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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Elizabeth jumped at the mighty crash, and, now wondering if this was such a good idea after all, stayed put. She reconsidered pretended being a pirate, but again decided against it, deciding that to seem as little of a threat as possible, to pretend she was betrayed by other pirates that she were assisting(this is untrue, of course). "Hello?" she called out, ready to hide if a crew member of this ship came down instead.


Hanakichi Ichitomi

She looked upon the pirate with her lapis lazuli gaze. Sapphire orbs which held sparks of curiosity and fear throughout the sea of calm within her features. "Hanakichi Ichitomi." Finally she remarked in her sweet, lilted tone. Like a trickling cherry blossom in May. With a delicate pale hand, she raised her finger tips, pushing the blade away from her slender, swan like neck. "Maybe you have heard of me in your travels. Perhaps not. But I have seen the two paths you might take, and I do implore you to make a decision." A moment passed, with Hana twirling the parasol which she held so proudly aloft. Her head tilted upwards as to meet the pirates murderous features.

A strand of ebony silken locks became loose, falling into her pale defined face. Cupping along her jaw and cheek whilst her ever present gaze bore into him.

@Knight Nate

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The Savage, slightly confused with her demeanor, slowly lowered his cutlass. He had heard of this woman and what she could do, and instantly distrusted her, but a shout broke his small stupor; it came from below deck. He turned back to the Geisha once more before descending into the lower deck of the ship.

"Fix your hair."

And with that, he trudged down the steps. The lower deck itself appeared rather empty; which was rather strange for him. He felt like it was a trap somehow. He began walking through the lower deck, his cutlass still drawn and at the ready.


Hanakichi Ichitomi

Hana watched his mistrusting demeanour a moment, he probably thought of her as some 'unholy' witch of sorts. After all, many others had. The young Geisha heeded his words, removing the pins and flowers from her black locks, to let them fall around her shoulders in a cascade of silk. She tucked the jewels and antiques into her dress, now turning to look at him disappear below decks. "The one in chains doesn't sing with a clear voice" Hanakichi called, just loud enough for her bird like voice to reach Savage as he ducked under.

It seemed now, she would wait.

@Knight Nate
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The Savage heard the call of the Geisha and become more wary. He cryptic message had unnerved him a little, and was now on full alert. There was someone or something down here he had to find, and for some reason, in chains....
As I see my crew attack I get a small grin on my face and I jump accord and land next to a few crewmen of the transport ship. And as I stand up I bring my cutlass out and cut them down in one motion. I see Savage talk to a beutaful girl and then head below ship. I then cut a few more people down as I make my way to the captins cabin.
Upon a few more minutes of searching, The Savage eventually stumbled upon a girl in shackles. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes. He stepped closer to her and eyed the shackles. They seemed loose; loose enough for her to escape from. If she was a prisoner, then why would she still be in here?

"You a prisoner here, then?"

His tone was cold and to the point. He didn't trust a lot of people and this girl was no different. She had a plan, and this was part of it, no doubt.
Elizabeth hadn't heard the cloaked pirate approach, and she jumped when she heard her voice. "I-I am, sir," she said, talking softly and putting all of her fear-even that not currently present in the situation-into her voice. "I was b-betrayed by a bunch of pirates I had assisted earlier." She hoped that her act was convincing enough. "Can you... can you help me?" She stood up warily, not making eye contact. "Will you help me?" She was on edge and nervous by the pirate's cold tone of voice, emotionless and devoid of soul and heart. "I-I mean, would you be gracious and free me, in return of my loyalty and service? Please, sir, I do not want to be here any longer, and I will be in your debt if you would free me. I swear apon my soul and spirit that I will not betray you, or go against my promise." Elizabeth shuddered under the man's cold stare.
"I have been in these shackles only so that they won't be suspicious that I can get out, and accuse me of wrongdoing I have not committed, although I can get out of them. I cannot get the door open, however... is there perhaps a way you could open them with your strength, clearly superior to mine?" Indeed, she could not open the door, as that would mean getting the metal shard out of the door handle, which had been jostled into place. This is the most risky part of the plan, she told herself. If he decides to leave me here, I will certainly sink with the ship and rot at the bottom of the ocean. She shuddered at the thought.
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The Savage would look at the lock to the cage, finding a shard of metal stuck in its lock. He put his hand on the shard, ready to remove it, but stopped, staring at the girl again.

"What are you skills? I have no use of an extra body that does nothing."

While he knew this girl wouldn't be serving under him directly, he needed to know if she had skills worth having. He wasn't going to free a prisoner just because they ask.
Angelica sliced through some enemies and then jumped down a hatch. She grinned at what she saw. She jumped back up to the deck. She ran over to the captain," Well, I know for sure that the bad aura isn't coming from the hatch, as its full of treasure. Awaiting orders cap'n!"
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[QUOTE="Anime King Kaleb]Angelica sliced through some enemies and then jumped down a hatch. She grinned at what she saw. She jumped back up to the deck. She ran over to the captain," Well, I know for sure that the bad aura isn't coming from the hatch, as its full of treasure. Awaiting orders cap'n!"

I turn to to Angelica and say "get the others and have them help get as much as you can. I need to grab something special from the captain's cabin." I then open the doors to the captain's cabin and walk in. I see a man dressed in black and blue attire with a red coat standing in front of a chest. I say "we can do this the easy way or painful way your choice." The enemy captain gets a devilish grin on his face and says "a young whimper snapper like you hurt me please." The enemy captain then proceeds to draw his cutless. I say and say "painful way it is." I draw my blade and we cross swords and go back and fourth a few moments. When he draws a hidden dagger and cuts my arm which makes me droop my blade. He then true to slash me but I side step and kick his legs out from under him. I then jump on top of him and say "you just had to choose painfully." I produced a Grenada from my coat and shoved it in his mouth and pulled the pin. I got up as his head blew up and walked over to the chest and pulled a green jewel from it and pocketed it.
"I-I-" Elizabeth stammered, knowing he's got her in a corner then. What good skills did she have? Virtually none. She hung her head in silence. "I-I could learn. And- and I know about things, I'm not- I'm not useless... I do know a few other languages. French and Latin and Greek. She finally understood why her mother dragged her in front of those horrid books and made her read them every day to learn other languages, although her mother wouldn't have expected her to need it in this way. Her courage increasing, she continued, "Vos non creditis mihi? Croyez-vous encore me inutile? Αυτό αποτελεί σαφή απόδειξη , έτσι δεν είναι;" She managed to look up and meet his cold eyes. She shuddered, but held her gaze. "And I'm a quick learner. I'm quick and light and small, which I have learned to use to my advantage. You cannot sneak through tight spaces you are quite too big to fit through, and without another person who knows things like other languages, and how to maybe keep a pleasant conversation with someone, even though you don't know them, you cannot possibly hope to be anything but conspicuous." She was speaking quite accusatively now. "I don't know a lot about fighting, or rather, I know all but nothing, but I know a good bit about sailing and other things, things difficult to learn when you're learning how to efficiently slaughter instead of learning things that could maybe help you in life! So who, do you think, is the body who can do nothing? Is it you? Is it me? Of course not. We are both perfectly able bodies, in our own ways. Alone, we are helpless in the mightiest of foes, but with our combined strengths, we are a fluid, powerful force." She stood straight, met his stare full-on, and crossed her arms boldly.

@Knight Nate
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The Savage's head did not turn from his position, and even though they were hidden, his eyes bore into hers. He quickly drew a red flintlock from the inside of his coat and pointed it at her. He held it there for a few seconds before he would start to laugh. Not a cold, sarcastic laugh, but an actual warm, genuine laugh, quite contradicting his character.

"You've got a helluva attitude, girlie. I like that. I'll let you out, and you'll come with us. Just know this..."

He shot the jammed lock with his pistol, the lock coming off entirely, and he opened the door, holding his pistol up, the barrel smoking.

"You make me regret this, I'll make you regret living. Now get out of those shackles and head topside. And don't pretend you're stuck in them, because I know you're not."
Sadime smiled as she cut down her enemy's, while everyone else did their own thing, she went into the captains den. It was an suspicious silence in the room, she looked around the room and she turned sharply around as a freak in the floorboards sounded behind her. Two shots were fired, as a bullet went through a fat mans head, and a bullet landed itself right into Sadimes lower belly. Sadime opened her mouth. And fell to the ground., clutching her quickly bleeding stomach. "Help" Sadime said in a raspy quiet voice, to quiet for anyone to hear.
"Yes, because I told you I could, also because it's obvious." She slipped out of the manacles. "I'm not an idiot," she said irritably. She walked up to him, although staying a good two feet away from him at all times. "You won't regret this."


Hanakichi Ichitomi

She glanced upward, to see one of the women fall to the floor. Hana paused a moment before she approached, and with the silken wrapping around her waist she knelt down, pressing the fabric to her wound. The cream stained a new scarlet. Sincere eyes met Sadime's, filled with that calm which was so infectious. Alike the gentle waves that lulled one to sleep. "You may have to wait until a person with experience can arrive. I cannot carry you myself Im afraid. Yet I can stem the bleeding." Hanakichi exhaled. "Your future is dark. Lets hope you may carry on, until the 'morrow."

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Mistrust and panic filled Sadimes face, but knowing she would have no other choice then to trust the strange woman. Sadime just nodded, a strange aura seemed to radiate from her, but Sadime couldn't describe it.
The Savage shook his head, the calmer air from before having completely dissapeared. He pointed to the upper deck.

"Go. I have work to do."
Elizabeth scowled at him and went up to the upper deck, where chaos ensued. As she crept across the ship, she couldn't help but wonder what the heck she was thinking back there. At least it got the job done. She was free of this stupid ship. She crept aboard the Black Rose and waited, furious that she couldn't do anything. She looked around.
The Savage began to scavenge the entire lower deck, looking for treasures. He began opening lots of chests, each one containing a small cumulation of gold and some jewels, but it wasn't what he was looking for. However, after five minutes of searching the deck, he found what he was looking for. A small chest, that when opened, contained a handful of precious jewels. Emeralds, rubies, sapphires, amethyst...but on top of them all was a large White Diamond. He picked it up carefully with one hand and examined the large shining diamond, chuckling to himself.

"Oh ho, ain't you a beauty? You're staying with me."

He put the White Diamond in his pocket and put the box of jewels in his coat pocket, then proceeded topside, looking around the damaged ship for the Geisha he saw before.

"Hey! Has anyone seen that Geisha woman?"
DeathRising said:
I turn to to Angelica and say "get the others and have them help get as much as you can. I need to grab something special from the captain's cabin." I then open the doors to the captain's cabin and walk in. I see a man dressed in black and blue attire with a red coat standing in front of a chest. I say "we can do this the easy way or painful way your choice." The enemy captain gets a devilish grin on his face and says "a young whimper snapper like you hurt me please." The enemy captain then proceeds to draw his cutless. I say and say "painful way it is." I draw my blade and we cross swords and go back and fourth a few moments. When he draws a hidden dagger and cuts my arm which makes me droop my blade. He then true to slash me but I side step and kick his legs out from under him. I then jump on top of him and say "you just had to choose painfully." I produced a Grenada from my coat and shoved it in his mouth and pulled the pin. I got up as his head blew up and walked over to the chest and pulled a green jewel from it and pocketed it.
DarknessSpirit said:
Sadime smiled as she cut down her enemy's, while everyone else did their own thing, she went into the captains den. It was an suspicious silence in the room, she looked around the room and she turned sharply around as a freak in the floorboards sounded behind her. Two shots were fired, as a bullet went through a fat mans head, and a bullet landed itself right into Sadimes lower belly. Sadime opened her mouth. And fell to the ground., clutching her quickly bleeding stomach. "Help" Sadime said in a raspy quiet voice, to quiet for anyone to hear.
DarknessSpirit said:
Mistrust and panic filled Sadimes face, but knowing she would have no other choice then to trust the strange woman. Sadime just nodded, a strange aura seemed to radiate from her, but Sadime couldn't describe it.

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Angellica smiled as she saw Leon walk towards the Captain's Cabin. She started looking around. Then she remembered that Sadime was going towards the captains den. She headed there and her eyes filled with terror as she saw Sadime laying on the ground, and a lady she didn't know laying over her," Sadime! What happened!?!?" She ran over to Sadime and saw a bullet hole in her stomach. She grabbed one of her wings and started pulling. She cringed as her wing started breaking off. When it was completely off, she pressed it onto Sadime's wound. The feather started disappearing as Sadime's wound starts closing and healing up. When it completely finished healing, she passed out on the ground.
At the sound of screaming, the Savage ran over to the Captain's Cabin and burst in. What he saw was nothing he expected. The Geisha and the Angel were kneeling down by the knocked out Harpy. She seemed to have a bullet wound, but with some sort of Angel magic, the Angel was able to heal wound. He hoped the magic would take the ball out as well, or she might run the risk of getting lead poisoning. He looked between the two woman again, then down to the Harpy.

"Is she going to bite the dust?"
Elizabeth paced around the deck of the Black Rose, wondering how the heck she was going to convince the pirates that she wasn't a threat. She wasn't paying attention where she was going, and ran into the railing of the side of the ship, nearly falling over. She grabbed the railing and steadied herself. She sighed and gazed across the ocean, entranced by its beauty.

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