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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard Nate’s comment and looked at him, seeing that backpack in his arms. “Don’t worry love. I’ll be fine.” Alex assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Kaleb watched Carlos finish another mine and heard their little conversation. “He’s an expert in at least two things. Drawing and Explosions. I helped him a little with the explosion stuff.” Kaleb said, as they came to the staircase. He pulled open the door, checked and nodded. “Clear. Let’s get moving.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“I’m not worried,” Nate said. It was true. It was also not true. He knew that Alex could handle it and would probably be fine, but there was a part of him that was always going to worry, especially with where they were. With a horde coming their way. The last time he was in a situation like this, he lost his brothers. He didn’t want to lose more as well. He moved down the stairs after Alex and Kaleb. Carlos shook his head. “Kaleb, my love, I am an expert in more than those two things, and you know it. But we won’t speak of it now so as not to offend these delicate and innocent ears of his.” Nate’s delicate and innocent ears went red hot as they made it down the first flight of stairs. Two more to go.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex knew better but he kept quiet. As they made it down the first flight, he heard Carlos’ comment and looked ahead to see Nate’s ears went red. Kaleb rolled his eyes as they made down the second flight. “I know you are dear. But we cannot offend our innocent ones. Not yet anyway.” Kaleb said with a grin. Last flight.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate tried not to listen anymore, but Carlos made that impossible as he kept talking. It was because it was what he did and also to keep the mood light. That was his job after all. It always had been. “Yet. I hear you. We can offend them later. Then they won’t be so innocent.” He chuckled at how Nate’s everything seemed to go red as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Nate pushed open the door and checked. “It’s clear.” And he all but ran away from the scary that was Carlos and Kaleb. He was not ready to be unsheltered any more than he already was.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb laughed softly, hearing Carlos. “Yes. We can offend them when we aren’t at stake for dying.” Kaleb told him, understanding why Asher had always pushed Jordan towards others. It was fascinating seeing Carlos and how he acted with other people. Alex kept up with Nate as they came out of the stairwell. “Okay, so Kaleb, you should go near the town line. I’ll make my towards the fallen stairs.
Carlos and Nate? When you get those mines set, yell and then get to Kaleb. I won’t be far behind.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos clapped a hand on Nate’s shoulder as he moved to join the rest of them. “You ready, cute and innocent one?” This threw Nate off slightly, so his answer was confused. “No. I mean yes. I mean-“ He took in a deep breath to shake off everything and then instead decided to toss a bag at Carlos, who caught it, moved up to Alex, and give him probably the most intense kiss they had ever shared. “Don’t die. I love you.” Then he kissed him again and moved back over to Carlos and took the bag. “Right. Let’s blow up a horde.” Carlos grinned ear to ear as he watched Nate walk off. “Be listening for my call,” he chuckled as he smiled for Kaleb and then ran after Nate. They had traps to set.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard Nate’s words and then watched him hand toss a bag over to Carlos and then he saw him come up. Alex kissed him back just as intensely and then smiled when they broke apart. “I don’t plan on it. I love you too.” Alex told him, smiled into the second kiss then watched Nate walk off. “I’ll be listening. Watch out for him for me. Please?” Alex asked as Carlos ran off after him. Kaleb headed to the town line after he smiled at Carlos. He readied his pistol while Alex headed towards the ruined staircase. He could hear the horde coming closer, their screeching echoed around the buildings. And then he waited for the signal.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“I won’t let anything happen to him, I promise.” Carlos called back as he ran after Nate. “Or my hat!” Nate and Carlos moved quickly to the front. This was Carlos’ expertise, so Nate followed his instructions. Nate knew very little about explosives because they were harsh and overly cruel when it came to killing enemies. However, he was starting to see how they could be useful. Blowing a bunch of infected up all at once and potentially also causing some serious damage to an already struggling building that likely will contribute to the damage of a horde intent on their imminent demise? Yeah, he could see how that was appealing. He and Carlos moved quickly to set them exactly where Carlos knew they needed to be. Once Carlos felt that they were sufficiently ready, he yelled, “HANDSOME! LET’S DO THIS! PAINT ME A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!” Then he and Nate moved themselves out of harm’s way.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb was waiting in place, and he heard Carlos’ call. Alex did too. He tossed some bricks and bottles he found, and the first runners were screeching towards him. He held steady as he threw a few more bricks and bottles. Once they were close enough, Alex turned and ran towards Kaleb. Once he was far enough away from the mines and the infected was close enough, he gave a signal. “Kaleb! Now!” He yelled as he slid to a stop near Kaleb. “Here we go!!” He called as he fired and hit the first mine. The sounds of explosions echoed in the air as they went off.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Nate asked as they ran as hard as they could towards Kaleb. It was not that he was doubting Carlos’ self-proclaimed expertise and more than he doubted it could do as much damage as they needed. Carlos, however, had no doubts. “I am absolutely certain that this is going to work. Kaleb is gonna hit one and that’s going to trigger all of them in one big, beautiful chain reaction.” They made it to Kaleb a little before Alex. Carlos turned Nate around, who was understandably jittery, and they watched as one went off. And then the rest followed. “Plus, we have the ones that didn’t go off in the chain reaction so that we could get the second wave. Watch this.” Carlos had one hand on Nate’s shoulder as he stood behind him, and he placed the other on Kaleb’s. “Finish them off, my love.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb looked at the three of them as they joined him. Alex stood beside Nate as he watched the initial chain reaction in front of them. He heard Carlos and Kaleb felt the hand on his shoulder. He aimed and fired, hitting the rest of the ones that didn’t go off the first time. “Like that dear? We should probably get going though while they’re busy.” Kaleb suggested, hearing the explosion and seeing it.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos was practically giddy with the display. “Just like that. Look at it go. The plumes of smoke. The dangerous shrapnel everywhere. Mmm,” he closed his eyes as he swayed, “can you see the painting?” Nate waited a moment and then answered, “No. Yep, okay, time to go before we die horrifically.” He pulled away from Carlos, slipped his hand into Alex’s, and started walking literally in any other direction. Alex could steer him correctly. Carlos sighed and agreed. “Yes, yes, let’s go.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb heard Carlos and chuckled a little bit. “I see it dear. It’s beautiful.” Kaleb said, before he turned around. He took Carlos’ hand and followed Alex and Nate. “We will be able to make more explosions later my love.” Kaleb added. Alex felt Nate’s hand in his and he turned them in the right direction. He was taking them out of the city and into the woods. Still the same direction they had to go in, just skirting around the city full of infected.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

As they walked, Carlos leaned over and planted a big kiss on Kaleb’s cheek. “I love when you help me create beautiful things. They’re always better that way. I think when Handsome uses his magical finder skills to obtain me so paints, I might paint that one. I know I say that about all of them, but it felt significant. It should be painted.” Nate laughed and looked over his shoulder. They could have lost that. They had so many close calls today. They could have lost all of that crazy and fun back there. He shook his head and followed Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb smiled at the big kiss on his cheek. He looked back at the city and sighed, thankful they all made it out. “I’d love to see you paint that one dear.” Kaleb said as they walked. Alex looked at the two of them behind them and sighed. He was glad that his initial instinct that they were going to lose them was wrong. “We’ll travel as far as we can just in case and then set up camp.” Alex said, knowing there was about a days walk to an overlook he had camped on when he left Seattle.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Have I ever mentioned that I love that you always know where we’re going?” Nate pointedly looked around at the trees he still could not navigate. Not even a little. “Because I am hopelessly lost, and I don’t understand how you can possibly know which direction is the correct one.” Carlos was not paying any attention to the conversation at the front, because he was lost in the world of one day paints. “That one and the sunset we watched last night. And the very first explosion. That was a momentous occasion. And you. I want to paint you again when I don’t have to pretend like its not you. And all of us! A nice big mural of the four of us. Our beautiful little family.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex chuckled a little at Nate’s comment. “Someone has to know. Otherwise we’d end up in Florida remember?” Alex teased then decided he’d ask a little bit more about where they were heading. “So. Do you remember the name of the group or the city we’re heading to?” Alex asked. “The map wasn’t super clear when you showed me initially.” He added. Kaleb nodded as he listened to Carlos. “We’re going to find you paints, canvas and everything else you’ll need. Maybe even have a room just for you and your paintings.” Kaleb said as they walked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate tried to think, but it was hard to remember. He knew it at one point for sure. It was the only thing that he knew for a while. What happened? Where did it go? “Um, I am pretty sure they called themselves something with ‘Washington’ in the name, but I feel like everyone would do that, right? Like how everyone in Texas is always calling themselves Texas and Texans. And I think Seattle? Big city or something by the coast. Don’t know how I planned to get there without you.” Carlos chimed in with a, “You planned on roaming around until someone handsome picked you up and took you to your destination, obviously. Isn’t that what we all do?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Seattle. That word sank into Alex’s bones. Settled in his gut like a rock. He went quiet as he listened. Washington something. Alex shook his head, looking up ahead. “Seattle. There are two groups fighting for Seattle at the moment. One is the Washington Liberation Front. Does that name sound familiar?” Alex asked as he swallowed. Kaleb shook his head as he looked at Carlos. “Who picked up who with us?” He asked. Though his attention turned to Alex. Seattle. “I heard some FEDRA officers talk about the fall of Seattle. Some made it from there to Denver. It fell to that group and another, back in 2029 I think.” Kaleb added, looking at the two up ahead.

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