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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I laughed before putting on my new clothes

Just a pair of jeans and a white t shirt.

I had no qualms with getting completely undressed in front of Nigel anymore. What was there to hide. I folded up my old trousers , but my cigarettes fell out of my pocket. I picked them up quickly hoping they weren't unnoticed
Nie was too busy with scrounging up a meal for his son to notice anything. He had to be careful, as he moved; he really didn’t need to cause even bigger harm to anything. Now, he gave more food to the boy than before, so he could eat a bit more. They still had food, and judging from the signs on the road, they were approaching a town. Maybe they could find some more there. The boy definitely needed to put back weight…

Some soup, ham and bread. A health bar. The vitamins. Nie gave it all to his son.

“Please, eat” he said softly. “You need to stay healthy. Then, you should sleep… I’ll lock up the car and try to keep watch…”
"You need to eat too!" I say knowing full well he wasn't going to take my advice.

I slurp down the soup with the bread and ham. It was actually pretty delicious and I finished it all. The health bar was vile but I ate it to please my fAther.

Then I took the vitamins. Even with drink they were hard pills to swallow.

I go into the backpack to take the lighter and a gun.

"That was lovely thank you. I'm going to check around just so I know where we are in case we have to run, it'll clear my head"

I put my hand on my pocket to check my smokes are still in there. I felt so guilty for lying. But I had to. I was desperate
“You’re so lucky… I don’t have to… actually cook…” Nie chuckled, pulling out another meal bar. “I’ll eat this… don’t worry… I actually… kind of like it. Must be… the dried fruits… I miss them… maybe… in the summer… we should… pick some…”

He looked on uncertainly, as his son prepared for a quick sweep.

“Are you… sure?...” he asked. He felt too weak to join him… but then again… the kid would be close enough. He nodded, sighing. At least Mitchell won’t see he lied, and he never actually intended to eat the bar… “Please… be quick… and cautious…”

As the boy left, the dentist packed up their rubbish, and neatly put it into a bin, hiding the bar back into the pack. He just drank some water… he was really thirsty, but even then, he didn’t dare to drink too much. He felt he was burning up, and he wasn’t too happy about that. It felt like he was watching an hourglass running out quickly…

Nie leaned to the wheel, resting his forehead on the metal covering the middle of it. It felt cool. It felt wonderful.

He just hoped that nothing was nearby…
As soon as I was far enough away I lit up.

My first drag felt like heaven. I nearly made a noise. I sat in the kerb and smoked the whole thing quite quickly. My head felt good afterwards. It felt magical. I stayed put a bit longer. Hoping to mask the smell slightly. I glanced the perimeter and got back in the car feeling calmer. Happier. More content.

"Perimeter is good" I say. Feeling slightly guilty for being sneaky. But I saw the health bar still sitting by the gear stick. Figures.
Nie managed to get himself back together a little, while Mitchell checked the perimeter, and turned to the side. He forgot to put the bar back to the bag like he wanted… but he had a nicer aim in mind. He prepared the seat for his son like a real bed, with some of the towels from the sports bag, the blanket and the plush dog. Lucy. It was kind of a good name.

He felt the smell of cigarette smoke in the instant his son returned. He took a deep breath. He wanted to yell at the kid, screaming he shouldn’t do that, how insanely dangerous this was, not even because just the place they were in. Slow suicide was never to his tastes…

Still, he said nothing. He just shot a long, very stern and very disapproving look to Mitchell. He was slightly disappointed… but felt too damn tired to start an argument about smoking in the middle of the Apocalypse. He just sighed, indicating the seat to his son. He was slightly trembling by now… he wanted to cry. He couldn’t.

“Please… go to sleep… now” he said, voice low and husky. “I’ll… keep watch…”
"Aww you made the bed hehe thank you!" I smile at him. I'd missed the stern looks I felt good about myself and everything.

I took Lucy and lay down, pulling the blanket over me.

"Hey, Dad, you okay. You're very quiet." I say quite concerned.
“Yeah… don’t worry… that’s my job…” Nie sighed, slightly irritated by the smoke still. He didn’t say a thing. While he hated it… Mitchell looked relaxed. He wasn’t gone for long.

…Maybe just one piece won’t hurt…

“Please… just go to… sleep… Tomorrow… we will… have to work… a lot… I’d like to… drain and store… the fuel… I saw cans… back there. I don’t fancy… walking now…”

Even the thought made him shudder. He wouldn’t last long, that’s for sure…

He turned down the lights, locking the door.

“Sleep, son… Lucy… will take care… of you…”
"Sure thing. Wake me up because I don't think I'll wake myself up. Ever."

I shift my bum lower down the seat and get comfortable.

"Oof One of my welts is itching like helllll "I say wriggling about. "Ahh it's gone now! Goodnight"

I hold Lucy and fall into a deep deep sleep.
Nie shuddered at the words. Suddenly, all felt much grimmer than before… he leaned over, concerned for his son, but for the time he managed to move, the boy was fast asleep.

The dentist sighed, watching the kid in the darkness. He felt hopeless in that moment, even if momentarily, all seemed well. He wanted to lay down and give it up, give everything up, like he had failed in everything… his thoughts were feverish.

Nie silently reached out, for the water bottle, and pulled out a few more caffeine tablets from his pocket. This time, he had the sense to at least take a sweet along with it. It dissolved the bitterness in his mouth, even if it made his abdomen react painfully. He felt way too full.

It was not a good sign, but Nie set the thought aside. Just sat there, silently staring into the night, which started to fill up with ghosts.

At least a few might have been actual biters… Nigel watched them, hoping they would leave them alone. After all, they were in a closed, dark car, not moving around…
I walked into the cold, dark room.

My are both there holding a straight jacket up to me. I can see my brother in the corner. They've already got him. They're yelling at me to get in the jacket. In trying to resist but something invisible is pushing me further in. They grab me and start putting the jacket on me.

"Watch me, I'm hurt. I'm hurt! I need you to be careful" I keep repeating out loud. "You're hurting me. You're hurting me." I start shouting louder and louder trying to wriggle them off me.

I start to shake. My arms wrapped around each other. I can't move.

I wake up with a Yelp when I bang my head on the car door
Nie jerked when his son started speaking again in his sleep. He leaned to him, trying to hush him, and that might have been the worst thing he could do. The boy started struggling and yelling, and one of his hands managed to hit the dentist right in the abdomen… he gasped painfully, doubling over, and almost shrieked from the mind-breaking pain. He choked it back, but he could already hear heavy steps drawing nearer to the car.

He hunched down low, shaking, trying to calm his son down.

“Mitchell.. Mitchell, please… you’re not… not bound… please… stay still… they are here…” he could barely gasp out the words, weakly trying to hold his son back, to make him still. “Please… they’ll here… stay still…”
I RUb my head where I bumped it. Great another lump forming.

I hear my dads words.

"Here? Biters?" I mouth instantly forgetting about my dream.

I move slowly and carefully back onto my seat properly, my wriggling had nearly made me fall off the chair.

I clutch on to Lucy. It made me feel safe.

Please just go past us.
Nie sighed relieved, slowly, carefully easing back to his seat, body still ablaze with wild pain. He could barely breathe, and thinking was hard…

Those forms drew closer. One of them lifted its arm, and bumped its fist against the glass, which shook, but held out. Nie reached for the long knife, as slowly as he could, then he froze, blade in hand, when the deformed head peered into the car.

He could barely breathe. The pain was too much. But he was sure as hell that if that monster was breaking into the car, he’ll try to stop it…

It felt like an eternity. Then the clicker turned away, and the heavy steps moved around the car. It was gone. It was finally gone.

Nie was shaking. He wanted to cry again, this time not only from the pain… but from relief. He reached out carefully with his right hand, to caress his son’s hair.

“Please… bear it… a little more… till we’re sure… it’s gone…” it was barely a whisper. Just enough to calm his son...
I held my gun in my hand. I wasn't taking any chances.

When the thing banged it's hand on the glass I jumped and hid in the blanket for a second. Convinced it was going to smash through.

I could hear footprints all over the car. I hoped they couldn't hear us.

I glanced at my father with pure fear in my eyes. I didn't want to die this way after all is been through.
Nie could only keep his free hand on his son, to try to reassure him silently. Reassure him that it was going to be all right.

“Keep…still…” he breathed. His abdomen was on fire now… he wasn’t sure that if the clicker breaks in, he could do anything.

The glass shook again as the clicker hit the car again, this time the metal in the back. There was not an audible crack yet, but the sound was still scary… Nie made his best to not to jerk and cry out. He clenched his fist on the long knife.

‘Please, please… don’t…’

He kept still. To convince the monster nothing is there. He silently thanked God that Lucy is not a real puppy now... he just hoped his son could keep unmoving...
I just shut my eyes.

We were going to die. Right here right now.

We couldn't drive off. Once the car started it'd take at least ten seconds to go. Those ten seconds could be enough to kill us. The biters were strong now.

I kept as still as a statue. But I couldn't stop shaking with fear. The shaking hurt my back. But I had to keep quiet.
It worked.

Apparently, after shaking the car a few more times, the clicker decided there were no treats inside. Nigel was still shaking with fear and pain while the footsteps left the area.

There was silence. Deadly silence. For a long, long time. The dentist wanted to faint, to scream… he kept silent, calm, at least outside. He closed his eyes, silently thanking all gods. He really thought they were going to die right there and then…

Minutes dragged by. Then a quarter of an hour. Still nothing.

Nie breathed out, slowly, and reached out for Mitchell. He was scared to death still, he only dared to whisper.

“Son… Mitchell… you all… all right? You’ve… hurt yourself…”
I was scared rigid. I couldn't pin point why.

"I'm. I'm ok" i whimpered getting cramp in my leg from tensing up so much. "I think the friction... On my back from where I was shaken hasn't d..done my back much good but it's okay.. Can we drive. Now?"
Nie nodded, and turned the engine on.

“Hold into something” he said, and stepped on the gas. He remembered the route quite well, and while he was a bit regretting leaving the fuel there, it was dangerous, way too dangerous. The remaining amount in the tank should keep out until that town, they weren’t that far away… and there should be another stations, too…

No matter how careful he was, the biters quickly realized that the light and noise meant food. A small herd was staggering quickly towards them.

Most of them was easy to sped down. The clicker, however, managed to get in front of them, roaring at the car.

Nie clenched his teeth, and run it over. The impact wasn’t as big as he thought it would be… he still hurt himself on the wheel, but managed to hold out and drive further. Amazingly, the Land Rover took it without a problem, and their speed wasn’t high enough to take damage. Scariest thing was that the airbags didn’t open. If this was a high-speed collision… Nie was shaking, almost screaming as he drove forward, a bit more cautiously.

“Mitchell… you all right?” he gasped out. He didn’t dare to glance over, he had to keep his eyes on the road… the herd slowly disappeared behind them. “Are you… hurt?... Mitchell?...”
My eyes were wide. I hadn't seen what was going on at the star, I was too busy getting the seat back upright. I'd looked up when we ran over the clicker.

I gulped and slowly put in my seatbelt

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm ok" I say letting go of the door handle that I'd grabbed so tightly

I looked in my mirror and I could see it all mangled up on the floor. But it started moving. It started to get back up.

Nie just nodded, trying not to pass out, concentrating on the road. It felt like his insides were on fire. At least the pain kept adrenalin coursing his veins, speeding out his reflexes a bit. He could see the clicker trying to approach them, so he sped up, for once not caring about the pain as the road shocks shook the car. This time, it didn’t count.

If that thing managed to reach them, they were dead anyway.

The dentist drived more offensively, faster, than he ever did in his life. It was a god damned miracle he managed to swerve around several abandoned cars, and some fallen trees. He didn’t crash again. He just drove on, hoping that the monster couldn’t possibly catch up with them. He was about to faint from the sheer pain in his body, and he just kind of hoped he wouldn’t collide with anything if that happens… he had to concentrate on the road hard to keep the Land Rover in check.

‘Please, please, don’t…’
I slam on the handbrake before Nigel passes out and loses all control. Something I'd learnt to do when Darius was driving. Just in case he had an epileptic fit. Which happened sometimes.

"Dad. Dad Dad.. Wake up. Come on man please. Please. Wake up."

I unbuckle him and carefully swap places with him. Buckling him into the drivers seat. I restart the stalled car and carry on driving away from the herd that my screeching tires had managed to attract.
Nie was starting to get anxious, sitting next to his fiancée. His Ebony Lady seemed to enjoy the attention, though, waving to her students from the velvet-covered throne. The town’s people looked disturbingly unconcerned over the fact that there were dead ones mingling amongst them, tearing out pieces from them. They just cheered on as the Dark Lady Knight stepped in front of them, and knelt down.

“My lady” the woman’s beautiful alt boomed over the walls, nicely amplified by the microphone hidden in her helmet. “My lord. I offer to you the token of our victory…”

She lifted up her hand, showing them the chopped off head.

Mitchell’s head.

The mayor screamed, and tried to spring to his feet. He couldn’t… he just realized he was restrained to the heavy chair by barb wire. His armour was gone… and the sheriff approached him with a red-hot branding iron, in an old-timer racker’s clothes. They morbidly fit her.

Joy smiled with a skull grin.

“And now, my lord, for your punishment…”
Nigel was starting to twitch, turn and wriggle. He was beginning to cry out.

I pulled the car over and placed both of my hands on him.

"Dad. Dad come on. Dad wake up wake up its it's okay" I soothe

I lightly slap his cheeks to bring him round.

Nothing is working. I fill a bottle cap of water, and pour it on his face. He needed to wake up. If he got wound up to much he'd have organ failure.or something catastrophic.

Hopefully this would do the trick

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