when he realized what he gave out accidentally. He just threw the boy on his freshly burned back, and reached for his belt.
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I winced and another noice came out of me.

My pain was torrential and I couldn't keep up this facade anymore. I just couldn't. I curl up into a ball.

"GODD" I scream into my beaten body. My eyes squeezed shut. And tears came streaming. I cursed myself for being weak
The man looked at the boy at surprise, then he held on his spiked belt, and started to laugh. His shaken confidence repaired itself quickly. He was back in control again, watching the screaming boy.

“Wow, that was even faster than Daddy. I wonder whether you two are actually related” he wheezed after a good, booming laughter. “Maybe I should give you something to ponder about…”

He grinned, lifting up the antiseptic again. He held down the squirming youth, pouring the liquid on his back.

His trousers were tighter by the minute. He really hoped his wife was done already… he was ready to visit her now…
I cried out with the pain. It was too much for me. I couldn't control myself.

"You BASTARD" I cried.

I pulled on my underwear to relieve the pressure in my arms. I nearly pulled every muscle in my body in convulsions.

What made it worse was that I could feel his thing pressing against my back.
“Pathetic” Johnny spat on the boy, and stood up, satisfied. “Your old man at least had some dignity. He might be a fallen soldier, but he kept his bearing for a while. Then my wife had him, totally. I wonder what she might have done to him now. I really think she fancies him. Must be the scars…”

He laughed, cruelly, and reached for the keys.

“Think about it for a while…” he said, stroking his own pants instinctively. “It doesn’t matter to me to whom I give this…”

He laughed, again, even if this was a lie. He could only think of his dark angel. Done or not, she will be dragged to bed now…
"You didn't.. No she didn't ". Why was I believing this guy

"You bastard!" Forgetting all the pain in my body I stood up and started trying to punch the guy "how could you take him?"
Johnny laughed, thunderously, as he easily caught the boy’s weak punch. He found it, he was perfectly in rule again. This felt wonderful.

“Oh, come on. Don’t act so surprised. I’ve told you I like a fighter. He is. He was, at least. My love really has a way to start to crack people, but I’m proud to say I gave him the last ‘prod’ which made him crack” he lied easily, with much gusto. “I figure we might like those scars just as much as you. After all, he has them everywhere. Makes me wonder whether those rumours about him being caught by a group of former victims was true after all…”

He chuckled.

“Besides, he wasn’t really used. Might be that he felt better than you will…”
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"Don't you touch him again. Not like that. Don't you dare" I cry to him, worried. Anything like that could be worse for him. Huffing and puffing with pure rage again. Fear and rage.

The nurse finished her work for the day.

"He needs rest" she said to herself and went out to find her loving husband "oh big boy? I'm done for the day." She used her key to unlock the man's bedroom door.

"Ooh, company" she said whilst twirling her hair. She walked over the man and kissed him. Then walked over to the boy and held his chin up to look at her.

"Cute" she said. Then she turned him round to see the scars on his back...

"Ooh my favourite"
Johnny just kept on laughing, easily holding into the kid.

“Why not? I admit it, it won’t be as much fun now, as he won’t even struggle, but he might be hotter inside now…”

It seemed he really found the sorest spot. He enjoyed it immensely.

As his wife came inside, he became even more excited; he kissed the nurse, grinding himself into her side.

“Well, I was just telling him how much did we enjoy his daddy in bed” he said, grinning. “He wants us to cease it, my dark angel. Isn’t he a bit selfish? Not only him likes scarred man, after all…”

He embraced his wife, hands quickly wandering away.
The nurse caught on with the lie

"It's because he doesn't know what he's missing " she said with a devilish grin stroking the boys ear. " He's scarred now, too"
“I hoped you would like it” purred Johnny, almost rutting now. He laughed, with a sinister edge.

“You know, I think that missing piece from his ear was the best thing from behind. I doubt that you know it, kid, after all, that’s what my wife gave him as a starter… but… what do you think, my love?”

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