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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"At least give me some painkillers, my love" Johnny felt miserable. He might looked like it, too. "I can't see straight. Blasted tooth."
"They're in the cupboard. Seriously complaining about the tooth, when I have several soldiers to treat today?! Goodness me, you're getting like your father. Now shoo" the nurse waved her arms towards Johnny to get him away. Then went about her work.
"That was the most devastating insult that has ever left your perfect lips" groaned the man, grabbing the pills. "I'm seriously complaining, sweetie. That's how bad it is..."

He took the meds and left. He started shouting orders right ftom there onwards, quickly organizing a searching party to go out with him to the nearby woods...
The nurse scurried around carrying for all the soldiers. Some were infected and this was unfortunate. But she kept at it all the same. Giving ample care to them all.

I sat on the floor in the room. I heard Johnny screaming orders. I hoped he wouldn't come in this room.
Johnny was still in a bad mood. The toothache hasn't dulled yet, despite the pills. Worse, his wife was right. The boy being able to escape was his fault. He dropped controll yesterday. His game was off.

And the boy managed to run off to the woods, again. Like he has done before.

Now, after he has seen in how bad condition the dentist was in, he started to think the kid won't come back...

Well. He still might be close.

He led the grumbling soldiers out on the wild goose chase.

Nigel let the words and pain flow through him, without showing he understood any of it. He let himself to be handled. It that instant, he wouldn't be even bothered by anything.

He wanted to laugh.

His son was free. He half-heartedly hoped the boy managed to get into the woods as 'Johnny' suspected, and had the sense to flee... but then again, he was gripping into the hope that Mitchell hadn't really left him. It felt a bit selfish... but even is he knew he was going to die, he didn't want to die here.

Home. That wonderful, horrible word meant everything now. With Mitchell, with a son, he might really find a home. And die there in peace.

Bright future... it really felt like that.

A small, warm bundle of determination started to form itself in the dentist' chest.
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I crack open the door ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of the soldiers. I wanted to blend in.

There hair. They all had short hair. I looked at my curly bouncy mane- it had gotten longer since The End. I needed to cut it. I remember seeing a small dressing table in the uniform store. I snuck in there unseen by anyone.

I felt like a ninja.

Sure Enough the scissors were still there. I sat and looked in the mirror. My god I was a sodding mess. I took out the scissors and I chopped away.

Once I was done, I made it look as neat as possible. My god did I look like Darius. It scared me. It made me feel a bit sick. I didn't like the fact he was staring at me through the mirror. But he wasn't there. I touched the mirror. Then. Shook myself away.

I grabbed my backpack and went to scavenge We needed food, water, anything for when we're out of here. I put things in my backpack.

I figured I'd spend the next few days scaling, carefully, the fences and pick up anything I can find. I saw soldiers on my way, but without my hair I blended in. This was going to be okay doing this. I was going to be fine.
Johnny returned late at night, covered in mud and scratches, with a bunch of very unimpressed and pissed-off soldiers.


He was fuming. They found no hide nor hair of the boy. Just a few barely identifiable footprints of military boots. Some broken branches. Nothing more.

The man couldn’t believe he lost his prisoner again. He was also mad about the deep, anguishing ache in his tooth, which seemed to strengthen with the darkness. At least they’ve managed to escape the herd which approached the perimeter…

He went to the infirmary straight, after setting his men loose, and walked up to the last bed inside. He was so angry he seriously considered willingly losing the only man nearby who could ease his suffering.

“What do you think, if I string you up by the gate and start torturing you, will you be able to scream loud enough to lure your son back?” he asked, rhetorically. It was very obvious that even if the dentist was awake, he won’t be able to answer. Although the grey eyes were open, they were empty. No sign of life.

That was somehow satisfying. He still managed to broke one…

Nigel was actually starting to feel a bit scared as the commotion didn’t show signs to settle down outside. Even the nurse left after a while, leaving him alone, although still handcuffed to the bed. Some other injured soldiers were chatting in the outer room, the noise somehow calming. Natural.

The dentist afforded himself a soft smile. Maybe they were so noisy because his son managed to evade them. The boy moved so silently, after all… sometimes even Nie himself didn’t wake up when he snuck out from their night rest…

Even with this, slight worry gripped him. The fear only eased when ‘Johnny’ returned, obviously pissed off, and started to threaten him. Nie did his best to keep his expression blank, although he wanted to laugh.

Mitchell managed it. He fled this horrible man’s clutches…
"You touch him and I'll actually kill you" the nurse advanced on him "I've worked too damn hard for you to torture this man any more. This man is my little project. I'm going to get him 100% better, so don't you dare" . She shoo'd away the man tutting her head and she made her way out again

I found a few guns on the floor outside . And two or three entrances. Hmm.... I kept walking feeling super tired.

I saw the tree and started panicking

Then I stood on an upright nail

"OUCH SHIT!" I screamed but then covered my mouth. I turned around and I'd attracted a heard came flying towards me from a gap I hadn't noticed before. Just like when they killed my brother. I ran inside. They weren't fast but.. I had an idea. I was going to get Johnny to try and hang me like my brother. I was going to shout. And a heard was going to come. And I was going to take Nigel to safety. It was going to take a few days to be killed and for Nigel to get a bit better. It was perfect

I Made my way to tell Nigel the news.
“I guess I’ll better be sleeping in my own couch, then” Johnny made a frowning face, and reached into the cupboard for more painkillers. “Sorry, my love. I’m just really pissed about this little piece of shit. We found his trail. He actually left.”

He snorted, turning towards the dentist.

“. Well. I won’t touch him, my angel. I’ll sure as hell talk to him, though. Leave me some fun, please. Do you even understand that, time traveller? Your precious son left you here. Alone. I guess he saw the state you’re in and decided to ditch you for good. Pathetic. And I hadn’t even found out who the hell you are. Strange how curious I am for that, when it doesn’t even count anymore… ah well. We will have time.”

He took the pills with a slosh of alcohol, and hugged the nurse.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you to bed. I think we both worked enough. We’ll have a nice, long shower…”

Nie waited until the lights went out, and then he smiled, triumphantly. Even if he was so weak he couldn’t move a muscle, he still felt rejuvenated. His happiness wasn’t even tainted with the bitter edge of loneliness.

Even if the man said the truth – and Nigel doubted it-, the fact that his son managed to outsmart him and escape was wonderful. The dentist felt proud about it, hogging the rights of a bragging father. Mitchell was a strong man, and he proved it yet again…

Nie let the darkness took him, still with a light smile.
I peered my head around the corner of the infirmary.

"Hey Da, it's me" I whisper "shh. Now look I have a plan. You might not like it. But it will work. No. Stop squirming. Listen. I'm going to get captured by Johnny. I'm going to make him try and kill both of us on the Hanging Tree. There are herds everywhere. And I know how to attract them in an instant. Once the herd comes we run... Or walk quickly. It'll be in a few days time. So you lay low."

I winked at him

"Love you"

I was excited.
Nie nodded, smiling. Somehow, when he looked into his son’s almost beaming face, he just felt happiness. Not even the bruises and cuts on Mitchell’s skin deteriorated the feeling. The boy bore himself with a very appealing confidence, and he was so determined that Nigel, although the thought of this gamble worried him, can’t help smiling back.

“It’s… dangerous… but let’s do it” he whispered, voice still raspy and weak, but the man was grinning back. “It might… work. He thinks… he perfectly… broke me. But please… be careful… I’m… so proud of you, son…”

He tried to lift his handcuffed arm again, but failed. He sighed.

“Might need… a few day… before I can walk… quickly..” but he hadn’t made any objection. His chest was warm. “Thank you… for coming back…”

He smiled. Really smiled. Even with all that pain and fear, his real smile returned, softly and confidently.
"I'm going to find a vehicle. Hide it... Then. Get." I choke "caught"

My smile beams back "wish me luck!"

It didn't take me long to find the garage. All the vehicles had their keys in for emergencies which was a bonus. I needed something quick. No such thing around here. The quickest thing I could find was a dark green landrover.

I go in it and put my belt on out of habit. I'd only driven Dariuss car around car parks before. But I knew what to do. I whacked it into first and drove it discreetly to the gap in the fence. It looked like it was on patrol there. Inconspicuous. I hide the key under the wheel so nobody moves it.

Then I go inside. I had no idea where Johnny could be. So I just walk fairly loudly in the middle of each corridor hoping he'd turn the corner some time soon.
The nurse stood by her word, for Nie’s pleasant surprise. She tended to the dentist carefully, almost nicely, treating the wounds and burns as well as his fever. She actually managed to lower it, almost dispersing it all. She also gave him a few more blood transfusions, which, while they looked wasteful, actually made the dentist feel better hour by hour, as his weakened, white blood was washed away for a while by the healthy blood. Of course, he knew this would be only a temporary solution, but it gave him hope.

Sometimes, when the woman was not around, he tried to move, but only succeeded to lift his hand. He was too weak for anything else yet, which made him a bit worried about in what time would Mitchell execute his plan. The dentist felt like he would be a burden… even then… he hoped. He hoped desperately they could do it.

‘Johnny’ was just about to roar at anyone and anything who dared to approach him. The only person to whom he managed to speak with a shadow of niceness was his wife – the only one he loved desperately. Everything felt out of place, out of control, and his toothache was driving him crazy.

More annoying was the fact that the search parties returned all empty-handed. Although the commander somehow suspected the soldiers simply took their sweet time to do nothing… they were not particularly enthusiastic about having to look for a boy who slipped out of his grasp.

His lieutenant even dared to make a snip about Johnny torturing the only dentist they found into insanity… and the man had to admit he had a point about that. Even if his wife did her best, the man just laid there without a single speckle of life in his grey eyes, just staring emptily into the air…

‘Johnny’ had to take a walk, just to cool off. Just to vent off his anger on something lifeless, like a wall…

He passed a young, thin soldier on his way to the training rooms, and he turned another corner before his brain processed the sight. He spun back, grabbing for the youngster.

“You little piece of shit!...”
I struggled to get out of his grip, knowing full well he wouldn't let go.

"Get the fuck off me." I say through gritted teeth. I needed to push all of his buttons. I needed my execution date tomorrow morning.

I wanted to say "Oh I'm sorry, have I wasted precious soldier time" I sarcastically trying to provoke the man. But I didn't, I had to be careful. Otherwise I'd get a knife in the abdomen and tha would be it.
Johnny held onto the boy, struggling to drag him off to his room. He wanted to kill him right then and there. He had that insane urge, set off by his flaring tooth, and punched him a few times to satisfy that.

“Oh, so you came back for daddy, after all” he laughed, feeling a bit better. “I’d be sorry to say it was all for naught… daddy’s gone now…”

Step by step, he wrestled the kid towards his room. He thought of the handcuffs he would use. Then, he should go and fetch some instruments…
I followed. Refusing to submit to him. I knew this would make him just the right of angry.

I made sure to make noise every so often, to make the illusion for Johnny.

Everything WAs planning out just fine. I hoped he'd see my brother in me with my short hair now. That would remind him of the tree. Perfect. I must remember not to show my glee when he mentions it though.
The struggle made the man even more irked, paired with the uniform and the hair. This dirty little punk dared to slip into his men’s wear, and the cropped hair reminded him of something…

Johnny laughed, kicking in his room’s door, and slamming the boy into the wall. At least the scared little noises were as much satisfying than before…

“Oh, yeah, this face makes me hot” he grunted out of habit. “You look like just…”

He laughed. How that Irishman was called? He couldn’t remember the name. But with the short hair, the boy looked just like his brother before he died.

The man picked up the handcuffs, locking up the boy fast while he was still dazed, then kicked him. This felt good.

“You’re almost brave, you know. If you weren’t so foolish, you would be brave” he laughed. “And to think that you’ve actually doing this for a dying murderer…”
This wasn't comfortable. At all

And I wasn't enjoying it. Even though it was all part of the plan. It had been a while since my stomach hurt like this from the punches. So I subconsciously shriek.

The cuffs started rubbing at the wounds that had started to heal.

"Don't talk to the dentist like that." I spit. Breathing heavily. Acting was easy, but it wasn't acting. This was genuine.
“Oh, why not? Daddy’s already left you, you know. Just as soon as you’ve left him…” Johnny taunted, instinctively rubbing his jaw. The tooth still hurt. And his anger wasn’t quenched. Although he had to admit that the boy seemed more… resilient against pain. Well…

He still wanted to kill him for the humiliation so badly.

“He couldn’t take it, you know. Or maybe it was the two man I’ve sicced on him. Beating a piece of flesh is not that satisfying… and unlike me, they enjoyed the fact that he was a man, too…”

No matter what he said, he still didn’t feel back in control. The torture wasn’t enough. And suddenly Johnny realized he wouldn’t be able to break the boy entirely.

The urge to kill flared up in him.

He wanted vengeance.
I go to say "The doctors not dead. I just checked in on him... He's fine.. He's getting better, you know." I want coax him. but then... Maybe my crying child act would suffice more so I change my tact. And say:

"P..please don't hurt him. Please. I need him" with tears falling down my eyes. Someone give me an Oscar.
“Oh, but I’ve already done that” Johnny watched the tears satisfied. Thankfully, this was working just as well as before. “I’ve crushed him. Why would you even need him? He is not even a man anymore. Just a husk of flesh. Empty. And you still need that? Pathetic.”

He wanted to kill the boy so badly right then and there… but he started to grin as he formulated a new plan.

The kid already escaped death before, but not without watching his brother die. The dentist was really useless now, as he managed to escape into merry insanity, but he could be used to torture the boy before he dies… Johnny grinned.

Reenacting the scene from before would be so perfect for the boy’s death.,,
I could see in his smile he was planning something.. In my best scared little boy voice I say

"What are you going to... Do with me.. Please"

I start crying even more. A little bit of me was actually scared it was nice being able to show it.
“Actually, I’m bored with you now” the man lied. The strength of the boy was too strange, too scary for him, even if he didn’t want to admit it. “I’ll just kill you, I think. Or not just you. That man is useless, too.”

He grinned.

“Remember that tree, little one? Remember how your brother kicked into the air? Wouldn’t it be fun to watch it again?...”

It's showtime, boys.

I swallowed hard. And I scrunched my face up. "No, please... Not again... Please don't." I so outright, I cry in real life for my brother. This was bringing up some sore memories...

I keep shaking my head and bury it into my cuffed hands.

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