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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Michi enjoyed her new found job in the mafia. She had just finished up a job and was hanging on a wall in the city. Her bladed fingers helping her to cling to the wall. She overlooked the city with her mask on. She giggled to herself "This is fun" she said childishly to herself (AKA I am bored)
"Well, a job that pays more than mugging random people on the street would be nice. You want some of what he got? I've got plenty more. I can bosst your adrenaline, your strength, every single one of your senses, and a bunch of other stuff."

Dr. Maximilian stands and looks off to the direction of where Lite went.

"Where'd he take off to, anyway!"

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Lite smiled, the adrenaline still working, he paced quickly before turning back towards the fire hydrant. Using all of his boosted strength, he began to kick in in other directions to dowse the other buildings too. However, exerting all of his strength on this sturdy object began to drain his energy quickly. His movements became more tired, and eventually the pain began to catch up. Lite panted slightly as he leaned against the wall, feeling drowsy. "Did I really do this?" He said to himself, starting to shift uncomfortably as his feet were throbbing in pain. "What the hell.." he slid to the ground, unable to bear it any longer. With shaky hands, he pulled his boots off, realizing with horror that all of his toes had been broken.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily shakily sat up, trying to get the water off her. She shivered in the cold before attempting to create a small fire. Nothing worked. She kept trying, only to find that the flame had recoiled deep within her, unwilling to emerge. "P-please, I need you." She whispered to to herself, curling up in a small ball. Emily looked over at the hero, seeing him on the ground, she shakily walked over. She tried to hide the burns, of course failing, and spoke. "A-are you alrig-right sir?" She asked, trembling.

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Lite was looking over at the fire hydrant in amazement. No normal human being would have been able to dent that thing, what had come over him? An interrogation was in order, he needed to get some answers from Mister Crazy Scientist Dude. "But my feet,," He said, looking down at his black and blue swollen toes "Hurts!" He chuckled "Still worth it!"

He looked up in surprise, not paying attention to his senses until now. "Hey kid" he tried to smile, gripping his feet in the vain hope that the pain would go away "Don't ask why, but I have a suspicion that you had something to do with this fire, am I right?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily looked down, unsure whether or not to answer. Surely this hero could be trusted? She nodded reluctantly, still shivering.

"I-i didn't mean to. I-it just got away from me." She kept her head down, trying to ignore the stinging from the burns covering her arms and legs. "Are you alright?"
"You sure got a lotta nerve!" Lite stated, ignoring her question. "I'm a pretty easy going fellow!" He gave a quick smile "But this is ridiculous, Do you realize the extend of the damage here? This isn't just some simple robbery or mugging, people could have died!" He paused, exploring the buildings with his senses as the fire trucks arrived "Only a few injures, fortunately" He stated "You're too young to be working for the villains, and your career ends now" He waved over a medic to see to his injuries.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily started to cry, she really hated it, but she couldn't stop. "I-i'm sorry. I-i just couldn't control it and t-the flame wouldn't listen and then a person tried to attack me and-and I couldn't stop it." She sobbed, completely breaking down. Once again her worst fear had become reality, maybe she could escape it. No, it is me. I'm my fear. She thought sadly. Maybe I should have let the person destroy me. Then the fire would never be able to harm another soul. She slumped against the wall, welcoming the pain from her burns. Altho she was still shivering, the flame seemed to have awoken again, just waiting to escape.
Lite was about to respond, but a police offer interrupted.

"If what you said was true, then you are under arrest" Officer Erikson stated, standing in front of them. Normally he wouldn't have been so uptight, but the massage casualties was too much to ignore. He had his hand on his piece, a little cautious "For the destruction of public property, and assault"

@Echo Dreamsong,
Emily didn't look up, she didn't want anyone else to see her tears. "Y-yes sir." She whispered, thinking about how she probably wouldn't have to starve on the streets anymore. Why hadn't she gotten arrested earlier? She wouldn't have had to starve outside anymore. She slowly stood up, still trying to ignore how much calling the flames back had weakened her, not to mention the water. The water had nearly extinguished her flame, which would have resulted in her freezing to death. But would death be so bad? At least then I could escape the fire. Of course I had to have my fear as my power. She thought bitterly, trying to put out the small flame in her hand without any luck.
"Erickson" Lite addressed the officer confidently "She's not a villain, just a special case. She's not lying"

The police officer gave Lite a questioning look "How do you know?" He asked "Do you know her?"

"Well, I don't" Lite replied "But I have my ways.." He grunted in pain as the medics began to wrap up his feet "I know a thing or two about power control"

@Echo Dreamsong,
Emily shuddered, the flame may have been back, but it was still too weak to warm her. "How can you be sure I'm not a villain. I could be the worst villain out there. Maybe I'm simply a good actor." The last part was certainly true. Emily had learned how to adapt her appearance to seem stronger or weaker. Often times she played up her small height and was able to convince gangs she meant no harm, but other times she needed to appear far stronger than she was. Over the past year, Emily had mastered the acting. But if her emotions where out of control, she couldn't play down the fear, and especially not the flame. Altho she controlled fire she certainly could be hurt by it, as she had not figured out how to manipulate it perfectly. The deep burns on her arms, legs, and face where proof of that fact.

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Lite gave a sly smile "What you're saying is true" He stated "Perhaps you have perfect control over your face and additude. None of that matters to somebody like me, I look beyond all that" He cringed as a medic began to apply splints "There are somethings too sublime to control. Your heart beats adjusts to your every emotion, when you're angry, frightened, or lying. The heart betrays everything to somebody with My abilities. I know where you're at, you barely have a grasp on your powers. You're afraid that you'll be consumed. I was once there"

@Echo Dreamsong,
Emily closed her eyes, remembering the cruel laughs followed by screams when her flame was first released. "The heart... The heart is where the truth can be found. Truth, but never thoughts. Thoughts are everything. They show a true nature of one's soul. Without them, we are nothing." She looked at her blistering arms and sighed. "My greatest fear, my greatest curse." Memories of her writing and friends filled her mind, threatening to spill out as tears.
"I can't read thoughts" Lite confirmed "But I've stated enough about my powers already" He leaned his head back as the medics began to bandage his feet "I can guess at what you're thinking" He continued "You're on the run, because you can't control your power. Somebodies gotta tell you this; that's not the solution. You can't keep running forever, nobody can outrun themselves. You gotta face it, you gotta fight for yourself. You need to learn to control the fire. With control, you can turn your weakness into a strength. I had a similar dilemma, but won" He smiled slightly, expanding his echo location as he listened to everything in the buildings, to double check that everybody was safe

@Echo Dreamsong,
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Emily nodded. She wished she could destroy the fire, but it never seemed to go out. Even if it was, she was already freezing from the water. She leaned against the wall, shivering. At the moment, she wondered if going to prison might have been a good idea, warmth and food. She would have already frozen without the fire she contained. Looking around at the people, all she heard where faint murmurs. Before she could think more, her knees buckled and she finally gave into exhaustion.

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Lite glanced over at the medics "You're basically done with my feet" he stated, then pointed his thumb at her "Her heart is still beating, she's alive" Of course the medics had already started on that. Lite looked at his feet, not sure what the next step was. As of right now, he was no longer in any condition to go on anymore missions.

@Echo Dreamsong,
Echo shuddered in both cold, and her dream. Every dream she had, the fire would consume her, use her as a missile for awful things.

The medics had started to bandage her burns, they wrapped one around the burn on her forehead. One walked over to Lite. "We are not sure if we should take her to the hospital. She's pretty badly burned and most likely in shock. We're fairly sure she's mostly starved too. Is she safe to bring in?" He gestured at the trembling unconscious girl.

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Lite glanced over at Echo "Well sure" He said, but double checked himself. Considering how unstable she was, it was very likely she could wake up and burn the hospital to a crisp "No" He sighed and shook his head "You gotta treat her now, but bringing her in the hospital would endanger all the other people inside. It's too much of a risk, I need to think of another alternative" He grabbed a pair of crutches as one of the assistance handed them to him.

@Echo Dreamsong
The medic nodded and glanced over at her. "I'm not sure what we can do for her here"

Echo was dreaming of fire. It was always fire. Sometimes she dreamed of her house burning down, others she dreamed of destroying herself. Even if she had a pleasant dream, she was always aware of the looming danger. But who was in danger, herself, or the others?

Mizuti after watching the events between echo rex and the buidling unfold landed next to light and looked up at the medic. "I can help her from here.." He looked over to lite. "Lite..I got what I needed from my high place. I witnessed the events of fire girl here..and the building. She needs healing, I can take care of that easily. We need to get her to a safer location then here. And I also must speak to you in private lite. I have an update for you."

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong

(ooc-- @Robyn Banks being I missed a lot. I read through the entries I missed. Let me know if I should re fix the entry I posted here. I jumped in and mentioned that natalia being at mizuti's high place happened the previous day. Anyway let me know if this entry needs repairing)
Lite laughed "Oh, yeah! How very goddamn observant of you, Miz! Nevermind my Broken Toes over here! All ten of them! Echo is apparently the only one in need of help! You really got your priorities strait, don't you!"

@Echo Dreamsong

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A spark flared in Emily's hand, causing the medics to jump back and run. The flame spread rapidly along the bandages, waking Emily. When she saw the flame, she attempted to swat it off before realizing that would do no good. She concentrated on the flame and it seemed to try to resist before being absorbed into her skin. Emily shakily stood, looking around. "I-i should leave. I have caused quite enough damage here." She took a step back, wincing at the pain before running down the streets.
"You can't keep living like that" Lite called out "You need help" He looked back at the medics, then grabbed his crutches and stood up carefully "Looks like I'm taking a sick day off"

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