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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting


Hanakichi Ichitomi

The Geisha glanced toward the Red Savage, watching his anger at the newest member whom had been found on the ship. The one with the shattered voice, whom spoke a million tones. A moment passed before Hana finally spoke up to Savage "Perhaps we should all return to the Rose. Although I have to admit, this is the most lax kidnapping of late for me." Hanakichi gave the smallest smirk, curling her scarlet lips before it disappeared.

@Knight Nate
The Savage turned to the Geisha, annoyance in the eyes that couldn't be seen. He patted the hilt of his cutlass loudly for the group to hear .

"Then by all means, tell me where I should stab you."
As I walk past the Geisha I say "I may be a pirate but I don't believe in kidnapping. If you don't want to come you can stay hear but you are more then welcome on the Black Rose." I continue my way back to my ship checking my pockets to make sure the green jewel is still their. When I get back I go to the captain's cabin and wait for my crew to collect the loot.
Jakob and Liz wandered to the dock, looking about. Liz smiled excitedly. "I can't wait! We can be pirates!" She said excitedly. Jakob nodded. "But which one?" Liz though for a minute before pointing to the Black Rose. "That one looks awesome." She said, walking towards it.
(Uh we aren't at port yet. We are in the process of leaving the transport ship.we should be done with it soon.sorry.)
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]At this point the entire crew was passed out drunk. They littered the bar empty beer mugs laying around them along with plates which either once had or now barely had any food on them."Hehe ladies don't fight there's plenty of captain Fin to go around." Fin said in his sleep empty barrels of beer laying underneath his massive form. His crew members snored loudly and he roled around contently dreaming of ladies as usual. Even in his dreams he was partying or fighting which he considered basically the same thing.

Kid got up and looked around, his eyes opened and he saw himself in a mirror "Hm? He saw his reflection. "I hate transforming in my sleep..." He looked diffrent, more bronze and longer hair. His eyes were green and his nails where black.
He saw his crew mates passed out and spoke "Fin and the crew of scall-wags! OI!" He yelled. In his ways of saying hello. He tip-toed back past them and took an empty beer cup and sipped the remains. "Yep...so does anyone cook around here?"
Fin leapt up at the ques question although he was still somehow passed out and towered over the kid." MUST FIGHT MUST EAT MUSR MUST FIGHT MUST EAT!" Fin repeated and a few of the men got up and panicked. "Oh not he's going into another one of his sleep fights run for your lives!" Said one crew member and the others quickly woke up and began running as Fin roared and began biting chunks out of whatever was closest to him. "Hey sharks don't sleep?" Pointed out a crew member who was obviously new." I think its because he's a fishmen and its more like he passed out." Explained another crew member as they ran for there lives. @TheJester @Nenma Takashi @Am2aM @sprouhtt
Alex shot up at the sound of screams. "What who why where!?" He looked to see Fin going on a rampage. "Vice Captain Fin's gone into another one of his sleep fights do something!" One if the crewmates begged. Alex stood up and looked around taking a sword a biting a chunk out of it swallowing. "Sure thing." He sent a kick to the back of Fin's leg. "Hey Fin wake up Kid don't just stand there help!"

@Tylor guillory @TheJester @sprouhtt
Victoria stared dumbfounded at him, still drunk and confused in what was going on.."Fish boy...Cute fish boy.." She said wobbly walking toward the other crew members that were going for cover.. Suddenly she tripped and landed on her face for the second time today.. She was now half asleep, half awake, and unable to get up, as her wings convulsed and wrapped around her...
-Kid Fired a loud shot into the air to wake the sleeping giant. "Oi -Meat head wake up, this ain't so funny!" He kept firing near the captain till he woke and if he was not to wake and, if he didn't the kid would look at Alex with a sorry face and run off behind a counter, or a stack f barrels.

Hiding there he would then continue to fire his pistols until he struck something loud enough.-

@Tylor guillory @TheJester @sprouhtt @Nenma Takashi
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Unfortunately Fin was not easily woken in this state. He slammed a hand into Alex sending him flying into a wall. Then he bit a chunk out of a support beam ignoring the gun fire."Oh no not again everyone run he's gonna bring the place down!" Called a man from the crew as he ran out of the bar. Fin let out a roar of victory clearly stating he had one his fight in his dream. The bar began to creak as the place began to fall apart. Fin just kept biting stuff this time eating it, apparently he was dreaming of eating a big victory meal now. @Nenma Takashi @TheJester @Am2aM @sprouhtt
Victoria saw people running, and with all her might she jumped onto someone's back, not sure who it was.."Run like the wind horsey!" She yelled pointing forward drunkenly...
Alex shook his head which was now thorbing after getting pushed into the wall he shouted to kid. "Kid forget it he'll be fine we have to ahhh!" Alex was suprised when Victoria jumped on his back. "Yeah she's got the right idea come on!" He ran out of the bar looking to make sure everyone was getting out.

@Tylor guillory @TheJester @sprouhtt
"Fin, aint no tell'in if this goin kill you...but a pirates ship is a mans pride and joy...and I can't let you hurt your beauty like this..(His ship)" Kid ran into the crowd and came out, but something was off. There seemed TWO FINS. Kid had taken his image and along with his strength (Kid transforms into anyone and can take ONE thing from the person weather strength, Wisdom, or courage.) Kid in the body of fin took a Cannon and started to set it. "Theres enough Fin to go around laddies!" He mocked the captain before setting of the cannon in Fins direction aiming to knock him off his feet or back to reality.

@Tylor guillory @sprouhtt @Nenma Takashi
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Victoria then rested her head on... The person's shoulder, unsure of what his name was.. As he made sure everyone got out... "Good horsey.." She said patting his head and tiredly watching everyone, and waiting for the captain to snap out of his..... Sleep attacking?
Crow Terminus.

Crow walked in, completely relaxed. "Ooh, there's someone chewing a table."
Unfortunately for The kid and anyone else still in the bar. It was far to late to run as the bar collapsed ontop of anyone still inside. The entire crew was silent as they stared in awe at the wreckage there captain had made."Well its a good thing were pirates so we don't have to actually pay for anything. "They all shook there heads agreeing. @Nenma Takashi @Am2aM @TheJester @sprouhtt
"Yaaaahhhhhh!" Fin said yawning as his two massive arms thrust threw the wreckage. The giant fishman cracked his neck and rubbed his eye." Hey crew I had the best dream." He said smiling." We know captain." Said a crew mate and Fin looked around. "Oh...well I guess I did it again Arharharharharhar!!?" Fin stood up and dusted himself off. "Ok crew back to the ship then as for you!" Fin said pointing to crow." Feel free to join if you want I don't mind!" He laughed and walked out of the wreckage

@Nenma Takashi @Am2aM @sprouhtt @TheJester @BELL
Fins crew all laughed heartily as the made there way back to the ship."That was fun we should do it again sometime! " Fin said as he walked over to the owner of the bar and handed him small bag of something. "Here to pay for any.. Damages." Fin said smiling and walked back to the ship."Oh and Kid you might want to hurry and join us we lock down the ship when we hit the bay Harharhar!" Fin said to The kid who was still buried under the rubble. @TheJester
Alex began chuckling as well hunched over a bit from having to carry Victoria. "Well that ended better then I thought it would at least." He looked at the new crew mate Crow. "Hi I'm Alex the Vice captain any problems just come to me." He smiled showing his sharp teeth.

@Tylor guillory @TheJester @BELL

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