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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Johnny laughed, watching the boy with a satisfied grin. He was back in control now, found the right buttons to push to break the kid entirely, and this time, he realized he really became bored.

It was a long chase. But it was done now. All done now. The excitement wasn’t the same as before… but he decided to see it through. After all, the humiliation and anger of the previous days demanded punishment.

He reached down, hauling up the kid, and brought him back to the hook on the wall. He hung him there, this time facing to the room. He looked into his eyes, grinning.

“I was lying, you know. Your daddy is still alive, and might be able to heal entirely” he lied. Although his wife said for sure he could fix the man’s body, all attempts to communicate with the dentist were only met with stumped, dead silence, or hysterical laughter (well, that was when he punched him in his side, and then the nurse stopped him). The man was a vegetable. “But you made me angry. So I’ll bring him out and simply kill him in front of you. He will die. Because you were stupid…”
I breathe heavily and give a look of anger on my face

"You bastard!!!" I scream at him and spit in his face. (He deserved it, one more night of pain and I'm free so I didn't care).

I was raging at him. Inside I was happy, but so mad that somebody could do that to a human being... I hoped tomorrow's zombie herd was going to eat him alive.
Well. That certainly did the trick; the man was laughing with flared up anger, hitting the boy in the ribs for the spit.

“And for this cheek, I’ll personally torture him before hanging him up” he promised with ice-cold hate. His determination became perfectly solid now. “Be good. I’ll go talk to my wife, ask her to make sure he would be aware of the pain tomorrow.”

Johnny laughed, contented now. He carried himself with reborn confidence as he left the room, heading to his wife’s quarters…
My face is filled with pure fear... But as soon as the man left the room my face turned into a smirk... One of those people would mockingly call "a shit eating grin". Everything was going swimmingly.

All I had to do was worry about the herds coming. But they would surely come. It would be terrible luck if they didn't.

They were probably going to hurt Nigel before then but it had to be done.

"Sorry Nigel mate. But it's an imperative, mate" I say to him. Even though he's not in the room. I laugh a little to myself and wait
“My sweet angel!” the man called out as he stepped into his wife’s room. He wore a big grin, almost entirely forgetting about his pain.

The room was empty. Johnny frowned. The nurse spent more and more time lately next to the dentist, and his jealousy flared up now, making him even more determined to kill the broken man. No one else than him had the privilege of hogging his wife’s time.

And truly, she was in the infirmary, checking on the dentist’s vitals with a face of pure concentration. Johnny stepped to her, hugging her waist.

“I have news, my sweet angel. I’ve got the boy… and I broke him. Perfectly.” he said. “We don’t need this fucker anymore. You can’t fix him, anyway. I’ll kill the boy tomorrow – hanging him from the same tree his brother before. But not before he sees his precious father die…”
"You cruel cruel man" the nurse smiled "that's why I loves you". She tapped him on the nose.

"And thank god, this thing was taking up all of my time. It was becoming a chore more than a hobby.. Good riddance to bad rubbish."

She kissed the man on his forehead. Getting on her tiptoe to do so
Johnny grinned triumphantly, rising his wife into the air.

“My love. And I’ve almost thought I’ll have to argue with you!” he stepped backwards, not even looking at the prone body on the bed. “Come. Let’s celebrate a bit… before I return to my captive. Pack this guy up tomorrow morning. I guess he will still be able to scream…”

Nigel tensed reflexively, listening on the man’s cruel words. His heart was racing now, he couldn’t stay entirely calm…

Even if he knew they caught Mitchell with the boy’s intention, the thought still rattled him. Just like the words about breaking his son completely. He could only pray that the boy would really be all right…

As he was left alone, he closed his eyes, and started the enumeration again, this time finding solace in the names. He tried to rest.

He will need all of his energy tomorrow…
My ribs started to ache while I waited for Johnny to get back. I'm pretty sure being hung here was stretching me out.

Naturally I start wriggling and shouting for hell.

It looked realistic- and hey I migh be let down from this god forsaken hook. But I couldn't complain. At least I was clothed. That was a start.
Johnny returned to the room good half an hour later, with a wide, happy grin. Alone. Although he felt the urge to invite his wife back there after a good romp, he realized he will have to watch his prisoner all night. No way he will leave him a chance to escape.

As much as he enjoyed the screaming and squirming, he was starting to get slightly bored from it. He stepped to the boy, throwing him down the floor.

“Shut your trap. Or I’ll get two of my ugliest soldiers to really rape your father right in front of you” he spat the words at the boy, dragging him to the bed. He chained the kid back to the iron bars, letting him sit on the ground.

“Now be quiet…”

His words made me sick And I was beginning to think he'd actually do that. So I do keep quiet only whimpering slightly. Even when it's calculated, this treatment wasn't comfortable. It was still disturbing it was still scary.

I didn't trust him anymore, so every so often I check to make sure my combats are pulled up efficiently.

Oh my god, the knight. I felt around my underwear with heels which wasn't easy and I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle somewhere in my leg. But low and behold it was still there. And that comforted me a little.
Johnny felt satisfied when the boy did shut up, most likely scared to death; he didn’t really have had any idea how to force his soldiers to do something like that, anyway. That scarred, skeleton-thin body might have been a turnoff for even the sickest ones. The soft whimpers were almost comforting, and lulled him into a nice, delicious sleep. He even forgot about the pain in his jaw.

He awoke with a nice stretch, yawning, before sitting up to kick into the boy’s side with a wide grin.

“Wakey, wakey… this is your big day!” he crowed, filling up with urge – not that annoying sense that he knew he wouldn’t get to satisfy. This was waiting for what it felt the best moment of his life, and it was sure to come.

The man got into his uniform, carefully putting away his weapons, then released the cuffs from the bed, hauling the boy to his feet.

“Come on. Your daddy awaits…”
I sigh , gulp and walk to the door. Quite happy to be uncuffed. It made things easier. Being clothed was better than j could ask for , too

I started shaking. I was nervous about the whole thing. If it didn't work then we both would die. The day needed to go without a hitch if I was to survive at all.
Johnny grinned, watching the boy trembling in fear. This was good, it felt good. He didn’t feel the need for mind games anymore. Everything from now on would be simple – he makes the dentist scream, watches the boy break down completely again, then kill them both.

No more chance to escape. No more humiliation.

He was confident again. He ordered a few of his men to accompany them to the tree – not too many, of course. Only the willing. It was all just fun, after all, and it was broad daylight. They made sure to clear the area in the last week, after all…

And he devised a wonderful method to try. A real treat. A speciality that no other captive got before. After all, this was a special occasion.

That’s why he ordered his men to take one of the smaller cruisers, and made them throw the dentist on board. He wasn’t in a mood good enough to carry him, after all… he will make the boy walk, though, with him…

Nigel left himself to be manhandled. He was dressed, but not bound again, which was relieving; his wrists already bore wide reddish welts from the constant handcuffing.

The dentist tried not to show he knows what’s next. He let himself to be lifted and dragged, slumped, without moving his limbs, just staring into nothing…
I couldn't believe I was walking to the tree again. Some other men who I didn't know we're with us. This troubled me, I didn't know if they could run faster than me... Nigel. I was going to have to lift him wasn't I. I checked... The car was still there. And I could see movement in the woods... A herd. Thank god.

The tree was getting nearer and nearer to me as I was shoved forward. I was shaking so much I fell down every so often. This was real fear. I hoped everything would be okay

As the burning sun scorched my face, I was brought back to being marched up this hill with my brother. Rifles in our backs. Tears in our eyes
Johnny was enjoying himself as he watched the tearful, terrified eyes of the boy. He was laughing now, and although most of his men didn’t join him in this, the man still felt wonderful.

He ordered one of his soldiers to hold down the boy while he carefully devised his preparations for the execution. Since he wanted to torture the old man first, they had to prop up a chair, and knot up an extra rope with a branch so they could tie him up standing upright on the chair. While his men were working on this, Johnny took out the battery from the car, and brought out the wires.

“You two are in for a great treat” he laughed, instructing his men to tie up the dentist. He was almost disappointed as he saw the empty eyes again. Some fight would have been nice. Oh well. ”I hadn’t used electricity since the beginning of the End…”

Nie was starting to get afraid. While he was bound almost loosely to the branch which hold him standing with spread arms, he still felt scared, watching his son stealthily under the pretence of aimless, mindless stare. He couldn’t do anything than trust in him now… so he did, almost smiling.

If they die now… well…

They won’t.

It was Mitchell’s plan. And judging from the circumstances, it might will work…
I watched.. They were tying him to a tree. Dangerous territory. And early too. I hadn't had the chance to figure everything out fully.

But I watched. The binds were loose. They could be untied easily.

"JESUS FUCK STOP" I scream,though nobody paid attention.

Then the trees started rustling more... Within half a minute, a herd was merging in, ten abreast coming towards us. The soldiers, nor Johnny had noticed yet, but I keep screaming and staring st the herd, to make sure they turn around and let go of me.

I spring to my feet and go to the tree untying Nigel and draping him over my shoulder as the soldiers began shooting at the herd that was coming quickly towards us.

I run in their direction but a little bit to the side so not to many of the herd come to us.

We were being shot at, but somehow none hit us.

I eventually got to the car. I took the keys from under the tyre. I opened the drivers seat door and plonked Nigel in the passenger seat and jump in myself. I start the ignition and slam on the gas.

I was still being shot at and it smashed the window. But I veered the car out of the barracks

We were free. If we could escape what came next that is.
Johnny felt wonderful. He instructed his men carefully – how to bind the old man, strong enough to hold, loose enough so the dentist could squirm around most deliciously when the electrical shocks would hit. How to help him place the battery high enough to use it easily.

He enjoyed the boy’s screams. He hadn’t even started torturing his old man, and the kid already screamed his throat raw. Maybe he was so broken he was starting to go crazy from fear.

He only realized something was wrong when he prepared the wires for the first shock, and while the boy was screaming, he was staring not at him and his “daddy”, but to the…

Johnny turned, and paled, fast and hard.

“Oh, shit…”

He threw away the battery, reaching for his gun. Every single men followed his example. The commander’s mind was racing; he couldn’t understand how the herd got here in broad daylight without them noticing. Then he remembered why the boy escaped the first time, and he turned back, just in time to see the kid carrying his daddy away.

He shot at them, of course. It was the worst idea, ever… but he was so strung he missed, with every single bullet. Like an invisible shield would protect those two…

Nie felt dizzy, as Mitchell grabbed him. He tried to move, doing his best now, but he could barely muster up the power to try to hold onto his son. He was still too weak… he wondered silently when and how the kid got so strong. He couldn’t name the moment. He still enjoyed it immensely, it made him so proud…

The pain was stronger by the minute as his son carried him to a waiting car, and put him inside… Nigel still smiled, watching Mitchell to concentrate.

There was nothing he could do. He could barely raise his arms. He could just watch on and pray, and he was still happy. It felt strangely good. His son made this plan, and somehow executed it before they would have been hurt… it felt wonderful.

“I’m so proud of you” the dentist whispered, slumped on the seat.
"Don't mention it". I don't take my eyes off the "road" so i didn't smash into tree or something. I see headlights in the distance behind

"They're following us" I mutter, before pushing the accelerator harder and trying my hardest today in control of the car. I found a round which I turned on to. I slammed on the gas and we were off. Losing them a mile a minute.

I cheered and punched the air. I was free.
Johnny was cursing and roaring freely, shooting at the herd, without much avail. They were slowly closing in.

Two of his men was busy with putting the cruiser’s battery back together, and the commander felt ashamed by his own stupidity. But how would he know that after all that cleaning up, a hidden herd still managed to remain?

Finally, his men finished repairing the car, while Johnny held the herd under fire with the others, sometimes shooting after the escaping pair. He could barely bear the sight of that two fleeing, even if he realized that ultimately, all of Mitchell’s effort would be for naught. After all, he was dragging along an empty skeleton of a man, without supplies, blindly escaping in the direction of even more biters.

He still wished to catch them, and when he climbed inside and roared his order, the man sitting at the wheel obeyed, starting the car to chase down the other.

It was futile. All was futile. They were held back by the countless herd which flowed out from the forest, ultimately stopping the car, and Johnny screamed in anger as the strong arms of a clicker smashed in the windshield…

Nie tried to keep himself upright, without much avail. He realized quickly how painful the bumpy road is, his beaten body hurt with every jerk the car jumped. He really couldn’t move, so all he could do was glancing into the mirror again and again, then watch his son’s face of pure concentration as he drove along the newly found way.

He saw the fresh injuries; it made his stomach clench with painful worry. Thinking back, what Johnny said that place was, Nie started becoming concerned about something else. It must have been dreadful, seeing again the scene unfold on the exact same place his brother died… the dentist swallowed. Throughout all his own pain, the idea that how much of this could have hurt Mitchell seemed to sear the worst.

“Are you… all right?...” he asked the boy, voice still raspy, this time from concern, too.
"Honestly, I'm fine." I say with a smile. The feeling of elation masked any other pain in my body. I pay my dad on the shoulder.. "We're going to make it alive!"

I looked at my dad. He was better than when he was being tortured now. But he was still gravely ill. There had to be a working hospital somewhere, and with a tank of fuel, and a Jerry can fill in the back, I was going to find it.
Nie watched his son's proud, happy face. The boy really seemed to be just fine. The dentist smiled, almost forgetting about the pain. His concern remained, however. He remembered all too well how they tormented Mitchell.

"You're still... injured..." he sighed. "They've hurt you... so much... I'm happy... you're this strong..."
"I'll feel the pain soon" I grimace slightly "but for now I'm letting my happiness flow. We're going to get far away from here.. Then we're going to find shelter. We're going to rebuild our lives, pa."
Nie's smile was a tad bitter, as the boy spoke. He couldn't really believe how lucky he was, having a son now and here, having a family after all his sins, all his failings...

He just wasn't sure he deserved any it. As much as he loved Mitchell... he failed him. He lied to him. He desperately wanted the family last. He just couldn't bear the thought he gave a reason for his son to distrust him.

"Thank you... but are you sure of this? I... I am really a murderer. I lied to you. You were hurt... because I didn't keep my promises. I won't lie... I really want that. For as long as possible. I just... don't want to hurt you anymore, son..."
I pull the Land Rover over and stare at the Dentist.

"Don't say that. You're not a murderer. Not anymore. The past is the past. You're my dad. And that's all that maters. Now please don't say that again"

I smile and start the car up again.
Nie nodded, with a relieved smile. He started to feel a bit better looking into Mitchell's determined, honest face.

"I was mortified when he made me admit it" he said quietly. "I felt I was about to losing you. I couldn't bear the tought of losing my family again. I feel stupid for trying to hide the truth from you... I am lucky that you are so kind and lenient, son."

The dentist closed his eyes, with head tilted back.

"I guess we will have a long way to go" he sighed, somehow still content and happy. "Building a new life for us, you said, son? I think I will enjoy it immensely. Although I won't be a big help for quite a while, I'm afraid... we are blessed you are this strong... I... I still want to look over your injuries as soon as possible. I am worried... please, leave me to do that... well, as much as I will be able to... I don't know if you've... managed to gather supplies... I guess we will need to collect everything all over again..."

He silenced, a bit dizzy. He didn't even try to hide it this time, though. He just leaned back against the seat, slightly wincing from pain, and watched his son.
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