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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Lite was about to move forward, but stopped himself. He sighed and looked down "She's right" He admitted "I can't argue with the Law" He took a step back, deciding that there was nothing he could do in this situation. "The cops are right, unfortunately"
Emily shook her head. "No. You're exhausted. It can wait. Besides, it doesn't hurt... Much." Yasero rolled her eyes. "I have to go with Yasero. She's going to show me the pack. I can't stay here any longer. I'll never know when the flame will get the best of me, it might destroy me if Yasero doesn't show me how to tame it."

"And I can do that! We can channel each others powers. It's pretty cool. One day Em will be able to manipulate ice, while I will be able to tap into her flame." She smirked at Emily, pleased to know something she didn't.

"Yeye, you mean to tell me you can control ice?"

"Well duh. How else would I have been able to keep the flame from devouring you. If we didn't have a spirit connection, you would have been consumed long ago. Meaning last month."

Emily thought for a minute. "You mean to say that you are an Ice wolf. A mythical wolf of the North?"

"Yeah, you could put it that way, but we're only mythical because humanity drove us away. Almost hunted us out of existence. So we all kinda held grudges."

"How come I couldn't find that in your mind?"

"I mastered the shield a while ago. You only just managed to do it." Emily shook her head in disbelief, a bit in awe of the fact that her companion was a creature of legends.


Mizuti stepped between emily and lite. Then smashed him against the wall and pinned him. "DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT LITE!!" Mizuti punched lite square in the face. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??!! YOU WERE NEVER THE KIND OF MAN TO GIVE UP JUST LIKE THAT!!!" Mizuti threw him into an old unused van. "She does NOT deserve to be held in a prison for something that SHE DIDNT DO..it's all because of that man with the syringes..he injected you and now your always giving up on yourself. He injected Emily and now her fire is becoming out of her control...if you won't help her..I will..WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!!! do you UNDERSTAND ME lite...or do I have to throw you into a semi truck and force you to understand..I am not sitting around while you guys FIGHT amongst each other when we have more important things like general blanc and saving blank..PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND WAKE UP ALREADY DAMMIT!!!" He turned away and stared the cops with a dead stare. "Nobody is going to jail or prison DONT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" Mizuti didn't care what they all thought about him right now. All he cared about was keeping Emily and yasero safe. "Yasero come on..Let's get Emily away from other humans..."

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong
Lite kept his distance while Miz has his angry outburst, then waited till he was done speaking. "Give us a moment" He said, then grabbed Miz by the shoulder and pulled him aside "Hey man, you're getting angry and not making any sense. You're ranting about all this stuff about me that I don't understand, I don't know why you think that we're fighting for some reason, I don't know what's getting into you. Pull yourself together, calm down. I know you're going through a lot of stuff, but this is hardly the way to handle your anger issues. Now Are you okay?"

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"Okay? Am I okay? Let's do a recap lite. You and yasero had gotten into fighting with each other and Emily almost melted you to paste. You are nearly giving up on yourself and others, I AM WATCHING US FIGHT AMONGST OURSELVES AND DOING THE TRUE ENEMIES WORK FOR THEM....and you really just asked me if I am okay? No I am not....just..just go lite...I need some time to calm my self..." He walked away and followed emily and yasero. So n he coukd show them both a secret. "Yasero..I need to show you something..."

@Knightling @Echo Dreamsong
Emily shook her head, closing her eyes. "It's not just the fire. I was a criminal long before that. I was a thief. And if I have to, I'll accept my punishment. Yey, I'll be back. Eventually."

If they discover the murders I was a part of though, Yeye, I'll never be back.

Emily looked up at the cops and held out her hands. They snapped the cuffs on roughly before practically tossing her into the car. She sighed and waited patiently while the cops received their orders.

I'll keep speaking to you Yeye. No way can any prison break this bond.

Finally the cops got in and took off with Emily trying not to get slammed into the doors.
Lite placed a gentle hand on Miz's shoulder "No, I'm not leaving. I know you're going through a lot, man, but you need to get a grip. I'm not saying I agree with her arrest, but I have no right to stop it either. You must let it happen, you can't fight with the law" He glanced at the cop car sadly "I'm not giving up, I'm going to continue fighting crime, but I just can't get in the way of the Justice System. What sort of hero would I be if I distrupted justice? It doesn't work like that. I think we need to talk, work on these problems of yours"
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Yasero growled at the car that took her human away. "According to the law, she may be killed. After being the cause of three murders... She melted them all."
Lite watched the car drive away. Even when it was out of sight, he listened to it with his echo location. "I'm sorry" he stated "There's nothing more we can do. She can probably be spared from the Death Pen if she pleads insanity, that's the best case scenario"
Void tried to contact Blank but failed. He got his radar and searched for any project Blank operatives. Got you. Void gets out of the base and goes towards Blank.

@DaManofWar (im not sure of the location just tell me where you are)
[Outside the Rebuilt Heroes HQ]

"As Carmichael's APC Transport stops in front of the new Heroes HQ two elite Guards Escort him inside Carmicheal asks the receptionist to call for YU or Cassy to have a meeting about the risen threat of numerous villains"Hello Miss I have an appointment with the two heads of the Heroes Organization"Oh yes sir could you kindly wait for them in the waiting area?"I can just tell them this is an urgent matter"Ok sir just wait till they get here"Carmichale and the two guards stay in the waiting area for the two heads of the organization"

@Aelos (Cassy)

@Hoki (YU)
"But she's not insane! She was attacked and the flame escaped! And whether you like it or not, I'm getting her out! Even if I have to destroy a few humans on the way." Yasero shifted and took off after the car, prepared to do anything to save her companion.
"I can't condone your actions" Lite explained simply "I work with the police, not against them" He fired his grapple line onto a building and shot up into the air.
Yasero arrived at the prison. Pacing outside, she talked with Emily.

Em, you're gonna have to shift. It's the only way. I can't get in there, you have to get out.

Yasero, I can't shift! Remember? You can, but I still can't.

Just concentrate. Focus on the thoughts of wolfs. Think of ice. Imagine running through the forest with your pack.

Fine, I'll try it.

Emily sat on the bench, drawing from Yasero's power. After a few minutes, she managed to shift into a black wolf. The officers came past the door on their rounds. No surprise when one screamed at the small wolf inside their dangerous criminals cell.

"SHE'S ESCAPED! SET UP A BLOCKADE! Tim! Get this wolf out of here!" The cop, apparently named Tim because I felt like it, reluctantly picked up the wolf. "Not sure how our criminal managed to replace you with her. But your kinda cute. I'll let you go outside, then you can go find your momma."

Dammit Yey, they think I'm a pup.

Em, you are a pup. Ha! This is hysterical!

Not funny. I'm being carried around like a dog! Is this how all wolfs are treated?

Yeah. See why we may not like people...


Emily made herself look small, weak, and terrified. With her acting skills it wasn't hard. Once Tim set her down, she stumbled over to Yasero. Yasero grabbed her by the scruff, trying not to laugh as Emily flailed her legs.

Put me down! I'm not a pup! I can walk! YEYE!

Dawww, does the little puppy want to walk?

Stop it! It's not funny!

It totally is.

Yasero carried the squirming Emily down the street, trying to decide where to go.

@Knightling @bloodfire
Crimson appears in his office and he sits in his chair. He pulls out his phone and starts texting Natalia.

So do you still want to know my plans?

@Robyn Banks
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MIzuti stepped over to yasero as she approached and noticed another wolf with her. He ran to yasero after recognizing Emily's heart beat. "Well..I see there is more to her than we realize....hang on I need to speak to someone..in the mean time follow me." Mizuti messaged Natalia on his phone

Natalia...I have found a potential candidate but am working to help her control her powers of flames. As it could be an issue if we bring her in now I also wish to say there is a man running around. His name is doctor maximillian. I have bumped into him a few times. He has been injecting heroes AND with some strange kind of serum. But maybe you would like to bring him in and see if he is worthy? I will report back if I have more intel on his serum. [/textmessage] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/"]@Robyn Banks[/URL] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27049-echo-dreamsong/"]@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
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Lite landed ontop of a building, so that he had a better vantage point. From there, he crouched and looked at the city. An internal struggle had began. Part of him wanted to help let the person go, since he understood the situation. Another part wanted to help the police, follow their instructions. He was considered a hero, not a vigilante, so long as he cooperated with the authorities. The cops trusted him, so long as he stayed in line. Not that he was an agent of the police, he was only an ally. To betray their trust was to go rogue. "I can't be involved" he decided "I can't help Yasero, because of the law. But I will not help the police either, because of my conscience" He smiled weakly, figuring it was the best decision to take.
Yasero dropped an annoyed Emily on the ground before shifting to human.

"Em, you're gonna have to stay like that until I can get you into the forest. Those humans sure do want to catch you. I mean, I don't understand. You where attacked each time it happened. Once, the man had tried to stab you for being on his turf. That's kinda awful."

Emily nipped Yasero's ankles, still quite annoyed about being carried.

Yeah. That's what you get. You're not going to get away with carrying me.

Yasero glared at the tiny wolf before picking her up.

"No. Just no."


Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson appears in his office and he sits in his chair. He pulls out his phone and starts texting Natalia. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000] [textmessage=Natalia][/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000] [message=me]So do you still want to know my plans?[/message][/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000] [/textmessage][/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL]

Natalia was currently checking over her new mansion making sure that is more secure than the last until she received two text messages. She smirked as she texted back.

So do you still want to know my plans?
Of course, I'm heading over to your place to discuss.

She headed to one of her cars and began driving to the HQ. She didn't bring her men this time because she didn't think she'll need them for this trip. When she arrived, Natalia entered to his office without knocking or announcing her presents. She sat on the chair crossing her legs and waiting for him to speak about the plan he had in mind. She realized she had another text for Mizuti and replied back.

[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff] Natalia...I have found apotential candidate but am working to help her control her powers of flames. As it could be an issue if we bring her in now I also wish to say there is a man running around. His name is doctor maximillian. I have bumped into him a few times. He has been injecting heroes AND with some strange kind of serum. But maybe you would like to bring him in and see if he is worthy? I will report back if I have more intel on his serum.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]

Fine, I will meet them with soon. Keep my posted.

@Embaga Elder @bloodfire
Mizuti walked to yasero after reading the message from Natalia. "Yasero...I need t show you something..and iu will tell you I am not human.." Mizut tapped his helmet and it folded around his head and revealed his face. Human but with a bandana covering his eyes. He pulled the bandana off and revealed his x and star shaped eye to her and Emily. "...see?..I'm not human at all...." He sat down crying as he began remembering more about his past.

@Echo Dreamsong
Yasero frowned and sat next to him, patting him on the shoulder awkwardly. "I'm not really human either. But it's not the form that makes the soul."

Em, some people are walking this way, curl up at my feet or something.

No way! I'm not going to act like a mindless dog!

Yes you are. Just do it.

Emily sighed and curled up, looking up at Mizuti sadly. Yasero reached down and scratched Emily's ears before picking her up and putting her on her lap.
Lite landed ontop of the hero HQ, back to his usual cheerful self. "I swear, this must be my Fourth attempt to take a day off" He complained, then shrugged "But, as the mighty Gandalf once said; Use the Force, Harry" Lite walked inside, thinking it over "Or was it Xavior who said that?" He changed into his civilian clothing. With a quick glance back, Victor stepped out of the hero HQ. "It's kinda ridiculous that people don't recognize our alter egos, since we wear such small masks" He chuckled to himself.
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Mizuti kept crying. "And yet my soul remains in pieces..my family missing and dead...I do not understand how I keep on going...maybe its just pure will...or perhaps just pure hatred someone...I don't know.." He hugged yasero tight and cried more tears. "I keep everything bottled up..I keep telling myself it isn't real that my family is going to come back...but they won't...they never will..and all the sadness keeps coming back." As mizuti cried his static electricity flowed around him within his blue fire the fie making his electricity harmless to yasero and emily. "I wish I could just go back to the wa things were..living with my family..I wish that their deaths were all just a bad dream...I wish them being gone wasn't real..."

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily whimpered sadly and pathetically while Yasero sighed.

"Altho they may be gone, you have us. We may not be a good thing all the time, but we want to help. Emily here was the best thing that I've ever had. She's not my real family, but a pack isn't all about blood. It's about whom you trust and believe in."

Tucking Emily under her arm, she extended the other to Mizuti.

"I'm going to take tiny here back to HQ, join us?"

@bloodfire @Knightling
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Victor was now at the mall, trying to hang out and relax. It was times like these that he wished to lose his echo location. Though he had the ability to block out the sounds, he couldn't block it all out. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he decided to have some Chiplote, merely for the fact that everyone in his school always ate there.

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