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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Fin scratched his head." Huh well I'll be damned eh he was a pushover anyways couldn't be bothered if a fight wasn't easy. Ok then welcome to my crew kid!" Fin said holding out his hand to Alex." As for you girl its simple take out any member of my crew and you get the spot except for vice captain Alex has claimed that spot already!" The fights seemed to be getting less and less. The ship was littered with knocked out bodies which where quickly swepts off by crew members. @Nenma Takashi @TheJester @sprouhtt @Am2aM
(Maybe..he just blew the smoke...he didnt put the smoke on his nose.)
Victoria smirked.."Okay Who would you like me to fight?" she asks cracking her knuckles with a smirk on her face, as she shined a bright light and her outfit changed as her hand started to glow with minor electricity..

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A man comes over to Anthea to pick a fight with her and as he throws the first punch she dodges it and she threw a single right hand punch to bearded man knocking him all the way towards the captains feet. "Haven't your mother taught you anything, tsk tsk tsk." Anthea muttered as she felt her bruised knuckles.
Fin smiled."Well looks like we got a new crew member aswell! As for you missy!" He said to Victoria." Just take out whoever you want it doesn't matter to me." He then leaned back and watched as the fights began to conclude.
"After Athena's Incident "Kid yells RIOT!!!!!" and kid transforms about 4 different times hitting 4 different people (Random pirates) in the face. Each character he transforms into he yells a pirate slur. Then he fires a shot, hoping it sparks others. "ARRGH" he shouts.

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Anthea fought off two more of the men winning the fight between them but they left a bruise on Anthea's face. She felt her face and inhaled quietly and lowered her hand again to her side. She heard someone yell out her mothers name and looked to the direction to which the voice came from and she looked at the person that said that.
Alex looked at Fin. "Should..Should I stop him or?" He asked pointing at Kid who was trying to cause a riot or something. "What happenes if he beats multiple people does he get multiple roles?"
"Calm yourselves men!" Fin yelled and all the people on board stopped there movement and stood arms at there side making it clear who was starting the trouble. Fin walked up to Kid and smiled he then grabbed him and lifted him up."That's funny I don't remember you being on my crew." He said speaking of Kids Disguise.
Kid ran over behind a person and hide behind a random Pirate. "Oh hell....the Athena chick is mad...." he hid in cover looking around..."But I cant worry about that...I gotta find shark-tooths treasure. must be somewhere on the cockpit...." He thought and crawled on the floor and worked his way around.-

@Nenma TakashiTylor guilloryAm2aM
Victoria boredly went up to a group, and started fighting them, first she kicked one guy where the sun don't shine, then jabbed another guy in his throat before punching him in his gut, then she did a roundhouse kick to the guy behind her who, from the impact, landed a top the guy next to him, before she minorly stunned a guy with her electricity, making her defeat all of them, before she goes around doing similar moves but adding electricity to her kicks.. Before stopping when he tells his crew to stop..
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"Oh and I should mention our treasures hidden and guarded by a kraken!" Fin called and smiled a huge smile as his crew mates all began laughing with him. "He threw the last man off his ship." Ok then stop yer fighting those of you who aren't knocked out and thrown off my ship welcome to the Shark tooth pirates! " he said and his crew all cheered
"W-what, he was able to stop his men from my riot that fast.....no...that, insanity.." He got up looking at Fin.. "Yer nothing but a bluff...any so what do we do here at this old run down mess of a boat....?" he stood up and looked at the crew and who wasn't knocked out.

@Nenma Takashi Tylor guillory Am2aM
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Victoria then raised an eyebrow at the guy who just spoke..'Well he does prove a point..' she thinks in her head before waiting to see what Fin was going to say..
"My boats one of the best in the sea and youd be smart to remember this. As for what we do well what else do pirates do? Steal! Kill! And party" He yelled and all his men cheered.
Alex walked over to kid and picked him up. "If you don't wanna be here I'll gladly show you off as vice captain if you have any complaints you can talk to me. Same for everyone." He took a knife laying on a barrel and chopped down on it snapping the blade off and swallowing. "So what's your complaint again?"

@Tylor guillory @Am2aM
Anthea watches as everyone bickers off and so she walks away from the loud chatter and down below the docks to where they store the cannons and treasure they find, as well as where the men sleep. "This is the most dirtiest area I've seen," She said as she looked to where the men slept, it was untidy and dirty and dust everywhere. She walked over to a barrel that had apples and she picked the reddest and the most juiciest apple there was in there and she took a bite out of it.
The Kid was picked up and looked at the man. However when the man blinked the kid was gone. What lied there was an old man, "He went that way!". The old man pointed to a small closet. The man seemed to be a monk and a frightened one at that. he layed there with his hands up starting to sob.

@Nenma Takashi Tylor guilloryAm2aM
Alex almost dropped the old man but he sniffed the air smiling while looking at the old man. "Almost you can fool my eyes but you can't fool my nose." He put the old man down and patted his head. "That's a neat trick kid."
Anthea decided to head back to the bar for another drink and she went back up to the main deck still eating the apple and she left the ship. She made way down the dock, heading back into town for another drink or two.

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