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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Lite moved forward as quickly as he could with his crutches, which wasn't very fast. Growing impatient with falling behind, he decided to use his newest gadget. "Time to test this thing out!" Lite smirked, pulling out his grapple gun and shooting it into a building. With a flip of a switch, the line reeled in, pulling Lite into the air towards the apartment. Clumsily, he crashed in through the window and rolled on the ground, unable to land correctly.

@Echo Dreamsong

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Because of the drug that Dr. Maximilian had just injected himself with, he had heightened sense. He could still see even though the light was out. He heard the whisper, and was able to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from.

"You know, it's not very nice to barge into someone's home. You should've knocked first."

Dr. Maximilian used another syringe on Emily, one that would make her fight for him. Dr. Maximilian then pulled out a bottle of lotion. Except, there was no lotion inside of it. He rubbed the creme onto his hands and arms, then on his face and neck. The hairs on his body stood up, and he felt his skin become tougher. He then but the bottle away and stood to face whoever had entered his apartment.
Yasero shook her head.


Emily flinched at the needle, her thoughts certainly didn't clear, if anything they where stranger. Her flame rose a bit more, crying to be released. She raised her hands and the flame burst out. First the table caught fire, but within moments, half the house was burning.

Emily's vision blurred and she stumbled over. "W-where?"

Yasero watched the flames from outside, panicking. She still couldn't reach Emily.
Lite stood up quickly, wearing his metallic boots for support. "I know what you're up to, Max! The Talking Wolf told me that you kidnapped the fire girl and drugged her!" He paused and looked at the screen "Never thought I'd be saying that, huh?" he looked back just in time to duck from a few flames "I don't know what you're trying to do to her, I was just kidding when I said that I know what you're up to! This girl can barely control her powers, you need to let me take her out of here. Even as a villain, you should know that she's too risky to keep around!"

@Echo Dreamsong

Mizuti seen the man who took echo and shot bolts of electricity at the man using enough electricity to blow him Into the wall he ran at him holding his claws to his heart and head. "So...we can do this the easy way...oooor..heeheehee...the hard way..." He pushed echo gently behind him with the flat of one of his claw blades. "Lite..get her out of here..NOW!" He then let electricity trickle around the blades and held them back to the man. "...I know what your going to try next..just like you pulled with that syringe on lite and I am damn sure you did this to echo...now TELL ME WHY!!"

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong @Crazyabeldog
Emily shuffled backwards, she was absolutely horrified at what she had done. She closed her eyes and tried to call the restless flames back. At first they opposed, but after a few moments they flocked to her and where absorbed into her skin, worsening the burns. The world seemed to spin as the fire struggled to escape, finally knocking her out.
Lite caught her quickly with his arm, then moved out of the apartment, hoping he was unnoticed. Sighing in relief, he cast a glanced at Yasero and smiled "Thanks for the tip, Rover!" he spoke "I think we'd better get out of here before the crazies bring this entire building down"

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero was now really tempted to bite this annoying human. They where really awful. No wonder the pack avoided them.

Emily groaned, struggling to wake up. She looked up at the person carrying her and tried to decipher what had happened. Sensing Yasero's annoyance with them, the flame escaped from her hand and caught his shirt on fire.

"Oh god!" Lite exclaimed, setting her down quickly so that he could pat out the fire from his shirt. "Hey, Bingo, is she always lighting up like that? It's going to be difficult to get her to safety. The only solution is to wake her up so she can control the fire" Lite paused and closed his eyes, listening to her heart beat with his echo location. "She's drugged allright,," he muttered, detecting an odd pattern "Gotta snap her out of it"

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero reluctantly regained the connection with Lite.

Are all humans this obnoxious? Because if so, I'm taking my companion back to the pack. Your quite awful. Anyway, her mind is completely out of whack. Even I can't speak to her. All we can really do is spray her with water and then try to keep her warm. It's the only way we can control the flame. Just be carful not to freeze her, alright? Because if you do I'll have a reason to kill you. That would be nice, but I'd prefer to have my companion alive.

"Wow, okay I'll try the water method, makes most sense to me When she's awake, she needs to learn some power control technique, for everybodies sake" Lite picked her up again, this time trying not to wake her up "To the base!" he stepped out into the street and looked around "I really wish I had a Batmobile right now, I feel so lame just Walking on the side walk. Heroes aren't meant to Walk on Sidewalks!" This time around, he decided to resist the temptation to tease the wolf, mainly because of her apparent thin skin. To somebody like Lite, it was like refraining from breathing air.

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero was quite tempted to chase the hotdog stand people. That would be really funny. And besides, she had to put up with two leg over there. She deserved it. Yasero took off towards the stand people who bolted. Within moments, Yasero had the whole street in panic and the pigeons singing praise. She trotted back to her companion, practically smirking.

Well, that was fun. Now, what next?
Lite smirked "Heel, Fido! You can't be running around and causing chaos like that, you're distrupting the peace. As for your Pen Pal over here" He glanced down at Echo "I'm taking her back to the Hero HQ, I'm going to see if we have any equipment for her, perhaps we might have something that can help. Considering that a hero group used to work there, maybe we have Fireproof costumes or something like that" He stepped inside the HQ quickly.

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero was seriously tempted to bite him, asking her not to was like asking a wolf not to bite someone. Oh wait, that's exactly what it is. Hey two leg! I'm offended when you breath. Can you please stop! Yasero followed him inside the HQ, watching her companion closely. She was honestly hoping that he would at least drop Emily so she could attack him. That would be fun. Instead, Emily's hands burst into flame, lighting stuff on fire.
Holding her with one arm, Lite grabbed her wrist with his other hand and pointed it at Yaseros tail, figuring that he might as well have fun with it if she was going to light stuff off. "Contamination cell, open" Lite ordered with a smirk, then walked inside as a hidden door opened from the wall. Inside the room was all metallic. "Considering how this room is fireproof, she should be safer here" He set her down on a table, then dunked her fiery hand under a running sink.

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero jumped out of the way, growling. She ran after Lite and after Emily's hand's where under the water, Yasero bite Lite in the leg.

Emily shivered, pulling her hand out of the water. Her flame had certainly retreated, maybe a bit too much. Shuddering, she curled into a ball.

((I don't know what else to write...))

(Writers block?)

Lite was in the process of chuckling to himself before his leg got bit. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed in shock as he stumbled away "My leg! You bit my leg!" He sat down on a chair to look at the damage, rolling his pant leg up "What if I get rabbies,,," He muttered, watching the blood run to the floor. "You might need a muzzle" He chuckled, looking around for a first aid kit.

@Echo Dreamsong

Yasero puffed out her chest, proud to have done that. She hadn't bit him too deeply, just enough to satisfy her.

Emily was trembling on the table, obviously freezing. It enraged Yasero to see her companion so helpless. Especially because of that ignorant human. Keep her warm, or I won't hold back next time. She growled in his mind.
DaManofWar said:
Blank took the remote from Lite. "Alright," he told him. He looked over a Taylor. "Really? What are you trying to set straight?" He asked her.
@Knightling @TeaMMatE11
"Well, you're looking much better," she replied, avoiding the question intentionally. I'm not ready to share my story yet, she thought.
"Okay okay!" Lite replied, getting up and walking over to Echo. "I mean, the water was Your idea" He stated, then added "I didn't want to try it" Lite carefully placed his hand on Echo's forehead to feel her temperature "Heart rate is a little bit slow, body core temperature low as well. No hypothermia yet, hopefully there's still time to prevent that" Lite removed his hand, then opened some cabinets and pulled out a thermal blanket "This might do the job" He spread it out on Echo "Should warm her up, now it is just a matter of time, she won't return to normal instantly" He paused, an idea popped in his head "Perhaps Warm Water? What do you think of that idea, pooch?"

@Echo Dreamsong
No. Water, all temperatures, will freeze her. She was already weak from you attacking her with the fire hydrant, then she had to recall the flames twice! She's practically dead already! NO MORE WATER! If you do, I'll certainly be more than happy to destroy you as well.

She growled, clearly not kidding about any of that. Emily murmured something that couldn't be heard, still shivering. Dreams of ice filled her mind. The fire had given into the cold, retreating to a small flicker.
Mizuti landed next to lite holding the man and threw him at yasero. Mizuti fired a warning bolt of electricity from his blade claw while giving a cold lifeless stare to her. "Dont..hurt..my family again...or I WILL kill you..I brought you a chew toy...the man with the syringes..now..allow me to help her..." Mizuti held his claws above her and blue fire gently hovered above her. "Let me get her back to us...and lite..don't you start being an asshole just because yasero is a wolf...you won't get anywhere being so rash...I don't blame her for biting you..at least you learned something....as for you yasero..just ignore him..he's always that way..my name is mizuti by the way.."

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong @Crazyabeldog
Lite widened his eyes "Okie then!" He turned back towards Echo, his mind contemplating over everything. "Her forehead is still cold" He stated, now talking to himself out loud. "I can't let somebody die on my hands, its never happened before, and never will happen yet" He looked through the first aid kit, keeping his thoughts to himself. Nobody knew this, the fact that he'd never seen anybody die, and hopefully this wasn't going to be his first. "Warmth,,," He said to himself, looking around at the shiny metallic surfaces "Whatever you say, kid. Just keep talking" Lite gave Miz a dismissive wave, opening a cabinet to see if he could find anything useful

@Echo Dreamsong
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Yasero nodded, already holding a large amount of respect for this human. Emily stopped shivering as the flame rose again, allowing her to enter a dreamless sleep. Something she probably would never have again.

I'll bring her back to my pack. We have wanted to meet for some time. I just never imagined it would be like this. We've had the connection for about two months now. It's funny how that works. Normally we find our companions much later. We still haven't learned to shift yet. Yasero sat down, munching on the hot dog she had taken earlier, now content knowing Emily wasn't near death.

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