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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Without much warning the heavens opened. Thunder. Lightening. The lot. I couldn't see much and my wipers were working overtime. I saw an entrance not far away... A farm maybe so I turned in.

An old ramshackle farmhouse stood neglected.

"It'll have to do for the night." I say as I switch off the ignition and grab the backpack and guns from the backseat. I light a candle once inside and it seemed empty

"I wouldn't go upstairs if I were you. You might end get back down those stairs look done for" I joke...
“No kidding” Nie laughed, trying to support himself by leaning on the wall. He failed, of course, sliding down by it, shaking. He was in a miserable state, drenched by the rainfall just like his son, but he was still grateful for the shelter. “I think I should declare them as arch-enemies now. These ones look particularly steep…”

He sighed, casting a worried look at his son. He couldn’t find the strength for standing up and check on him, but he could still ask.

“Do you have any dry clothing there? You are soaked; I don’t want you to catch a cold… you should… at least dress into dry clothes…”
I grabbed the back pack and jokingly rolled my eyes. Pulling out two spare tshirt giving one to my father.

I took off my shirt and sighed. My body was a mess. A mess that would probably heal. I tried to stay positive throwing my fresh shirt over me.

I escorted dad to an old armchair. "Sit here" I say.
Undressing was not entirely a welcomed challenge, and Nie struggled for quite a while with it. His body seemed reluctant to obey his will, and he had to frequently stop and try to stop the spinning room.

But this was fine. It was all fine. His son’s injuries, though, made his blood freeze in his veins. The dentist shuddered, succeeding in pulling over the shirt finally. He wanted to scream from the sight.

“Please… let me see your… injuries” he asked quietly, shaking with anger and worry, when Mitchell helped him to the chair. “If you managed to get some… med packs… I might be able… to at least clean them out…”
"I've got a first aid kit?" I pull down the side of my lip in mock worry.

"Yeah, look away, it's nothing that won't heel. I'll be fine... But you, you're the one I should worry about"

I wink and smile. I unbuckle my trousers and look at the grey/bloodred mangled mess that used to be my underwear. Turning away from the dentist I take them off and pull up my trousers again. I threw the material out of the door

"Good riddance to bad rubbish" I laugh.
Nie shuddered. He was started to overcome by concern again, worried about the boy. He still remembered the horrible things he heard through the radio. Not only physical injuries. There were much, much worse…

His stomach sunk heavily again, even though he tried to not to think about it.

“It would be enough… please, Mitchell… your injuries are… more serious” he wheezed out the words, struggling with the panic. “Besides… I was treated… you were just… tortured more…”

He tried to breathe, before the panic fully set on. They really didn’t need this, and he just had to look at the injuries, at least trying to treat them, so his son won’t be hurting anymore…
"Check to your hearts content!" The feeling of elation still rattled through my body. I didn't care.

I couldn't feel anything broken, maybe bruised or gouged.

I think that my mind will catch up with my body soon, the reality, the memories will come flooding back
Nie nodded, trying to calm down. Shaking hands wouldn’t help Mitchell much, he knew that, and when the boy gave him the kit, the dentist set it down on his knee, and asked his son to sit down next to him.

It was difficult. He could barely raise his arm, and he was still trembling in his whole body, but he didn’t gave up, and slowly, one by one he checked all of Mitchell’s injuries. He wanted to roar and shout as he took in all, the painful looking welts, burns and needle marks, the bruises, cuts… the stab marks… they hurt his son so much. They tortured him, and he wasn’t able to help him, he couldn’t stop any of it…

At least, now he could help him a little bit. The first aid kit was good, he could clean down everything and he even found some kind of ointment for the burn marks. He touched with the wounds with as much precision and tenderness as he could, with still shaking hands. Shame and guilt coursed in his veins. The only consoling thing was that where he failed, Mitchell succeeded. He was so proud of him…

Slowly, Nie managed to take care of all of his son’s injuries. The candle was burning down by the time he finished, and he leant back against the armchair. He was trembling even more than before, but he still felt calmer than before…
I look at the dentist and smile. Helping me really meant a lot to him.

"Thanks" I say softly to him putting my hand on his shoulder.

I go to light another candle and sit by it.

Even though it smelt old and damp, and the infrastructure was questionable. This felt like home.
“I am the one who should thank you” Nie responded with a real smile. He started to feel a bit better now that he saw his son move smoothly. The boy was really strong, so much more persevering than he looked… he always thought the kid was brave, but in the last few days, Mitchell proved himself a real hero. “I was the one who caused this. And now, at least you let me do this… I didn’t hurt you now, right?”

The dentist felt exhausted, drained, although he didn’t do much all day… his weakness still bothered him. He was too tired to even try to raise from the armchair, to look around. The old house, although Mitchell already checked it, somehow bothered him. It was scary a bit… Nigel tried to make himself remember what caused the last catastrophe, but the impression still remained. Maybe it was the darkness and the enclosed space. The dentist really was rattled. He wanted to ask his son to stay next to him, but even in his head it sounded stupid, so he just closed his eyes for a second.

Thinking about that, it wasn’t so bad. The storm was sure to take care of the tire marks, washing away their trail, and at least they weren’t drenched in the rain anymore. And while this place looked haunted, it was abandoned and somehow drier than outside…

Nie opened his eyes, staring at his son’s hair again.

“You see, I really didn’t think I’d say this once… but this looks kind of good on you. I like the long hair a bit more, though” he said, a bit dazzled. “This is just so strange…”
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"Of course you didn't hurt me... Nothing could hurt me after" I swallow hard. Reality was beginning to hit but i suppressed it hard.

I pull on my short hair, in the vain chance it's pull out long again.

"I hate it, I look like my brother like this. And it hurts to see him, you know. I'm avoiding mirrors and sometimes, I catch my reflection and I think it's him. It never is . But we're okay now. I've beaten that bloke twice. Surely he's going to give up"

I click my fingers to a musical beat in my head and start whistling a happy tune.
Nie swallowed. His heart was twisting in his chest as his son talked. The boy was really in pain, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. And he himself felt terrified to think that man might be back on their trail, trying to find them… to take them back…

He shuddered. He couldn’t take it anymore… he looked up at his son.

“Could you please… come back here… and let me hug you?” he asked in a soft, low voice. “I cannot… I don’t have the strength… but I just want to hug you now. I might be pathetic… but I really need this now…”
"Of course... Of course." I walk over happily and hug my father I hold him tight. Not too tight because he was frail and I didn't want to break him in half.

"I love you, dad" I say, a tear forming in my eye. "And, I know you think you have done anything, but you have. Thank you. Thank you so much for caring about me."
“Of course I do care for you. I love you. You’re my son… But… It would have been all for naught if you weren’t this strong” Nie murmured, suddenly feeling much warmer than before. The hug really helped, giving him a bit of his power back. “Even if I was weak… so I’ll try to be stronger, to be a worthy father, all right, Mitchell?”

He smiled. He had a thought, wishful, and for once not so bitter. It still hurt a bit, of course, but this was somehow comforting.

“I really wish I would be able to take you home” he said softly. “Joy would have loved you as well. I think she would have adored you… maybe you would have loved her, too…”
"I'd like that. Maybe one day" I had always pretended that nothing bad has happened and that everything around was still normal.

"I think it's fair to say that we survived because of each other. You scratched my back and I scratched yours." I lean back carefully on the wall. The whips still hurting a little.
“I just hope that day never comes” said Nie in a small voice, shuddering. Remembering how it felt looking at Joy’s name on that horrible list. It was like burning his own heart out. While the wish felt good, them meeting would mean all of them would be dead… “We still have a long time to go to that… at least you…”

He looked over his son, still slightly worried.

“You look tired. Shouldn’t you try to rest? You were doing everything today, and being a hero is tiring… I could keep watch, still… if you stay close to me…”
I nod and agree.

"We both should" and I put the candle out and curled up on the floor next to my fathers feet.

"Goodnight, pa. We will have a better view when this rain has stopped". I laugh sleepily. Then I fell asleep. It was an alarmingly quick drop off, I must have been absolutely shattered.

My sleep was dreamless.
Nie smiled, watching his son’s barely visible form in the darkness disrupted by more and more infrequent lightning. Mitchell must have been exhausted, he sunk into deep sleep so fast. It was slightly worrying.

The dentist wanted to get up and lay down next to the boy, but he was too drained to even try to do that. Still, the closeness was comforting; the mayor knew how childish this was, but knowing and seeing his son was right next to him made him feel safer. Calmer.

He still really didn’t want to sleep. Something was disturbing him in the silence of the abandoned farmhouse, something he just couldn’t grasp. Most likely, he was worried over nothing, the house seemed to be empty, and if not the biters, then the soldiers took care of that… but it was still creepy.

It was also very, very cold, which made him even more worried about Mitchell. The boy wasn’t dressed up enough for this weather… but Nigel couldn’t get up and check for something to give to the boy…

…Nie awoke with a start, strapped back into the chair. He heard that horrible laughter again, unison from the lips of ‘Johnny’ and the nurse… they were hanging up Mitchell on meat hooks, and as they realized the dentist was awake, the woman smiled at him, showing off-white, crooked teeth.

“Oh, you’re back. Good. Just in time to see the main attraction!” she crowed, lifting up a sizzling-hot branding iron. Mitchell was struggling, hanging down from the meat hooks, and glaring at the dentist with accusing, dark eyes…

Nie jerked awake, choking back a scream. He was breathing panicked for a few minutes before he realized that it was just a nightmare, and they really weren’t back in that base… he needed a few minutes to calm down, grateful for Mitchell’s deep sleep now.

His entire body was shaking still. He felt exhausted and cold… he sighed, trying to move a bit. He really couldn’t without almost screaming in pain… that new ‘murderer’ tag on his back hurt like hell. He had to lean on the arms of the chair to relieve the pain a bit… he dozed off right in that position.

He was awakening by a harsh click. He opened his eyes, and stared confused at the sight… there was a man in there, holding a shotgun to his son’s temple. Nie jerked, trying to spring onto his feet and failing pathetically, collapsing right there on the spot.

The man laughed, cruelly…
I woke up to the sound of a ruckus. I thought it was my Dad trying to go up for a whizz or something.

"Piss in a bottle, will ya" I say sleepily. But I can see fear in the Dentist's eyes. I turn my head but I bash into something. A shotgun. I slowly glance down at the shotgun then to its holder.


Luckily not. But a man. With a grey beard, long hair and a cap.

"Get. The . Fuck. Up, soldier" he says shoving the gun into my temple. I spring to my feet. "Hands up, On the wall" he pokes me with his gun. I do it and press my back. It hurts.

"I told none of you soldiers to come up here" I snarls

"No..no. We're not. We're not soldiers. We .. We were cap..."

"Quit your lying, boy, and you, you're infected." He glared at the dentist
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“Please… please, don’t… my son… is not a soldier!…” Nie tried to struggle to his feet, failing every time. He looked up to the man, begging him to believe them. To release his son. “He just… needed the disguise… we were captured… he was tortured, too…”

“Bullshit” snorted the man, pushing the barrel of the gun deeper into his son’s back.

“Please!” the dentist was almost in tears. He was unable to help Mitchell, again… “Can’t you see? He is… injured… look… there are the gauze pads… I used to clean his wounds… last night… please… don’t hurt him!”

He tried to get on his feet, trembling in his entire body.

“Stay where you are!” ordered the man. “Don’t come closer, infected!”

“I’m not… infected… I’m simply… dying” Nie swallowed. “Please! Just… let my son go… you can… kill me… if… you don’t believe… I’m clean… just… leave him alone!...”
"Why would I believe you?" Snarled the man. "You've tried this bullshit before. You've tried to get me, to get this land. But you're not going to get it!! Never."

He looked at the dentist

"You can't move can you? Good and you can stay there too."

He pointed the gun at me

"You sit on that chair,now!"

It was then I noticed the rope coiled around is arm. He put my arms around the back of the chair and wrapped the rope around my body.

"You can stay there till I've figured out what's to be done" he growled.

Great. Not again.
Nie was shaking, watching desperately as his nightmare repeated itself. He wanted to scream, but the knot was back in his throat. Like screaming would still mean Mitchell would be tortured…

He really couldn’t move. He was unable to do anything as the man cruelly tied his son to the chair, tightening the bounds.

“Please… at least… not that tight… he has so many injuries… you’re hurting him” he was begging, quite pathetically. “You’ll have to believe us… we don’t want your land… nothing… we just… just managed to escape that horrible man… my son… saved me… we just took shelter… from the rain… we will leave… please… release my son…”
The farmer backhanded the dentists son

"The same games... Over and over again. I'm over it. I promised myself that the next whipersnapper soldier that came into this place and told lies was in for it. And he dares bring an infected. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME BOY?!"

I look at the dentist

"Leave it... There's no point now". I turn to the dentist and calmly say "we're not soldiers... But it's dark outside and stormy. So I can see how this can be misconstrued. B.." Then I got another backhand

"I'll deal with you in the morning." Said the farmer as he gagged me with a handkerchief.

"And if you so much as move out of that chair, infected one, then I WILL hear... And I WILL shoot you down like the dog you are"

And he went off

"well shit" I muffle.
Nigel was shaking violently, both from fear and anger… and pain. As he desperately tried to move, he strained his already broken body even more, and now he couldn’t even try to raise. He was panting painfully, without even being able to squirm anymore.

It was nightmarish. They were back in square one, his son captured and tied up so tightly again, and the dentist unable to help him again… and then they were left alone in the darkness again.

Mitchell was close… and once again, the dentist was powerless to help him, release him.

It was crazy. It was horrible. Nie felt like losing his mind all over again, and he had to choke back the hysterical laughter. Out of the frying pan, into the fire… they escaped the soldier’s clutches just to fall into this farm owner’s hand…

“Mitchell…” he couldn’t say anything more… he was just trembling, trying to cling into his remaining sanity.

In the morning. The man would return in the morning. Maybe… they can reason with him… surely he couldn’t be that much of a monster as Johnny was…

…it felt like an empty hope…
"Stay there" I muffle you could just about make out my words. "I'm ok"

I give my father a wink and then I nod my head. I was confident. I'm pretty sure this farmer was going to see sense soon. Surely

I tried not to struggle because it would worry the dentist. I was frightened, in all honesty, but I couldn't show fear.

Part of me wished I was in another room so I could express my fear... Then again, the dentist would die from worry

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