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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

"Ok crew lets all go to the bar for a drink! Everyone lets go!" His men cheered and they all headed towards the bar for so drinks and fun.
"Your a smart one...." The old man hinted. As the man blinked the Kid was back to normal state. "Shucks I gotta work on it a little more!...." Kid then was seen going and making his way to the captains log. "Ill see ye later." He through a hand in the air and walked off with the pitter patter of his feet.

@Nenma TakashiTylor guilloryAm2aM
Anthea was at the bar before any of her new fellow crew men and her captain and she had already had four drinks and continued. She began to feel the effects when she began to feel the room spinning but the festive atmosphere made her get up and dance with the rest of the people, she couldn't think clearly but known of that was in her way of having a good time which she knew how to.
Victoria just watched the scene play out before her not speaking or complaining about anything.. She then sighed with relief and smiled to herself..'Rest in peace little buddy' She prayed silently to the little girl who lost her life a few years ago..'I shall fufill your dream' She then looked up and watched everyone once more as her eyes changed to their regular crystal white... She then followed them to the bar, as she wanted another drink anyway..
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Before leaving fin. Made sure to grab Alex and The kid. He chased the kid into his cabin and grabbed him tightly. "Ok you two stop messing around lets party!" He said cheerfully his footsteps echoing threw the area. @Nenma Takashi @TheJester
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Anthea began to dance, laugh, and she joined a circle that was formed with people dancing, kicking, and spinning. She danced till her hearts content and drank like no other man, it was a bad habit of hers but she never lost control of how she behaved like other women around here.
Alex cheered going to the bar he nudged Fin. "Hey Cap'n how bout a drinking contest I can promise I won't disappoint ya!" He said smiling Alex was sure he'd with his power he was sure he'd win with his power he looked back at the girl who'd join the crew. "What about you wanna have a contest?" He poked Kid in the face. "Can you drink if so want in?"

@Tylor guillory

Victoria smiled and raised her hand slightly "Count me in!" She said happily and competitively, and sat down next to them..
I felt as if I danced quite enough until a man dragged me back in and began dancing with me and spinning me around as we danced. I laughed and danced and I've never felt so light on my feet, "Ah!" I laughed with joy.
Alex wasted no time ordering a big barrel of booze and began chugging it down when he finished he looked at his two opponents. "Your move." He said cocky.

@Tylor guillory

Victoria ordered a big barrel aftern Alex, and chugged it quickly without taking a break.."It is like drinking water!" She said smugly, looking at the last opponent..
Fin was drinking two barrels at a time none stop."What are you light weight so proud about I'm gonna drink you under the table! "
Victoria huffed and ordered eight before lining them up and drinking them all, she then ordered four more and did the same....
Anthea stopped dancing with the man since he began to get handsie with her and she began to feel uncomfortable with him. She tried to escape from him but he held her tight. She stomped on his foot and as he brought his face lower so that his hands could reach his hurt foot Anthea brought her knee up to the strangers face and kneed him in the face. She watched as he dropped to the ground, and some people that were around her stopped dancing to watch it all go down. She took a few steps back few walking out of the bar.
Alex chuckled ordering 13 then drinking them. "Who're you calling a light weight?" He ordered 12 more and drank them all. "Trust me if anyone's getting drunkin under the table it's you two."
As they said theres Fin was already on his hundredth barrel. Now he was drinking from a barrel bigger then him. Which was saying alot."I'm sorry I can't hear you I'm to busy our drinking you both!"
Anthea walked back to the ship and she found it completely deserted with nobody around. She decided to look around, and she saw a room to the left of her. She walked in, it was dark so she lit a match and put it on a few candles that were around the room since she couldn't find the light switch. She looked around and saw maps on a table with a few books. she took a seat in a comfortable chair fit for a king and looked at the maps.
Victoria's eyes grew red as she became angered, she then ordered 26 more, lining them up into their little groups, and then drinking them one after the other....She then ordered five more and did the same.. She then smirked.. "Ha!-Wait what how can you drink that fast!?!" she then ordered 25 more and lined them up, drinking them each..
"Don't question it the boss is just amazing like that!" Said one of the crew members as he noticed there drinking contest. "Yea no one can out drink Fin!" The entire crew cheered as they began watching the contest.
Alex ordered his 100th booze barrel and drank it. "I'm not giving up you hear." He ordered 20 more and drank them. "Come on bartender keep em coming!"
Anthea was just about done with reading the first book that was on the table since she loved reading eye catching books. She was also cautious of when the others would be back so that they wouldn't catch her around snooping.
Fin was on barrel number two hundred now."Oh I almost forgot to mention! I'm not gonna pay for anyone else's booze!" He laughed as he kept drinking.
Victoria ordered her 135th, before ordering 25 more and drinking them the same way, by lining them up and drinking them one after the other... She then choked on what was in her mouth.."Wha-Oh well.." She then kept drinking
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