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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
TeaMMatE11 said:
"Well, you're looking much better," she replied, avoiding the question intentionally. I'm not ready to share my story yet, she thought.
"Thanks," Blank answered Taylor. "Lite and Mizuti are dealing with something appearantly. In the meantime, I should brief you on the General."
Lite smirked as he got a new idea "Water is the only problem" He stated to himself, then pulled the blanket partially off Echo to reveal her arms "These scars" He muttered, pulling out the first aid kit "Most pyros are immune to heat, but she's not, this is an odd case,,," He began to wrap the bandages around her arm to cover the burns "The only problem now is to keep her from using her powers, otherwise she'll never fully heal"

@Echo Dreamsong
DaManofWar said:
"Thanks," Blank answered Taylor. "Lite and Mizuti are dealing with something appearantly. In the meantime, I should brief you on the General."
"...uhh...I don't follow orders."

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Emily woke up suddenly, kicking Lite in the face before falling off the table. "W-what in Hades? How did I get here? What happened?"

Yasero looked at Lite, mentally laughing. Such fun! Awful people kicked by good people! Humanity is awesome! Emily looked around, trying to figure thinks out. Yeye? Is that you? Am I dead?

Nope, I saved you. Two leg over there nearly killed ya. Then awesome person helped save you.

Yasero... What did you do... Emily glared at her companion.

Me? Nothing! I'm innocent!
Lite stumbled back, gripping his head, then cast an annoyed glance at the Wolf, ready to call her out on her bullshit "Oh, Excuse me?" He stated, growing frustrated "So I'm an Awful person for trying to help everybody? Bullshit! I bust open the fire hydrant to stop the buildings from burning, Echo gets soaked in the process of me saving lives, so I'm the bad guy! I go on a rescue mission to get Echo away from the kidnapper, I'm the bad guy! I bring her back here and try to treat her wounds, I'm the bad guy! So I literally do Everything in my power to help, and you throw me under the bus?! Yet somebody who has Barely been around to help is the 'Awesome' one?!" He stalked forward "I'm not gonna hear that shit from you, not if I have anything to say about it!"

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily grabbed Yasero, she was mostly trembling, but she still glared at Lite with rage. "Thank you for helping me, but Yasero here is simply. Hmm, how should I say. Jealous." Emily smirked at Yasero, knowing she had found the truth. "She's mad because she couldn't do anything to help. Wolfs are overly protective of their 'pack'." Yasero looked away from Emily, quite annoyed.

If that's how it's gonna be, I'll spill your memories. Em. Okay! First off, Emily once had a boyfriend! He almost murdered her! Fun right! She accidentally released the flame and he literally melted. Her parents never discovered why she was so afraid of fire. She was terrified of herself. After being ignored and starved, Emily finally went to the streets. She had a hundred dollars to start, but it was burned up. She turned to thievery to survive. Yasero finally finished when Emily was close to tears. She let go of the wolf and pulled herself against the wall.
"Relax, Emily" Lite stated "This discussion is between Me and Yasero. Nobody likes being disrespected for their hard work" He walked up to the wolf and crouched so they were at eye to eye level "I'm not done" He explained "I'm just defending my honor right now, so don't expect me to lay down and take your lies. All you've done is told me is how your Friend had it tough, well I'm sorry, but that has nothing to do with how you just portrayed me as some sort of bad guy. Here's the bottom line, either explain how I'm somehow the awful person, or give an apology"

@Echo Dreamsong
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First of all, you're trying to steal my pack! And that's not gonna happen. I'm going to bring my companion back to my home and we'll be happy! Away from dumb humanity! Yasero snarled. After a few moments, she had an idea. Focusing, she managed to shift into a human form. Short cinnamon hair and blazing green eyes. "There. Now I figured it out." Emily stared at her companion who was now a person. "Y-yeye? How did you-" "Simple. I figured out how to channel the energy and shift. I'll show you how later. But now, I have to make sure this person doesn't steal my pack." Emily lunged forward and tackled Yasero before she could hit Lite. "Yey. Just stop. I know you don't want to admit it, but he saved me. Just say your sorry and it'll be fine. I'm fine, see?" Yasero looked down guiltily. "Maybe your right..." She muttered, not wanting to damage her pride by apologizing to the person.
Lite backed off, getting ready in case a fight was about to happen. He gave a slight smile, realizing that he had lost his cool himself "You don't have to apologize if you don't want to" he shrugged, then he stepped back, returning to his usual self "Listen, Yo, I'm not trying to steal your Pack. I'm just helping out, I'm not a threat to anybody, except the bad guys. I mean, you gotta admit, she's in no condition to skip outside like everything is normal. Listen, you've still got your pack, I'm just doing my job" He paused, unable to hold back his last comment "You can transform? Why didn't you do that earlier?"

@Echo Dreamsong
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Mizuti whipped around and hissed at lite and snapped his blade claws at him stopping them in front of his face not realizing the argument stopped"JUST SHUT UP LITE!!! I have had enough of your asshole attitude. You think you have had life so hard LOOK AT THE SHIT EMILY GOES THROUGH!! THE THINGS I HAVE GONE THROUGH!!! i am tired of seeing us FIGHTING AMONGST OURSELVES while the general is out an about KILLING OUR KIND ALL OF YOU NEED TO STOP THIS DAMN FIGHTING!!!" He lowered his blade claws after realizing what he nearly did and ran off down the streets towards the astra graveyards. He sat at a grave that read his mother's name on it and began crying. As more memories were flooding back to him of his family.

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong
Emily flinched, unsure what had prompted Mizuti's outburst. She certainly hadn't tried to read emotions in a while and wasn't sure where to start. Yasero looked around, feeling very awkward.

Um, Em? You used to help people get over stuff like this. Right? If I recall correctly, you prevented twenty suicides before you left. She pushed Emily towards Mizuti, trying to make the tiny flame thing fix it.

Yasero, I'm not even sure where to start! It's been over a year since I tried that! I couldn't even stop my best friend from leaving!

Well I don't know what to do! I'm not used to crying humans!


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Lite widened his eyes "Oh crap,," He muttered after the outburst was over. "I gotta admit, I've rarely seen him That angry" He chuckled "I feel like my entire life flashed before my eyes" he cleared his throat "Can't blame the dude, though, considering his mental state". Lite leaned against the wall "Are you sure you're in good condition?" He queried.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily looked up, a bit confused. "Why wouldn't I be?" She asked, really completely clueless.

"Emily, you literally almost freakin died. Of course you're not fine. Sit down. Your legs are about to give out." Yasero smirked, knowing she was right when Emily reluctantly sat on the floor.

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Lite watched, now beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. So far he was not sure what to do, either find out what was wrong with his pal, or stick around to help these two out. Of course, perhaps first he would scout out the situation. "I gotta go take care of something real quick" he stated, then smirked at Yasero "You take care of her until I get back, so I can steal your pack and make it Mine when I get back" Of course, he was now joking around. Lite started forward and walked out of the room. Using the elevator, he got to the top of the Hero HQ. Now that he had a high vantage point, he could expand his senses wider, and that is exactly what he did.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily stood up, fairly certain that Yasero wouldn't do anything to stop her. WRONG! Yasero picked her up and marched her out the door while Emily protested. "YASERO! Put me down!" "Nope! We're going to the forest!" Yasero carried Emily towards the woods. Once in an alley, she accidentally dropped her when she heard gun shots. In an instant, she was back in wolf form, pacing around her companion in a protective way. Two cops ran down the alley, guns aimed at Yasero.

"It's alright girl! We'll get it away from you!"
They took the shot. Yasero stood there growling, not knowing what the odd human things where. Emily grabbed Yasero and dragged her to the ground. The cops had no clue what was happening.

"Let go of the wolf! We are going to take it down." Emily held her companion tighter, glaring at the officers. It only took a few moments for them to recognize her face as the one whom had been pickpocketing people for the past few months.

"Put your hands up! We will shoot!"
Emily froze, unsure what to do next. She whispered to Yasero before stepping back and putting her hands on her head.

"I'll go with you, just don't hurt her." The cops kept their guns aimed at Emily as they pulled out a pair of hand-cuffs. Yasero jumped up and bit the second cop, accidently causing him to pull the trigger. Emily froze, a wave of pain shoot through her. The bullet had melted, but the wound was still there, allowing blood to flow. Her hands caught fire and she accidentally set the first ablaze. That prompted both to run, calling for back-up.
One called Lite. "We've got an armed criminal resisting! Requesting backup!"

Emily fell to her knees, clenching her teeth in pain. "owowow." Yasero ran to her companion, trying to figure out what had happened. How had a human stick hurt her friend like this?

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"Stay away from suspect" Lite replied into the radio, his eyes narrowed "She's too powerful for you to handle, I'll be over there soon" He put the radio down. Though he sounded perfectly calm, he was freaking out on the inside, yet again he had failed to stop the situation from spiraling out of control. "This pyro chick has apparently become my new hobby" He said to himself, then shot his grapple onto a building and swung through the air gracefully.

A few moments later, he landed skillfully in the alley. First order of business, the cops. Pulling out his knife, he threw it at the air. With perfect aim, the knife struck a water pipe on a nearby building, causing it to burst open and soak the cop who was on fire. This time, however, he had made sure that the water was far enough away from Echo. "I can handle this" He stated to the police "Get the Ambulence here ASAP! I'm going to access her condition"

@Echo Dreamsong
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The cops stared before nodding. They got on the phone and called the ambulance.

Emily clenched her teeth, apparently trying to bite back the pain. Yasero was panicking, she paced around 'her' human. She tried conversation with Emily, only to find her pain. She shifted and knelt next to her. "Don't you dare die! Sticks are not meant to be dangerous! Sticks can't kill you!" Emily smiled a bit, trying to laugh off the situation.
"Hey, hey" Lite moved towards them, showing his hands to not look like a threat "An Ambulance is on the way, we have no choice but to send Echo to a hospital, I don't see any other alternatives" He explained. Normally, he would rather not, considering the danger to the other patients, but now Echo's life was in danger. It was a risky decision, but it had to be made. He carefully knelt in front of Echo, keeping a cautious eye on Yasero. "Everything will be okay" He stated, though he was not completely sure "Where is the wound?". Lite ripped strips off his jacket to use as temporary bandages

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily shrugged. She hadn't been paying too much attention. "Damn. I really hate having to be healed." She muttered while Yasero nodded in agreement. "Why are you helping? I'm just trouble. Oh, and an outlaw. Don't forget that." She winced, grabbing her arm. "Sometimes having a flame is awesome. But it's not doing anything for the damn bullet lodged in my arm." She growled.
Lite paused for a moment to consider his answer, then replied "I help because it's the right thing to do. I know what it's like to struggle with my powers" This was something he usually reframed from mentioning. From the moment he gained echo location, he was overwhelmed with sensory overload. Only with the help of others, he had managed to gain control. It had been his biggest achievement. "Once she gains control, she will no longer be a threat to anybody" He explained, then reached forward "Uncover your arm" he instructed "I need to see the wound" He could sense that the ambulance was almost there.

@ Echo Dreamsong
Emily rolled up the blood stained sleeve, wincing at the pain. "I-it's not that bad."

"Liar. It's literally embedded in your bone. That's gotta hurt." Emily weakly glared at Yasero, hating that she was right. The wound was pretty bad. The close range of the gun had allowed the bullet to lodge itself deeply in her arm, leaving a lot of blood and pain for Emily. "Dang it Yey. Why do I keep the connection with you..." "Because I'm awesome and you know it." Yasero glared at Emily's arm, really unsure of what to do with a human wound.

Mizuti walked up to yasero. "Yasero..let me heal her..I hate seeing her wounded like this..." Mizuti knelt down to Emily and held his hand which no longer had its claws above the wound. "This may hurt but it will mend the wound. It will only hurt if you move around.." Mizuti used his intensified light rays and fire and began mending the wound together. The wound immediately began to heal but slowly and mizuti began to show signs of fatigue due to energy output. "Come on..come on...a...almost there!..." Mizuti then taped the wound after it closed with static so the wound sealed. After healing mizuti fell onto his back breathing heavily. He reached a hand out to yasero as if he were in desperation.

@Echo Dreamsong
Lite stared at the wound, then backed off as Miz healed it. He sighed in relief "No need for the ambulance" he glanced at the cops "The situation is being taken care of" he instructed, then turned back to the others "Healing, huh? I wish I'd known that before. I know who I'll go to when I need help" He smirked.

@Echo Dreamsong

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Yasero looked at Mizuti in confusion. "What is the blue moon was that?"

Emily winced at the pain in moving. "Hate to break up the party, but uh, metal death wish is still embedded in my arm and I'm still a wanted criminal. Oh well, prison has food. I'll be fine." She stood up and headed over to the police, waiting for the cuffs to be shoved on her hands.


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I walk up to the police. "She is not to be taken do you understand? I will personally ensure she learns the full extent of her abilities in terms of control. Besides...there are far worse criminals to worry about boys..trust me on that.." Mizuti gently nudged Emily and brought her away to yasero. "Let me heal the other one..please..show me the arm housing the metal"

@Echo Dreamsong

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