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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Natalia started to try to find a way out. She needed information of what he was planning exactly but getting out was far more important at the time. She tries to get coverage to contact one if her men but the signal wasn't very steady.

Victor looked through the junk yard, hoping perhaps to find anything. Of course he just simply buy a bicycle, but that was boring. He needed to get ahold of a motorcycle somehow...

Crimson smiles as Void tried jumping towards him. He inhales deeply then roars releasing a blast of firey crimson energy, blasting void back towards the ground. @CHIMNY
Victor sat down on a random pile of rubble and scratched his head, not quite sure what to do next. There was no way he was going to venture out of the city without a vehicle. An idea came to mind, and he stood up. Perhaps he would be able to buy a motorcycle as Lite, since the age of his alter ego was not technically known.

Blank was careful in searching for a way out. "Natalia," he said softly, "we should stick together. I know this place like the back of my hand." Blank was still a bit fired after breaking out, but it was better then being stuck inside that cell.

@Robyn Banks
Victor headed back towards the city, a plan in mind. Finding a quiet alley, he quickly changed into his hero suit, then stepped out. Pulling out his grapple gun, Lite shot it onto a building and flew up.

Natalia looked at him before asking. "Where do they keep their information?" She looked around to be sure no one was coming there why and she started to reload her guns, placing them back in her pocket when she was finished with them.

Blank sighed. "I have no idea. I believe that they keep it backed up on multiple computing stations, possibly around the world, maybe just here. However," Blank said with a grin, "I do know where the armoury is."

@Robyn Banks
(Good idea)

Lite landed ontop of a car dealership, unsure of how it would work out. Reaching into his pocket, he paused, hearing something with his echo location. Swords, crashes, it was a fight, not a regular one. "Where are you now,,," He said to himself quietly, expanding his senses as he mentally searched for the location. Giving one last glance at the dealership, He fired his grapple onto a building and swung through the air.
Void sees the light reflecting off the walls and lunges forward dodging the attack, he turns around and slams Crimson against the wall while instantly firing the senbons at him. Void knew he was gonna teleport so he was ready to attack when it did happen. @Embaga Elder
Natalia looked at him strangely " And why would u need that?" She didn't need any weapons she was fine with that she had but the man did seem stronger with his robotic arm when she was shooting him earlier today. "Fine show me."

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Blank nodded. He lead her carefully towards where the armoury door was. Once they were almost there, just down a hallway, he stopped. "Let me check," he told her, and peeked around the corner. There was two guards. "Two spec ops," he told Natalia. "I need a gun. I'll take the one on the left, you, the right. Don't kill. Go for disabling shots. If they die, it will alert the base." Blank stared hard into her eyes, hoping to make her understand.

@Robyn Banks
Lite landed ontop of the sewage plant, his senses never failing him. So this was it, he pulled out his binoculars to observe the fight. "Well well" he said to himself "Two birds with one stone, excellent" he muttered to himself, realizing that they both were well known villains. He continued watching, deciding whether to attack now or wait and pick out the victor.
Void was surprised by this as he had predicted Crimson, he still holds on to the senbons and stop them before hitting him, he continues to push them towards Crimson but this time they can't be pushed back as Void holds on to them tighter and stronger. As the senbons approach Crimson, Void tosses a grenade at Crimson. @Embaga Elder
Blank did the same to the other man. He ran up to the armoury, and grabbed the door handle. He pulled it open gently. There was a whole storage room of weapons. Some weren't even legal. "Project Blank specialises in experimental weaponry. Furthermore, it also has access to some of the most skilled hackers in the world." Blank surveyed the weapons on the shelves. Laser cannons, plasma launchers, missiles, enough to take over California. Blank whistled. "Don't take more than we need," he told Natalia.

@Robyn Banks
Natalia smirked at him "But everything seems so tempting." She only took the things , she was able to carry but she also took her phone out and started to take pictures of the armory room. She needed to keep in mind what they had so she knew what she was up against when the time was needed. She put her phone back in her pocket before saying."alright let's go. We probably don't have that much time to leave without being noticed of our absence."

Blank nodded. He had suited up, with a large assault rifle on his back, and two pistols were holstered on his hips. Blank walked out first. He checked the passageways. "All clear," he told Natalia.

The General was watching the events with interest. "Like a free movie," he joked. "Let's spice things up."

@Robyn Banks
Zedd appears Right behind Void biting him in his ass causing him to lose focus. Zedd's teeth was channeling rage lightning so Void was getting shocked while getting his ass biting. Crimson fires firey crimson lasers out of his eyes aimed for Void knee caps. @CHIMNY

(just a heads up I gotz work from 4-9 today)
While atop a tall building, Arthur noticed a lot of energy being given off by what looked to be a sewage plant. "Maybe the General?" He thought. He made a powerful leap towards the sewage plant and landed on a nearby building. He saw a man giving off immense red energy and another man throwing objects at him.

@CHIMNY @Embaga Elder @Knightling

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