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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Victoria thinks for a moment.."Can't be better.. I fulfilled my little girl's dream.." She said thinking off before snapping out of it.."So what accent is that it sounds...greek, very pretty.." She says with a smile..
Anthea replied with a smile," Thank you," She replied back to Victoria, "Who's your little girl?" Anthea asked not knowing if Victoria had a child or not and if she did then what was she doing on the ship. Anthea goes next to her and leans against the wall to the side of her.

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Victoria looks sad for a second before explaining.."Well, when I fell there was a little girl who had found me and helped me but....Somthing happened to her so..." She didn't finish as she looked at the sea angrily as her eyes turn a glowing red...
"If your out here blaming yourself, don't. It's not worth it and its not your fault." Anthea told her knowing that shes had past experiences where Anthea blamed herself for her mothers absences in her life. Anthea brought her hand to Victoria's shoulder and waited for her to come out of her mental rampage that she was having. @Am2aM
All of a sudden on of the crew members came barging into the captain cabin panicked. "Captain! I've got news its her she's not to far off and it looks like she's coming in our direction!" And with that Fin shot up and looked at the man. Without saying a word he nodded and the man ran outside."Everyone prepare for battle all hands on deck! "Fin walked out of his cabin as all his men ran around the ship in sync with each other preparing as ordered. They moved like a well oiled machine not missing a step." This is going to be fun." Fin said looking in the direction of his next battle."Its been a while since I fought one of the big names of the sea." @Nenma Takashi @TheJester @Am2aM @sprouhtt @BELL
Victoria jumps as she suddenly hears the captain.. She then flashes into her battling outfit as her dagger of electricity appeared..

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Arthur slowly begins to mumble to himself flustered in his current predicament. Eventually he decides he might as well introduce himself. "H-Hello, my name is Arthur Wilfred, son of Plutus, God of Wealth. Pleasure to make your acquaintance?" He slowly says constantly pausing between each word. "And you might be?" He asked hoping not to look to suspicious.
The Savage raised his hand and brought it to the side of his head, ready to bring it down upon the girl's face for her foolishness. But just as he brought it down, he stopped himself. A memory flashed through his mind; one of his father and himself in almost this exact situation, him apologizing for a mistake he made and his father seething with rage, and then hitting him. The Savage stared down at the girl and, for some reason or another, saw himself in her. He dropped his hand back to his side with a short sigh.

"Look, kid....I'm not always going to be there to pull you up whenever you're dangling. You have to do one of two things; be strong enough to pull yourself up, or be smart enough to not fall over in the first place. Got it?"

His tone was much softer than it usually was and less gruff, reminding him more of a Father teaching his child a life lesson. He looked out to the sea, it's cool blue waves sloshing lazily along.
"Y-Yeah... I got it.." Elizabeth followed his gaze across the sea.

"I love the ocean," she said wistfully. "It appears calm at one moment, raging at another, and it has no mercy for anything not strong enough to stand against it. It tears away villages from the earth, it slowly destroys rock and becomes a river, it never succumbs on the level that man does... it just does what it has been doing for a long time.."

@Knight Nate
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The Savage glanced down at the girl, not expecting at all the words she was saying.

"Heh. You sound just like an old man friend of mine, kid. You know, I don't even remember asking for your name. If you're going to be here, I need to know what I'll be shouting in annoyance."

He didn't move his body from the sea, still staring out. He reflected on the girls' words, though, and they had a merit of truth to them. The sea would just keep going on, not stopping, ever churning the white foam it creates...

@The Arrival
As Savage came in place a box of fine gems and jewels on my desk I get a grin on my face and say "nicely done Savage you didn't disappoint." And with that I give him a nod to excuse himself. Then a few minutes later I hear a commission on the ship I walk out to hear Savage giving a lecture to a young girl. I walk up to them as they are stirring at the ocean and say "so who might this girl be Savage your new pet or something."
RetroAkabane said:
Arthur slowly begins to mumble to himself flustered in his current predicament. Eventually he decides he might as well introduce himself. "H-Hello, my name is Arthur Wilfred, son of Plutus, God of Wealth. Pleasure to make your acquaintance?" He slowly says constantly pausing between each word. "And you might be?" He asked hoping not to look to suspicious.
"I want to make something clear before we go off to battle. Don't steal from me, or those that are close to me, if I bond with anyone, and you'll have one less person seeking your head," Crow murmurs in Arthur's ear, then leans back, smiles, and strolls to the deck.
The Savage would turn from the ocean and to the Captain who had just walked out of his Cabin, then to the girl.

"She's a pain in my ass, that's what she is. She was just about to tell me her name, too."

@The Arrival
Crow arrives above decks and overhears this with unusually keen ears, and chuckles a bit.
(Sounds good if you all could at the top of your post just put Black Rose or Sea Devil just to stop confusion please)

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