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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Yes!!! A hospital bed. Perfect. And it looked relatively clean... I go over to my dad and virtually pick him up

"I've got you a bed!" I say excitedly and I carry him and lie him down on it. He looked more comfortable.

The cupboards looked raised. But the raider had been careless. There were tonnes of useful pills left. Maybe I could save my dad!
Nie tried to smile, no matter how exhausted and anguished he was. His son’s excitement was adorable. And a bed was a bit more comfortable, that was true… he laid there, closing his eyes.

“Try… to find… ” he couldn’t finish the sentence. His thoughts were scattered, and he rummaged around them. He read a few publications back in med school, there was some kind of wound dressing specifically designed for infected injuries, and another one for burns, but the names somewhere got lost… he could only remember the emblems. “Silver… snake… Black… tri… triangle… with… red dots…”

He was struggling with the words. It was hard. He trailed off.

“Don’t… leave… Lucy… in the car… alone…”
"She's fine... The car is locked she's keeping guard" I say with a smile as I come in with tonnes of medicines.

Bottles and bottles of pills

I'm going to need you to tell me which of these will help you. " Because, honestly, I haven't a clue."

I put them all on the bed for Nifel to inspect. (Getting ready to go to work :-()
Nie started to feel even more dizzy, reeling from pain and exhaustion. He could barely comprehend the boy’s words. Lucy… they were talking about Lucy… she was a dog, right? Joy loved dogs, she wanted one…

“Good… Joy… will play with her…” he smiled. His mind started to get cloudy, but he still understood why his son put those pill containers next to him. He needed the dentist to tell him what those were, right? It was almost easy, although he was never good in pharmacology.

“These… are diuretics… when there is… too much… water in your body… and these… lower the blood pressure… this one is… antipyretic… for fever… amoxicillin… this is… an antibiotic… treating infections… nitro-glycerine… for heart problems… this one… antihistamine… for allergies…”

He could barely lift his hand. Reading was also difficult. He couldn’t entirely understand what Mitchell asked from him, so he just named all he could…
Nie tried to think. He couldn’t understand what his son was asking from him. He felt like his head was filled with steel wool, scratching on his brain, erasing all thoughts and memories. Something was not entirely right. Why was he feeling pain all over? He couldn’t remember, at all.

Something about helping him. He couldn’t understand it. What happened? They were in the hospital, right? This time… because of him? Usually, father was the one… but what the boy said… and he really could feel the pain…

Maybe he fell down. Got injured. He could have a concussion. That’s why he was so dizzy. Or…

He felt hot and cold, at the same time. Maybe he has fever.

“T-this…” he tried to reach for the antipyretic. He failed, grunting from the pain. Something was off…
"Okay. Okay... Stay with me" I say pouring some of the requested tablets into my hand and giving my father two with a cup of water.

"This will hurt but you have to swallow them. Do it one at a time if it's easier".

I watched my father wince

Even thinking of it hurt. The dentist couldn’t really puzzled out why, he was too delirious for that. Some things were crystal clear, though. This was his son, watching him with a worried face, an intangible urge and helplessness in his voice… and he really wanted Mitchell not to worry.

Mitchell was hurt. His son was hurt. And he was hurting him further… Nie grabbed into this thought, and nodded, slowly, painfully. He tried to rise up, so he could take the medicine, gasping from pain. Something held him back from crying out loud. A strange, inapprehensible threat. Something bad would happen if he would scream…

“Help… me…” his voice was barely a whisper. He really wanted to do what Mitchell asked, now… he just couldn’t…
"Okay.. Okay." I placed the tablet into my fathers mouth and held the cup to him.

It looked like a painful pill to swallow but it worked.

I soaked a flannel in water and folded it onto his forehead as I carefully lay him back down.

"Hopefully they'll help you. I'll sit here and wait for them to start working. Please. Please tell me if you need ANYTHING"
It was difficult. Even the small amount of water and the pills made him nauseous, like he ate a full feast, way too much… Nie had to struggle to not to throw up instantly. He kept it down, trying to choke back everything.

He wasn’t sure where he is, what was happening, but he still tried. He really felt sick now, and the cool material against his forehead was wonderful. The dentist tried to smile, maybe even managed it.

“Thank… you…”

He closed his eyes, as the room started to jump around like a crazed kid. It made him even more dizzy. He just felt so tired… and now, Mitchell was next to him. He felt safe…
"Come on come on come on, you're okay... We can do this together m. Breathe with me". I held my fathers hand tight

Jesus Christ. It was like Nigel was giving birth or something

"If you need to scream. Just scream."

I had to take control. I had to be in control.
The room stopped, very slowly. The dentist tried to concentrate. He felt a bit relieved… he kind of disliked carousels. Especially when they smelled like death.

The words filled his head, giving him a little grip on what is happening. Somehow, the pieces slowly started to puzzle themselves together. Nie opened his eyes, and tried to give a convincing smile. He wasn’t sure he managed it.

“I think… I’ll… just need… to rest… a little…” his voice was shaking. And as he tried to move, turning a bit towards his son, he really gave out a whimper, as his body reminded him quite crudely what was the bigger problem. He only not screamed because he would have needed air for that.

“O-okay… scratch that…” he swallowed. He already dreaded what will happen next. “I think… we should… check on… my brandings…”
The scream was ear peircing and it went right through me. It curdled my blood.

"Okay yes we should." I say and I slowly, cautiously sit my dad up to lift his shirt.

"Okay I'm going to turn you around now... It will hurt. But please bear with it."

I take the man by the hips and slowly turn him around. I can see the mess that is his back. Wet bandages slacked inside deep cuts. I gulp.
“O…okay…” the dentist couldn’t really brace himself for this. He didn’t have the power anymore… he hissed as the shirt parted from his skin. He really wanted to scream, but now, knowing where they were, it didn’t seem like a good idea. Although his head was reeling, and he felt dizzy with weakness, he really didn’t want to attract biters.

Every single breath, every single movement hurt. Maybe his back panged worse than the ones on his abdomen… he really hoped it is not so bad. He remembered some vague details about what can leukaemia cause, and one was being more susceptible to infections… he could just wish that it wasn’t entirely true. He had this before the End, after all. He was put through the works of a medieval torture chamber then, and still survived…

He looked down, after contemplating a bit, and then he wished he didn’t. He could see the reddish-purple skin on the “B”s on his abdomen, how the bandages stuck into the wounds… liquor made them yellow, and the pus leaking from the gunshot wound’s stiches made him want to vomit. The safety belt left a nice, blue-and-purple streak on his skin, and on his chest, where the wheel hit on the burnt marks, the skin come off. All of this on his body, which already suspiciously looked like something that escaped from a skeleton exhibition… He dreaded to think how his back might look. Too much friction…

Nie closed his eyes, trying to keep himself together. He needed to be strong, after all… Mitchell said he needed him… he just couldn’t speak yet, couldn’t do anything.
I didn't m kW what to do. It looked Mighty infected. All I could suggest was taking the tablets that Nigel said were anti bionics. I propped him on his side and remembered that green sludge in the backpack, which was by by feet, and the bandages.

I took off the bandages and rubbed in the green sludge like the farmer showed me. I recovered every wound with a bandage. My father whimpered. But didn't make too much sound.

I then sat him back up and gave him one anti biotic, and kept the rest four later. There was enough for a 2 week course at least.

"This will help the infection "
Nigel kept passing out and waking up, as his son slowly took care of his injuries. The pain was simply too much for him, he couldn’t keep it together anymore… he wanted to scream every single time Mitchell touched his wounds. He didn’t, but he couldn’t muffle all sounds.

It felt like pure hell. Something was very, very off, although he couldn’t grasp what. The pain numbed his mind, clouding his thoughts. The dentist gave up after a while. He just soldiered through the treatment with gritting teeth, and tried not to faint. With moderate success.

“…Sorry…” he sighed, trying to collect himself. “I… I think…”

He trailed off. He couldn’t finish the thought. He just closed his eyes, breathing out.

“…thank… you…”
"Something isn't right... It's not.. This doesn't seem... Right. There has to be some help somewhere... I'm going to find it.. You wait there. Don't. Don't move" I say walking out the door, tripping over a cabinet on the way out.

I checked every room. Until I came across the doctors office it was a wash with books

Cancer- Leukemia and it's effects

Fighting infection- the ideal first aid for deep cuts and gashes

Nie almost laughed when his son said ‘don’t move’. He couldn’t scramble of the strength needed to nod. It was funny, and made him warm somehow.

“I…promise… won’t… move… a bit…” he chuckled weakly, mustering up a quite convincing smile. He still almost broke his promise when Mitchell tripped, but his reward was quick and painful for the involuntary jerk… he sighed, trying to move back to ease the pain.

The dentist closed his eyes. He felt too weak. Too exhausted. So close to giving up… he was shaking from pain now. He desperately wanted something to quench the fire in his back and abdomen. Anything. Even the darkness.

He still didn’t want to leave. He promised. Promised Mitchell he will stay alive. He broke enough oaths before… this one seemed the most important now.

Nie slowly slid back into the welcoming darkness, hanging to life with all his might.
"Right I've got these books!" I say once again tripping over the cabinet that was spewed on the floor. "Interesting this one here say.... DAD? Dad?? Come on wake up."

I drop the books and run over to his side. Still breathing. Just slow. And extremely delayed.

"Come on please. Please. Wake up again". I start tap tap tapping his cheek, Using the sludge as smelling salts. Everything.

I tore open the cancer book and searched frantically for ANYTHING about fainting...

"Fainting is also a symptom of Leukemia ". Great. That's it?
The dentist was rudely torn back from the comforting darkness by his son’s panicked voice. He blinked. Was there always this dark in the room? It seemed like…

Oh. Nightfall.

Night was dangerous.

“I’m… here” he mumbled, still dazed. “I… didn’t… move… not… a bit… promise…”

It was painful. Everything was painful. He could barely think. But he still mustered up enough power for a smile.

“Are… you… all… right…?”
My brow was furrowed in the book. It was crap. Useless. Like reading sodding Latin or something.

"I don't get this stupid fucking book" I cry out exasperated.

It made no sense...

"a malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs produce increased numbers of immature or abnormal leucocytes. These suppress the production of normal blood cells, leading to anaemia and other symptoms"

I read it out loud

"What the shit is that supposed to mean?!"
“La…language!...” that didn’t sound quite as stern as Nie intended to. His voice was too weak and raspy for that.

He tried to think. The words were familiar. He knew them.

“It just… means… blood becomes weaker… makes you weaker… bleeding… won’t stop… easily” he tried to explain it. Make the kid understand. “It means… the cancer… will poison… your blood… weaken… you… against… illnesses…”
"Great thanks.... So how to cure it...

There are a number of different medical approaches to the treatment of leukemia. Treatment will typically depend upon the type of leukemia, the patient's age and health status, as well as whether or not the leukemia cells have spread to the cerebrospinal fluid. The genetic changes or specific characteristics of the leukemia cells as determined in the laboratory can also determine the type of treatment that may be most appropriate.

Watchful waiting may be an option for some people with a chronic leukemia who do not have symptoms. This involves close monitoring of the disease so that treatment can begin when symptoms develop. Watchful waiting allows the patient to avoid or postpone the side effects of treatment. The risk of waiting is that it may eliminate the possibility of controlling the leukemia before it worsens.

Treatments for leukemia include chemotherapy (major treatment modality for leukemia), radiation therapy,
biological therapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplant. Combinations of these treatments may be used. Surgical removal of the spleen can be a part of treatment if the spleen is enlarged.

Acute leukemia needs to be treated when it is diagnosed, with the goal of inducing a remission (absence of leukemia cells in the body). After remission is achieved, therapy may be given to prevent a relapse of the leukemia. This is called consolidation or maintenance therapy. Acute leukemias can often be cured with treatment.

Chronic leukemias are unlikely to be cured with treatment, but treatments are often able to control the cancer and manage symptoms. Some people with chronic leukemia may be candidates for stem cell transplantation, which does offer a chance for cure.

Many patients opt to receive a second opinion before beginning treatment for leukemia. In most cases, there is time to receive a second opinion and consider treatment options without making the treatment less effective. However, in rare cases of very aggressive leukemias, treatment must begin immediately. Someone should discuss with a doctor the possibility of obtaining a second opinion and any potential delays in treatment. Most doctors welcome the possibility of a second opinion and will not be offended by a patient's wish to obtain one.

That's not good... So no magic pills then... Shit shit, I doubt there's a working radiotherapy room about here."
“Please… Mitchell… watch your… language…” the dentist closed his eyes. The words were familiar; he could almost see the pages of a textbook. It was crystal clear, sadly.

“No… there is… no magic… magic pill… no treatment… without electricity… no… nothing… we can… do… without… labs… surgeons.. sorry… but… I think… you… don’t have… to worry… about that… anymore…” he sighed. “She… gave me… blood… blood transfusion… for a while… it helps… I’m just… weak… cannot… resist… anything… and…”

He swallowed, painfully.

“I’ll… be… all right… I just… need to rest… don’t worry… you took… took care… of my… wounds… I’ll… be… all right…”
"It's the infections isn't it? Right."

I pick up the infection book...

I read aloud


Antibiotics are used to treat most wound infections. Sometimes, you also may need surgery to treat the infection.


You may be started on antibiotics to treat the surgical wound infection. The length of time you will need to take the antibiotics varies, but will be for at least 1 week . You may be started on IV antibiotics and then changed to pills later. Take all of your antibiotics, even if you feel better.

The pus from your wound may be tested to figure out the best antibiotic. Some wounds are infected with
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureau (MRSA), which is resistant to commonly used antibiotics. A MRSA infection will need a specific antibiotic to treat it." I smile. Antibiotics were what I was doing. But it was getting too dark to read any more. I sit on the floor.

"I'll sort you out in the morning"

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