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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
"There we go!" Lite smiled "I'm like Obi Wan Kenobi, I know the ways" He joked, then leaned against the ambulence "I'm going to take you to the Hero HQ, you need some training. These guys will give us a ride. You gonna stand there all day or what?"

Mizuti walked over to echo and spoke with ann idea in mind that could help "let me help you". Mizuti took his diamond bangles off and put them onto her wrists in the hopes of them channeling her fire for her allowing for more control. "We should test these out as soon as you are able..they will help you.." Mizuti then turned to lite. "Those toes of yours on the left foot are dislocated. The right foot and toes however are indeed broken..but Its nothing I can't handle..we can wait till hero hq..you and I have a lot to talk about lite.."

@Echo Dreamsong @Knightling
Emily looked at the diamonds on her wrists in awe. She looked back at Mizuti in confusion and doubt. "Thank you?" She wasn't sure what the price would be. Everything, even free, had a price. Emily learned that quickly.

"Very well, my man" Lite responded "I was about to take a few weeks off, but perhaps that can be prevented".

Then, with the power of Fast Forward, they were all finally at the Hero HQ. Lite walked inside with his crutches, then glanced at Echo "Hey, Miz and I have to talk, give us a minute, take some time to get to know this place"


@Echo Dreamsong
djinnamon said:
Luca was siting at home in the living after calling Dave over.
Dave walked over to his house, and checked his watch. He hasn't caught the hero leader, resulting in him pretty much sulking around. He didn't bother knocking. He knew Luca oftenly left the door unlocked. "What you called me for? I'm 'busy'."
Luca looked up at him and glared. " Do you know why Sage keeps saying no to stealing anything. " He asked , for some reason Sage has been refusing to steal and Luca was passed about it.

"Hold on a sec" Lite said to Miz as he quietly stepped into the training room. Making sure he was alone, Lite leaned against the wall and pulled his goggles off. Perhaps the only reason he had invited Echo over was because the hero base was practically abandoned, there was nobody around to get injured from any outbursts. These days he was the only one keeping it in order, and technically he wasn't even a member. The irony was amazing. But this was not the reason for his solitude at the moment, it was the adrenaline. It had all worn off, and he now looked out the window at the streets, wondering what that crazy guy had been up to. As of right now, he was caught up, but eventually he would have to catch up with Max and find out what was up with him. Though Lite didn't want to openly admit it, he wouldn't mind getting another dose.
Emily fiddled with her necklace, the only fire proof thing she owned. She slowly opened her mind to allow her companion to re-enter her mind.

Yasero? Are you there? She called mentally, worried for her friend.

Yeah. I'm back. What took you so long? The flames couldn't have been that bad. The voice replied. Emily sighed in relief. Yasero had always helped her keep the flames tamed, being the arctic wolf she was.

Oh, but they where Yeye. I nearly destroyed a town.

Oh, ouch.

Yeah... Ouch... How did the mission go? And why did you need to cut the connection?

I had to go through a pack ritual, super boring. Wish I could have kept the connection, but you can see it in my memories. What have you been up to? I see you're able to shield some thoughts from me now.

Emily laughed a bit, smiling for the first time in a week. Yep, I finally mastered that. Are you coming back soon?

Yep, now that I have gone through the ritual, I can finally start heading towards you. It's gonna be so awesome once we finally get to go on missions together. I can teach you to control the flame!

Emily beamed, continuing the mental conversation with her friend.

@Knightling @bloodfire
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Mizuti heard her mind speaking to another. This other companion seemed friendly and nice. Mizuti had longed for a friend like that to join him and lite. He decided on jumping in. "So..a friendly person? Finally I can meet a friendly person. Echo...its time I show you how these bangles work. And hi friendly person..I'm mizuti..." Mizuti put on a pair of diamond bangles he replicated from the ones he gave to echo. "Hold your hand up and focus on one centralized point. Namely that target I set up. Once you think you are ready all you need to do is think of firing a ball of fire at the target. Channel the fire like you did with that man from before. And the bangle will then project it to one centralized located target" He started the targets so they moved and we're still. "Go on lassie..give it a go"

@Echo Dreamsong
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Taylor got out of the corner and ran back, both teleporting and running as fast as she could. She ended up winded, in a park. Breathing heavily and sweating like crazy, she lay down on one of the benches.

@DaManofWar @Crazyabeldog
Lite sighed in frustration "Just great" He looked out the window. What was the point of being in uniform if he was out of action? Perhaps now was the perfect opportunity to take time off. After a few moments, he had changed out into his civilian attire and stepped out into the sidewalk. Victor glanced at an alley, then moved away.

Rex flicked his cigarette on the ground and watched the person pass by, casting a warning glare. "Freaks" He growled to himself, turning and walking into the nearest bar, might as well see what the latest news was.
"As Nathan's suit is ripped to shreds it slowly regenerates milimeter by melemeter Nathan Decides a last resort He removes his left gauntlet setting a sonic charge that will destroy the left gauntlet but stun Void long enough to either kill or severley injure"Heh you shouldn't have done that now I'm pissed"Nathan rushes Void while activating a magnetic function to his greaves to be able to resist Void's Telekinesis"

VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Nathan's suit is ripped to shreds it slowly regenerates milimeter by melemeter Nathan Decides a last resort He removes his left gauntlet setting a sonic charge that will destroy the left gauntlet but stun Void long enough to either kill or severley injure"Heh you shouldn't have done that now I'm pissed"Nathan rushes Void while activating a magnetic function to his greaves to be able to resist Void's Telekinesis"

Gate tries to rip apart the gauntlet but can't get a hold of it. He decides as a last resort to cut open the ground under Nathan. He flies up 50 feet and does a vortex of sharp telekinetic energy, it spins 4 feet away from him at very fast speeds capable to cutting anything. He is now covered by a white looking ball that is made of air torrents spinning in every direction. Gate/void then lunge down at Nathan to dig the hole and maybe harm him.
"As Nathan is getting spun around he deactivated the sonic destruction code to the left gauntlet and started spewing napalm to try and hit Void"


"Lt. Reporting for duty sir"Get your men ready were hunting down a telekenetic power get Tranqualizer darts and sonics down is the R&D lab we must capture this power before Nathan kills him"Yes Sir!"As the Lt. Exits his office he calls the head of the Research and Developement Head researcher for gear to handle telekenetic powers"Hello this is Richard speaking"Hello Richard please get the squad I sent you gear to help counter telekenetic powers their going to need it"Oh! Director I'm right on it sir"The researcher ends the call and prepares the squad for Void little do they know Nathan is fighting the Telekenetic"
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VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Nathan is getting spun around he started spewing napalm to try and hit Void"

"Lt. Reporting for duty sir"Get your men ready were hunting down a telekenetic power get Tranqualizer darts and sonics down is the R&D lab we must capture this power before Nathan kills him"Yes Sir!"As the Lt. Exits his office he calls the head of the Research and Developement Head researcher for gear to handle telekenetic powers"Hello this is Richard speaking"Hello Richard please get the squad I sent you gear to help counter telekenetic powers their going to need it"Oh! Director I'm right on it sir"The researcher ends the call and prepares the squad for Void little do they know Nathan is fighting the Telekenetic"
The napalm bounces of the wall of the torrent. Void begins circling Nathan as he digs the hole, soon Void/Gate had made a pit around Nathan. Gate then stops after the hole was 20 feet deep, he flew out of it and turned off the torrent. Wait!
"Ok Men the Director ordered us to use this Tranq Darts to disable the Super Human so no lethal force is allowed use these sonic grenades to our advantage, stun the Telekenetic and Tranq him to be later ex filed into the lab for experimentation Clear!?"A squad of elites are transported using a V-Tol and are 78 mikcs out from the battle"Sir the Telekenetic is changing course should we pursue?"Persue it we can't let it escape"

"As Nathan escapes from the hole he sees a V-Tol chasing after Void Nathan decides to follow his gut and go to a lab to get some more equipment, Nathan gets to the entrance of the CIA Lab he sneaks in through the ventilation and drops in the security room killing the security personnel"Ok let's see the tech in this lab"Nathan skims through the data and notices a file labeled Project-116 "Blizzard" Nathan opens the file to see a 28 year old Woman being experimented on by the Scientist to be his Predator but due to the lack of files about Nathan's experimentation her regen is slower than his"God F*cking Hell don't they know when to stop this"Nathan exits the security room making the alarms go Intruder Alert security in ego suits try to stop Nathan but fail as he makes his way towards Sarah He gets locked on by Auto Turrets taking cover he Strategies on how to turn off the turrets"

[Project-Blizzard's Holding cell]

What's Happening Out There?"None of your business 116 just stay there and wait for instructions"The security personnel locks the scientists and Sarah in the room as 20 minutes pass the power goes off and the Back Up generators are turned on"PLEASE LET ME IN! He's coming! Ahhhhh!"As a blood curdling scream can be heard followed by a thump near the door the room is quiet for 10 seconds until the Door is blasted open Nathan walks in one of the terrified scientists opens Sarah's holding cell and threatens to slit her throat Nathan allows the others to leave but the one threatening to kill Sarah Nathan turns invisible and guts the Scientist as Nathan finishes gutting the scientist a terrified Sarah goes to the Corner and Cries Fearing for her life"Please don't kill me"Sarah tells Nathan"Don't worry I won't, even if I tried you can't die"W-Why?"They experimented on me like you, we both regenerate follow me I'm taking you somewhere they can't hurt you"As Sarah nods she follows Nathan but taking a detour through the armory giving her armor to help protect her self and Nathan modifiying his greaves and gauntlets to be allowing him to hover and fly for a short period of time"
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I got to get out of here! That jackass Void just revealed our face all over the country! Do you know how it's like to be famous and all of a sudden disappear?

Gate said as he waved his arms around.
"Ok Men were closing in on the objective get ready... Throw your sonics now!"As the V-Tol closes in on void it chucks multiple sonic grenades at him"

"Nathan decides to call ahead to Natalie"
Hey Boss so how's the rebuilding of the mansion going we need to talk about someone not Void but some one who can help us"


@Robyn Banks
VirtualNotoriety said:
"Ok Men were closing in on the objective get ready... Throw your sonics now!"As the V-Tol closes in on void it chucks multiple sonic grenades at him"
"Nathan decides to call ahead to Natalie"
Hey Boss so how's the rebuilding of the mansion going we need to talk about someone not Void but some one who can help us"


@Robyn Banks
Void got tired of being chased by the vehicle, he was about to smash it when he saw the sonic grenades. Gate/void flew high up and went full speed at Astra city.
"Sir the target went into the City do we Persue?"No I'll send in Squad Charlie-291 for this head back to base for a debriefing"Yes Sir, Pilot head back to base Director's Orders"The V-Tol turns around and heads back to base"
Blank finally left the Doctor alone, and just wandered around the park. Finally, he saw Taylor. He smiled, and walked over to her. "Hey," he said to her, "you look exhausted.'

"As the Squad gets back to base for debriefing they get a weird surprise"(Lt.)Ok... Why is everyone panicking?"(Scientist)Well you see Nathan raided a lab"(Lt.)Yeah so?"(Scientist)HE RAIDED THE ONE THAT IS HOLDING PROJECT 116! The only one who was trained to counter Nathan the Director is shouting at the surviving scientist right now"No you listen to me! I don't care if you could've died he now has Sarah do you understand Me! He now has a better chance in finding this lab where we keep all of our completely tested experimental weaponry and armors that can only be used by people who have their power, you're fired! You hear me! If you tell anyone of this location trust me you will be found and tortured? Uhhhhhh... God da*nit we need to install Cryo turrets in every lab"Um... Sir the debriefing?"O-oh yeah sorry just really frustrated right now Umm... Just talk to the 1st Lieutenant about him I need to rest first"Ok Sir"As the Lt. Left the office he decided to visit the heroes at the rebuilt hero HQ"Ok umm... Soldiers I'll let the Colonel take over for now I have a meeting with the heroes about the villains Colonel make sure there isn't any panic or chaos or I'll have your throat for this"Carmicheal leaves to meet the heroes"

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