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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Lite sighed in disappointment, yet again this criminal had slipped out of his hands. He turned and swung through the air and landed on a random building, then turned his radio back on. This really did seem to be a slow night.

One of the vans swerved off course. The General looked out the back window. "He's strong," General Blanc murmured. "You no what to do fellas." The vans split up, each heading in different directions. The vans all looked alike. That was part of the plan. To split up. Making it harder to find the important one.

The smoke cleared and the vans had vanished. Arthur reacted too late. They General had taken Blank and the other woman who he did not know. "RAAAGHH!!" He screamed into his helmet, not realizing his radio was still on. The park was now just a mess of turned up soil and a few trees uprooted. He had made a huge mess, and for nothing. He would have to apologize to the city, but at another time. For now he had to find Blank. He leaped off through the buildings again, trying to find a clue as to where the General went.

Having heard all of the common from across town, Lite had already started on his way over. From behind the building, Lite flew out into the sky with his rope. Letting go, he fell downwards and reached into his belt. Pulling out some metal stars, he threw them at the tires of a random white van, then landed ontop of the roof skillfully. So far, he didn't have the time to figure out which was the right one, but atleast he could maybe get some interrogation through


While soaring between buildings, Arthur spots one of the General's vans, cruising down the street alone. "He must have them split up, I know I saw more at the park." He thought to himself. He landed on a building and catapulted himself off, landing 20 feet in front of the van, crumbling the asphalt beneath him. A 5 foot square, orange energy shield appeared out of Arthur's left fore-arm and he positioned the shield between him and the van, preparing for impact.

The van slammed into Arthur's shield. The one Lite attacked crashed into a wall.

But the General wasn't in either of them. He was going for the best route out of the city. He had to make it to HQ.

A man stumbled out of the van Arthur had stopped. He pointed a gun at him. The same thing happened with Lite.

@Frogtruck @Knightling
With extreme accuracy, a small knife flew through the air and struck the gun, lodging itself in the tip of the barrel. Landing on the ground, Lite rolled and threw a weighted rope at the driver so that it would wrap around him, then moved forward with his weapons ready in case he needed to. Sure, they didn't catch the main van, but atleast he could perhaps get some answers. "No need to fight, pal" Lite smirked "I just want to talk!"

Arthur, unfazed by the collision kept the energy barrier between him and the gun. "The General! Where is he?" Arthur demanded of the man. "I am in no mood for games, I will not use force unless it is necessary, do not make it necessary."

Lite crouched in front of the man and gave him a friendly pat on the back "Good try" He chuckled, then glanced around "Listen, I'm not the type who goes for Intimidation, okay? I don't play that game, I consider myself rather reasonable. Now you're just a pawn working for Project Blanc, so I'm not out to get you in particular. Listen, I got a deal" Lite pulled out a knife and spun it in his fingers skillfully "If You tell me something useful about your organization, I'll cut you free and let you go" He shrugged "Sound good?"

Arthur was cautious to keep the shield between them, and he lunged at the man attempting to knock down the man with the shield, careful to only use a small amount of his strength so as not to launch the man a great distance.

Lite smiled and began juggling two knives "Okay, lets start simple; Do you know any bases of headquarters for Project Blanc?" With his echo location, he listened carefully to the mans heart beat, ready to detect if he was lying or not.

The man with Lite sighed. "It's somewhere in the mountains. At best, I would say in the east. However, they are very through about keeping it secret."

The other agent stumbled back in face of Arthur's shield. He collapsed onto the ground.

@Knightling @Frogtruck
Lite nodded, detecting truth in his heart beat. "Allright, man, I'm done with you" He quickly reached the knife forward and cut a few strands of the line to loosen it. "I'll spare you a heroic self righteous speech" he joked, then headed off to find Arthur.


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Natalia slowly started to wake up, quietly looking around to not draw any attention to herself as she did trying to figure out where she was. She started to close her eyes again acting as if she never woke up. She had to play it safe for now.

"As Carmichael leaves the coffee shop to head back to the Main Lab he gets a call"Sir CIA base-014 is under attack"By what?"It self Sir the guards are wearing gas masks but the scientists and agents are killing each other should I instruct them to use the tranquilizer darts?"Yes let the guards know to use the darts and don't remove the Gasmask tell them to open the ventilation it might be something in the air"Yes sir"As the Phone call ends he makes his way to his car and heads back to the lab to brief everyone on their current mission"
The man scoffed. "Back to base. I don't know where it is, really. They don't tell us grunts anything."

Blank lay motionless. He reached out a hand, and grabbed Natalia's. He needed something to hold onto. And she was right there. Blank was breathing horsely.

@Robyn Banks @Frogtruck
Arthur turned to see Lite, he wasn't too happy with the 'bro', but let it slide, he was just relieved to see he wasn't harmed. "Nothing of any use," He dropped the man as he spoke. "Blank has been taken by a man called General Blanc, he took with him a woman as well. Do you know about any of this?" He asked Lite, hoping for some good news.

This was by far the most awkward feeling she had. She kept her eyes closed and started to slowly release herself from his grip, keeping the motion of the truck so it didn't look suspicious. She knew that they were at the base since the truck started to slow down but She stayed quiet.

"Didn't get any good info either" Lite replied, now doing a handstand "Was only able to get a vague explanation that Blanc works Outside the city somewhere, but that's not very useful. Also, Crimson got away, but he's of no importance anymore, we've got Blanc to worry about. I think I'm going to conduct some investigations, see if I can find their base, then report my findings"

Arthur nodded in agreement with Lite's report. "I had hoped to gain members for the Alliance, not lose them..." He said in disdain. "You're saying the gang-war has stopped then? They are no longer at odds with each other?" He asked Lite. Arthur bent down to pick the man up, dusting him off a bit before saying to him: "I would suggest a different career path, perhaps baking. You don't hear of many bakers committing crimes these days..."
Blank let Natalia's hand slide out of his own. However, he still wanted her to stay by him. Finally, the van stopped. General Blanc stepped over them. "Welcome home," he said cheerfully. He opened the door from the inside, and stepped out. Several men came out, grabbing both Natalia and Blank, and taking them away. "Put them in the same cell," General Blanc ordered. The men had already been briefed on this. So, they did it. The General stood in front of the cell.

@Robyn Banks

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