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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

"Oh now you want to call me names. You know this 'she-devil,' would make your life a living hell if you talk to her that way." Anthea told him and she laughed at the fact that he had called her a she-devil but shes been called worse in her life here on earth. "You are hurting, if you think shooting down the things that annoy you in life is going to resolve something...you are sorely mistaken and this is coming from the she-devil herself." Anthea continued as she let out a small but irritated smile. @Knight Nate
The Savage shrugged, still aiming at her.

"Well, I'm more than happy to test that theory. Shooting things have gotten me out of more than one nasty situation. You don't scare me, She-Devil. I'm already in for an eternity of hell in the Underworld for the things I've done, and I'm not afraid of adding more to the list. So, by all means, continue walking. And we'll see who's standing at the end of this."
"You amuse me," Anthea said, "Why? Is because this just proves my theory that are you all talk and no action." She added and she stepped even closer to him so close that the gun that the mysterious man was aiming at her was now in contact with her chest. She looked down at the gun that she was not at all afraid of and she followed it up to the mans 'no face'.
"Alright, now I'm pissed."

He was waiting for her to step close enough for him to not possibly miss, and he quickly brought his gun down and shot her straight in the kneecap. He put his pistol back inside his coat and drew his cutlass, keeping it at the woman's neck as she lay on the ground from the wound.
Anthea dropped to the floor in pain and she laid there and she saw him come closer to her with a cutlass to her neck, she felt him press it against her neck feeling the sharpness of the blade. The blood from her wounded knee dripped down her leg and on the wooden floor staining it. She looked up at him, "Are you feeling relieved now?" She told him as she felt a single tear run down the side of her face. @Knight Nate
He pressed the blade into her neck, a little bit of blood flowing from where he pressed, and he then let his cutlass drop to his side as he stared down at her.

"I don't feel anything anymore. I'm a Savage, through and through. Let's hope Angel Girl can be valiant and bring you back to safety. Heaven knows I wont."
The pain of the wound was more painful then she thought. It was an eye opener for her to see how little of a heart this man had because of his past. She inhaled sharply but quietly when she felt a sharp stinging from the wound. "You should have finished the job that you were about to do, what stopped you?" She asked as she looked at the blade that made a clank sound next to her and she looked at him. @Knight Nate
The Savage cracked his knuckles as he walked over to the hilt of his blade and kicked it up in the air, grabbing the guard and inserting it into his sheath again.

"There's been enough killing from me. I'd like there to be bloodshed only when neccesary."
"...and you think it was necessary for you to shed even more blood by shooting me with that bullet." Anthea said as she sat up when he walked away.
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He looked back as he walked, a smirk forming on the face they couldn't see.

"Did I not say I'd put a bullet in the things that annoy me? And don't move as much. You'll just lose more blood. Wrap it up until someone can take out the ball."

He stood at the far end of the ship, watching the enemy ship bob around in the water.
"What I'm hearing is I'm not annoying?" Anthea said with a smirk on her face as well and looked at the mysterious man, She got up and staggered to a near by barrel on the ship and sat there.
"Oh no, you're annoying. I would put another ball in your other knee, but I'm low on munitions."

He continued watching the water, just staring at the ship.
"What is your name?" She said calmly as she spoke in her greek accent that sometimes makes it hard for her to speak since people made fun of her accent. "Your the first man I've met that hasn't yet complimented me on my looks." She told him jokingly and chuckled a bit. Anthea was full of personality and she wasn't going to let a mans negativity get her down.
(Sorry I had to go somewhere)

Victoria didn't say anything as the man and Anthea spoke to each other.. She then thought that her wings would probably shield her from the bullet as she had her wings bend out in front of her... She then hopped down from the wall of the side of the boat and landed on the deck..

"Don't annoy him to much Anthea.." She said staring at the guy as her eyes turned to their random bright red..

@Knight Nate
"People know me as the Red Savage. And I don't compliment people unless they've done something I respect. Looks don't count, they were given to you by the gods. And you should listen to your friend. At least she has some common sense."

He pulled his Flintlock out of his coat pocket and began reloading it.
Fin roared and charged at Leon."Tiger Shark slash!" Fin roared as he sent a mighty hand at Leon in a slashing manner. He was faster than you'd expect a massive guy like him to be. @DeathRising
"Your a bit late on that," Anthea told Victoria as she rolled her eyes and watched as Victoria came down to the deck. "That's cute as to what your about to do," She said pointing at the gun, "ready to strike another victim, I see." She said and watched as her knee healed back and pushed the bullet out. She was amazed as she was watching her skin mend itself as if nothing happened. Could this have been the gift her father was telling her on his death bed? She bent over and picked up the bullet and looked at it as it was covered in her own red liquid that stained her hand. @Knight Nate @Am2aM
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"Hey either start fighting or I'll personally crush you myself once I'm done with the captain!" Fin roared at them as he continued his hand to hand fight with Leon. @Knight Nate
When fin charged me I was a little caught off guard by his speed. But I was a able to take a srep back which made the slash only a cut. I then try and leg sweep fin and try to follow up with a elbow to the gut.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hinotori.600.1540092.jpg.333c730f905a887d49574ca3fb392510.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hinotori.600.1540092.jpg.333c730f905a887d49574ca3fb392510.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aki had stowed away on the Sea devil ship. She had changed into a bird so she could fit into certain places to stay hidden. But she suddenly had heard fighting and going on. Maybe I should check it out. She came out of her hiding place still in bird form. She then changed to human form and took a look around. She went up deck to see sword fights and shootings. "Oh wow." She wasn't really sure what to do now. She didn't want to fight. The only reason she stowed away on this ship was because she was tired. She had been flying for a while and saw this ship one night. So she snuck on and a found a hiding spot to sleep and rest. "I think this is a sign that I need to get out of here." So she transformed into a bird and started to fly off. That is until she saw a bullet headed her way. She ducked and then rammed into someone.




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"You know men like yourself should really watch what you say, especially to women." Anthea muttered off to her captain as she put the bullet in her pocket and stood up from where she was and walked over to Victoria. @Knight Nate @Tylor guillory
The leg sweep was a failure but Fin still took the elbow to the gut although as to its effect it only seemed to agitate him."Is that...all you got!!! How disappointing!" Fin roared and attempted to grab Leon and body slam him.
Alex decided to join the fight he was Vice Captain he had a job to fight for his crew. He jumped up trying to send a kick into Savage's back. "Your opponent is me!"

@Knight Nate
(Again I know atm me and death aren't doing it out bad but put you location at the top of your replies again our bad we didn't do it because we thought it obvious but still)

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