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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Lite smirked, sensing Arthur nearby. He looked over, seeing him atop a building, then spoke into his radio "Hey man, looks like you arrived for the party. I'm glad I'm not the only one here, lets dance!" He shot his grapple onto a building, then swung down from the ledge swiftly. Using his momentum from above, Lite kicked Zedd back as he landed on the ground, then began spinning his nunchucks "You're All under arrest!" He grinned, ready to get started.


@Embaga Elder

Arthur was startled at first to hear Lite on his radio, but his attention was averted as he saw Lite descend from atop another building into the commotion. Arthur grinned behind his helmet to see the other hero with such gumption, and with that Arthur activated his energy shield and jumped down onto the ground next to Lite, careful as not to crack the ground as he previously did. "The Heroes Alliance is here now, end your fighting here." He declared


@Embaga Elder

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Zedd appears Right behind Void biting him in his ass causing him to lose focus. Zedd's teeth was channeling rage lightning so Void was getting shocked while getting his ass biting. Crimson fires firey crimson lasers out of his eyes aimed for Void knee caps. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26177-chimny/ said:
(just a heads up I gotz work from 4-9 today)
(I gotta sleep)

The grenade explodes causing Void and zedd to fly backwards. Void hadn't noticed the new comers or Zedd coming off, he lands on the dog and stabs it's neck with a knife. @Knightling @Frogtruck
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Zedd gets up knocking Void off of him and he walks over towards Crimson like the knife was a thumbtack. Crimson squats down pulling the knife out Zedd's neck. Arrest? Zedd's wound heals. I don't feel under arrest. What about you Zedd? The wolf shakes his head. I thought as much. Go home while I wrap this up. Zedd disappears. Crimson stands up looking at the two heroes. @Knightling @Frogtruck @CHIMNY
DaManofWar said:
Blank nodded. He had suited up, with a large assault rifle on his back, and two pistols were holstered on his hips. Blank walked out first. He checked the passageways. "All clear," he told Natalia.
The General was watching the events with interest. "Like a free movie," he joked. "Let's spice things up."

@Robyn Banks

Natalia smirked at him

"Alright let's get out of here" she said following his lead. She didn't take much which was good for her since it didn't slow her down as much. She stayed close to blank, checking we if there was anyone behind them. So fa Blank seemed like a decent teammate but one single escape mission wasn't going to make her completely trust him. At least not yet.

Frogtruck said:
"Halt!" Arthur yelled as he put his energy shield in front of his body, and he lunged at the both of them, trying to knock the both of them back.

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Embaga Elder[/COLOR]

Void flew back mid air but landed on his feet. Who the hell are you? Void demanded as he picked up Crimsons sleeping body and used it as a shield. Void readied the senbons and a meat sack hanging on the wall. Just then he heard police sirens and flew away with Crimsons body.



@Embaga Elder
Crimson's body turned in a puff of smoke and faded out Void's arms. Crimson later appeared by Miles. Wow you must've been sleepy too allow yourself to get tranquilized. Miles drops a red crystal that fades into Crimson's body. The crystal is a type of antidote that heal counteracted the effects of the tranquilizer. Get some rest boss. I doubt you had any in days. He waves his hands sending Crimson away in a puff of smoke. @CHIMNY
"As Nathan And Sarah decide to head back to base They get a message from Carmicheal"

Hey before you left my R&D team upgraded your armors I sent you a list of the upgrades
Uh Thx

"Nathan received a list of enhancements to their gear"


-Mask:Rebuilt with a liquid alloy that rebuilds it self

-Mask:Built in Map of earth

-Suit:Rebuilt with same liquid alloy

-Gauntlets:Shoots Incendiary, Shredder Explosive bullets and the Exp. Power Shot down Tranquilzers

-Gauntlets:Can use after burners to propel in the air

-Greaves:Can use after burners to propel in the air


-Mask:Rebuilt with same liquid alloy

-Mask:tracking system

-Gauntlets:Shoots AP, Explosive, Tranquilzers and Nitrogen shells

-Suit:Rebuilt with same alloy

-Cryo Pack:Shoots Tear Gas, Sleep Gas and Smoke grenades

-Greaves:Improved Motors

"Well that's going to come in handy"Nathan texts Natalie for a place to meet up"

Hey Natalie meet me in this coordinates we have to talk

"As Nathan sent her the coordinates it was the location of CIA Lab Blizzard"
We should head back to base I told Natalie to meet us there"You sure we can trust her?"Yes she is nice once you get to know her"The two head back to CIA Lab-116 Blizzard where they wait outside for Natalie"

@Robyn Banks

Lite pulled out his grapple gun "I got this!" He exclaimed, then he aimed and fired the grapple onto Voids feet. Latching on, Lite flew up into the air behind Void as he held on, then he began to reel in the line. He wasn't one to give up easily.


Blank checked the corners carefully. "All clear," he told Natalia, before moving out. "We need to reach the veichale bay. It's our best shot to get out of here," Blank moved quickly, then stopped. A large metal clanging sound echoed across the hall as a large mech suit walked toward them. A charged electrical baton was in one hand, while a riot shield was in the other. The mech quickened it's pace when it saw them. "Shit!" Blank cried. He began firing at it's knees.

@Robyn Banks
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Knightling said:
Lite pulled out his grapple gun "I got this!" He exclaimed, then he aimed and fired the grapple onto Voids feet. Latching on, Lite flew up into the air behind Void as he held on, then he began to reel in the line. He wasn't one to give up easily.

Void didnt suspect the man to attack (or Crimson to disappear) he thought of them as wannabe heroes. Void breaks the gears and mechanisms off the grapple and flies higher, he was already 20 feet high before the grapple attack. If you think a simple grapple can hurt me then you got to go back school!
(sorry for deleting it)

"As Nathan sees someone in the distant he welcomes them thinking it was Natalie and her men, As he was going to welcome them Sarah and Nathan were ambushed they were tranqed as they were knocked out they transported them to the truck waiting for further instructions"


(going to sleep soon might not be able to reply quikly)
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The General received word of the capture. "Excellent," he said birskly. "Bring them in." He considered how things looked for him.

He had two of the CIA's assets captured, he had Natalia Romanov trying to escape with Blank, and the other project was coming along nicely. He was in a good position to being Phase 2. All that was left was to ensure Blank and Natalia stayed in the base once the test was over.

@VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks
"As the Soldiers receive their orders they transport the two in an undisclosed location, As Nathan wakes up his helmet was taken off"Ugh! where am I"Nathan says so confusedly while Sarah is still knocked out"


[CIA Main Lab]

"One agent rushed towards Carmicheal"
Sir we have a problem"What is it then?"Sir... Project Blank has captured Ms. Romanov, 115 and 116 sir...Sir?"Carmicheal stands there silently as he turned to the soldier"I knew this would happen sooner or later, Send in a team of specialists for the retrieval mission"Yes Sir!"The agnet exits his office as he gathers the squad"
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Arthur powered hie shield down after the 3 men quickly left, he jumped after them between the buildings, keeping his distance however. He did not know what the other man was capable of.


Lite landed ontop of a building and rolled to ease the fall. "I hate the ones who fly,," he stated, then jumped down to the ground to get out of sight. Sure, he could not reach Void, but he could follow. Using his echo location, he followed quietly on the ground below.


He sat on the edge of the building looking over the city. He sighed as he started to think to himself "why is the city so quiet...." He soon saw a man jump between two buildings. He seemed suspicious, but he left him alone even though he was the only one Xenn saw in the city.

(1 Nathan is being held in Project Blanks facility 2 they confiscated his phone and 3 the director already told him that when he was in their base making up for their offenses)

"Nathan struggles to get out of the chains on his wrists, As Sarah wakes up She was Chained by the Wrists to the floor"Ok who ever is dong this you best hope I don't get out of this or you're as good as dead!"Nathan shouted"

The General entered the room with Nathaniel C. Vincent. He stared at the man chained to the floor. "Death comes in many forms," he said drily, "and I have experienced more than one." The General looked coldly at them both. The girl would prove useful in achieving his ultimate goal.

"Nathan sees how he looked at Sarah and wasn't all to happy about it"Listen you touch a single cell on her I will Gut You, You Hear Me!"Nathan slowly becomes less like himself and becomes more like the monster he was in the past"

[CIA Lab-Alpha 1]

"As the squad of soldiers are in Carmicheal's office"
Ok men this mission might pit you against our rivals Project Blank, They protect their base with sophisticated tech like ours but make no mistake they will not hesitate to kill you so on this mission I will join you"Yes Sir"As 15 both men and women salute Carmicheal gets into a suit that was manufactured for him he exits the room and heads into the V-Tol"Ok men this might be our last mission so let's make this count we need to secure 115 and 116"Hoorah!"As the squadren gets into the V-Tol they open the hatch, The V-Tol rising it heads toward the highly protected Project Blank Base"

The General grabbed Nathan by the throat. "You are in no position to make demands," he told him. A large whirring sound echoed across the room as the General entered his strength. "My plans for you two are for the safety of the world. But you wouldn't understand." Suddenly, the General received an alert. "The CIA? Good. This will make the test for Natalia and Blank more exciting. Prepare the troops." The General then left the room. He gave one last look at Nathan and Sarah. "You stay here," he said sarcastically, before leaving. Guards were stationed on the door. Roughly five black ops. The General left to suit up. He had been waiting for this for a while.

Blank ducked under the baton. The mech suit driver was skilled, one of the best. "Natalia! A little help?" Blank called over to Miss Romanov.

@VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks

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