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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

[QUOTE="Knight Nate]At the sound of screaming, the Savage ran over to the Captain's Cabin and burst in. What he saw was nothing he expected. The Geisha and the Angel were kneeling down by the knocked out Harpy. She seemed to have a bullet wound, but with some sort of Angel magic, the Angel was able to heal wound. He hoped the magic would take the ball out as well, or she might run the risk of getting lead poisoning. He looked between the two woman again, then down to the Harpy.
"Is she going to bite the dust?"

(No lead poisoning for her. It'll be revealed later in the story, though, but she's good)
[QUOTE="Anime King Kaleb](No lead poisoning for her. It'll be revealed later in the story, though, but she's good)

(That's relieving xD )
Through the thick haze of her thoughts, the only thing that came to Elizabeth's mind was;

Did that cloaked man seriously call me girlie?!

She kept staring across the ocean trying to obviate herself and her consciousness from the battle behind her.


Hanakichi Ichitomi

The Geisha looked up as the angel woman approached, completing some sort of strange healing ritual to close the others wound. Slowly she peeled back the silk of her dress, examining the congealed blood which coated the fabric. Hana felt quite nauseous just looking at it. Slowly her gaze was drawn back up to examine Savage whom had come over. Along with calling for her a few minutes before. "...She will not die. No. But may I remind you, I do have a name. I am not simply called 'Geisha' nor 'woman'." Hanakichi calmly notioned to herself. Still gripping the stained silk rather tightly from the small amount of shock.

@Knight Nate

After hearing a gun shot come from entrance to the captain's cabin I turn around and see Sadime get shot as I get ready to run over to her aid I see the woman I saw from the deck, Angelica, and Savage come over to aid her. I see the ass hole who shot her and run out past them I say "make sure she does not die and get back to the Black Rose." I continue on wards to the shooter and as he pulls the gun up to shoot me I bring my flint lock out and side step him and shoot his hand that's holding the gun. And then I say "dinner time" and kick the guy over and as he is falling a great white shark jumps up and catches him in his mouth. Then when I am done with him I continue to take out the few people that are left on the ship.
Angellica wakes back up. She sees Savage, " Hey Savage! Cap'n wanted us to go to the hatch and get as much treasure as ... we ... can ... What the neck is going on" she watched as aperson she stabbed in the chest went down the hatch. Angellica stood up and followed. The corpse went into the treasure room. It went to a giant safe and began entering a code. The safe opened. As it did the corpse fell to the ground. A female with flaming blue hair stepped out.

@Knight Nate @The Arrival @sitanomoto @DarknessSpirit @XxLuluxX
As I saw a corps get up and head down a hatch where I believe the treasure to be and Angelica follow. My curiosity gets the best of me and I also follow and I watched as it opened a safe and a girl with blue flaming hair stepped out. As I walk past Angelica I tell her "be on guard and watch my back." I then walk up to the woman and say "hello I am captain of the Black Rose Leon Shadowstep and why are you down hear."
The Savage looked down at the Geisha and let out a small chuckle.

"I'm sure you do have a name, but now is not the time to hear it. Do me a favor and get Sadime to the Rose as we investigate what the hell just happened to that corpse."

He turned away from her and went out the door, fast walking across the deck and down the hatch, following the Captain and Angelica. They stopped in front of a large safe, and as it opened, a girl stepped out. A girl? In a safe? The Savage began to question the ethics of human rights, but he stepped behind the two of them anyway, his hand on his cutlass' hilt and ready to draw at a moments notice.
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Elizabeth got bored waiting, so she went back onto the deck of the other ship. Everyone started to go down a hatch, so Elizabeth did, too. She saw the woman with flame-blue hair step out of a vault. She tried to ask, Who are you, but it got caught in her throat on the way up. She fidgeted a little, and stared at the woman in surprise.
The Savage, turning at the sound of footsteps, saw the girl from before appear, and he got a little angry, turning his body to face her fully.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the Rose?"
"I don't remember being 'supposed' to be anywhere," Elizabeth said with a sigh. She speaks confidently, but doesn't meet the Savage's eyes, or where they would be.
The Savage resisted the urge to strangle the girl, which was painfully obvious by his free hand reaching for her throat, and he pulled it back and kept it at his side, turning back to the woman from the safe. He let out a tired sigh as he did so.

"I already regret releasing you."
The skies darkened as a great mighty ship roled into the city. Storm clouds filled the sky and the waves shook violently. But the mighty ship didn't seem bothered by the storm, in fact it seemed to be the center of it. A giant of a man stood at the front of the ship his arms crossed and the shadows covering his face." I suppose it's time once again men!" He called out over the storm his voice more powerful then the thunder itself."Aye aye sir!" The men onboard the ship called back."Lets go drop ancor! It's time to we prepared for our next voyage! " the men all cheered and did as there captain said. The man then moved towards the city where they had docked. He then looked at it a smiled."Hmm this is going to be quite Eventful I can feel it." He said and let out a mighty laugh. His men all prepared the ship so that they could go out and get supplies there captain leapt of the ship. The ground cracked underneath him. He then moved towards the nearest bar."After you've gotten the ship prepared join me for a drink men!" He called and they responded happily back with a Aye aye captain.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6245c480_images(33).jpg.ffa27340eeedd915467cd11bd88b7dc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6245c480_images(33).jpg.ffa27340eeedd915467cd11bd88b7dc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (this be there ship matey lol)



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"This be a chance." spoke Atticus as he said to know-one but a few bones on the floor.
a ship would row past the Captins ship recked and blown over, it was a amazing it could stand. "Thar she blows!" herd a small boyish voice. It was loud enough that it could be heard over the mens loud chatter. Atticus ran to the top where the ships wheel was located and turned it so he may crash into the captain for him or her to stop. "YIELD BE YOU YIELD!" He yelled when the ship started to turn and try and make contact with the captains.

@Taylor guillory
The ship wobbled a bit but nothing seemed broken, the few crew members who where on board looked over at the wrecked ship and yelled at the kid in annoyance."What's going on here kid what do you want!" Mean while Fin was in a bar surrounded by beautiful woman and drinking to his hearts content." Then I told them give me all your treasure or I'll feed you to the sharks, and my boy terance said! But boss you got the last ones!" He laughed loudly and so did everyone in the bar. @TheJester
"Big talk for a small crew ain't I right?" The kid hopped of the boat and started to make his way to the crew. while swimming to the dock. "Sharks ain't nothin mista.... he got on top after a half a minute struggle. "Where's ye-captain?" He spoke on the deck soaking wet. His outfit was simple a belt with many pockets stationed on it a ripped up pair of pants, no shoes and a red top. His Hair messy and blonde and his face androgynous and young. He put his hands on his side and stared down the men waiting for an answer.

Tylor guillory
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Victoria walked into the bar angrily, and looked around.. Earlier she was looking up information about different pirate crews coming toward the city that were looking for new members.. The guy gave her fake information, about where to go cause the location turned out to be something completely different... She then went to the bartender and asked him if some short guy with an oversized pair of pants and a green dirty shirt came into here.. But he didn't which made her angrier and her eyes turned red.. So she just asked for a drink and sat at an empty stool...
Alex was laying on his makeshift raft made from sticks looking up at the sky when his raft hit something being the saddest excuse of a raft ever it broke. Sending Alex into the water he splashed about for a bit before looking at the ship his raft had smashed into. He climbed aboard the ship seeing a kid and a group of men who had to be pirates. "Uhh sorry my uh raft broke and uh hope I'm not interrupting anything." He smiled showing his sharp teeth.

@Tylor guillory
"Ye-be" He stared down Alex. "Why are you here? " The kid looked at alex. He seemed about 13-15 and looked up or eye height to most people. He was wondering why would a non pirate approach a bunch of pirates?

Nenma Takashi
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"Count on it," Elizabeth told the Savage, then slapped her forehead. "S-sorry. Whenever I'm around you I just feel a bit arrogant."
One night Anthea walking into town seeing a bar full of people but mostly men and some women where there just to entertain the men, which made her sick. How could they stoop so low just for a few coins. She opened the door and walked in, some eyes wandered towards her since she has had a reputation around here and they all glared at Anthea before leaning over to someone and whispering something about her. She rolled her eyes since she couldn't care less and so she proceeded to walk towards the bar and the music grew louder and people began to dance. The atmosphere was very festive and she took a seat across from a man that was surrounded with beautiful women. "Anything to drink?" Asked the bartender. "Surprise me," was what Anthea told the bartender.
The Savage turned his head slightly, enough to show he was glancing at the girl who slapped her forehead.

"I've heard women say they felt lots of things being near me, but arrogant is a first. Perhaps you best return to the ship if I'm doing that to you, aye?"
The pirates looked at Alex then one jumped off the boat and onto land he quickly ran to get the boss."Hey boss we got some wreckless fools looking for a fight!" Fin slammed a mug of ale down and looked up his face deadly serious now a smirk just showing on him. "AOh really now guess I'll go say hello then." He stood up and followed the man from his crew outside to the ship." He leapt into the ship and cracked his neck." Ok what the hell's going on here! Why the hell was I disturbed while I was relaxing! " He quickly noticed Alex and the kid."Who the hell are they hey you two state your business. "Fin said pointing one of his massive fingers at both of them. @TheJester @Nenma Takashi

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