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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

When Angelica entered the lower deck, all she would see is a mess of blood and body parts splattering the entire lower deck, entrails and gore littering the entire place. The Savage would stand in the middle of it, seeming untouched by the mess, and sheathed his cutlass.

"You came late to the party, Angel Girl. I'm already done here."
As I notice all the enemy's felt with I say "okay everybody back on to the Black Rose. Our target should just be a half an hour behind this vessel" And as everyone starts to exit I tap my foot on the deck and a fountain of water comes up through all the decks of the ship flooding it.
The Savage would walk back up the steps, bumping into the Angel as he would go, and went up to the top deck, where he then leaped back to the Black Rose and watched as the enemy ship began to sink.
Annabelle jumped to the Black Rose, happy and relieved that the boy was being taken care of. She then blanched, pointing. "Captain, look starboard!"

A giant green hump of scaly flesh arose from the water next to the Black Rose, and standing on that hump was a man. Blonde haired with scaly patches and sharp protruding snake like fangs. The hump of serpentine mass stopped next to the boat, the man stepping of with a loud hissing. The hump, upon closer inspection becoming a sea serpent, slid back under the water. "Where issss Captain Leon? I need to sssssspeak with him." He looked at Annabelle's face and winked. "Eassssy, girlie. I won't hurt you unless you give me reasssson." His red forked tongue slid in and out of his mouth twice, smelling the air.
Sadime blankly looked as the boy rode of. "Yeah no that's chill, let's just send him off on some magical obedient Dolphins!" Sarcasm thick in every word. Sadime turned and flew into the ship once more. "Who the bloody hell are you?!" Sadime asked suprised and hostile, hand going to her cutlass.
The man bowed low. "Ssssory, I'm being rude. My name isss Edamusssss, serpent demon." Edamus straightened up, smelling the air again. "Hm. A Harpy, if I'm not misssstaken. Glad to finally meet another demon." He grinned widely, showing off his teeth.

Annabelle drew her cutlass as well, the silver handle glinting in the sun. "Why? What do you want?"

"Jusssst a talk. I want to sssssee if the Captain issss assss formidable assss hissss father."
As the last of the crew got back on the Black Rose. I notice the girls are confronting a blond haired man. I walk over and say "who is this a surviver of the battle..." I notice his serpent like features and hear him say he wants to now if I am as great as my dad. I walk right up to him and get in his face and say "who the hell wants to know. And you have a lot of nerve coming onto my ship uninvited."
The Savage would stand off to the side, his hand on the handle of his cutlass, watching the conversation unfold, but with little interest. It seems mythical creatures appear left and right with these people, and he knew it would probably not be the last encounter. He took account of the boys scales and the way he spoke; both were sure to be annoying at some point. He adjusted his hat with his other hand, drawing it closer to his face.
Edamus, more amused than intimidated, chuckled and bowed. "Forgive me, your Father hassss helped me when I wassss in great need. I jusssst want to join your crew." He straightened up again. "I do not doubt your prowessss on the sssea. In fact, Sssssarlan and I were watching you fight from below the wavessss. Your Father hassss given me permissssion to join, and I have proof." He snapped, and a giant serpent head poked up above the waves. In its mouth was a blue conch shell, the kind found only in Poseidon's court.
Hearing the guys explanation and seeing the proof. I say "very well if my father belives you are good enough then welcome abord.Just to let you know that was the little show. The main event is going to be in about 15 so be ready" I then turn around head back to the helm of the ship and get ready for the coming battle.
"Yaaaaaay another demon, just don't eat the crew members, Aye?" Sadime said with sarcasm, with jazz hands. She then turned and flew up unto where her post usually was. Up ahead she saw a ship directly ahead. "Aye, we're heading right towards her!" Sadime yelled to the captain.
The Savage would shake his head at the conclusion of the conversation. A blue conch shell? He didn't know much of the other gods besides Ares, but he did know that if all it took to convince someone that he knew a god was a blue shell, then he might as well have known all the other gods. He turned to face the direction of the other enemy ship. It was a fair distance away, so we wouldn't reach it for at least ten minutes. He decided to unsheath his cutlass and, after pulling a cloth from his side satchel, cleaned the fresh blood off of his blade.
When we get about five minutes away I say "I want the canons reloaded with chain shots. And I will ram them after that sort of repering what we did last time."
The Savage, pleased with his cleaning, sheathed his cutlass and walked over to the port side cannons. He opened the ammo box next to him and began filling them up with the powder, then inserting the chain shot. He then took the rammer and pushed the balls in as far as they would allow, and then pushed the cannon into place. He repeated this process five more times with the same cannons on the port side.


Hanakichi Ichitomi

She looked at her hands with a small smile twitching her ruby lips. Pale face tilting downward. "They won't be long now m'lord. They come with muskets and cannons. Sails of ebony black. You won't be living long on this mortal coil. They come for blood and gold. Not even the men whom you buy as protection will be of much use. " Hana once more looked up, the smile dropping. "Not even I know if I shall survive or not. Many paths lie ahead. My life, is held within the hands of another." With the delicacy of a sparrow the young woman stood up, and proceeded to neaten her hair and dress.
The Savage stood by the port side cannons and sighed. He was getting rather bored from this lack of a challenge, fighting basic pirates, but he had to if he wanted his payment. He shifted his hat again, bringing it closer to his head. He grew slightly tense as he watched the enemy ship grow closer and closer.

"It's always the calm before the storm that's the worst part...."
Edamus glared at Red Savage, noticing the shake of his head. He smelled the air and his eyes narrowed further. "Aressss...." He muttered. He bared his fangs. "How I would love to ssssink my fangss into that boy..."

Annabelle, still shocked but ready for battle, nodded. "A lot of people feel that way, but he's part of our crew now, so there's not much we can do about it."

Edamus smiled. "And you, child?" He said. "Who are you the sssspawn of?" He smelled the air again, his tongue flicking in and out. He smiled. "Ah, I should have guessssed."

"Guessed what?" Annabelle asked, shocked.

"Your parentage. Don't tell me you don't know!" Edamus said, surprised. He chuckled. "You'll find out ssssoon enough, eh?" He drew his sword, waving to Sarlan to get below the waves and await further orders. The sea snake nodded and ducked her head below the waves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b963583c4fc53efe734ef61544d671c0-d5n3zsc.png.a2e321a0344f00a897c16b9f899b7c21.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b963583c4fc53efe734ef61544d671c0-d5n3zsc.png.a2e321a0344f00a897c16b9f899b7c21.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Savage didn't turn, the man still tense by the sight of the ship. For some reason, he had a very uneasy feeling a out this ship, that there was something more to it. A treasure, perhaps? No, it wouldn't make him as tense as this. A person, maybe? He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Does anybody else feel that? That....aura? I feel like I felt it before....I've got a bad feeling of what's over there."
"I sense it to Savage but now is not the time for that. Now is the time for action" I say as we get within canon range I turn the Black Rose to its port side so someone can fire the canons. As we turn I yell "Make it rain!"
The Savage, with a heavy sigh, quickly lit the cannons, then stood off to the side and covered his ears as they fired. The cannonballs shot out, the chain balls snagging into their mast and tearing it to shreds.
Anthony had let the two go down the hatch after be had chained it and jumped back across to the Rose with the captain. He reloaded his firearms and began searching for any structural damage to the ship. Nothing other than a railing hit by a musket ball. With his search finished he began mopping from where he had left off. The Savage had loaded the cannons and a serpentine demon/man had appeared. There was a conversation that he didn't listen to and he was nearly to the bow of the ship when the captain announced the battle plan.

"Alright. Well, I don't know about you all, but I feel like that's not the best idea." Just after he made his thoughts known, the cannons opened up into the other ship. "Okay. Never mind. You go ahead and do that and I'll jump across when we hit 'em."
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Hanakichi Ichitomi

Hana remained stock still, as ever whilst the wooden walls of the ship were obliterated by cannon fire. A sigh escaped her lips, standing while splinters of log and gunpowder flew past. Yet not a scratch was lain upon her porcelain complexion. She gently brushed off her parasol, opening up the decorative umbrella to protect her hair from the falling debris. Hanakichi managed to radiate a comfortable pensive aura even here within a sea battle where her death seemed imminent.

The cherry blossoms placed in her hair, ruffled slightly by the sea wind which blew in through holes created by the cannons. Sea seeming so calm even when battle was fought upon its waves. Perhaps that was what one should aim to be; calm even when in the fiercest of dangers. The young geisha elegantly stepped over bodies of fallen men, and timbers of the ship making her way to the deck. It would be there she would either die or live. No reason to prolong it. So it was she reached the deck, her parasol over her shoulder to block the sun's rays, now seeming to glide with untold grace. The bottom of her cream kimono brushing along the floor, edges sometimes through blood.

There she stood. Her ivory skin almost luminescent in the light, with plump scarlet lips and ebony black hair. On the decks of the boat whilst her piercing blue gaze looked upon the Black Rose.

(delayed my first post apon a suggestion by DeathRising

Elizabeth's head snapped up when she heard a mighty crash. What was going on? She stood up, and, after maneuvering through the piles of gold and jewels piled around the room, climbed up the hatch and onto the deck. She looked up, and saw the mangled mast and the chain cannonballs. She looked across to where the cannonballs had came from, and a feeling of dread crept into her stomach. Pirates.... there was no way Elizabeth was going to stay here a minute longer. But the problem was she'd have to make it look like she was one of them. She ran down the hatch again before she was seen, and went to where the jail cells were. She slipped into one of them and put manacles that were way too big for her over her ankles. It'd take some decent acting to get out of this one. She tightened the manacles as much as she could (none at all) and cut herself a few times with a shard of shattered metal. She jammed the shard of metal into the lock to make it seem locked and waited, glad there were no more prisoners ever to be on this ship. This ship was probably a captured pirate ship for it to have prison rooms, but she was too tense to notice how lucky she was. She hoped nobody would come down there until the pirates did, who then would have to assume she was a pirate. She realized that however convincing she looked as a pirate to someone else, a real pirate would see through it instantly, so she dropped the part about pretending to be a pirate and prayed that they wouldn't hurt her.
As the enemy's mast shattered I turn the Black Rose to ram the transport ship. The Black Rose picked more speed then one would think and with a mighty crash the Black Rose was severial feet into the transport ship. I then say "let's go say hi to our new friends shall we."
The Savage unsheathed his cutlass and leaped onto the enemy ship, cutting down the few men that were on the main deck with little effort, his slashes cleaving off limbs, blood spraying near everywhere. He only stopped when he saw her; a Geisha. What in the world was a Geisha doing on here? He stepped over to her quickly, his boots splashing around in some of the blood, and he quickly held his cutlass on a few inches from her face.

"State who you are. Right now."

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