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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"It was good. So hot to look at" the nurse was starting to unconsciously gyrate her hips. "But, he has the needle scratches and whip marks. Let's see"

She grabbed the boy, who was now sobbing to himself, on to the bed and got him on all fours.

"He looks just as good" she laughed
‘I still feel something is amiss” sneered the man. “Oh, right –he wasn’t crying as a baby; at least not at first. This is not a turn-on. This is simply pathetic.”

He hugged his wife again. He wanted nothing more than get her to the bed. Now. Alone. He got all he wanted from that boy…
The nurse put a sock in the boys mouth

"Still no? Fine" she said dissapointed. "Make him watch then"

She took him and tied him to a chair

"Get reAdy for a show" she said as she winked.

"Take Me" she said to the man.
Johnny grinned. He was so amped up he didn’t even care about their audience. He took off his shirt, revealing his new brandings, then reached out for his wife.

This was going to be a satisfying night…

Even this way, he still felt some jealousy when he laid with his dark angel, finally completing his need. He was the only one supposed to watch on her. There were times he was in doubt about the nurse’s loyalty to him…
I wish I could close my eyes.

They were going at it. It was vile. The noises. The fluids. The commands. Oh my god I was going to be sick.

"You're so satisfying when you're jealous" smiled the nurse. She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash herself down.
“I have to keep you somehow, my love” said Johnny, laying back satisfied on the bed. He was too lazy to cover himself, as he started to chuckle, realizing that his wife was just as good as manipulation as him.

He looked around the room, and snorted as he realized they had an audience this time. He reached for some rag, cleaning off himself, then stood up, grabbing his pants.

“I guess you can imagine what you missed” he taunted, slightly disgusted, but still grinning wickedly. “And how it could be more interesting to adding a victim into the mix…”
"What i missed " I gag "I missed... Nothing"

Mind reeling, being polite wasn't on the agenda. I could see that Johnny wouldn't want me... I saw that when he tried to make excuses about the nurse. It was then I realised he hadn't taken Nigel at all.

He was a jealous man. And wouldn't have it any other way that him and the nurse. That threat began to stop looming.

"And now I know you're a liar. It doesn't scare me". My words tumbled out of mouth without my permission.

I wriggled the ropes that tied me to the chair.
Johnny froze, midway of taking back his shirt. His face was totally readable for a moment, dumbstruck with sheer confusion.

Maybe the part about really knowing the dentist was a bit over the top? Thinking back, those two never used a firearm against him… so the “lead” remark might have been off…

“Liar? Lying about what?” he asked, still laughing. He was confident in his skill that he would lie his way even deeper into the boy’s mind. “Don’t you know, kid? Villains never lie. They don’t need to. We have the power to simply do as we wish…”
"Pfft" I laugh slightly crazy. "You've been threatening to take me since I first came here. Now I know all this is a facades. All this stripping to my underwear. The straddling. It's for nothing. It's empty. You can only love your wife. It's pathetic"
Johnny’s laughter abruptly ceased, and he just stood there, dumbfounded, glaring into the boy’s laughing face.

The control he coveted so much was lost now. It was all gone. And the man started to become more and more rattled by the boy’s eyes.

He was seen through. He tortured, threatened and humiliated the boy, as much as he could, and somehow he still wasn’t broken… it filled him with anger.

He wanted to kill him. Right then.

He took a deep breath, and reached for the handcuffs. He needed to think. He could chain up the disturbing kid in another room for that time. He just had to do it.

“You don’t know crap about love!” he fumed, as he dragged the still almost naked boy out to the corridor. He was so fizzed up he didn’t even locked the cuffs properly; he never noticed it. His mouth run off without his control. “Yes, I love her, and the thought of taking you, little piece of shit, disgusts me! You don’t know anything about clear feelings like this love – a man’s love for his wife!”

He threw the boy into the same small, cold, empty room he used last night, now without much planning. He only hung up the youth on a hook, then punched him in the stomach, and simply left. He had to think, and now he couldn’t.

He needed a sleep. Preferably with his love. Now.
And I was left hanging there, he left the room.

I chuckled to myself because instead of breaking me, he'd succeeded in playing himself. I laughed for a while before tugging on my handcuffs.

They opened nearly straight away and a fell to the floor

"Haha the dickhead" I chortled to myself.

The door was locked but it was okay for now. I was going into the first sleep not being scared for weeks. And it was bliss.
After a wretched night, Johnny had an even more wretched morning.

It seemed like everything was conspiring against him. Not only he couldn’t conjure up the slightest idea what to do to the kid to break him again, but he was waken up in dawn by one of his considerably pale men. The remaining soldiers in the quarantine, while not showing definite symptoms, were turned… although the effective system they set up back in the first year worked, he still lost all of them, plus two others who were tending to their friends when they attacked them… all in total, yesterday’s failure cost him almost thirty of his men, and five were still laying in the infirmary.

Then, his tooth started to hurt.

He sat in the control room, listening to the reports with a throbbing jaw, and his mood slowly turned into fuming. It slowly became clear that he will have to lead another raid to the water tower, to defend his base…

He hated it. He hated the world.
The nurse came into the control room and sat next to her husband and sighed. She held onto his hand.

"I've just been working on the dentist. He's doing well" she said trying to lighten the mood "oh come on, what's the matter. Open up to me. Is it about the boy?"

She knew it was. By the time she got out of the bathroom after her shower. The boy had gone. The cuffs they passionately used had gone and her husband was lying on his bed facing the other direction. Not talking to anyone.
“I sure do hope he is doing well” Johnny mumbled, popping a pill in his mouth. “We’ll have to make him fix this. I’m going mad, and sure as hell I don’t want to lose another tooth…”

He just glared at first at her wife after the question. His wound pride simply couldn’t take it. He was too high-strung by pain and humiliation to just answer. He flared up.

“Bloody well it was about him! Why the hell do you always want another man there? Do you realize how dirty it feels?...” he shut up, realizing anyone could hear them. He stood up, and looked around, with a menacing glare.

No one dared to look at him, of course. Johnny sighed, looking at the woman.

“Sorry. I’m all fired up by this blasted toothache. It’s better if I go out and slay the fuckers. At least I’ll do something useful.”
"You've changed. And not entirely for the better" sighed the nurse. "Empty threats? Empty threats? Since when have empty threats worked? You never used empty threats the last time around, did you? No you said you were going to kill them and you did... Well it's not your fault you could only do one. But a boy was swinging from that tree, and that's a promise kept. Mindless slaps, the odd needle, they won't work on him anymore. He was a boy last time, now he's a man. He's bigger and stronger. We've managed to starve the bigger out of him but still. He's never going to take you seriously again if you're like that. And, for the record, I don't like having other men in bed, but, because I'm not blind, I could see that that scared him the most. When I bent him on the bed he tensed up so hard. That's the fear we need or he's going to walk all over you like a freaking doormat!"
“Do you seriously want me to do another man? It makes me sick in my stomach even if I think of it! He is not afraid of death. He only briefly breaks from pain!” Johnny gritted his teeth. “Only threatening the other one is sure as hell to work, and now, we can’t even do that. We will need that dentist…”

He sighed.

“I don’t even want to care about that little piece of shit now. We have enough problems without it now. I’ll think of something else as soon as I can, I promise, my dark angel. I chained him up in the cold room. It will soften him up a bit. Then I’ll work on him good… not killing him yet. He needs to pay for this. Besides, you killed our last plaything a year ago…”
"If you didn't want to screw him then why did you say you would?" She sighed- this was like talking to a brick wall "look, all I'm saying is don't make threats that you won't follow through if you need to. That's how you end up playing yourself. He's not scared of you now because he doesn't trust the treats. I'm going to feed the boy. Keep him alive. Give him some scraps"
“Because, as you’ve noticed, it was working for a while. Until you forced me to up my game. Maybe, if he wasn’t there last night, inside the room, he wouldn’t notice it! Come on, he was crying when we told him we fucked his beloved daddy!...” Johnny sighed, leaning down to kiss the nurse.

“He is still scared that the dentist might get hurt. Let’s play on that. Drop some hints that he would be tortured as soon as possible, when you’re feeding him. Or just tell him how broken he is. I’ve seen it. Strange how the dentist broke sooner than the kid… oh well. I’m going out. Behave, my love…”

He nodded to his men, and left the control room, jaw still aching, weapons in hand.

He hoped that he could work out some anger on the biters…

Nigel slowly managed to open his eyes.

He had no idea where he was at first. It all seemed and felt surreal. He was laying on a real bed, and felt the tubings running around him… into his arms, in his nose… it hurt like hell, everything in his body was swimming with a dull ache, but this almost seemed like a real hospital.

The dentist blinked, looking up at the IV bags dripping into his arms. Bright, colourful signs indicated that he was given some kind of medicine, not only infusion… he couldn’t raise his arms, though. He was handcuffed to the wired frame of the bed.

It hadn’t really mattered. The man was still exhausted, and scared, and there was no way he could move yet. He only concluded that the nurse was just biding her time before… this kind of care actually looked like it would help. His head was almost entirely clear…


The boy wasn’t there, and the dentist realized with clenched fists what this might mean. He started shaking from the fear, slightly panicking. He couldn’t decide what to do, what happened…

He could only pray that his son would be safe. He couldn’t hope it anymore. Evil, cold stone started to get fat in his stomach…
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The nurse toddled to Mitchell's cell with a plate of sandwiches and a yogurt aswell as a glucose shot. Healthy and nutritious, sort of. A class of juice too.

She unlocked the door

"You're supposed to be chained up" she boomed to the boy "but it doesn't matter now I need to feed you." She slid the tray to the boy and handed him his juice.

"Hurry up and eat, we haven't got all day"

The boy ate ravenously, and within minutes the food was gone.

"Hang you in the air all night and you'll get all weird. Which isn't good for what I have planned for you. You think my husband is full of empty threats? Well I'm certainly not. And the dentist will be punished for your misbehaviour in good time. I've got a plan"

Make handcuffed the boy to a metal storage shelf's supporting collum by both of his hand so he could sit down. She picked up the tray, laughed, and licked the door again. Mitchell was stuck, and a little bit scared again.
Nie tried to collect his thoughts. He couldn’t muster up any power to raise his head or hands, and he couldn’t remember how much time passed. He was still disoriented and all nauseated from the pain.

He couldn’t imagine what happened. All he could recall was his son’s promise, the surprisingly firm hold on his own powerless hand, then only the darkness. Everything was gone.

Mitchell was gone.

The dentist closed his eyes, trying to reel in his frantic thoughts. He could only think of the worst – that his son was recaptured, taken back, again. Tortured. The man shrivelled, panic growing all inside. He couldn’t stop shaking. It was all too much…
I fell asleep chained to the wall. When I woke up after the uneventful sleep, my arms were sore and tingly. There was no blood going to them. I tried to stand up the best I could did was crouch for a second. It eased the pain tenfold.

I spent the rest of the morning grunting and begging for help. Inwas regressing into the scared little boy again.

"Oh someone's awake" the nurse said to the dentist peeling open the privacy curtains from his bed. She'd brought him breakfast. Croissants and organ he juice.

"Let's see if you can keep it down" she said "that's a sign of recovery".

She checked his vitals and saw there was improvement. Excellent.
Nie couldn't even raise his head. His blood run cold from that cruel woman. He tried to speak. His throat felt like he was worked over with a cheese grater.

"My... son... please... don't hurt him... please..."

The idea of eating felt strange. Painful. He wasn't hungry at all. He realized how unprobable this was, he hadn't had a meal since.... he couldn't even remember when that was...
"Shh shh don't worry about him" the nurse dismissed "he's been taken good cared of"

A half-lie. He'd been fed and virtually left alone all night. The only difference is he'd been chained to a wall nearly naked.

I was pretty sure I was going blue. I couldn't use my arms to warm myself.

"SOMEBODY HELLPP!" I scream half knowing that it was futile to say the least.
Nie shuddered from the words. It sounded sinister, and drained every drop of power from him. He just closed his eyes, praying in his head that someone, anyone would help them...
"Eat, you need it" the nurse ordered and she walked out with another tray of food...

That nurse came in to see me. She shoved the food down in front of me and un handcuffed me. I was going to make a break for it then, but I thought I should eat first. It was, in fairness delicious.

Once finished she went to grab my hand again, but with all the strength I could muster, I have her a right hook to the face she fell , and I ran like the wind. I don't know if she followed me or not. But I had to remain safe. I found the uniform store. Perfect.

I found a soldiers uniform of around my size and put it on. Great disguise.

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