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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

On The Black Rose

(Like that? or?)

Victoria smiled at Anthea, glad she had that power of hers..
"So you gonna fight for real now?" She asks the red savage, not knowing who he really was at all..

@Knight Nate
On the Black Rose

"What are you doing over here?" Anthea said as she saw Alex jump across and she turned to look at him. She pulled out her Sabre sword and held it firmly and tightly in her hand. "If it's a fight he wants, then it's a fight he will get." She said to Victoria as she gave a slight smirk. @Knight Nate @Nenma Takashi
Victoria shrugged then held her hand out as a dagger of electricity appeared... "Okay I guess we shall give it to him..." she says smirking...
"You know this captain of ours is pretty interesting right? What kind of man threatens he will kill his own crew mates who don't fight." Anthea said to him as she laughed. @Am2aM
Victoria pondered on that for a while before smiling and staring at the guy agiain...

@Knight Nate
On the Black Rose

"I'm not wasting a perfectly good and clean sword to fight these people, if the captain has a problem with that then he can come to me." Anthea told Victoria as she put her sword back in its place and ran her hand through her hair before turning around and walking off to the stairs to sit down. Anthea had always been stubborn and doesn't really take orders so easily when shes yelled at. She doesn't mean to do it but its in her nature when she was growing up alone. @Knight Nate @Tylor guillory
The Savage turned his head slightly back, and a dark red glint showed through the crack in his clothing covering his face. With surprising speed, he dodged the jump lick, grabbed the lad's foot, and swung him back down onto the deck.

"I have no quarrel with any of you, but if you do not leave the ship, I will be forced to take action. And I warn you; if you make me fight....the ending will be Savage. Heheh...."

He adjusted his hat so that the glint dissapeared and drew his obsidian cutlass, his Flintlock going back into the inside of his coat.
Victoria stares at her dumbfounded...Did she really just say that? I like her even more! .. Victoria then laughs uncontrollably as she grabs her stomach and throws her head back, as she keeps laughing, then grabs a hold of the side of the ship for support... She then saw how serious the guy was in front of her which created another fit of laughter..
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Anthea chuckled a bit and shook her head slowly side to side as she watched the mysterious man swing the poor lad around before letting go. A glimpse of his face was showing but then he covered it back up which disappointed Anthea because she really is curious as to who this masked man really is. "Victoria may I ask why you are laughing?" Anthea asked as she raised an eyebrow. @Knight Nate
Alex cupped his hands to his mouth. "Booo that was terrible!" He reached his hand out to a crewmate running by. "Aye sword!" The crewmate threw him a sword and he took a bite out of it. Leaping up trying to head butt Savage.

@Knight Nate
Crow stays on the Sea Devil, watching it all with amusement, but still ready to fight if the need arises.
Sea Devil

Arthur approaches Crow. "I think we got off on the wrong foot and think we can be good friends but first don't you think we should try and help your crew out instead sitting here laughing? If things continue like this someone might die. Someone close to you." @BELL
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Sea Devil

As Fin grabbed me and lifted me up to body slam me I say "that wasn't even close to my best." As fin continues to slam me instead of hitting the deck theirs a small pool of water . And as soon as I hit it it sucks me and Fin in and then shoots fin against the mass. I then elevate my self on top of the pool saying "come now dont tell me you can do better then that."
"Dear lord Alex is really trying to get himself killed," She said aloud as she watched him leap towards the Savage. Anthea shook her head at both of them and she looked over to the other side of the ship and saw Captain Fin still fighting with the other captain.
Victoria kept laughing as she watched Alex and the other man fight.. She was laughing so hard it hurt, and she fell on the ground holding her stomach as she rolled and laughed, thinking everything to be amusing..
"Victoria if your drinking again I suggest you come to your senses." Anthea told her as she raised an eyebrow towards her and leaned back on the stairs.
Crow glances at Arthur, a sort of resigned sadness hidden deep in his eyes. "Who here's close to me?"
(That was a SHITLOAD of one x one and other posts... IN A SINGLE DAY.)

The Transport Ship

Elizabeth scrambles back to the transport ship, telling all of the Black Rose's crew of the immediate threat that she can find, then run down below decks, looking around for some place to hide. She sees an upturned barrel, finds a lid, tips the empty barrel back upright, and gets inside, putting the lid over the top. She was glad she was small enough to fit in the barrel, or she'd be hiding in plain sight. For once, restlessness wasn't a problem.
"Fair enough, well then I'll be on my way to assist your crew." And with that Arthur jumped onto the Black Rose to assist the members of the Sea Devil. @Tylor guillory
Crow watches as Arthur go off, then says to himself, "Dammit, that theif made me feel guilty." Crow gets up and off of his perch, and silently boards the Black Rose, and sneaks away, using stealth as his killing weapon. For now. He takes out two large knives, one in each hand, and waits for an opportune moment to kill.
Victoria stopped laughing and tried to breathe again..."How did you know I did?" she asks while throwing a cantine over the ship and into the sea... She then watches the battle again while catching her breathe and smiling..
The Sea Devil

Fin stands up and cracks his neck."Oh you think your the only one who can play with water?" All of a sudden a Shark made of water burst out and flew at Leon."Now taste this water shark bomb!" The Shark seemed to be following leons every move like a heat seeking missle.(lol sorry gotta steal kisames move xD @DeathRising
Black Rose

Arthur yells to Captain Fin in the middle of his intense fight "Hey shark..umm.. Human... Hybrid... Monster... Thing, I'll be helping you this fight. Feel free to tag out whenever you get tired. Same goes for you, esper." @Tylor guillory @Nenma Takashi
Anthea heard a voice to the side and she looks in the direction of the voice, "He wouldn't tap out from a fight like this," She yelled back to Arthur as she chuckled. @Tylor guillory

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