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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Nie’s calm was diminished in the second he saw his son’s wounds; the welts and burns were swelled up and red all around, rubbed to the flesh, the remaining bandages sticking into them. He wanted to scream at the boy. He wanted to cry. His throat clenched, and he sighed, without giving out any sound, and the dentist choked back it all.

He just reached out for the water and the first aid kit, without saying anything. He ignored his screaming body. He had to. Moving demanded an effort, but his fear and worry gave him enough determination to actually do something, instead of just crying…

He soaked up a clear bandage, and with a drop of iodine, he used it to soften up the stuck ones, moving carefully so cause as little pain as possible. He slowly removed every single piece of the gauze, one by one, and used burn cream again. This time, after he took care of the other injuries, with a trembling hand, and managed to dress it all, he used the remaining bandages to create a soft padding, infused with the remaining ointment, and he bandaged his son’s back with that. He was worried, and pained with the sight… it was upsetting, knowing how bad it was in reality. It also took a long time to finish, weak as he was, and although he tried to be careful, he was sure he caused a great deal of pain to Mitchell. He wanted to cry.

When he assessed that was all, Nie leaned back against the car door, body still shaking with the effort. All of that suffering Mitchell had to take, silently…

“I’m so sorry” he said on a soft voice, suddenly feeling hopeless and useless, all good vibes from the small victory of providing breakfast gone. He couldn’t do anything to help his son, and suddenly he wished he at least wouldn’t be there to burden him further. “I think… it would be better… if you would rest… for a good while now… get some more… some more sleep… not on your back…”
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I winced at every touch on my back. It hurt like hell and I could restrain myself from shouting out. Nigel wasn't stupid. He knew the pain I was in anyway so what was the point.

Once done the burning sensation was almost... Satisfying. Sometimes you can feel the pain of your body healing, you know?

"I... I might do actually, Da. I'll lie on my side." I shit over to my side and remember the symmetrical stab wounds on my chest.

"I've forgotten to show you these" I say pointing at them gently "but they're healing nicely"
“Good… You need to rest…” Nigel was still shaking, but paradoxically, he started to feel better. The promise was a bit comforting. He was still ashamed, head reeling with guilt and pure hate towards the monsters who hurt his son. It was maddening, not being able to do anything else… knowing that the boy was in so much pain…

He sighed, when the boy showed him that wounds, too, and collected enough power to rise and try to examine it. His arms felt like they were made from lead, and judging from the pain, they were contemplating tearing out and leaving the abusing body.

This time, the boy told the truth. Most likely, the knife was clear, and while they looked painful, the stabs were shallow. Nie still reached for the kit, with trembling hands, but he managed to finish up bandaging those wounds, before his arms staged a mutiny.

“Yes… these are… really… looking better” he said, wobbling, trying to force a smile. With disastrous results. “I’m… I’m so sorry… Please… rest now… sleep… let those… heal, too…”
I agree willingly.

I could almost feel my back healing as I lay there on my side. I thought it was probably more like a placebo effect. Because, my treatment wouldn't work that quickly, surely.

I was so pleased that my stab wounds wouldn't need too much attention, firstly I didn't want to make my Father do anymore. Secondly, iodine in these wounds would hurt so much I'd hunch I've so Sharp id open my back wounds in a weird vicious circle.

I sat up and looked outside. It was a frosty morning and the car had misted up inside from our breathing, but I could see enough to see there was no immediate danger- which was good enough for me, so I lie back down on my side and put the blanket over me again; realising how cold it was without it.

I look at my shaking father. I could swear some colour was coming back into his cheeks but he looked so frail.

"You should rest too" I spoke softly to the man. "You sure you're warm enough "
“I will” promised Nie, lying easily with a smile. This was a promise he didn’t intended to keep now. “And I’ll… take care of the heating… in the meantime. Please. Rest… I’ll do so, too…”

With tremendous effort, he lifted up his arm, masking the pain with a wide smile. He pulled back the blanket over his son, tucking him in carefully.

“If you don’t sleep soon… I’ll sing… You can take this… as a threat” he joked, leaning back to his side. This way, it didn’t hurt that bad. He watched his son’s face, quietly calculating their chance of survival.

He had very little. His son, on the other hand… Nie know that he concentrates all his efforts, throwing his own healing aside, he can tend to those wounds carefully enough to fix them soon – maybe in weeks. Determination filled him, as he realized what would be their best chance.

Now, both of them were almost useless, but Mitchell still had so much inner strength, so much potential. He was young, resilient, and excluding the wounds, healthy… he had better chances to survival. At least one of them needed to. Nie smiled bitterly, as he realized they had no other way out.

Well. He couldn’t do anything else, right?

The dentist watched his son falling asleep, and when he was sure the youngster’s sleep was deep enough, he moved carefully, without making noise. He needed to know what they were working from; making inventory wasn’t so tiring, anyway. Everything was close enough to reach with a not that painful amount of effort.

For his pleasant surprise, they had quite a lot of water in gallon jugs, several small tins of ham and even small soup cans. Not much food, for both of them, wouldn’t last a week even with small rations… hm. He wasn’t hungry, anyway. The sickness made that sure. He could just give his share to Mitchell without making a fuss… the meal bars would provide a bit more strength to the boy. It was the kind which had added proteins and vitamins – Mitchell would need it. He had to gain his weight back fast.

He wanted to cheer when he found the big pack of bandages, made from a white sheet, and a container filled with green slime. It had a pleasant smell, very familiar, and while Nie was never too good in folk medicine, he recognized it. This salve was also made by Ma Baker, with maybe slightly different herbs, but it was really good for healing bruises and wounds. The woman used to give this to them, as they usually beat each other up quite severely in practice…

Good. Even a few pill boxes were hiding in the bottom, and the dentist smiled, reading the small tags. Anti-inflammation. He should give a few of these to the boy; he wasn’t willing to take risks.

He froze when a stumbling shade approached the car, then another, then another… he was trembling with the effort of keeping himself up without moving, and the leering forms skipped them, slowly moving away as they lost interest.

Nigel sighed silently, turning his attention back to the pack. Flares. A Swiss army knife. Some rope. Bug spray. Candles, matches, lighter, lighter fluid… There was a tent in the back, and he even found two guns and a very big knife. The bullet inventory yielded less pleasant results, only two full magazines and about thirty loose bullets, waiting to be reloaded. Not much. May be enough if they try to keep in the car, and out of trouble…

He packed back everything, meticulously, slowly. He was in a world of pain, but it started to become almost ordinary. Besides, he had something to focus on.

He was waiting for his son to awaken, preparing a meal bar and some pills in advance…
My sleep was fairly dreamless but uneasy. In my head I was locked in somewhere. And my body reapomded to that. A bit of tossing and turning ensued.

My blanket fell under my wrists, which I'd clasp together subconcuously. It was almost muscle memory that my wrists were tied together with something, and in my dream state, they were clasped with ghost handcuffs. My hands even moved together as if they were one single entity.

I may have muttered in my sleep, I don't know what I muttered though. But I definitely did say "they're going to hurt me". I don't know who I thought were going to hurt me...
Nie was almost dozing off when he realized his son was moving around, tossing and turning in his sleep, hands moving together. He was saying something, which sounded panicked… the dentist sprung up, but he winced from the pain, having to choke back a scream. His body couldn’t really take the strain…

“They’re going to hurt me…”

His son sounded like a frightened child. It was heart-breaking, and Nie forced himself to move slower, steadier, leaning forward to shake his son, one hand kept on his shoulder, while the left hand was separating the boy’s hands, like he was cutting a rope.

“Mitchell… Mitchell, wake up… no one can hurt you… I won’t let them… wake up… you’re… safe…”
I sat up with a jolt and looked around at mys surroundings. My breathing was stacked and heavy. I even opened the door to make sure the perpetrators of my dream like state weren't hiding.

Once I shut the door over I started to calm.

"I'm sorry. Just an uneasy sleep . I guess I'm not used to being so free. Not anymore. I choke back a tear. There was a hard lump in my throat.

I folded my shirt up and put it under my head. I sighed and looked at Nigel. "I should have died back there... I don't know how I'm alive"
The dentist watched his son’s scrambling, shaken, shaking. He collected all of his power to smile and reach out, to hug his son lightly but firmly, without touching those horrible wounds. He couldn’t do much, but he still had his words… he kissed his son’s temple.

“Css. You was meant to be free. Always. No matter what they did… they couldn’t take this from you. You are so strong, Mitchell… you always was… and you proved it… you was always to… meant to stay alive… to be vindicated… over them…”

He smiled, without bitterness. If someone was meant to die back there, it was him – he was already a dying, useless piece of meat. But not his son.

“You are… a hero, my son… never forget this… you are alive… because you are strong. You are… determinated. What’s more… I’m alive… because you are strong… without you… I would have surely… died… you saved me… so please… don’t think anything like this… we will… have to live on… don’t forget… you promised me a place to die… peacefully. I am… selfish, but I really… want that. I am… so proud of you… so… let’s be free… let’s be strong… okay?”
I nod my head still on my makeshift pillow. I few tears fell from my eyes but my face didn't move much. I stared into the vast nothingness.

I was beginning to feel numb. I was so overwhelmed. Half of me just wanted to die. But I couldn't. I was too needed. I couldn't see the way to get over this. There was no way to rebuild a normal life.
It was not working. Mitchell still looked crushed, and it twisted the dentist’s heart. The kid was strong, but the horrors they survived, the boy survived still left a very heavy mark. Nie didn’t want him to feel broken. He didn’t want him to feel alone, hopeless. He knew all too well how the kid might feel now, with everything piled on him, and suddenly, he wished he wasn’t there to burden his son even more.

He fidgeted around a bit, and managed to slink into the small space between the seats, leaning to hold his son, just touching him, not to cause pain, but to make him feel his presence.

“Don’t worry… I’m here…” he whispered, smiling. He remembered something from Blood Spring. A visit in the nursery, a bunch of kids huddled around Nancy, and the old woman was singing to them… he almost laughed. Worth a try. He remembered all the words, Irish Gaelic, and even the hum and tune…

Seoithín, seo hó, mo stór é, mo leanbh

Mo sheod gan chealg, mo chuid den tsaol mhór

Seoithín, seo hó, is mór é an taitneamh

Mo stóirín ina leaba ina chodladh gan brón.

A leanbh mo chléibh, go n-éirí do chodladh leat

Séan agus sonas a choíche in do chóir

Tá mise le do thaobh ag guí ort na mbeannacht

Seoithín, a leanbh, ní imeoidh tú leo…

His voice was still barely more than a whisper, the lullaby came out somehow broken, but he was not false at least this time… he sang the song quietly, caressing his son’s hair.
I thanked the Dentist. It made me feel comfortable. It made me feel more at home. It reminded me of the old guys who refused to speak English at home.

"Go raibh maith agat" I say, forgetting to reply in English.

I remembered a story my mother used to tell me I knew it off by heart. So I spoke it out loud. Word for word. Like in the books.


There was once in Ireland a band of brave heroes called the Fianna, and it is known that the leader of the Fianna, Finn MacCumail had a son named Oisin who was also a member of the Fianna. The Fianna were fierce in battle and sweet tongued, warrior poets in every sense of the word. Oisin was no different.

One day the men of the Fianna were out hunting by the ocean when Finn spotted something rapidly moving across the waves. The men of the Fianna thought it was an invader and began to ready themselves for battle. As the object drew closer the Fianna could only stand by in awe for what they saw was a beautiful woman riding a white horse galloping over the waves. The horse leapt ashore with the woman, and the men knew her to be one of the band of Sidhe. She introduced herself as Niamh, daughter of Manannan Mac Lir, god of the sea and she had traveled from Tir na nÓg, the land of eternal youth. The men were entranced by her beauty, her long golden hair, fine garments made of silk and jewels of gold and precious stones.

Niamh had heard about Oisin and his talent for reciting beautiful poetry, and after laying eyes on him immediately fell in love. After a few days in Conemmara it was time for Niamh to return to Tir na nÓg but the thought of leaving Oisin pulled at her heart and so asked Oisin to come with her to Tir na nÓg. Oisin could not refuse and so jumped on the back of Niamh’s beautiful white horse, said farewell to his father and fellow warriors and galloped across the western seas to the land of eternal youth.

It was not long before Oisin and Niamh were married with the consent of her parents who also loved Oisin very much. They had a family and relished every moment together in this land that knew no pain or sorrow. However after many years Oisin yearned to visit his family and friends in Ireland. Niamh reluctantly agreed to Oisin returning to Conemmara but made him promise never to dismount the horse while there. Oisin promised and kissed her goodbye as she cried for fear that she would never see her beloved husband again.

Oisin drifted across the waves on the back of the great white horse and soon viewed the cliffs of Conemmara in the distance. On reaching the shore Oisin rushed to his family but found their home no longer there. He traveled to Dun Aileann where the Fainna camped, and found the camp covered with weeds. Oisin asked some hunters in the field about Finn and the Fianna, and was told that they’d been dead for hundreds of years. After some confusion Oisin realized what had happened, one day in Tir na nÓg was the same as a year in Ireland, Oisin had been gone for hundreds of years. The only thing for Oisin to do now was travel back to Tir na nÓg and so headed for the coast of Conemarra. On the way he met some hunters struggling to move a large rock and could not bear to watch them struggle so reached down hanging from the saddle to help the hunters. With one last heave Oisin slipped from the saddle and fell to the ground. What the hunters saw drained the blood from their faces and they turned as white as the horse Oisin fell from. Oisin had rapidly aged and crumbled to the ground as dust. With fright the white horse took off and galloped to the west across the ocean back to Tir na nÓg greeting Niamh who trembled with tears knowing she’d never see her beloved Oisin again."

“Tá fáilte romhat” Nie smiled, positioning himself so he wouldn’t have to hold himself up so much. He was worried about his son still, but at least the kid looked a bit less devastated now… the dentist listened to his words, silently caressing Mitchell’s cropped hair and bruised face. He desperately wanted to help somehow, and he couldn’t do a thing…

…that tale was so sad. It somehow felt nostalgic. A really old legend from Ireland, told by a boy after the end… Nie sighed, smiling a bit bitterly. He was in silence for a while after his son finished, contemplating what to say.

“I guess we shouldn’t go to Ireland directly, then” he whispered, trying to joke. “We should aim for Tir na nÓg, directly. No relent until then…”

He leaned in to kiss his son’s forehead, then forced a smile – that came out also naturally, no matter the pain. He lifted the small meal bar, and the pills, handing them to the kid.

“Since you already took care of the bedtime tale… you should eat a bit” he said quietly. “And drink. You need your power back fast. You are so thin now… I prefer you muscled. That would make me even more proud…”
I smile wearily. I take whatever the dentist offers me and I try to eat it. I try to keep it down the best I can. My withered body had changed from a picture of health to death and disease right before my very eyes.

I felt weak... But i think I was just weak because of my thoughts, not because of my injuries or my head. My hair was beginning to grow, which was nice. But it was going to take months to rid Darius' face off of my reflection. My curly hair was different to his straight hair. But not this short.
Nie stayed where he was, grateful the moment of peace they were granted. The seat’s edge helped him stay upright without much effort, and as he slowly got used to the pain, it felt almost comfortable.

He smiled, a bit relieved, as the boy accepted the food without much ruckus. He watched him to eat it, to swallow the pills, to drink… it felt comforting, knowing he managed to do something, even if so little. He wanted his boy to grow strong, so he could be…

The dentist caressed his son’s hair, trying to calm him down, give him some power. The boy was so strong and brave, but even heroes got exhausted in real life…

“Rest more” he said, quietly. “I can keep watch… this place seems to be calm, and the car is strong enough. Sleep more, son. I’ll wake you up if something comes, okay?”
I nod slowly. Solemly. No matter how much I slept I couldn't shake this tired feeling. I think my body wanted all the sleep it could muster.

I lie back down again wriggling into a comfortable position.

"Thanks da... Goodnight"
“You’ll feel better soon” whispered the dentist, carefully tucking in his son. He was careful, he had to be, he was shaking too much, and it took almost all of his concentration to avoid touching the injuries.

Tomorrow, he’ll have to change the bandages. He will use that green salve, too…

“Oíche mhaith agus codladh sámh… ”

He sat back silently, watching over his son’s sleeping form. He was tired, too, but way too worried to sleep himself… he just started his silent enumeration again, keeping watch. The pain sometimes flared up again, but he kept the poise and the silence, only drinking once when he realized he forgot to.

Ironically, the days of hell were a really good training for this. He couldn’t faint, he couldn’t give out a sound, if he not wanted his son get hurt – and now, the danger stayed. The horrific capture, the torments left a heavy mark on his kid, and Mitchell would be hurt even more if he realized he was the only one left standing… Nie almost smiled. He won’t have much time to try and ease his son’s pain, that was very clear…

He winced when the shadows came, then he kept as still as possible when he realized he wasn’t dreaming awake. The scenario was vaguely familiar – all those silent forms, leering faces, as the biters outside peered inside the car, without moving, faces all rotten in the darkness. Nie was trembling with fear and weakness, trying to stay calm. It was like those silent faces were accusing him again, without spoken words, and he wanted to scream at them, swearing that this time he will keep his promise, keep his son safe and strong…
I didn't hear the zombies coming. Must have been in the worlds deepest of sleeps.

Ironically Darius always said "you'd sleep through the apocalypse "

My dreams were mundane. Like really mundane. Popping to the corner shop to by some chip shop gravy. That mundane. Probably because I was missing the mundane I did miss just popping to the shop. Lie ins. Pyjama days. Movies. I missed it. And now sleeping in a car I'd stolen off my captor felt normal...
Nie was trembling with the effort of keeping still and silent, trying to not give out themselves to the biters outside. Some of the shapes had deformed heads, which suggested clickers… if they were to attack, there was nothing they could do.

Suddenly, the dentist could visualize that eerily well… glass crashed in, hands grabbing… it happened once to him, luckily, he was wearing armour, and his partner then could ram them, but it was certainly scary, and Nigel was becoming more and more terrified. He didn’t even dare to move an inch, lest he would warn the herd that there was prey inside…

His body was aching everywhere by the strain for the time the biters decided to left, not long before dawn. Nie still didn’t dare to move for a long time, still hallucinating hearing them, scared that if he moved, both of them was to be killed…

After the sun was up, and nature’s sounds returned, the dentist sighed, and looked at the boy. He was still sleeping, soundly, sweetly, and seeing this made the burden a bit lighter. The man smiled, reaching out for the food rations.

Time to make breakfast for Mitchell…
I woke up to a hustle and bustle.

I open one eye and see my dad making food.

My stomach screams but j know k have to eat.

"Mooornnniinnggg" I sing with a stretch and a smile

But I could see something was wrong.
“Good morning…” Nigel smiled back, placing down the soup can with a trembling hand. He really liked that design; twist the bottom of the tin to warm. It almost looked like real food, slightly steaming. He added a spoon, smiling. “Breakfast is ready… Chicken soup, this time… Be thankful that… I wasn’t the one… who made it…”

He tried to joke, but he was shaking still… he tried to hide it by leaning against the seat, keeping his face straight. He managed to not wince from the fire burning up in his back. He continued to prepare the coffee with the same snap pad he used before, but his hand was shaking so much he spilled the water.

“Sorry. Will finish… your coffee soon…”
I hold my palm out "leave the coffee, don't worry about it... Thanks for the soup!!!"

I take the soup but notice that something had frightened him something terrible.

"Arebyouokwy?" I ask softly
“You’ll… still have to… take these. With water, then…” Nie held out the pills, although he didn’t feel whether his son had a fever. Still, he wasn’t willing to take any risks.

He tried to smile at the inquiry.

“Sorry… bad dream… mixed with… a few points of… reality. Nothing to… worry about. Please… eat. And drink. I’ll have to… check your injuries… later… Could you… rest well?”
I nod at him suspiciously. I keep slurping my soup and then pour myself a drop of water and take a tablet with a mock toll of my eyes.

"Reality? Open up." I say in mock authority.
Nigel smiled, looking at the boy. He held an empty cup still in his hand, which helped him a bit to concentrate. He decided to fess up simply, with a slight shrug, constricted by the seat behind.

“A few… biters… just stood there… looking in. Sorry… I thought if we moved… they would realize… we are food… so I kept low… they left soon. Nothing to… worry about…”

The dentist was just looking over his son, slightly worried. His spirits looked a bit higher, true, but still…
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