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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

The castle was empty.

Nie wandered around, wondering where was everyone. It felt odd. Lonely.

He was wearing that grey outfit, embroidered with crimson that Joy brought him. Looking down his sleeves, he remembered.

He was looking for his wife. There was something important he needed to tell her, a permission in which he was sure he would get it. After all,the mayor knew his love...

Joy was in the reading room of the northern tower, holding a tome in her delicate hands, black skin and hair shining in the sun. She was beautiful in the blue gown, which proudly showed off her pregnant belly. She looked up, smiling.

"My knight returned after all..."

"My ebony lady" Nie kissed her hand, then her lips, admiring his wife's beauty. "Sorry. I was preoccupied with a strange meeting..."

He tried to remember exactly what happened. He couldn't. Only the clear wish remained.

"Do tell me."

"My love... I want to take in a boy. He is alone..."

Suddenly, all became clear. The mayor smiled.

"His name is Mitchell. He needs love..."
I could hear everything Nigel was saying in his sleep. Lying under the bed was uncomfortable but I had time to cry quietly. Overwhelmed with warmth by his words.

I got up to hold the broken mans hand and I rubbed it with my thumb. Perhaps maybe he'd feel comfort from my touch. He was still burning hot.

"I'm here. It's going to be ok" I soothed in a quiet whisper, choking on my tears. He needed to get up some strength fast. Because I was getting him out of here as soon as possible.
Joy smiled, and put down her book, reaching out for his hand.

"Why is he not here, then? You knew I would agree. There is a nice room we can give to him. He has to help me cook, though."

"Hey, I'm helping, too!"

"My lord. Doing the dishes and cutting vegetables is not cooking..." the woman laughed, kissing the mayor. "Go on. Bring Mitchell here..."

Nie smiled. He felt relieved somehow... then, as Joy released him, something changed, and he suddenly became very aware of the pain.

He tensed, without giving out a sound. He was not sure where he was, but he felt a familiar touch.

His son...
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I watched as the man tensed up at my touch.

"Shh shs sh" I hushed hoping to soothe him more. This man was dying. I could see it. The mark of death was looming over his frail, fragile body. I hoped the nurse would get her act together to help him. I felt utterly powerless to save him. All I could do was give him my love.

I felt ashamed.. How could I let Johnny's mind games affect me so much that I started to not trust the man.
Nie smiled, then he realized their situation, and tensed up again. His voice was barely a whisper, broken and low.

"Run... flee from here..." he tried to turn his head, without much success. He was deadly exhausted. The burns on his back and abdomen hurt so much...

"Get... out... please... they will... hurt you..."
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"I don't care." I bowed my head into his hand. I start sobbing "I don't care what they do to me... I'm never going to leave you alone in here. Ever. You promised to protect me.. Which you did. You say you haven't but you have. Believe me. Now I'm promising to protect you. I won't leave you. Ever"
"Even then... I do care what happens to you, son..." Nie smiled bitterly. His kid's words were oddly comfotting and dreadful at the same time. "Please... leave me. You heard... everything... it was true... see... I'm not worthy. You should leave... while you can. Please... Mitchell... you have to save yourself... not a... murderer..."
"But you're not a murderer any more. That's what matters most to me. You're a good man. Anything they do to me will be like water off A duck's back I'm strong. I can fight this. I'm not going anywhere without you. That's my final answer"

The Last part of my speech tried to sound somewhat authorative. It failed but at least I made an attempt.
"This is... not something that... goes away... I've killed... my town... don't you see?" Nie choked back the hysterical laughter. He smiled. "I know you're strong. You'll be all right... if you flee from here... even alone... go to Blood Springs. There was... no one infected... it is empty..."

His shoulders shook with that horrible laughter again. This time, he stopped.

"I love you so much, son... please..."
"I love you to Dad. To leave, that would be the most unforgivable thing I could do. It would be cowardice ". I remember Nigel's love for Knights. "A good knight never leaves with his tail between his legs. He never leaves a coward. He always fights for his kin"
"Even now?... You know... I wish... I knew you... before all this hell..." Nie smiled. "We would love to... have had you... in the castle... I wish Joy knew you, too... but... it... is still... a lost cause. I can understand... but it still feels like... hell... watching you... getting hurt... please... be cautious..."
"I'm always careful. I'm here for you. I love you". That's all I can say as I rest my head on his hand and weep solemly.

(Gtg for like an hour. So brb!)
Johnny was deterred by his duties, after he threw down the dentist in the informary. Some of the quarantined soldiers started to develop fever and other symptoms of infection, so he had to grab his wife and head over to the prison wing.

His mood was becoming fouler by the minute. His troops were dwindling fast in the last few months. Now he was down another ten, not counting the injured. Most likely, another eight was about to crook... he personally apologized the four in the worst condition, before executing them with a bullet to the head. He didn't even had the time to discuss his worries about the dentist's condition with his wife yet... the nurse had to check the infected before he killed them, after all...
Nie closed his eyes. He wanted to say something. To comfort the boy. He couldn't tell him - he didn't have neither the power nor the words. He could only try to move his bound hands before the darkness crept closer.

"Please... hold out, then" it took every single drop of willpower to speak. "Maybe..."

He couldn't finish it. The weakness finally took him...
Panic stricken i checked my Dads breathing. It was shallow. But still there.

I turned his head to open his windpipes.

"You're going to be okay. I believe you can do this" I whimpered I pulled the blanket over him the best I could and lay underneath the bed again, hoping the nurse would be here soon. Strange that. The nurse who was so cruel was, ironically, his only hope of survival.
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Johnny swore as his wife confirmed sweetly the death sentence of two more of his men. One was the last remaining sharp-shooter. He wasn't even supposed to get into the battle, but he was ambushed by a clicker. They killed his spotter, too. Those bastards were eerily smart.

"Thank you, my dark angel" he sighed, then kissed his wife. "There is something else. I punished the dentist, and I'm afraid I broke him. He is dying. Could you fix him up?..."
"Oh so the time has come to fix this dentist now." Smirked the nurse, it was almost like she was planning this all along. "I have it all ready to help him, just waiting for you to give the signal."

She held his hand. He'd had a rough day.

"Is he in the infirmary? Let's go" and she lead Johnny to the infirmary.
Johnny nodded.

"Yeah. I've dropped him off just before the reports came..." he sighed. "I'm a bit disappointed. He broke too fast... I thought he would be tougher. He looked like he was just about to croak after just a little more play..."

He really felt it was off. Judging by those marks of torture, the dentist survived worse sessions before.

Maybe even time travelers have bad luck...

He followed his wife into the infirmary. If the situation wasn't so dire, he'd just suggested they leave the man die... but as things were now, he couldn't really spare resources to find another dentist...
The nurse quickly checked over the other patients in the infirmary who were all fine

She moved onto the dentist. She didn't even notice the boy hiding under the bed somehow. She checked his vital signs

"Worse than I thought" she said "but not the end of the world". She laughed morbidly at the irony of the sentence. She started treating the dentist professionally

I froze when the two came in. I squeezed myself into a ball.

I saw the nurses feet inches away from my body and I started to breath really wuietly.

The nurse kicked her foot into my stomach accidentally. But it was hard and forced the air out of my stomach. I grunted but covered my mouth hoping the noise wasn't loud enough to hear.
Johnny silently watched his wife working, somehow displeased with the fact that the dentist was still unconscious, so he hadn't even stirred under the nurse's painful looking ministrations. He lazily looked on as the woman took care of the wounds, and briefly wondered if he really threw that blanket over the man. Maybe. He might did it out of habit...

He froze when he heard the grunt, and realized it wasn't the time traveller. It didn't take long to localize the source. He almost exploded right on the spot, as he reached under the bed to pull out the boy.

"You little piece of shit!..."
I yelped as Johnny pulled me out from the bed and I bumped my head on the frame.

I stared at the floor silently. I stayed as strong and as brave as I could. I had to to save my Father.
Johnny couldn't believe it. The little mouse had the cheek to disobey him. The man punched the boy in the stomach, before he could stop to think. His brain simply could not proccess the fact that his tortured captive somehow wasn't broken yet, although the warrior was crushed already. The boy was supposed to be reduced to a sobbing wreck already.

"Do you really want me so bad to kill this man?" He asked, incredulously. He started to laugh. "Or do you want to do this yourself, perhaps? This will have consequences..."

He looked to his wife.

"Can we do something in this instant?"
"Don't.. Don't punish him anymore. Give it to me. Give it all to me." I say in my strongest voice. I was struggling a little bit but the man's grip was strong

The nurse looked at the weak looking lad squirming away in his husbands arms. She then looked at the patient. Sighing she said "he's right, punish this man anymore and he will die. I say.. I say give this runt all you've got. Make him pay for his sins and his "fathers"" she cackled before performing a careful blood test on the dentist
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Johnny sneered. Something was strange about the situation. Something changed. He couldn't put his finger into it, but he knew it. He didn't like it. He hated it, in fact.

"Make sure he will be strong enough to take it soon, then, my love..." he lifted the squirming boy higher. "We've interrupted something last night. Let's resume our activities, shall we?"

He started to drag the boy back to his room, fuming with anger. He felt like he was loding controll.

Time to reclaim it.
I struggled out of the man's grip.

"I can walk myself" I said angrily. I was surprised. I had lost all interest in this now. I was bored, not two ways about it. Over it all.

The nurse watched as her husband took the youngun out of the room. She smiled and shrugged

"Oh Deary me" she cackled and she carried on giving careful treatment.

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