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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"Sorry. Slept through it. Look, if you get too scared, you could wake me up. But I might have moved. Are we really safe in this car or?"

It was then I remembered the locks of the car. But I pushed down mine and it didn't work.... That would have been better.
“Don’t worry… they… didn’t do anything… just stood there. It was better… that you could sleep. Until… we make a ruckus… noise… when they’re… here… we will be… safe, I think…” Nie touched the bruises on his son’s face, watching the boy carefully. “I am… still more worried… about you… How are you… feeling? You look… pale…”
"Honestly? I feel well rested. I think I probably look pale because my bruises are fading. I'm a pale person, Da. I think my accent proves that". I laugh a little bit at this.

But it was a lie. And it was all superficial. I was feeling numb. And battling with my demons was becomming more and more difficult by the minute

I had to be strong
“Maybe… you are… right” the dentist still eyed his son suspiciously. The boy didn’t look rested. He didn’t look all right. Nie still didn’t dare to call him out on the lie. “I’ll… still worry. You were… hurt… so much… I just… want to help… sorry… I am unable to do that…”

He sighed. Sometimes, he really wished that…

…no matter. He tried to smile.

“But after… that visit… I really feel… I should check upon you… and we should… leave this stop. Maybe… I could drive… for a while… giving you enough rest…”
"Yeah you're probably right" I say lookin around. The Zs knew we were here probably. It was best to move on.

"If you're sure you can drive then be my guest. I'm not sure my mind is clear enough at the moment. I restraints N the seat and climb out and go around to the other side.
“Let’s… hope it…” murmured the dentist, bracing himself for the challenge. He had to at least look confident, as he moved, lest his son would suspect anything.

Climbing out of the car, moving without staggering, sitting back behind a wheel without showing the mind-numbing pain he was in was really difficult, and Nie had subtly lean against the seat to trying to rule the pangs in his body. He kept his breath even, like he would be coping with the pain after a training mishap… it was much, much worse than before.

“I take… you want me to check upon you… at the end of the day?” he asked quietly. At least with the way he was able to speak in the last few days, a bit more stops weren’t that strange. He willed his body to quit shaking so much, and for his surprise, it worked. He still felt hot, but that might have been just from the weather…

He looked to his son, again.

“Seat belts… optional… or… at least… put your jacket… behind your neck… and the blanket… behind your waist… we don’t need… your back being… injured again… I’ll be careful… promise…”
"Clunk click everytime " I say putting my belt on and folding the blanket before putting in behind my waist.

I rolled up the jacket and used it as a neck cushion.

"My backs fine for now" I say almost sternly. I look out the window.

"Jesus Christ this fucking world" I mutter to myself a little louder than necessary
"Clunk click everytime " I say putting my belt on and folding the blanket before putting in behind my waist.

I rolled up the jacket and used it as a neck cushion.

"My backs fine for now" I say almost sternly. I look out the window.

"Jesus Christ this fucking world" I mutter to myself a little louder than necessary
“Language… please…”

Nie had to drive very carefully. Frankly, before the end, he usually rode a horse or a motorcycle around, after all, when they went on longer roads with Joy and the friend cycle, usually they insisted he should keep away from the wheel. When not on his bike, he drove like an old man… slowly, with more care than he should.

Now, that wasn’t exactly a problem. After the End, when he could move around a bit, having mostly back on his feet after the torture sessions, he took the time to relearn how to drive a stick. This car was big, in a reasonably good state. The only bad point was the road’s condition… and their own.

The maintenance that made so good the previous parts had no trace here. At least there were some good surfaces, and they slowly left the urban area, which meant less abandoned cars and torn out poles.

Nie kept checking on the fuel gauge as frequently as on his son, glancing towards him when he was sure he couldn’t even hit a bump. Every time the car shook, it felt like someone lit fire in his body, but at least the pain kept him wide awake, in spite of the scarce sleep. He still felt like screaming, and after a while, he was shaking, but he kept his concentration, although he wasn’t able to hold up talking. If he was to open his mouth, he would certainly cry out.

He would hurt his son even more.

They still moved slowly like a snail. There were only a few miles where they could go with normal speed… at least Nie noticed a sign in the late afternoon.

“Look… there is… a gas station nearby… think we should… check it out?...”
I didn't really pay much attention on the car journey. I stared out the window at passing scenery. Thinking

"Yeah no harm in trying" I say distantly. I wasn't sure what Nie had just said but any suggestion was good.
Nie nodded, exhausted. He watched his son, and wanted to scream, to hug him. And he couldn’t resist anymore. He stopped the car for a while, and moved to embrace Mitchell, carefully so not to hurt his back anymore. He needed the warmth of the boy’s body, to keep on, to move on, to keep his determination.

“Please… tell me… if I can do… anything” he forced out, painfully, hesitantly. “I know… I am not strong now… but I love you… I want everything bad… gone… every scars… healed… I cannot do that, I know… so I just… want you to know… I’m here… and I’ll do… anything… everything… I can… to help you… to save you… you are the strongest man… I know… I am proud… you are my son. I just… I am so sorry… I cannot do anything… but I’m here… You can… talk to me… I’m listening… and I will… try to defend you… from everything I can.. like… I would really be your father…”

He felt miserable. From all the pain, the worst wasn’t physical at all, not even a bit. Again. It never was. He could barely bear the sight of the pain in his son’s eyes. Like he was losing him already… he wanted to keep the boy, desperately. As long as he could.

He was afraid that won’t be for long. He had to collect every single ounce of his power to even stay upright… he forced back his pain, and tried to transform it into energy. It worked in battles.

This proved to be the longest, hardest battle of all his life…

He pulled back, a bit embarrassed, and bowed his head.

“Sorry… I just… know you’re not… not all right. I am… sorry… now… let’s try that… station… fair warning… I’m starting to… get tired… be ready… to shout at me… if there is a deer…”
I receive the hug graciously. I even squeeze. In felt nice to be loved. It felt warm.

But I felt so empty. My eyelids felt like they were held down by weights. But it wasn't because I was tired. Not at all. I think my head just wanted to give up. To close my eyes and never open them again.

"Th..thank you. For caring about me, Dad." I say with a weak smile. "I'm not okay, I'm not. But I will be I have to be. I'll watch out for dear
Nie’s smile disappeared. He felt dispirited, and still, he didn’t want to give it up. One part of him just wanted to do that. That would mean the pain would end. He could just lay down and stop for good. He would die anyway.

But then, it would mean Mitchell would die. He would lose him for good. He didn’t want that. Even in death, it would be too much for bear. All his fate, all his honour felt like it was depending on the boy.

He wanted to achieve at least one aim.

“Just… tell me if I can help…” he sighed. He was still in pain from that squeeze, even if that pain was welcomed. The boy’s love soothed it a bit. “I want to… erase that. I can… only love you, Mitchell. And… I am… selfish. I want you… to hold out… and find that… place… far… far away from here… maybe it’s just… wishful thinking… I still want that…”

He sighed, slightly wincing from the pain as he readjusted his belt. He tried to concentrate on the road.

This was a little less bumpy, broken up, than before. He still wished for it to end, before he broke out screaming.

There really was a station. It looked like it was used extensively by a butcher, cars abandoned left and right, but at least it was abandoned, and seemingly, void of any biters.

Nie stopped the car, without turning off the engine next to the worn building, and lean forward to the wheel. He felt very close to losing consciousness, but after a few seconds, his mind cleared up.

He left the lights flicked on in the nearing dusk, and turned to his son, with a very good fake of a smile.

“Well… do you want some sweets? Beers are a no-no, of course…”
"Let's get whatever we can. It looks like someone has been here before us. But surely there's something. I unbuckle my belt and step outside and stretch.

I walk over to the little shop. There wasn't much. Some hard boiled sweets still in date. They would do.. Some drinks... Brilliant.... Cigarettes. Just what the doctor ordered. Four packs.

I hoarded them all. I took them outside to put them in the car and attempted to hide the cigarettes from my father.
Nie also got out of the car, reluctant to let Mitchell out of his sight, even if he had to. While the boy was checking the shop, he looked around in the abandoned cars. Moving was hard, he wanted to cry out with every single staggering step, but he gritted his teeth and soldiered through. He had to. Mitchell was injured, and he had to at least try to take care of him.

He checked the trunks, fairly certain that he would find what he is looking for, and he was right. People always forgot about the first aid packs in the back of the car. He also found a sports bag, filled with men’s clothing. He carried them, bit by bit, to their car, while Mitchell was collecting his loot inside, then looked around, and went behind the building.

There it was, the fuel tank, and still not entirely empty. A bout of staggering weakness came over Nie, as he smiled, relieved, and he slumped for a minute to the gigantic tank. He had to breath slowly for a minute, until his head cleared out.

Okay. That will help… he still went back to the cars, checking them again. He found something very sweet and heartbreaking in one of them; a big plush puppy, packed up in dusty cellophane. He still took it. Just like the stash of caffeine pills from the briefcase on the torn, bloodied seat, taking a few of them without water. He usually wasn’t keen on this, but he knew he was just about spent, life spread thin over the ragged edges. He still needed to stay focused and awake. He would do everything to stay awake and take care of Mitchell. The boy could have been strong… but he was not all right now. He still needed him. He couldn’t leave yet…

The dentist returned back to the car, subtly hiding the plush, when he realized his son was back there. He forced himself to smile. To not shake.

“Did you… found… something useful?...”
I was putting a box of cigarettes in my pocket when my father spoke to me. The others were under the seat of the car. I quickly shoved it so he didn't see it. I hoped he didn't

"Just some water. And hard boiled sweets. Great for sugar. Rhubarb and Custard flavour "

I opened the lid

"Want one?"
Nigel nodded. A sweet didn’t sound that bad, and hopefully, this way Mitchell won’t realize something was off. He leaned to the car.

“Yes… please… I’ve found… med packs… some new clothes… and fuel… and… maps… you’ll… have to help me… to drain the tank, though… tomorrow morning” He still couldn’t speak normally. He just hoped it wouldn’t be too weird. Breathing was hard. Moving was difficult. Still…

“But for now… you should get… into the car… I haven’t checked… your injuries… since yesterday… I don’t want to… risk you… please… let me… I’ve even found… fresh clothes… for after…”
I dreaded my daily back check but I reclused the car seat a lay on my front. My shirt had been off all day. I hadn't even noticed

"Go on then" I invited him to check my back

Oh god I needed a smoke. I'd have to go for a walk...
“Thank you” sighed the dentist, somehow relieved, and knelt down. He had to move very carefully, but fortunately, the caffeine took effect by this time. His hand was steady enough.

He peeled back the bandages carefully, and sighed with relief. He thought it was going to be bad. It wasn’t… in fact, some of the wounds started healing, and some were almost closed up. Nie was smiling, sincerely, as he carefully spread the green ointment to the remaining burns, bandaging them up all the same. He put another sterile padding back, lightly, like he was working on a butterfly’s wings.

“Thank God… it’s better… I was afraid… it was infected… I was mistaken… thankfully…” he sighed. “Sorry for… having to put up… with this… would you please… let me… see the others?... Just a… fast check… then… I can offer you… a treat…”
"Sure, it's fine. Thank god they're healing"

I turn over on to my front. My ribs were petruding out of my body. I looked like my skeleton was trying to get out
Nie watched sadly, as the boy moved. He looked like a shadow of his former self…

“You’ll have to… eat more…” he said, moving to work on the stab wounds. There wasn’t much to do about them. They were closing up, too. The only thing he didn’t like was how cool his son’s skin felt under his hand. “Maybe then… you’ll heal… even faster… you should… sleep more, too… I’ve found… something for you…”

He smiled, putting on the last bandages, and reached behind him. His body felt like it was being torn apart, but happy as he was, he easily kept his smile on.

“Maybe… she’ll help… to sleep easier…” he held out the dog. It had a red bow on, so he guessed it was a girl…
"Oh my god." I shriek with excitement like a small child and reach my arms out to get the toy.

"I love her!! Thank you so much!!" I beam at my father.

I pay the dust off the teddy down a bit and give it a hug. Then I go to give my dad a hug.

"I do love you" I smile and stroke the dog

It didn't matter that I was a 23 year old man. I still loved it
Nie choked back the painful cry when his son hugged him, and turned into a husky laughter. It felt wonderful, seeing his child happy.

“I love you, kid. I hoped… you would love her, too… after all… the previous toy… was lost…” he sighed. “I’d… really like a real one… maybe later… what do you… think?”

He smiled, leaning against the seat.

“I’ll… get you… dinner now… then… you should sleep… with your new puppy… how would you… call her?...”

Strangely, it felt natural. It felt good. Nie was almost happy for a while…
"Look at the bottom of the backpack. Dave the soldier isn't lost. He strong".

I look a the brown eyes of the teddy.

"Lucy. That's her name" I say Petting it on the head

I wave of tiredness showered me. I felt dizzy . I lay down again, this time my new friend was being held to my ches

(If I stop replying I've fell asleep. I'm so tired For some reason)
“Oh, that’s good” Nigel chuckled. It was a warm feeling, the fact that his son managed to hold into the knight figurine. Even named him. “I’m happy… Lucy’s… a nice name. We will… call her that. You should… still eat something…”

He caressed his son’s hair, and handed him a new shirt. Underwear. A pair of trousers. They looked a little too big, but it was still a better fit than the military fatigues.

“I’m serious… I’ve found… some vitamins… for you. Take… it… with your… dinner… you need… your weight… back… you look like… a mock skeleton… from my castle…”

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