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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

The Savage chuckled to himself as he poured gunpowder into his musket, then started adding the balls of lead, speaking to himself.

"No promises, Cap'n. Especially if Birdie gets any ideas."
DeathRising said:
I turn to Anothy and bring a rag out and put it in his hand. And said "nice to meet you Anothy I am Leon your captain and you can start cleaning the deck." I then turn to Annabel and say "I want you to go and study the maps you will be the navagator." I then turn my attieon to Sadime and say "I want you as my eyes in the sky. Make yourself home on top of the mass." If she looked up their is a small deck up on the main mast. I then say over to Steel "Hey steel you just make your self at home your muscle for when we get into fights. As I walk to the captains cabin I say "Savage just try and not kill anyone." And I look over to Angellice and say "your my second in command make sure everyone stays in line." I then snap my fingers and ropes start moving and the sails come down. I say sailing with me can be easy just don't do something stupid or it might become hard. And we set sail in ten. I will be in my cabin if anyone needs me." I then head into my cabin and go over to a map and look it over.
Sadime nodded to the captain and flew up into the mass, main deck. At Savages comment, Sadime looked down and scowled at him, boy she wished she could just pick him up and toss him overboard.... Sadime looked back out at the water, keeping her eyes sharp for ships.
The Savage would not reply to her, instead taking out the metal rod from the end of his musket and ramming the balls in before re-inserting it back into its proper place, whistling a slow tune as he did so.
I walk back out onto deck and say "okay we are ready to set sail our first order of business is going to be attacking a voyage that is from The temple of element evil to quito. It will be carrying a huge amount of gold and other treasures and their is a high chance that they have hired a pirate ship for protection or other pirates are also after this target and worst case scenario both so be ready we should make contact in a few hours." I then walk up to the helm and the ship starts moving out to sea.
Anthony looked at the rag the captain had given him and chuckled lightly. Then, the pink haired woman threw him a mop. Much easier use and faster for a wider area.

"You know, no one ever answered my question. Who's the red bastard?"

He began to walk toward the stern of the ship where he planned on starting his cleaning.
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The Savage, pleased with his work, continued to stand at the bow of the ship, placing his musket on his back, and continuing to whistle is slow tune, watching the Black Rose glide through the water.

Edward Steele

Oh things had gone at a fast pace. The Red Savage turning up to put chills into the younger crew members- which made Edward snort to himself in a mocking fashion. There was things one could never unsee, never forget. It seemed these children didn't understand the true meaning of fear. The Savage was merely a being, one that bled, and what bleeds can be killed. What bleeds can be forgotten.

Twas when the captain gave out orders, he grinned to himself. He had the job, of sitting around and 'saving' his energy. Now standing to the side of the upper deck, he cleaned the cutlass' blade. Wiping away the encrusted blood, which flaked off in scarlet snow. "Aye capt'n. Blood and gold." He smirked, shaking his head lightly. Oh Edward was a dishonorable man. He'd done things... Terrible things. Sometimes he'd enjoy it, but the blackness of his heart was a plague. It ate away slowly at him, and come night- It would fall unto his shoulders crushingly so.

"Aye blood,gold,fame,and infame is what I seek and it will be mine." I say back to Steel then take a swig from my cantein.
"Death may also be yours Leon, if you're not careful. The world's a big place, and while you may have experience, remember that we are all mortal. A stray shot will fell a ambitious man as it will a lazy one."

The Savage spoke loud and clear for Leon to hear, still staring out at the sea, seemingly enraptured by its endless movement.
Edward Steele

"The men who try are the men who'll be remembered lad. Live the life they give you, and don't apologise. A bullet sending us to hell, is better than the men we all be" The pirate remarked, glancing up at Leon. "Blood and gold are all ours to take, its up to you to choose whether to take 'em or not. Listening to Mr. Savage here, will only bring about doubts. And may I remind you- doubting ones self is a disease of the worst kind."

@Knight Nate
The Savage would turn from the ocean, facing the man cleaning his cutlass as he would stroll across the deck.

"I speak not to express doubt, Steele, but to express caution. I need your Captain alive so that I may take payment for this voyage, and I'll be damned if I'll be cheated out of payment again."
Sadime listened intently from above, still stareing out at the waves, watching the docks get more distant, and looking for any distant ship, the captain was right, most likely they would've hired a ship for protection. When Savage finished speaking, Sadime yelled from atop "Aye, the Mask speaks truth, and I come from experiance. But I truly believe we will not fail." Sadime said in a serious tone. Still looking out at the waves.
The Savage looked up the Crows Nest on top of the mast, and chuckled before heading back to the bow of the ship.

"Fitting that the Harpy should be in the Crows Nest, isn't it? Heheh...."
"I maybe egar and yes I have never experienced a lose on this ship. But if their is one thing I know the day this ship sinks is the day the sea turned against man." I then look up to the sky and think to myself I hope I can make you proud mother.
"And in turn, Poseidon himself. Let's hope he doesn't like killing his own kin."

The Savage would glare down at the sea, ever wary of the fact that he would be in the territory of one of the most powerful gods.
"Oh shut it you!" Sadime yelled down angrily at Savage, on his comment of her. She picked up a tin can and threw it at him, bonking him on the head lightly. Sadime chuckled lightly but still had a ignorant face.
Annabelle pulled the maps out and began to study them, her memory, as always, impeccable. If the maps were lost at sea or ripped by anyone, she could draw them out perfectly. She walked up on deck, sitting down at the stern of the ship, back resting against a mast. She looked into the water below, smiling at the sight of a pair of dolphins skipping happily out of the water. She shook her head with a laugh, wishing she understood them like Leon did. She started whistling a slow tune, and one of the dolphins echoed it as best as he could.

Surprised, Annabelle whistled again.

The other Dolphin did the same.

Annabelle, now excited, yelled out "Captain!" Hoping that she could show him the pair of dolphins.
Looking over when called by annabelle I then hear the dolphins get a grin on my face and I say to her "ah I see you have met rick and Jim they have been fallowing this ship for as long as I can remember. And if your not carefully they'll get you in trouble then again you can't understand them so you might be fine."

Edward Steele

"Money is nothing in this life. Sure you get your women, your rum, your whole goddamn fortune! But a true pirate, is a man whom has the thirst for adventure first and foremost. If any less, you should make yourself at home in Davey Jones Locker." Steele looked up with eyes of dark ebony. Pools of an inner darkness, undescribed by man. "There are somethings a man would rather die than experience. Deformity, loss of fortune... Death of a loved one whom promised to never leave your side. The things one does to ensure survival. Perhaps your mask of intelligence and intellectuality, is no more than a child clinging unto his mothers side. A man whom has experience, is nothing alike what you are Mr. Savage. The man whom wears the mask, is a man not to be trusted. Tell me, what is the man behind the mask? Perhaps a shadow. Perhaps, a child."

@Knight Nate​
The tin can bounced off the Savage's hat harmlessly, and he bent down to pick it up, and after a minute of studying it, he put it in his side satchel.

"I am no shadow, nor child, Steele. I am exactly as I say I am: A Savage, whose only drive to live is vengeance."

He would sigh, looking down at his gloved hands.

I don't live for fame, money, women, or drink. All I have is a feeling of rage, and when that flame of rage is finally stamped out, I'll be gone from this world."

He would glance to Steele, then Annabelle, and then Sadime before turning back to the ocean.

"Much to the pleasure of a few others, I can tell. Heheh...."
The dolphins chittered to one another, almost as if laughing, And Annabelle smiled. "They are gorgeous." She rolled up the maps, tucking them in her belt as a just in case. Her sapphire eyes sparked a bright silver for a moment as she heard Savage's comment. "And with good reason," she said, whirling around and marching right up to Red Savage. "A Child of Ares is no one to be trusted. They will backstab their own to get what they want." She drew her cutlass and inspected her reflection in it casually, her rant over. She threw it up in the air and caught the hilt, sliding it smoothly back into its hilt just to show off a tad. She turned back to the captain. "Where to first?"
A speck far off easy caught Sadimes attention, grabbing a telescope she put her eye to it, to reveal a large ship far off east, seemingly going the same direction as they were but pointing a little towards them, and they seemed to be slowly getting closer. "Aye captain, we got a ship far off east." Sadime hollered to the captain, still stareing at the ship.
Hearing the report of an incoming ship. I think to myself I just had to be right. And then I look up and yell"okay crew this will either prove we can do this or if we are destined for Davey Jones locker. "And with a snap of my fingers along both sides of the ship three canons on each side flip up from under the deck. I then say "everyone get ready for battle and some of you man the canons." I then turn the helm so the ship will head straight for the incoming ship. And I will the water to make us go faster.
Mopping the deck was simple and quick and Anthony was to about midship when the Harpy in the 'nest announced a contact on the eastern horizon. He leaned the mop against the mast and walked to the bow of the ship where the Savage was standing. Anthony got an almost cold feeling standing near the man, but did not let that bother him. Not soon enough, the captain gave the order to man battle stations. He ran back to where he had been before and began loading the port side cannons.

"Hey, Captain? What you want these loaded with? Don't wanna damage the goods onboard, so we could tether them, or take out their sails."

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