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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"Heya, pa" I say speeding down the road. "We're back on the open road again. You've been patched up just don't move too much. The farmer guy told me that there's a town about two hundred mile away. I have enough fuel, I think. It's far enough to not be found"

I slap on the radio, and a CD that was inside started playing.


"Christ" I roll my eyes, but it felt more normal. More like a road trip.
The dentist was still dazed, his mind trying to piece together the fragmented memories of the last minutes. It kind of felt like a nightmare, painted purple with fear and pain… he remembered one thing clearly, though.

“Are… are you hurt? He tied you up… so tight… there was blood on your shirt… You should… stop… and let me see it… please…”

Nie was reeling with worry and guilt. He failed again, his son was hurt because he couldn’t keep watch, and he wasn’t able to help him… he could barely process that Mitchell was perfectly able to save him again…

He smiled, worriedly.

“Even heroes… need to be looked after…”
I looked at Dad in mock disbelief.

"It's all done. Sorted. Just a bit of opening up but it's feeling fine now. Look, don't worry about me. All I did was explain ourselves to the guy. He looked like he felt kinda bad for us. It's all grand!!"
Nie blinked, surprised. This felt surreal; after the cruelty of the last few days, human compassion seemed almost impossible. Somehow, Mitchell managed to conjure it in that man… the dentist really started to smile now.

His son was growing up, fast, and he didn’t feel like giving up now. He wanted to see all of it. All he could. The boy was a hero, and this made Nigel feel proud… no matter how little role he had in Mitchell’s life…

“I’ll… take your… word for it” he tried to laugh. Something that sounded vaguely like a chuckle actually came out. “For… a while… but when you… stop… please… let me see it… injuries like that… could be infected so fast… burns… welts… it’s too… too dangerous…”
"Fine fine fine" a wave my hand dismissively. "But for now enjoy the open road, my friend."

Down the side pocket of the door I locate some sunglasses and put them on. I looked a bit cool, even if I do say so myself. The CD was playing a good mix of songs, and I start drumming my fingers on the steering wheel.

I was beginning the think it may have been an aversion method more than anything.
Nie smiled, watching his son’s face. He suspected that the boy was just pushing away everything, and he was still worried for him, but Mitchell’s words convinced him not to ask. The dentist felt too weak to try to pry around, anyway, and while he felt completely selfish for not even trying, he was too spent to speak more.

He just looked at the road, at his son in those shiny sunglasses, drumming on the wheel as he enjoyed the music, and smiled, saying nothing. His back and side started to go numb, so he wasn’t feeling a lot of pain by now… it was a blessing.

Nigel dozed off slowly, this time entirely without the silent enumeration, in peace…
I looked at my dad, fast asleep.

"Gnight Old man" I say with a smile. I kept on following the road for the longest of times.

Herds and a few individual Biteys kept getting in the way.

The road itself was vile. Animal, human, God knows what remains were strewn across the road. Everything was strewn across the road. Clothes, old rusty tools.

Suddenly the road became bad so I had to slow. Otherwise the car would break.
Nie gasped with pain, the uncomfortable sensation pulling him back from the dreamless slumber. The road was too bumpy, and no matter how he tried to muffle the pitiful sound, a small whimper still escaped, hopefully not too loud. The belt, while kept him safe and propped upright, helping him breathe better, still pushed on his brandings. He didn’t say something, however. This was something that couldn’t be helped. He was just worried about the marks on his son’s back… by this time, it surely hurt like hell…

The dentist looked up, uncertain of how much time passed, and tried to assess where they were. In the car’s lights, the road seemed to be broken up by roots and age. It was sad, seeing that after the well maintained part in the safe zone. It also meant they were out of the military base’s action radius, if they didn’t spend any resources to keep anything in the previous state by this time…

“Mitchell… aren’t you… tired?...”
"A little, but, there's nowhere around. All these building seems a bit..." I shudder. "I'll stop soon. It's cold out so I don't fancy sleeping in the car. But we might have to if push comes to shove."

The headlights of the car were high quality. But visibility was still low. Especially for roads like this. It was dangerous. But the truck was a machine. It bumped though the uprooted roads effortlessly. I didn't want to risk lowing through it though so I took it slowly. Avoiding anything huge.
Nigel nodded, a bit relieved. Mitchell face was ruled by pure concentration, and while he was worried still, at least his son proved strong again, maintaining his pose and attention for long miles, even in the growing darkness.

“You’re… the boss now…” the dentist joked, muffling back all noises induced by pain. He really started to hate the unmaintained road, every single hitch made him wince from red-hot gip. There was nothing they could do against it, though, so Nie didn’t uttered a word about it. At least the constant pangs kept him awake now, letting him keep watch for his son. The night was silent…

Then Nigel tensed, descrying the quickly moving, large form approaching from his side of the car. A deer!...

“Mitchell! Stop…”
I slammed in the brakes whilst shouting every profanity unde the sun. We missed it bran inch.

"Stupid bloody thing" I say as it scampers off into the darkness.

"You okay?"
The dentist was almost worried until his son managed to stop right in time, just inches before they hit the deer… the animal decided it would be faithful to the phrase, gazing for almost a minute into the headlights before it scampered off to the darkness. It was beautiful, in all the glory of a grown, healthy deer, crowned with majesty. It was almost magical.

Nie couldn’t really appreciate it. The sharp break was enough for a very hard impact as the belt cut into his shoulder, chest and abdomen, pressing down on his injuries and knocking out air of his lungs. It was painful, and while at least being without air momentarily meant he couldn’t scream from the gid, it also meant he couldn’t say his son ‘language’. Mitchell might have never said such dirty words in front of him.

This time, Nigel let it pass. Swearing was completely warranted.

“I’m… okay” he wheezed, leaving out the comment about using bad words. He had something else to worry about. “You… your… back?”
"I'm fine" I dismiss and I start the car again

It was getting darker now and I didn't fancy getting out and finding shelter in any of the buildings.

I remember the farmers blanket.

"Welcome to Hotel car. No really. We should sleep in the car"

And I shrug
Nie watched on a bit more worried now. The darkness really started to deepen, and judging from the deer earlier, it was unlikely that anything was nearby, that’s sure, but…

The dentist just sighed, and nodded.

“All well for me… just please… let me… look at your injuries. I’m really.. worried… sorry…”

He then realized that most likely, he wouldn’t be able to do anything, and he tried to raise his arm, a little bit panicked. He was sore, but it worked somehow… Nigel nodded to himself. Maybe he can do some good now…
"Tomorrow when it's light, I promise" I say. I lean over to Nigel's chair and slowly recline his chair. I grab the blanket and put it over Nigel and take off my jacket to blanket myself.

I decline my chair and put my jacket over myself. I turn off the ignition after parking up. I turn off all lights and lie down.

“Mitchell! This is… I should really… check on those burns…” Nie still insisted on doing something. He knew from experience how painful will be removing stuck bandages and clothing from an otherwise almost painless burn, and he frankly didn’t want his son experience that again.

It was futile; his son wasn’t paying any attention to his words. The dentist finally settled with a grumbled sentence.

“Fine… but if you still… won’t let me… do it tomorrow… you’re… grounded…” he forced it out. He still really appreciated that Mitchell helped him to lie down. The blanket made him less happy.

“At least… put that on yourself… I think… I’m warm enough… without that…” at least this was true. He felt hot. Maybe the weather was better than it seemed. “You… need it better…”

Like he was nagging a stone wall…
"Ok" i say remembering his fever"but if you get cold take it from me, promise. And you can check me before we set up. You can't see a damn thing now" I laugh and cover the blanket over me.

I lie down again

"Goodnight dad, my worrier"
Nie smiled, feeling a bit better.

“I promise” he said softly. He thought it was quite impossible… he felt insanely hot. Maybe it was a bit better without the blanket. True, he still didn’t feel like he would be able to really do it, but if he needed it, he could try, right? Or simply ask for it.

“I just love you” he retorted, smiling. “I’d worry about you if you were eighty. You’re my son, after all…”

He closed his eyes, a bit still uncomfortable. He wasn’t as tired now as before, and even if the pain eased a bit now, he still couldn’t sleep. He just mutely started to recite his enumeration, only forming the names in his mind. It gave comfort. He needed it… it was so dark… and the car felt so small… he was shaking a bit now, but not from the cold.

At least his son was right next to him…
I cuddle the blanket. The warm is nice on my skin .

"I love you to. I worry about like you ARE 80"

I chuckle quietly to myself and nustle myself into the blanket more. It was so comfortable lying here. Not in chains for once

I fall into a deep and comfortable sleep
“Hey, I’m not that old!” Nie was smiling into the darkness. It was ironic. All men in his family had a very long life, dying almost in the same times as their wives. He always believed he would have a really get chance to live well into his nineties, and he just realized he never had it.

Well. At least he had no reason to worry about that anymore. It was unlikely anyone would see eighty years in this crazed world… oddly, this thought didn’t have an edge. It was just a simple fact.

He had to continue his enumeration for quite a while, repeating the names over and over, before he fell asleep. The seat was more comfortable than anything in the last week… it eased the pain somehow. He started to get used to it again, the wounds going slowly numb. He could sleep for a while, without dreams, drained by the day still…

He was awaken by the light of the day. He didn’t move yet, not wanting to wake up his son. He just enjoyed the silence and the peace of the daylight.

They were free… and the thought was wonderful.
I think I woke up early the next morning. But I didn't open my eyes in the desperate attempt for a lie in. I was just too comfortable. Lying on what felt like a pillow. It was heavenly. If listen out for my Fathers breathing to check he was still alive.

I was cuddling into the blanket like a burrito. It was amazing to feel like this. It felt like I was home again. I would have quite welcomed a teddy bear like a smal child.
Nie managed to turn on the side, watching Mitchell to burrow in deeper under the blanket. He smiled. He was sure his son was half awake, but did it really count? This time, they could afford sleeping in.

The dentist felt calm, even after all that horror. He just had the strangest urge to go find a big plushie, a softer blanket, and give them to Mitchell. Watching the boy sleeping, cuddled in like he was in the safest place in the world made him feel warm and fuzzy. It was peaceful. And after a while, the boy settled down and fell asleep really again.

Nie grinned. Well. Breakfast in bed was a really good thing. Maybe he could provide a mock-up version. He saw yesterday a few food packets in Mitchell’s backpack, and he could actually reach that now, if he moved a little. He’ll have to be careful, of course, and slow and silent, but maybe…

Inch by inch, he pulled the heavy pack closer, without making any noise, and reached inside. He had to rummage about for a while, but he did it really silently, not even stirring up his son, as he slowly, carefully pulled out a cup and a packet of instant coffee, then a smaller bottle of water, then a tin of deviled ham, and a small packet of rye bread, dried and pressed, but still bread. It was a strenuous task, but the man managed it all without making a ruckus, and Mitchell slept through all of it peacefully. The dentist nodded, smiling to himself. The coffee pack even had those cool little pads for heating up the water… it was good.

Nie snapped the pad, and dropped it in the cup, which he slowly filled up with water, and placed the meat and the bread on a plate. He set it down carefully on the backseat, to not to ruin the food – no way he was messing this up… his whole body hurt by then, but he ignored it for the time being. Then, when he judged the water is warm enough, he added the coffee, and watched as it dispersed in the water.

The dentist smiled. It would be better if he managed to get some vitamin pills… well, if wished were horses, etc.… the dentist reached out, smiling, to shake up his son as gently as he could.

“Good morning… Come on, kiddo… breakfast…”
I woke up and twitched my eues. I yawn at the top of my lungs.

"Good morning,dad". I eye up the breakfast.

"For me? For real? Thanks." I devour the breakfast and it was delicious. The hams flavour unraveled in my mouth.

I almost drooled because of the flavour

"You need to eat too" I nag
Nie smiled, watching his son contentedly. The boy ate so happily, without any worry. Mitchell moved easier; this made his heart feel a bit lighter.

“I’m not hungry” he answered, out of sheer habit. Then he realized while it was technically entirely true, it certainly wasn’t normal.

He tried to remember the last time he ate. It wasn’t easy… he wanted to curse when he managed to gauge it. It was before the capture. And he was fed some liquid while the nurse treated him, so he guessed he got enough nutrients… but still…

He moved his hand to his abdomen, feeling out his spleen. Oh. Hell. So that’s why…

“Sorry” he said, on a soft voice, reaching out for a small meal bar he saw in the back. “I’ll eat later. Promise. But now… would you please leave me… look at your back?”
"Go on then ". I finish off my meal ang take off my shirt and lie on my front. "Check "

I wanted more food. My stomach still grumbled. But I knee there wasn't enough for seconds.

I was a bit scared about dad fixing me up he would see how bad I really cwas

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