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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Anthea looks across the bar when the man gets up and leaves, leaving the women in 'aww' when he does. Anthea was curious as to where they head off to and what will happen since he left in a hurry with his men. The bartender came back and she handed the bartender three coins. She drinks her beverage of alcohol making her a bit tipsy but she could still handle herself pretty well. She got up from her seat and walked out moments later when she has finished her drink. She walked towards the sound of loud chatter at the docks.
Alex didn't mean to do it but all his animal instincts told him to attack. He took one step forward glaring but caught himself. "I'm uh I was just floating on my raft when it bumped into this boat and sank my bad Captain uh?" He didn't know the guys name but he could tell he was the boss his insticts would've kicked in if he wasn't.
Victoria quickly swallows her drink and orders more, after about 6 more drinks she started feeling off balance.. She then noticed a guy that was surrounded in women randomly leave, then another person leave.."Well where is everyone going?" she thought.. Victoria then followed after them while the world was challenging her footsteps.. How rude! Then she made it to the docks and tried to figure out what was happening..
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Anthea hears footsteps walking towards her so she hides behind a few tall boxes that looked to belong to the ship that was parked in front of the docks. She hides in the shadows of the boxes and looks around seeing a young girl pull up. She looks past the boxes to see if she could analyze the girls face knowing that she saw her from somewhere. "Isn't that the girl from the bar, whats she doing here?" I asked myself quietly.
I am, Dr.Fin-to...gal.....Dr.Fintogal... and this is my partner Potel.... We are doctors..." The kid went behind a pole and came back around wearing a plague doctor uniform
"Have you heard of the scervies ..nasty things..." He would attempt to nudge the man next to him.

The doctor put both his hands up and looked. "I think of of you men may be infected." He then would attempt to throw some "Sand" on one of the men eyes. "See! I can stop the contamination!"

@Nenma Takashi Tylor guillory
Victoria then looks around and before she can catch herself, she falls flat on her face, before sitting up.."Hey what was that for!?!" she yelled angrily at the ground.. She then wobbly stood up and raked her hands through her long white hair.. Before looking at the dock again trying to figure out where everyone went... She then felt someone watching her, and her complete demeanor changed as she looked all around her as her eyes turned red again...
Fin laughed loudly."Well I'm just one of the most notorious pirates there ever was! My name's Fin, Shark tooth Fin, Captain Shark tooth Fin! Now what where you doing floating around on a raft like that boy?" He asked cheerfully he didn't seem at all hostile or angry that his boat had two intruders. @TheJester @Nenma Takashi
"For someone who's a notorious pirate he sure is calm." Anthea said aloud and looked around to see if anyone had heard her say that since she was still in hiding before the boxes. She runs her hand through her hair and looks around.
The boy flew behind on of the men in the crowd and came back as his "Normal" Young boyish self. "No Cap-in just a sto-away..." He looked ,and I don't know who this guys is...but I have come to join you!." The kid looked at the pirate from above. "Do you know of "Kid The Thief?" The boy felt proud, and a little bit off accomplishment hoping that his career and nick name have earned him so "Sea Credit."

@Nenma Takashi Tylor guillory
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Alex didn't catch on quick enough to play along but he did smile wide when the captain spoke his name. "Wait Shark tooth Fin the Shark tooth Fin!" Alex ran over to the captain holding out his hand to shake. "Huge fan huge fan love your work your the pirate with the second most lethal bite in all the known seas!"

@Tylor guillory
Fin laughed loudly and shook Alex's hand."Oh please your to kind. As for you I guess I could let you join my crew I've herd a little of you. Just don't try anything funny aye!" He said then laughed he walked over to the side of his ship and called out. "Anyone who wants to join Shark tooth fins crew just say the word, but I warn you it won't be easy!" He yelled and his voice moved thew out the city. @TheJester @Nenma Takashi @sprouhtt @Am2aM
Anthea heard the announcement and she came out of the shadows of the boxes and stepped forth. "Maybe I could start a new chapter in my life by joining the people on this ship," she thought to herself and she watched as they lowered a plank and people began to walk on it making it easier to get on the ship and off of it.
Victoria jumped as she randomly heard a loud voice coming from the ship..A bit irritating.. She then beamed as she pays attention to what the guy was saying.. She then quickly flew over to the ship forgetting about how painful it was to fly when you are a fallen... She then landed on the rim of the side of the ship..As the base of her wings where they connected to her back bled onto her shirt.."What do we have to do to join?" she loudly asked him making sure he could hear her...

@Tylor guillory
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"Hmm...? He said turning to her. Then a smirk spread across his face." First you need to prove your worth what can't you do? Then if we have some for that position you fight them. If you win then you take there place, and they get dropped down a rank, or they get kicked off all together! " he said loudly laughing.
"That is ludicrous,'' Anthea said to the captain of the ship and she laughed at what he said, "So we must ear our spots on your ship?" SHe added again loud and clear so that he can hear her.
"EVERYONE SHUT IT OR ELSE!" The kid moved his way toward the front. "DO YOU KNOW ME NAME!" He yelled at the Captain who was bombarded by folks.

"DO-YE?" he looked angry pointing his finger at the Shark Tooth. He looked angry ,and a bit upset by the man who was so frantic to meet the captain.-

@Nenma Takashi Tylor guillory Am2aM
"Yes indeed! Do you have a problem with that.. Girlie?" He asked smiling tauntingly at her his arms crossed as people around him began fighting for there spots aboard his ship. Most fights where short, some lasted a little longer than others, and some where still going. The fights managed to get new stronger members and some stayed other matches where still undecided.
Alex knew just what to do he snatched a sword from one of the crew members and took a bite out of the blade swallowing it. Then took another sword and brought it down on his arm the blade just bounced off his skin. "I can be like vice captain or something like that so were is the vice captain?" He asked looking around ready to fight.
Fin turned to the kid." If I'm being honest I don't. Why is that a problem kid?" Fins tone of voice changed and with it so did the energy of the ship. He gave off dark menacing waves of energy as he stared down at the kid. @TheJester
Fin pointed to a jarge fishmen who was fighting five men at once. He took them all down with ease. Then he looked at Alex and smiled his scales seemed to shake as he did. @Nenma Takashi
Anthea leaned against the edge of the ship and looked at the Captain and the other two men as something began to stir. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she watched them and shook her head. "I don't understand what the problem is here," Anthea said and rolled her eyes.
Alex smiled at the fishman. "Alright big guy let's go!" He jumped up sending his knee into the fishman's face the fishman stumbled back and grabbed Alex trying to pick him up. But Alex grabbed his arm and lifted him up. "In the animal kingdom it's survival of the fittest so no hard feeling right?" He spun around throwing the fishman straight up then waited for him to come down be for sending a punch into his face making him slide across the deck of the ship. "Come on was that all I was having fun."
A gun was fired in the air to get the attention he so wanted to deserve. The Kid then looked at the captain and blew the smoke from the fired gun into the captains nose. He looked at the captain and spoke "It's Kid The Thief...Learn it...Study it...Preach it..." The kid would move back into the crowd with having a strong holding on the gun tilting it up and staring the captain in the eyes as he moved back disappearing into the crowd of pirates. For he was going to avoid the inflicting damage that might have occurred if he had stayed in the man known as "Shark Beards presence." Th Kid couldn't be found if searched among the heads of pirates in the crowd.

@Nenma TakashiTylor guilloryAm2aM

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