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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Annabelle paled. "The Red Savage...." She cleared her throat and stood up straighter, knowing that she was the youngest one here and, ever eager to prove herself, she put her hand on her gun, just in case things went sour, which she was praying they wouldn't.
The Savage stepped ever closer, stopping only a few feet from the group, his hand on his cutlass, black as night.

"I'm here to make a deal."
Sadime looked over her shoulder to see Annabells face pale. Sadime lifted her arms and in a flash she was over there, she pulled Annabelle off to the side. "Aye are you okay, and who is he?" She asked concerned and hushed, nodding towards the red guy.
After walking back quietly with his new allys to the Black Rose, Anthony stood on the dock and studied the ship that he had just sold himself onto. She really is amazing. I wonder what the captain'll have me doing?

His thoughts were cut short by a man clad in crimson moving toward the group and addressing the captain. He subtly moved his hand to his sword while slowly backing away. Intimidating was the wrong word to use for this man. Anthony was slightly unnerved by him and didn't trust him but not much other than that. He decided to stand his ground. One of the individuals behind him had whispered something unintelligible, which nearly caused him to recoil. The fear in her voice was bone chilling. He drew his blade, which reflected the sunlight directly at the man standing only a few meters from him. He put on a neutral, if not slightly threatening expression and began to stare the man down. He knew he probably wouldn't be able to take him in a straight fight, but he was part of a crew now and that crew was at his back.

"A deal? What kind of deal? Who are you?"
The Savage's head turned to the newcomer, sword drawn in what appeared to be an Intimidation attempt, and a sad one at that.

"Only draw your sword if you're ready to use it. Some people might take it....differently."

He shifted in place, allowing his black saber to be seen well.

"It's a deal meant for the Captain of the Black Rose. That is Leon, yes?"
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Annabelle, thankful to Sadime, gulped as she tried to explain. "He's a child of Ares," she said. "He... He's...." She shook her head, as if to clear it, then set her eyes on the sword. They went wider, and her hand started to shake. No fear. Show no fear. She remembered her father telling her before the incident. She cleared her throat again. "I just don't trust Ares kids. That's all." She smiled at Sadime, thankful that the Harpy, for that is clearly what she was, was being so kind to her.
The Savage would sigh, obviously annoyed by this confrontation. However, as he eyed the group again, his eyes fell on the silver clad girl, and he cocked his head in curiosity.

"Would that be Annabelle with you? I'd recognize all that silver clothing anywhere."
Anthony was slightly confused about the confrontation and decided that it was time for a solution. A son of Ares could easily take most, if not all of them at once. Anthony began to slowly back away, never breaking eye contact, or whatever he could manage without seeing the man's face, and once he reached the two women, he asked, "What should we do? Where's the captain?"
Sadime gave a soft smile to her and nodded, she understood, a child of Ares wasn't to be trusted, but the name sounded familer.... She could've sworn she heard it in books. Red Savage, yes the outcasted child. The gruff voice made her turn around once more, and she narrowed her eyes at the man, whose hand was on his cutlass, she could see it from her vision, which was much sharper from her bird sight. Her feathered arms folded, her arms making rustling noises with the large feathers. "Look, nobody's making a deal with an appearance like that, especially with your hand on that cutlass, mate. So I'm guessing your deal should be said outloud before one of us impails you." Sadime said in a serious tone,glancing around at her edgy crew mates, no sign of politeness. Her expression soft we a little at Anthony backing to their spot. Her eyes still on Ares son she whispered in a serious tone, leaning towards Anthony

"We stall until he gets the bloody hell over here."
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Angellica smirked, and held up her sword," Sadime is right, I have a job to do so the captain isn't going near you unless the deal is spoken."
The Savage would chuckle loudly before turning his attention to the rather brash woman, brushing the tip of his hat with his hand, a faint red glint shown through the slight crack in his clothing.

"I'd like to see you try, birdie. But I didn't come here to start killing people left and right. Not yet, at least. Your Captain is a descendent of Poseidon. I'm willing to offer my services to him in exchange for a favor."

His hand would rub the hilt of his saber, ready to draw if neccesary.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]The Savage would chuckle loudly before turning his attention to the rather brash woman, brushing the tip of his hat with his hand, a faint red glint shown through the slight crack in his clothing.
"I'd like to see you try, birdie. But I didn't come here to start killing people left and right. Not yet, at least. Your Captain is a descendent of Poseidon. I'm willing to offer my services to him in exchange for a favor."

His hand would rub the hilt of his saber, ready to draw if neccesary.



Angelica smiled," And I was sent by Poseidon to be his bodyguard." She put her sword into thin air, and it de materialized," By the Way, when you do start killing people left and right, I'll be there whether it's in our group or not" she whispered to The Savage," I may have been trained under Poseidon instead of Aries, but I may as well been."
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You could practically see annoyance coming off in waves from The Savage as his head turned to this woman with Pink hair.

"And the modesty of Poseidon as well, I see. Am I going to be too much of a problem for you all, or can I make my deal?"
The Savage said nothing in response, only grunting and walking past all of them and onto the Black Rose, tipping his hat to Annabelle as he went as a sign of recognition, and immediately went to its other side to stare out at the never ending waves.
I come out of the shadows from where I was watching how my new crew would deal with a unown visitor. And I say "alright crew you all did well and didn't back down I am happy to see that" I then walk straight up the Savage with a confidence that can't be detered . And say "so you want to make a deal where you join the crew and I lend my abilitys to you when needed if I understand correctly. Well if that's what you want you got it theirs no way I would pass up the chance to have the legendary Savage on borad ."
Sadime did a fake smirk and yet sarcastic at his mention of "birdie". She turned and watched him go with fire and hatred in her eyes. "Like bloody hell, he's staying on this ship. Let's just hope the captain denies." Sadime said to her crew mates, while staring at the stranger. When the captain came out, Sadime listened intently, with a bit of pride. She heard the captain agree to the savages deal. "OH COME ON!" Sadime said loudly enough for the whole ship to hear, looking up at the sky and her tone a blunt disappointment.
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Annabelle blanched. "Yes, Savage. It is me." She growled low. "You scurvy son of a sea wench..." She muttered under her breath. "I should shoot you right here and do the world a favor." She heard the Captain's acceptance and she sputtered. "But...." Stop being childish, Annabelle. She told herself. The Captain's word is law. "Fine," she said. "I don't have to like it, but welcome aboard the Black Rose." She held out her hand, ever the good sport.
The Savage turned to Leon and seemed to give him a sort of stare.

"Aye, that's the gist of it. I'll give more details when it's more...private."

He motioned towards the area where Sadime was. He took this time to scan the other members as well.

"You've a fine start to a crew. And by the way, I'm no Legend. Just a Savage."

With that, he headed to the bow of the ship, gently pulling his cutlass out of his scabbard and examining it, ignoring Annabelles hand completely.
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All of this was very confusing to Anthony. One woman was scared, one pissed off, one slightly annoying, the red guy was apparently someone to be reckoned with, and the captain's a badass. Where did he did into all this? Hell if he knew. What can you do when you have no idea what's going on and someone's threatening you? Either attack or wait it out. This time, the latter payed off. Anthony tensed as the son of Ares passed by him and sheathed his blade when he heard the captain allow him to stay on the ship. Anthony jumped the gap between the dock and ship and addressed the captain as the 'Savage' walked away.

"He don't look so tough. Anyway, is there anything we need to get done before we set off? Other than propper introductions, of coarse." Anthony stuck out his hand for the captain. "Anthony Barret. Your lucky coin. Well not really luck, but you know."
The Savage, satisfied with his inspection of the blade, sheathed it once again, and took his musket off his back and began checking it for errors as well, listening intently to the conversations going on.
Annabelle let her hand fall back to her side. "No manners. Just like your Father, the selfish bastard." She muttered, too soft to hear. She turned around and walked up onto the ship. Something about being on the water was calming, although she was no daughter of Poseidon. She took a deep breath and smiled, relaxing a tad. "Alright, Captain," she said as she turned, her arms akimbo. "Ready to receive orders, sir!" She saluted in a military but lighthearted fashion, showing her respectful and playful nature.
Sadime grumbled something to herself, to quiet so that nobody could hear. "Aye captain, ready for orders." A sarcastic but loyal expression. She then shifted to a sarcastic concerned expression "we have any ale on here?" She said with a slight laugh.
The Savage, after a quick once over to make sure everything was okay, pointed his musket a nearby tree off the dock and fired at it, two balls of leading screaming from their prison and landing in its bark. Not caring about the sudden noise he made from it, he nodded his head in approval, and began reloading it.
I turn to Anothy and bring a rag out and put it in his hand. And said "nice to meet you Anothy I am Leon your captain and you can start cleaning the deck." I then turn to Annabel and say "I want you to go and study the maps you will be the navagator." I then turn my attieon to Sadime and say "I want you as my eyes in the sky. Make yourself home on top of the mass." If she looked up their is a small deck up on the main mast. I then say over to Steel "Hey steel you just make your self at home your muscle for when we get into fights. As I walk to the captains cabin I say "Savage just try and not kill anyone." And I look over to Angellice and say "your my second in command make sure everyone stays in line." I then snap my fingers and ropes start moving and the sails come down. I say sailing with me can be easy just don't do something stupid or it might become hard. And we set sail in ten. I will be in my cabin if anyone needs me." I then head into my cabin and go over to a map and look it over.

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