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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Annabelle grinned widely. "Aye aye, Captain!" She drew her cutlass and ran to the helm of the ship, holding on to one of the riggings. The ship was nearly close enough to jump to. "I say we board her and take out her sails!" She called out.
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The Savage said nothing, simply drawing his black cutlass and standing by the side of the ship.

"Let them come. It'll be their last poor decision."
"Load the canons with chain shots they are best for taking masts out." I then raise my arm which makes a wave on the side of the enemy vessel. When I lower my hand I want you to fire the canon Anothny and Annabelle get ready to board this will happen quickley.
Annabelle tensed, ready to spring onto the other ship. "Aye, Captain." She said, licking her lips, her eyes sparking silver again.
The Savage pulled his musket from his back and held it in his other hand, his cutlass in the other, ready to use either one.
As I see everyone ready I lower my hand and yell "give them hell!" And the moment my hand went down the wave I had conjoured by their ship forced it sideways giving the canons a perfect shot. And if they are fired I will then ram the enemy ship giving everyone the opratunity to board the ship.

@Knight Nate @DarknessSpirit @sitanomoto @Achilles676 @XxLuluxX
Anna gave a cry of victory as she boarded the enemy ship, stabbing and slashing at those who came at her.

"Get 'er!" One yelled.

"Oh no," she said, kicking him where it hurt most.
With surprising speed, The Savage sheathed his cutlass and began firing his musket at an enemy pirate about to grab Annabelle from behind. The balks of lead hit him in the chest, and he falls down on the enemy ship, unmoving.

"Keep your eyes open over there! Someone light these cannons and let 'em feel the pain! Hahaha!"

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Angellica threw her mop into the bucket, and materialized her sword into her hand. She ran onto the deck of the Black Rose and cut into two enemies, who jumped onto the vessel, with her wings and cut into one enemy, who was in mid jump, using her sword. Shooter shot a ball of electrified fire at three enemies who were near by.
While standing their watching my crew wreck the enemy I get a small grin on my face. I then turn my head to scan the enemy vessel and see their captain at its helm. I walk over to the edge of the Black Rose and jump over. But instead of falling into the water it glides me a cross to their ship and I land right behind the enemy's captain. I then tap him on the shoulder and say "I think its time you give up." With no response he swings his cutless at me I easily dodge it and bring mine out and cut him across the chest. We then go back and fourth pairying each other. He then makes the mistake of turning his head when one of his crew yell out in pain. I take this opertunity to kick his leg from under him bring him to a knee. And with the momentum turn in a circle and when I face him again I have one of my flint locks in his mouth. I then say you should have given up and with a pull of the trigger and a puff of smoke theirs a hole in his head. His body falls limb to the ground and I watch as my crew finishes off the few that are left.
Annabelle nodded in a "thank you" manner towards the Red Savage, then continues swinging left, right, pistol shot...

"Anyone order a swabbie kebob?" She said as she impaled three men on her sword at once. They also fell to the deck, unmoving.
Anthony had set off two of the broadside cannons before throwing a hooked rope to the other ship and reeling it in to allow the crew to board the other ship. When it was near enough for almost anyone to jump to, he drew his Sabre and crossed the gap. Before he hit the deck he already had an enemy impaled on his sword with it entering someone's throat a few seconds later. After killing a couple more, he was crash tackled from the left. Be went down hard and the enemy pirate pulled out a dagger which he proceeded to attempt to put through Anthony's chest. He had nearly no chance as Anthony kneed him in the stamoch, hit him in the face with his elbow and dolled over to get on top, and stabbed the man with his own dagger in the same place he was attempting to stab Anthony. 12 times. A little exesive but adrenaline makes you do things you normally wouldn't. He stood up and drew his rifle off his back and fired at one man who was coming from below decks. He replaced his rifle on his back and walked toward the hatch to go into the ship. He decided that in stead of rushing down like an idiot, he would wait for more of his crew. He closed the hatch and grabbed a nearby chain to use as a makeshift lock. After this he rushed back into whatever was left of the fight. There wasn't much seeing as the entire crew had moved across to the target ship. Their captain was dead and so was much of their crew, they weren't able to escape out one hatch, and the rest of his crew were slaughtering whoever was left. After nearly decapitating one man and chasing down another Anthony decided that enough blood had been shed above decks.

"Hey Captain! You think its time to go find what we're here for?"
The Savage, satisfied with his shooting, reloaded his rifle once more and put it on his back. He then leaped to the other ship, landing in a crouched position. He stood up, fixing his clothes as he did so. He walked slowly towards the hatch, stepping on the bodies of the Fallen as he did so. He looked down at the chain as he arrived, and then then through the holes in the grate. While it was subtle, he did spot movement, and hear shuffling.

"The rest is hiding down here. Shall I remove them?"


Angellica smiled as she watched as her new crew mates finish up the rest of the enemies, as she had already sent her share to Davy Jones' Locker. She went over to Savage," So can you tell how many there is down there."
Sadime impaired one through the neck as she shot another without looking. She turned as she heard a wimper through a crate. She pulled her cutlass out of the mans bloodied body and walked towards the wooden crate. With one hard kick, Sadime broke the crate, in a huddled position, sat a small, pale blonde boy. No older then 10. "Captain." Sadime said softly but loud enough for them to all hear. She deciding wether to kill him or not, he wouldn't be of any use, he looked about to die.
Annabelle whirled around, bloodlust in her eyes and walked over to Sadime and the small boy. Her eyes softened when they set upon him and she knelt, putting away her sword. He looked scared beyond all reason, ready to pass out, die even. She reached into her pouch and pulled out am apple, one she had bought a few hours ago before the golden gun encounter. "Here," she said, holding out the apple. "Go on, its not poisoned. I was going to eat it myself, but you look like you need it more." She put the apple by his small hand and stood, looking at Sadime. "Think he's a stowaway?"
Sadime nodded her head yes, as she sheathed her cutlass. "I'm guessing, but a pirate ship is no place for him." She said crossingly.
"Around ten. Not much of a challenge, but they'll do."

He turned his head around at the sound a barrel breaking, and spotted the blonde haired boy, and shook his head.

"Better do something with the boy quick, before I go down there. He doesn't need to see what happens."
Annabelle nodded as she watched the boy eat the apple. "True enough." She sat next to the boy, shielding him from the view of belowdecks. "But we can't just kill him," she said. "I'm all for killing men, but little kids? This boy looks no more Than ten! He hasn't really had a chance to live life yet!"
The Savage bent down and pulled out the chain holding the grate in place, and pulled the grate up.

"Tell that to Leon. I don't care."

He unsheathed his cutlass and walked down the steps, pulling the grate down with him and walking out of sight.

Edward Steele

He had whipped through the crew members with sword and pistol, blood splattering the decks to stain them rouge. Whence the battle had ended, he walked through the corpses, ensuring there was no survivors that would live to tell the tail. But upon looking upwards, he knew of the other ship which was the next target of theirs. Yet it all ground to a halt at the finding of the stowaway child. A blonde haired lad, whom looked half starved. "If you need him dead, leave it to me woman."

Hanakichi Ichitomi

Han remained below decks, with the Lords whom had bought her company. She delicately tilted the kettle, pouring sweet water into tea cups, before setting it down. "There are men outside. Other pirates Lord." Hanakichi murmured in her lilting tone, sugared with elegance. The Lord looked toward her, before scoffing "The ship I hired for protection will be enough. Not that I would let them lay a hand on you." The young Geisha smiled shaking her head "A hand raised in violence, will be aimed for you m'lord,"

Her long black locks tethered up in beautiful design, with jewels and flowers decorating it. She continued to smile, sipping at her own cup of tea.

"Don't you lay a hand on him!" Annabelle said angrily to Edward, standing up in front of the boy protectively. "His fate is for the Captain to decide. Not you."

She didn't know why she wanted to protect the boy so much. Maybe it was because he reminded her if her own foster brother, before the incident. Maybe it was just her nature. Or maybe she was just trying to do something good.
As I walk over to see what is causing my crew to holt I see a blond haired kid and I let out a sigh. I walk through my crew kneel in front of the child and stair him in the eye. I stand up and say "we can't keep him the sea is no place for a child like this." I bring a rolled piece of paper out of my jacket and give it to the boy and say "give that to the bartender at the golden gun when you get to land." I pick the boy up and toss him over board. Anyone who looks to see what happened to the boy. Will see him being carried away by Rick &Jim

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Angellica smiled as she saw the two dolphins carrying the boy back the direction they came from," Your mother would be proud of you, Captain." She said as she descended downstairs after Savage.

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