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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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"Hey, don't give me that look,," Lite was saying, but was cut off as the flame shot at him. Not being ready for such a sudden attack, he quickly jumped from the lamp post with all his strength. With only his coat tail on flames, he crashed to the ground clumsily and groaned in pain, then gripped his head. "Dang, that was brutal!" He muttered, dizzy from the fall "Listen to me, Echo, true power comes from Control. You need to get a grip! We shoulda come for you sooner, I apologize, okay?"

(Okie dokie)
Echo froze, her anger simmering, she was able to pull back control of her mind. Once she did, the pain and heat hit her. "Ow, that was dumb. Good god, that was like watching a movie where everything goes up in flames." She laughed, trying not to let her terror show. Her head was buzzing, an almost dizzy feeling clouding her thoughts. "I-i'm sorry about that. The flame just kinda got away. I'm not sure how I'll keep it tame." She stepped back, shaking her arm. "Well at least the bullet melted." She forced a small smile, finding the fact that she almost killed him unnerving.
"Hey, I'm just glad to be alive" Lite sighed in relief and grinned, being the polar opposite of his civilian self. Slowly, he recovered and got to his feet "I think I sprained something" He joked, then moved forward carefully "Okay, listen to me, Echo. First thing on the agenda, You Need to learn proper power control. This will take some self discipline, but that's how it works" He looked at the burn marks on his trench coat "Good thing I have a spare,,,"

@Echo Dreamsong
Void watched Blank from a distance to make sure no one was around, he also needed a secure location. There were posters all over the city about Marko and the CIA building.

A simple trade, if you haven't seen the broadcast, the CIA is hunting me down and I need your help. In return I'll kill anyone who bothers you. Agreed? Void said as he looked around to see if anyone recognized him. @DaManofWar
Echo reached down to pick up the necklace. She glared at it, hating herself for ever letting anything happen. Why in Hades did she have to run. Why did those people have to attack? "I can't change what I've done. I can't change others. I don't even know if I can change myself." She sighed and looked at the necklace, remembering the one person who could read her emotions. The one person who Emily would miss.
@Embaga Elder[/URL] @bloodfire
When Natalia walked in he was staring out his window looking over the city with a bottle of whiskey. Didn't take you quite long for you to get here. He takes a sip. Have you ever thought what this city would look like covered in fire and destruction? He walks over towards her and sits down next to her. Lemme tell you it's a wonderful sight. He said with a sadistic smile. @Robyn Banks
"Maybe it'll take Years, but it's worth the work" Lite explained "You need to commit, your power is too dangerous if left uncontrolled. I think the best course of action is to take you back to the HQ. I would like for you to stay in the containment room, since it's all metal, you will destroy nothing in there. You will be able to safely practice your powers and learn control"

@Echo Dreamsong

Rex sat down at a bar and ordered his favorite drink, not in the mood for anything else today. Taking a quick sip, he cast a forlorn glance out the window, eyeing the streets carefully.

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Mizuti wandered the streets after running from the incident between emily and yasero. For the first. No SECOND time in his life he was scared of another individual. He walked the streets after his helmet folded over his head covering his face. He decided to look for a place to eat and drink. He seen a bar but stopped walking as he felt like someone was watching him. He scanned the area for heat and sound signatures via heart beat. And saw that someone was watching him from the bar window. Mizuti looked at the window and spoke to the person's mind. "Why do you stare at me...." Mizuti twitched his head briefly enough for the individual to see as he was clearly irritated of being watched by this man in the window. @Knightling
Rex was taking another chug of beer when he received the mental communication. Spitting the drink out, he coughed in surprised, having never met a telepathic person before. Slamming the mug down onto the table, he looked around quickly, then spotted Miz outside the bar. With a glare, he replied "Get outta my head, freak! I don't take kindly to Nosey neighbors, now move along!"

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Mizuti walked into the bar still talking to his mind. "As you wish..." He then hopped onto the stool next to the strange man. But then again weren't all of the individuals mizuti met strange? He looked at the barman and seeing it was part restaurant he looked at him and handed him a 20 dollar bill. "Two chicken sandwiches if you have any available. And 3 large french fry bowls with chicken strip as a side." The barman nodded and went away to ready the requested meal as he turned to rex. "Why were you staring at me...and who are you.." He said flatly. Mizuti knew they were already going to become friends because of the attitude from rex. "I'm mizuti..you?"

"You really must be new around these parts, kid!" Rex growled as he took another drink from his beer, keeping a cautious eye on Miz "My guys call me Rex, that's about all you need to know" he set the empty cup down and wiped his face "You got a lotta nerve to be strutting in here and asking all those damn questions like you own the place. The only reason I'm puttin' up with you right now is cuz you got balls!" Rex pulled out a cigarette and lit it, keeping an air of guarded curiosity.

Mizuti smirked under his helmet and laughed. "You really think that's the reason..you really think I'm a freak...oh you have it the other way around tall one.." He said to rex's mind and his helmet folded around his head. He removed his bandana to reveal his X and star shaped eyes and then he smirked. "I'm worse than that tall one..." He extended his blade claws and held them up as a ball of blue fire mixed with lightning twirled slowly above his hands. "I'm a monster...one that could kill you if it had the chance...but I'm not going to..." the barman gave mizuti his food and he began eating some while sliding a chicken sandwich and a fry bowl to rex. "So..rex...what brings you to astra anyway...looking for the mafia..?" Mizuti slipped his bandana back on and bit into his chicken sandwhich while waiting for an answer.

Rex folded his arms as he gave a hard stare at Miz's real face, not expecting to see something messed up like that. So far, he found this person to be slightly interesting, but mostly annoying. That being said, he was still deciding on a course of action as he slowly replied "I been here a while! As for my occupation,," He paused, then narrowed his eyes "I do a little bit of This and that,," He blew out a puff of smoke, leaving his food untouched "Are you a cop?" He questioned.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]When Natalia walked in he was staring out his window looking over the city with a bottle of whiskey. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Didn't take you quite long for you to get here. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He takes a sip. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Have you ever thought what this city would look like covered in fire and destruction? [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He walks over towards her and sits down next to her. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Lemme tell you it's a wonderful sight. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He said with a sadistic smile. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL]
Natalia looked at him peering out the window. There wasn't a day where she didn't see Crim with a bottle in his hands in all honesty it gave her the feeling to derision him but she kept that to herself. When he mentioned the city being engulfed in flames, she knew exactly where he was headed. She didn't know if it was the liqour talking or if it was just his sadistic personality. As he sat next to her with his sinister grin, she remained a solemn expression. "And why are you telling me this?"

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Mizuti looked at rex square in the face. "No I am not a cop...I can take you to the mafia if that's why your here..after all.." Mizuti spoke to rex's mind. "I know the leader..you want to join them I can take you to her.." He took back the food and began eating at it. "In simplistic terms..no..I'm no cop...I am part of the mafia..well..partially...still getting back to it again. After incidents in the past."

Rex grabbed another beer and rubbed his chin, still working wary "I work for some Local mobs, get decent money" He shrugged "Nothing as Big as the mafia, but it's a start" So far, trust had been established "Whatever pays the bills,," Of course, by 'bills' he meant Alcohol. "This sounds like an offer too good to be true, pal, so don't expect me to be jumping head over heals into this!" he dropped the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, then lit another cigarette "Why are you offering this to me?"

Crimson pulls a hologram device out of his pocket and he holds it in his hand. He presses down on the center and a couple of seconds later it turns on showing a blueprint of a nuke size bomb. Don't worry I'm not nuking the City. This bomb will soon be filled with my wild frenzy rage aura. That type of Aura will cause even the calmest of person to become possessed with rage. He chuckles. Their rage will empower me and all of my gang. But for those who aren't apart of my gang but is willing to he apart of it will be given a bracelet a with a calm gem. The hologram changes to a blueprint of a bracelet and the gem. This gem will constantly absorb the rage aura around their personal bubble granting them unaffected. @Robyn Banks

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