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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Elizabeth shudders, wondering if they'll just toss her over the edge or take her prisoner once they notice her fully. The red cloak would be happy, she thought bitterly. Then she realized where she vaguely recognized him. There was a book made about the Savage, who she realized was the man in the cloak. The book had many tales about him. She hoped they weren't true, or just exaggerations...
Victoria also smiled at the new guy.."Hellso Imsh Vicsortia..." She says drunkenly, as she slightly waved, and held onto Alex so she didn't fall, or feel like she was going to fall...
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Elizabeth decides to try and get some answers out of him. "Hey!" She calls out to the Savage. "Could I talk to you f-for a moment?" The fear and apprehension was clear in her voice, as was the terror in her mind. What if they were true? What if...

@Knight Nate
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(Oh yeah FYI peeps the crew of the sea devil might seem like a bunch of good hearted fools who just like to party but they aren't notorious pirates for nothing when it comes time to get serious they get serious lol)
Victoria then hops off of Alex and wobbly stands, almost falling over... She then, as quickly as she can, goes onto the ship, before falling after she hits the hardwood of the deck... Suddenly she felt childish and started rolling around yelling "Weeeeeeeeeee!!!" she then rolled into someone, and sat up dizzily while holding her head as her eyes focused... Before she suddenly fell asleep...
Dream?...yes...a-a dream..." Wood hurts but not as much as ice. Lucky Kid was under Fin but a bit damaged. "I ain't doin that again.. I dont think, ....Ima head to the ship. . ." For once he knew exactly where things were he got up and stumbled to his feet. Still in the form of Fin, if fin could knock off the rubble so could he. But there was a reason he was tied, it was because he wasn't Fin. There was a moment everyone blinked
Sitting in my cabin I wonder what is taking so long for my crew to collect the loot. The sea starts to produce violent waves to show my frustration. Not enough to capsize a ship but enough for everyone to tell something was off.

@Knight Nate @XxLuluxX @sitanomoto @Achilles676
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Sadime sat up, feather rustling, she looked down at her stomach, finding it completely healed with not a scratch. "What the-" Sadime stared at her stomach in wonder.
She heard screams from outside and chatter of the men coming back onto the ship. Anthea ignore their loud chatter and continue to do what she was doing, until she remembered Anthea didn't close the door properly hopefully nobody will notice that she didn't close it. She looked out the small circular window and out into the ocean seeing the waves clash along.

@Tylor guillory @sprouhtt @Nenma Takashi
"I'll be in my quarters if you need me, so everyone try to get along and introduce yourselves!" Fin said before moving into his room and closing the door. He slowly made his way to his bed and laid down letting out a hard sigh."I think if we keep going down this route, we will eventually become the mightiest pirates In all the sea." And with that Fin fell asleep again this time peacefully.
The Savage then remembered what he had in his coat pocket; the box of jewels! He had forgotten to give that to the Captain. He turned to everyone down here and spoke in a rushed tone.

"You guys deal with Safe-Girl. I have something I need to do."

He quickly headed back up to the top deck and back across to the rose. He went inside the Captain's Cabin and found Leon at his desk. He pulled his box of jewels out of his coat pocket and set it on his desk.

"Thought this would be worth more than plain old gold."
Victoria woke up completely sober.. She had only been asleep for a half an hour... She then thought back about what she did and scoffed.. She then stood and sat on the side of the boat which was facing the sea, and looked down at the waves, as she slightly swayed while copying their movements, being entranced by the sparkling water..
Crow slips away into the ship, staying out of the way best as possible, and sharpening his knives, preparing for the next conflict...
Arthur exits the John during his search for loot only to find Crow on the deck. Scared of the encounter he slams the door shut again with a loud crash trying to act inconspicuous but obviously not working.
(Just to clear things up, Arthur is not yet a member of the crew but instead trying to find something to steal from them to make a quick buck.)
Victoria jumped as she heard a loud slam of a door behind her.. She then jumped onto the deck and saw crow...Must have been him.. She thought as she leaned against a wall next to the door that slammed..
Anthea walks out of the kitchen and heads out to the main deck to join the other men. She looks around as the men began to fix the sails on the ship and other interiors. She walk over to a girl that was leaning against the wall by a door, "Hello," Anthea said to the girl. @Tylor guillory @sprouhtt @Nenma Takashi
Victoria gives her a friendly smile.."Hello, how are you? Still spying on people?" She asks sarcastically inferring, when they first met and Anthea was behind the crates watching.. She then smiles brighter.."But seriously, how are ye today?" She asks.. @Tylor guillory @Am2aM @Nenma Takashi
Elizabeth sighs and continues to wait. I truly dislike waiting, she decided. She let her eyes drift to the ocean again. The next second she was leaning against the railing, gazing across the sea. The next, she was falling. She lashed out to grab something, and she did. The outer rim of a window. Her bare feet skim the surface of the sea, and she yelps. If she fell, she'd likely drown. She looked up and let one hand reach for the railing, but it was just too far up. She looked to the right and saw nothing she could use. She looked to the left and saw another ledge from a window, and swung her foot up there. She pushed off from the side of the ship, and pulled herself up, standing where her hands were precariously. But she was still to far from the railing. She decided to take a huge risk. She bent her legs, nearly falling but gaining her balance just in time. She jumped upwards and reached for the railing. So close. She fell back down, but managed to snag onto the side before she fell to a watery grave. Just below the deck, she could have pulled herself up easily, but she was too spent to. She tried calling out for help, but any speaking she attempted above a loud whisper made her cough a lot. She decided to wait for the crew to get back on the ship, but her hands were tiring and her grip loosening. At least the tops of her hands would be visible, if barely.
"I am doing just fine," Anthea tells her, "You saw me hiding?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows knowing that she didn't see Victoria see her. "How about you?" Anthea asked in a slight Greek accent but her pronunciation was amazing since she has had a lot of time to herself reading and learning about the English pronunciation.

@Tylor guillory @sprouhtt @Nenma Takashi
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The Savage, with his quota of loot fulfilled, exited the Captain's Cabin as soon as he came. He took a deep breath of the sea air as he stepped out, the salty scent of it culling his lungs. At this point, he began to heard grunting of some sort. He looked around the ship, carefully scanning it, until he spotted slim, white fingers gripping the railing. He quickly ran over to find the girl he freed from the cage dangling from the side of. He let out a sigh as he quickly grabbed her by the forearm and lifted her up, setting her back onto the deck with little effort. His head stared down at her, an angry aura coming off of him.

"You haven't been on this ship for more than, what, ten minutes? And already you're managing to almost get yourself killed. I guess that's one of your 'skills' then, huh"

His fists balked as he spoke. You could clearly tell from his stance that he was doing his best not to yell at her.
Elizabeth cowered under his furious aura. "I-I didn't- I wasn't- I'm- I-I just wasn't looking where I was going, and I... I-I'm sorry, I-I j-just wasn't... I-I just kind of..."
Crow wanders about the ship, familiarizing himself with it, investigating every nook, cranny, and hidey-hole he can find. He hums a strange tune as he goes.

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