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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Mizuti nodded through his tears and put his bandana back on over his eyes. He then held his helmet under his arms. "Let's get something to eat first .I'm hungry...that mall looks like a good place for food.." He slowly walked forward towards the mall so he could wait for yasero and Emily. He licked his lips as he could smeel the food court. And mizuti loves food.
Yasero froze hearing sirens. In an instant she took off towards what Emily had always described as a normal human place. She burst into the mall, keeping tiny wolf Emily in her arms. She finally stopped and looked around. Seeing all the food, she strolled forward while people stared at the wolf she carried. She walked up to the first thing she saw and looked up at the horrified employee. "Two squirrels."

"Um, ma'am, I'm afraid we don't sell squirrels. And that dog isn't allowed in here. I am going to have to ask you to leave." Emily squirmed in Yasero's tight grip, trying to break free. She finally bit Yasero on the arm and wiggled free. Running through the sea of screaming people, she finally found Victor and hid behind his legs while trembling.

@Knightling @bloodfire
Victor had just started eating some generic unspecified food, because Knightling doesn't actually know what kind of food Chiplote serves. With a startled gasp, he looked down to see some puppy hide under his seat, then he looked across the room in confusion. "Uh,," He watched a waiter walking towards him with haste, not sure what was going on. Using his echo location, he scanned the area, detecting Miz and human Yasero in the same restraunt. "Wait a second,," he muttered, beginning to connect the dots. Victor looked back down at Emily, about to talk to her by name, but remembered that he wasn't in his Lite identity. Thinking fast, he pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on as the waiter walked up to his desk. With a distant smile, Victor cleared his throat "I'm sorry, sir, my Seeing Eye Dog is rather new. I hope you understand"
The waiter looked suspicious before nodding. "My apologies sir." They walked away, leaving Emily to peek up at Victor.

That was awesome! I thought that they where going to put me in a pound or something!

She sat down, trying to look dog like as people stared.

I'm starting to wish I hadn't listened to Yasero... This is just awful. I can't even walk right!

Though Victor wasn't actually blind, he felt extremely handicapped in this certain scenario, considering that he had to put up a civilian pretense. First of all, act like he didn't know these people..But if Emily is right there, Yasero must not be far behind. Gave the puppy a pat on the head and smiled "Good doggie" he stated, acting like a normal person "You must be Lost or something, I guess I'll find your owner" he looked up and eyed the place. Find the wild looking girl, shouldn't be too tough, and he easily spotted her at the front desk asking for squirrels. Victor couldn't help but smile and face palm. "Uh, hey girl" He smiled and waved, as though they had never met before "You, uh, look hungry, can I buy you some food?" He really couldn't find a less awkward way to get her attention.
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Emily growled when he pet her, quite tempted to nip him too.

Don't pet me! I'm not a dog! You may be able to get away with calling Yasero a dog, but not me!

She took off away from him, really hating being a 'dog'.

Well no wonder Yey doesn't like humans. They treat us like idiots!

Em ran into a little girls legs and fell over. She shook her head and looked up as the girl squealed. "Mom! Can we keep it!" Emily tried not to panic, but she backed up when the mother grabbed her. "Maybe kiddo, but lets take her to the shelter first."

Dang it... YEYE! HEELP!

Nope. You're dealing with it yourself. Go get yourself from the pound.

Emily tried to wiggle away from the mom, who in turn pet her. "Aww, lets go sweety, if we can't find her owner, we'll keep her."


**** you Yey. When I get free, I'll personally kill you! The pair walked out of the mall and got in the car, which strangely was terrifying to Emily. They started to drive off.

Yasero laughed to herself before walking to Victor and plopping down next to him.
"That should teach her not to bite me. Maybe she'll come back with a collar. That would be hysterical!"


Victor watched all of the events silently, keeping up the perfect Mild-mannered-Clark-Kent personality the entire time. This was entirely odd coincidence, and he would have to make do. Straitening his collar timidly, he looked back at Yasero curiously "Hey" He gave a goofy smile "I was under the impression that the puppy belonged to you, but I guess not, considering that it apparently bit you" Victor took a nervous sip from his energy drink "I really don't see the humor though, but perhaps its an inside joke?" He took the sunglasses off, seeing no need to pretend to be a blind person anymore "My name is Victor" He stated "Whats your name? um,,,How old are you?"

(I'm assuming he isn't mentally connected to them right now)
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Yasero laughed, finding the idea of him needing to hide humorous, she crossed her legs and smirked. "Have we met. I think I remember that awful humor. The names Yasero. And I'm 180 moons. That translates to 15 I'm told. And the puppy sort of belongs to me. She's a wild wolf that took a liking to me. Funny lil thing."

Emily whimpered at the sound of barking. Being forced to assume the role of a puppy was not her ideal day. The pair climbed out and attached a collar to her neck before adding a leash. They practically dragged her into the pound where an employee dragged her into a kennel. Not fun. The dogs where either growling threats or barking thousands of greetings. Not her idea of fun. Nope. She was terrified, especially when another puppy walked next to her. "Hey there tiny. Care to join me in the back? Theres a chew toy." "Okay, no. And also I'm technically a person so back off. I have bitten lots of people. So stay away." "Haven't we all said that one before. Just keep looking adorable, and you'll be adopted in no time." Emily back up against the door, really tempted to bite the annoying pup. Instead she tried to contact Victor, figuring Yasero would ignore her. Help! The annoying girl had her mom take me to a pound and I can't et out! Please please please! Get me out!

Victors eyes widened in surprise, then he took another sip from the drink quickly "OH, uh, yeah.." He stuttered. Oddly enough, it didn't seem like he was playing a part, it was natural, like letting out another side of his personality. After all, Lite was just an identity, a put on, and it was more of a pretense then being Victor. As of right now, the smirk on her face gave him suspicions that Yusaro knew his identity, but wasn't 100% sure of that. Clearing his throat quietly, he took yet Another quick sip "I, eh, don't think we have met, I don't know, maybe from school.." he shrugged slightly. "I guess I'll deliver on my promise, right? So, um, like, you want me to get you any food, or something like that?" Though he displayed a bashful face, on the inside he received Emilys mental communication. 'Oh, hold your horses, Miss Louis Lane!' He laughed in his head 'I'm in the middle of a meal right now, I'll save you later. In the meantime, you can listen to the Telephone music!' With that, he began to play 'Telephone' by Lady Gaga in his head "Hello Hello, baby you called, I can't hear a thing,,,"

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily cursed in her mind, really hating him at the moment. The pup had resumed speaking, but Em ignored it. She began pacing the kennel, until she fell over. "Man it! I can't even walk!" She stood up and glared at the bars of the door. "YEY! Get me out!"

Yasero snickered as she heard Emily, having the person rely on her was something she wouldn't be giving up. "I didn't realize you where shy. Humans are so strange... So, what did Em say? I mean, I know she managed to get caught by some people. Lil fire wolf being caught by humans." She glanced at Victor, still confused as why he would try to hide. "And I'm a wolf. You can't hide from me." She whispered.

Victor coughed slightly and cast a quick glanced around at the rest of the restaurant to make sure that nobody was close enough to listen in on them. Briefly, a mischievous look flashed across his face as he leaned forward towards Yasero. "How did you know it was me?!" He whispered, slightly panicked "Oh, Nevermind that, just don't tell anybody!" He looked up as the waiter approached them "Uh, hi" He stuttered "Could you please get a stake, rare". The waiter nodded and walked away. "Your 'Pack' needs some rescuing, but I told her to hang on. I mean, I can't go out into action with an Empty stomach" He whispered, then nervously looked down at his half eaten meal. Being such a skinny person, he was feeling self conscious sitting in front of such a greasy fatty meal

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero stared at it, being a wolf, her pack never wasted meals. "Are you going to eat that? Because if not I'll eat it. Don't waste meals dude." She laughed before grabbing a piece of his food and eating it. "I told Em to get herself out. It'll be funny to see her desperate for help. The pup trying to make a move on her is funny too. I hope he doesn't lose and ear messing with her. She might just do it. She's already been put in a collar and dragged across the car lot. That's a fun memory. For me at least."

Victor watched her in shock, growing red in embarrassment as he felt eyes on them. "Uh, listen, Yasero" He stuttered quickly "That's Not finger food, you need to use a fork and eat proper" He looked around, still feeling like the center of attention "And a knife, you can't use your hands, it's not considered polite,," he moved the utinseles towards her "You can't eat like a wolf if you're going to be in human form"

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero shrugged and made up a quick excuse. "In my home country, this is considered polite. I'm still unaware of all your customs." She said loudly enough for others to hear.

Emily growled at the annoying pup in front of her. "
Back off!" She squeaked, backing against the wall. Finally she lunged forward and bit the pup ear, earning a high pitched howl and a bunch of workers tying her to a post in the center of the yard. Yey! Please get me out of here! I can't bear this much longer! Please! There's this one girl who keeps squealing when she sees me! I think she's gonna try to dress me up or somethin! Get me out of here!

Yasero ignored Emily's frantic calls for help. They where faint anyway. She did however feel Emily's pain when they injected some sort of tranquilizer into her leg. Yasero shot up and grabbed the table. "We have to go get her. I don't know what they did, but it hurt her. The people at the pound are ruthless."

Victor stood and backed off quickly, his eyes beginning to widen "Oh god!" He exclaimed "I, uh, yeah! We need to get over there,,right?" he stammered over himself, then turned and dashed out the store, throwing a handful of cash at the water on his way. Just outside the store he stopped and glanced back, seeing a random Echo Dreamsong. "Well, I guess it's no batmobile, or whatever, but I think it'll do..." He muttered, adjusting the seat quickly before getting on the bike.
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Yasero ran outside, surprisingly quickly. "This way! Oh god. I can't even hear her." Yasero smacked herself mentally for letting her companion leave her sight, even if she deserved it. Yasero took off down the streets before shifting to her wolf form.

Emily managed to wake up a bit, looking around she saw a plain white room. The leg she was shot in burned like crazy and there was some sort of bandage on it.
What the hell? She tried to get up against the pain. Dumb vets. I think they cut my leg open. Probably to get the bullet out...
Victor peddled the bike, managing to keep up with the wolf, and trying to gain on her. Now depending on his echo location, he quickly pulled up to the Pound and jumped off the bike. "Oh, golly, how am I going to handle this?!" He muttered in dread, trying to think of a plan "Oh, uh, I'll try to adopt her, that'll work" He scanned the building, sensing her in one of the room. Now that he knew where she was, he moved inside the building to the front desk "Um, hi" he smiled slightly "I think you guys have my dog,,," He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero shifted into human once more and burst in after him. "It's a small black pup with brown eyes. Has she been dropped off? We lost her and then she got shot and someone picked her up, is she here?" The person nodded. "Um, yes. Some people dropped her off earlier. She's quite the feisty little thing. The vets preformed surgery on her leg. They weren't able to remove the bullet though. She's in the back." Yasero followed the person, trying not to strangle the workers who where badly treating the dogs. Once the man opened the door, Yasero ran in and scooped Emily up. "EM! HOW COULD YOU RUN OFF! BY GOD, HOW COULD YOU!" Emily in response nibbled on her finger, gaining some nervous laughs from her companion.
Victor followed timidly, looking around at the intimidating place quietly. He only relaxed when he saw Emily okay, then sighed in relief, glad that it was all over. "Woe, awesome" He chuckled nervously "Like, perhaps we, uh, should go now, this place gives me the creeps,," He looked around with wide eyes "Oh, hey, thanks for the help?" He quickly said to the employee, not wanting to look rude, then shoved his hands in his pockets quietly.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Yasero carried Emily out, angry and horrified by the awful things she saw in Emily's memories. "Ok, I'm going to take you back to the head quarters and then we can properly fix your arm. If we don't I'm not sure it'll be much use." Emily sighed, annoyed at her companion for allowing her to be taken away. It was almost betrayal.

"Geez" Victor muttered quietly "I didn't know this RP was going to turn into an animal abuse PSA,," He paused and scratched his head "Er, uh, I mean,,nothing" He shook his head, confused. Seeing the Hero HQ in the distance, he slowed down and finally spoke up "Hey, er, em and Yasero,," he cleared his throat "I can't go there dressed like this, I'll catch up,,". Without waiting for a response, he disappeared down an alley.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Yasero stared at the alley, quite confused by his actions. "Em, you can shift back now... If need be, I can call in my pack to get us out." Emily jumped down and shifted back, her eyes practically glowing with hatred. "Yey! Why would you just leave me to there! I couldn't even figure out how to shift back! I thought you wouldn't just ditch me! How do I know you won't just leave me in the wild!" Yasero stepped back, clearly hurt. "You need me. Don't you dare cut the connection!" Emily pulled off the necklace and threw it at the ground. Yasero instantly changed back to her wolf form, and Emily's hands caught fire. Not just a tiny flame, it was a raging blue fire, spreading up her arms. Emily didn't mind the pain, it destroyed the numb feeling she had. "If I'm so fun to mess with, mess with my flame!" She shot a stream of blazing hatred at Yasero who countered with a blast of Ice.
Lite gracefully landed on a nearby lamp post, astonished to see these two friends break out in sudden fight. "Hey! Chill out!" He exclaimed, then smirked "No pun intended, Yasero" He wanted badly to intervene, but knew it was too dangerous to get close "Listen, Echo, leaving you there was My idea" He explained, hoping it would de-escalate the situation "I wanted to finish my meal, it was an awesome burrito!" He smirked and licked his lips at the thought.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily turned her glare to him. Without a counterweight, she was dangerously close to being consumed by the fire. The fire had first shown when she was threatened. There had to be a threat, and at the moment, Lite seemed to be threatening her. The truth was that she had no control. Emily had been cornered on a ledge in her mind. It seemed like watching a movie more than being a person, she wanted to call for help, but the flames licked hungrily at her feet. Another flame was shot at Lite with deadly accuracy. With her rage in control, Emily was far more dangerous than ever. Her anger actually knew how to use the fire.

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