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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Void takes back control in flight. He almost fell but flew back up. Void landed in the sewer base and started to reconstruct his helmet. He added sound blockers so that sonic grenades will not harm him. Void then installed mini freeze bullets on his gauntlets so that if he faces Nathan again he will be prepared. He went to his monitor and saw the news. "Former inventor destroys CIA lab" Void kept changing the channel but it was the same news.
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Victor walked down the side walk with his crutches, looking around at the city. Somehow, it looked different when he wasn't on patrol, and he liked it. As of right now, he was searching for some stores to update his equipment.
Dr. Maximilian watches Blank walk away. He then disappears back into the shadows, and lurks through alleys and streets, looking for easy baggings.
Emily spoke in her head nervously. Yeye? Is it safe?

Of course. Heck, I don't know. Just try it. If the building burns down, well, run away then.

Thank a lot.... She replied sarcastically before glaring at the target. She held up her hands and almost immediately a stream of fire headed straight for it. After burning it to the ground, the fire danced around, catching the walls and others as well. Emily froze, terrror pulsing through her. "I-i should go. I'm sorry!" She tossed the bangles down and ran back out side, ignoring the pain in her legs and arms as she turned back down an alley and into the shadows.

Well then... That just happened.

Yeah Yasero... It did. Oh well, onto the next street. Emily walked around aimlessly, keeping to the shadows before bumping into someone.


Dr. Maximilian is still lurking in the shadows. His drugs are beginning to wear off, and the voices are beginning to speak again. Rushing to get home, he bumps into Emily. By now, the drugs have completely worn off. Dr. Maximilian lashes out and grabs Emily by the arm.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?"

Despite being in almost a complete rage, he's able to seem calm, and speak in his low, gravelly voice. (Think ghouls from Fallout, if you didn't know that before...)

"You look a bit to young to have much money on you. I could kill you, but you're face is just too pretty to waste like that. I think I'll just take you with me."

Dr. Maximilian quickly pulls out a syringe and attempts to inject it into Emily. If successful, it would produce a calming effect on Emily, and make her almost completely willing to do anything.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily tried to move away before the needle could hit her, but her small size was absolutely no match for his strength. Once he injected the needle, her companion's calls began to fade, allowing Emily to ignore them. Of course she was still terrified and her flame was struggling to be released, but the strange thing helped her keep it from disobeying. She staggered back a bit, feeling quite out of whack. It was incredibly hard to think, what had happened?

Yeye? She called into her mind. After waiting for a moment, no response came. She was absolutely confused and unaware of the world.

"Ha-ha. Now that's a good girl. My name is Dr. Maximilian, and I'll be your attendant for this flight. Now, come with me."

Dr. Maximilian begins dragging Emily by the arm, heading towards his apartment. After getting there, he sits her down into a recliner chair. He then sits on a couch in front of the chair. The room is a bit dark, as the only light on is a small one in the kitchen, but it isn't too dark to see anything. There room is very basic, with no decoration beside a lamp sitting on a coffee table in the middle of the livingroom. From the livingroom, you can see into the kitchen. There are also two other doors, but they are closed. An, of course, there's the door that they just entered the apartment through.

"Now, can you be a good girly and tell me your name?"

@Echo Dreamsong
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A bit of her senses remained, even if she really couldn't think. Emily rubbed her head, trying to think.

Yasero? W-where did you go?

Em! Oh thank the stars! I lost you for a bit, where are you! Oh wait, let me find out. Yasero probed Emily's memories, terror growing by the moment.

Emily, don't say anything. I'll come and get you. I don't know what that creep did to you, but I'll fix it. Just stay put, I'm almost there.

Emily blinked a lot, her memories where really quite hazy for now. Who was that voice? What happened? The voice had told her not to speak, but maybe she should.

"M-my name? I think it's Emily. Who are you?"

Dammit Em! You weren't supposed to talk! Now, stay put, I'll be there. Just don't say anything else! Emily frowned, unsure what the voice was.

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Lite stepped inside the Hero HQ and sighed, leaning against his crutches. "Really?" He said, as he looked around at the fire damage, then shrugged "Eh, it's not like the Hero Alliance exists anymore anyways,,," He moved aside to let the Fire Department in. "Anybody here?" He called out, then smirked and looked at one of the fire men "Nobody was in here, no worries"
"Dr. Maximilian. Could you hold on for a second?"

Dr. Maximilian walks to one of the doors, the one to the bedroom, and goes in. He opens a drawer on a dresser and pulls out a large syringe. He walks back into the livingroom, shutting the door behind him, and sits back on the couch. He injects the syringe into his arm.

"You think you'd get used to big needles getting stuck into your arm after around the tenth time, but appearantly not."

Dr. Maximilian put the now empty syringe on the coffee table. A huge headache hits him, and he puts his hands to his forehead.

"Ahh...you'd think you'd...get used...to the headaches...too."

After a bit, the headache goes away, and Dr. Maximilian feels a bit better.


Dr. Maximilian looks at Emily for a second.

"Pardon my manners, would you like a drink? Or food?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily looked down, busy listening to Yasero speak. She giggled a bit as Yasero kept Emily's attention on her.

Hey Em, did you know that wolfs are awesome?

Really? Wow!

Yeah, and I'm the best wolf. I'm going to save you.

From what?

Nothing... Hey, did you know that birds are terrible?

What? Thats awful. How dare they! I'll teach them to be awesome like wolfs.

Yeah. You do that. Hey, do you know my name?

You have a name?

Yes, my name is Yasero. What's yours?

My name? I don't think I have one.

Yes you do, it's Emily.

Wow! My very own name!

Yasero kept thinking to Emily while she searched her memories. Yasero finally found the one she needed and took off towards the Hero's. She looked around before quickly finding Lite. In an instant, she had created a mental bond and could hear his top layer thoughts.

Hey, what's my name?

Your name is Emily, Emily.

That's amazing!

Yasero sighed before attempting to contact Lite.

Hello there. I am Yasero, the wolf behind you. Normally I wouldn't try to create a mental connection with anyone, but my companion is in grave danger. I need you to do something to free her. She can't even think straight!

Who are you talking too? Is it me?

No Emily. I'm speaking to the nice person who saved you earlier.

Who saved me? And who is Emily?

You are Emily. Hang in there, I'll get you out.

Yasero paced nervously, unsure if Lite had heard her.


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(Me is a Tad confused. Is Yaserio an actual wolf? is she physically at the Hero HQ?)
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"Heh heh. Just wait.." Mizuti held up his hands and shot streams of water at the fires and frosted the area with ice then followed echo. But stopped. Thanks to rick influencing his mind a while back mizuti could combine his mental capabilities to follow energy trails. He followed echoes fire around a series of buildings and then found it to end inside some kind of apartment complex. AND saw the door was still open. Mizuti snuck in and spoke to echos mind. "Echo...its me..mizuti..listen..dont..tell that man anything..just listen to the friends you have in your mind..don't talk..I'm getting you out." Mizuti slipped his faceless helmet on and began singing a song he liked briefly as he stepped around the corner as his helm in a childlike voice as his helmet glowed a deep red to match his mood.

"La la laaaa la la laaaaaa...." He then made the light source go out by shooting a small jolt of electricity at it. "Yasero don't worry..mizuti is already here...and this man...heeheehee...is going to die if he's not careful hahaha...."

@Echo Dreamsong

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Emily looked around, she was absolutely confused by the strange people in her head.

"Where are you?"

Yasero rolled her eyes. Emily could be so dumb sometimes.

Em, you are in danger. I told you not to tell him anything. Your such an idiot.

That's not nice to say. Why would you say that?

Emily... Just shut up.

Emily frowned and did as Yasero told her.
Mizuti held up his blade claws and looked around with his eyes while he stood still. He focused on locating heart beats. And footstep sounds moving towards him. Lucky for mizuti he has had experience with people trying to stab him with needles or knifes. He whispered like a ghost from a mirror. "Where aaare yooouu...heeheeheehee..." He decided to let his insanity take partial control. As he knew it would help in the possible coming battle.

@Crazyabeldog @Echo Dreamsong
Normally being in spry condition, Lite would have spun around to see who was talking to him. But, being in his condition, he shuffled around slowly to face the wolf. "I hate this" He joked with a slight smirk "A wolf?!" He said, confused "I must not be thinking strait either!" He paused, feeling like he was being in a surreal situation "Okay, I'll try this mental stuff, yoso-whatever-your-name-is. Do you have any idea where your friend is at? I might be able to lock onto her heart beat from here, but that could be difficult"

"Over here, Blank! I've got a mission on my hands, I need you to help me out, considering my condition"

@Echo Dreamsong

Yasero growled in annoyance.

Dumb humans... Thinking that we are all stupid... Listen up you person. My companion was injected with some sort of human thing and she can't think. Even I'm having trouble keeping her from doing something dumb. I know where she is, but can we hurry. I can't read her memories any more. I think that human thing wiped them.

She looked at the alley and figured where she would be.

This way.

Hey Em. Hey, did you know wolfs are awesome?

Really? Wow! Thats so cool!

Yeah. And did you know that your name is Emily?

I have a name?


Awesome! How did I get one?

....... You always had it......

Yasero sighed in annoyance before trotting down the alley.
Taylor eventually caught up to Blank. She said to him, "Listen, I'm no hero. I'm just a simple vigilante who wants to set things straight."

"I swear I must be going crazy" Lite smiled "But I'll entertain the idea" He looked paused and rubbed the back of his neck, "Okay, wolfie, lead the way, but I won't be very fast"

Lite glanced at Blank, then at Taylor "Uh, I'll contact you if I need anything" he stated, giving Blank a remote


@Echo Dreamsong
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Yasero growled, quite annoyed with the name 'wolfie'.

Ok, two leg freak. I'll lead.

She took off down the street, cutting the connection with him.

Hey. What's my name?


Emily? Emily! Yasero ran faster, charging towards where her companion should have been. Emily was looking at

Dr. Maximilia, trying to think. Which was hard with your mind completely numb.




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