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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

(sea Devil, I believe...?)

Crow strides above decks and takes in the vast, merciless depths of the ocean. Of all the places he had traveled, the ocean was one of the strangest, one he knew less about.
The Sea Devil

Fin stood on his ship smiling his Shark tooth smile."Soon! There coming soon! I can feel it in my bones my bloods boiling now prepare for war crew!" Fin stood at the front of his ship as they began to move towards the direction of there next battle
Black Rose

As I hear Savage tell me about this girl I get a bad feeling in my gut. So I go to the back of the ship and look out at sea. And see another ship coming out way I bring my telescope out and look at it. And my heart sinks I say "oh fucking hell why does it have to be that ship why." I think to myself okay from the stories my mom told me about the Sea Devil I should run but that's not a option. Half of my crew is on the transport ship and some are injured. I have no choice I am going to have and go face the Sea warlord Captin Fin. So with a sigh I jump off the back of the Black Rose and using water to propel me I quickly get to the Sea Devil and land in the middle of the deck and say "Captin Fin where are you."
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"Hyahahahahahahaha well if it isn't the sea gode...woah wait one second who the hell are you?!" Fin asked as the crew around him moved to show his position. He walked up he towered above just about everyone on the ship his massive form intimidating enough without his well know reputation. Fin squinted at you."Your not her why did she send a child like you to my ship? Where is she I want to say hello?" Fin was getting annoyed now not sure what was going on. @DeathRising
With a confidence I shouldn't have and standing toe to toe with Fin I say "Oh where you expecting the Sea goddess. Well she's gone now so you have to talk to me her son Captin Leon Shadowstep."
The Sea Devil

"Oh so your her son aye? Hmph I had heard rumor that she died but I didn't believe it to be true. It's sad to see who's the Captain of the black rose now." Fin seemed sad now but he still smiled. He looked at Leon trying to find some resemblance of his mother."To he honest you don't look like her how do I know your not just some thief who managed to steal the ship after her death?" Fin knew this was unlikely he was just teasing the boy now."Never mind that I believe you I suppose but your still not worthy to be the captain on that ship. Hey newbies! Go to the enemy ship and take down anyone on board!" Fin said as he locked his eyes with Leon's."Leave the boy to me." At this his crew all leapt into the ocean and swam at incredible speeds towards your ship."Now lets see what your made of Leon!" Fin said raising his fist.

@DeathRising @sprouhtt @Am2aM @TheJester @BELL @RetroAkabane (might need to tag you crew Death )
-The Black Rose-

The Savage watched emotionless as the Captain looked off into the distance at another ship, them promptly jumped off and used the water to make his way to it. He sighed, concerned at whatever it was that was running around inside the Captain's head. He looked back down to the girl, putting his hand on his cutlass as he watched a number of people jump from the enemy ship and begin swimming their way to the Rose.

"That doesn't look good. Go on the transport ship and rally the others. I'm good, but we will need their help. Once you've alerted them, try to find a place a hide. This might get ugly."

@The Arrival
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With a slightly agitated look on my face I bring my arm up and lower it and all the men that jumped over where braught back by a wave and slammed on the deck scattered everywhere on the deck. I thin look Fin in the eyes and say "your fight is with me not my crew or my ship. This will be captain vs captain got it. And don't underestimate me I am not only the son of the Sea goddess but also the Sea God himself Poseidon."

(I have to get some sleep sorry work in the morning and its already 2:30am for me. I feel like this is where you would hear next time on Dragon ball z...lol)
(Lol same I got to sleep aswell next time on We be pirates ( lol totally needs a new title xD ) "Hmm my fight might be with you but my men need some fun to! But I guess I understand I won't attack your crew...if you can amuse me that is." Fin changed stance and prepared to fight." Tiger Shark stance prepare to die!" He put his hand infront of him making Fin like claws. @DeathRising
The Sea Devil

Almost entranced by the likelihood of violence, Arthur makes his way out of his hiding place and onto the deck of The Sea Devil, avoiding the line of sight of her crew members to get a nice view of the chaos that was about to go down.
"Don't worry I will be able to more then entertain you." I say as I toss my jacket off and take a generic fighting stance.
-The Black Rose-

The Savage, upon hearing something land on the ship, quickly drew the flintlock and pointed it at the woman with wings who had decided to step onto the ship. He cocked the pistol as he kept his other hand on the cutlass at his side.

"Great, another angel thing. I think it would be best if you leave, sweetheart. A pretty face like you doesn't need a bullet in it."

His voice had returned to its usual gravelly tone, and his words were cold. You could tell he didn't want to be killing people left and right today, and it was more of an annoyance than anything else.

Anthea looks at them and then she looks to the side to say something to Victoria, but she had already left to join in on the chaos. Anthea walked along side of the railings of the edge of the ship and she saw Victoria flying around until she landed on the Black Rose. She saw a man pointing a gun at her ready to fire, "Don't you dare fire at her," Anthea yelled out. @Knight Nate , @Am2aM
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The Savage rolled his eyes, but it wasn't visible from his covered up face. He could already tell that it was going to be one of Those days. He kept the pistol trained on the other angel girl and shouted back to the other voice.

"I don't plan to if you leave the ship."

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"Leave the ship, why would I ever leave this ship?" Anthea shouted back at the deep voice and the wind blew past her blowing through her chestnut hair, she put her hair behind her ear and brought her hand towards her belt that had a dagger on each side. "What did that poor angel do to you?" Anthea added.

@Knight Nate
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"It's nothing personal, sweetheart. Just buisness."

He kept his pistol trained on the girl, keeping the other in his sight as well.
"Just business? Listen I don't like when I get involved in this sort of thing but when someone like you is going to murder someone as innocent as her." Anthea told the mysterious man that was standing on the other ship. She tried to look at the mans face but she couldn't quite catch a glimpse of his face since it was covered up.
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"It's not murder. In fact, it won't be anything if you just turn tail and leave this ship. I would prefer not wasting a bullet or getting blood on the wood. It's hard to get out."

The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, but he was serious about them leaving, his tone of voice still cold.
Anthea stepped back before running and leaping off the ship to jump across to the other ship called the Black Rose. AS she boarded the ship she made contact with the mysterious man that dared to fire a bullet at a girl she had only known for a couple of minuets. "Clearly she wasn't on the ship, she is still flying. You can't tell someone to get off your ship or whomever this ship belongs, and just tell them to get off when they aren't on it." Anthea said as she looked at the man, "...your clearly all talk and no action, why not removing the mask to show me who you are." She continued pushing the situation deeper and deeper. @Knight Nate
The Savage pulled the pistol away from the angel girl and towards this new woman. She was really starting to get on his nerves. His other hand gripped the hilt of his cutlass strongly as he did so.

"My face is my buisness, and it's not important anyway. You'll find that I'm all talk until you give me a reason to put a bullet through your head and a sword through your gullet. So please, for your sake, get off the ship."
She saw that he had know pointed the gun at her but she wasn't worried about anything since she didnt come looking for a fight like the others. "You would dare put a bullet through a women such as myself?" Anthea asked him as she walked around him carelessly observing the way he moves as well and she finally stopped inches away from him. "You seem like you've had a tough past, am I correct?" She questioned him again. @Knight Nate
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The Savage's eyes narrowed, the iron vice-like grip on his cutlass' hilt increasing.

"I'd put a bullet through anything that's annoying me, and right now, you're filling all my expectations. And my past is my own, She-Devil. Dont ask about it."

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