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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Arthur perked up at the sound of his helmet's radio going off. "You've located Crimson?" He paused for a moment, thinking if he should jump into the fray now, or leave Lite and Blank to scout out for more information and recruitment. Arthur was itching for some excitement however, and he began to think he could end this whole upheaval before it got any worse. "Lite, do you hear me? I want you to tell me where it is Crimson is located. I'm coming over."

Lite smirked and turned his radio off, this was something he wanted to handle solo. Making sure to remain quiet, he climbed up to the top of the warehouse and pulled out his nunchucks, getting ready.
Arthur waited for what seemed like ages, getting no response from Lite. "Lite, can you hear me? Lite, I am asking for the location of Crimson. Lite. Lite! Lite, answer me! Gahh!" He let out in frustration. No wonder Lite said this was old technology, he couldn't keep a stable connection on it. Now he was getting even more frustrated, and the orange decals in his armor began to glow brighter. Arthur figured he would have to find Crimson and Lite on his own. He crouched down, and jumped with great force and distance, forgetting entirely about the shock absorbers in his boots, he left a large crack in the pavement where he made his mighty leap. "Perhaps he was captured, and that is why he wasn't answering his communication device, if this is the case, I need to move faster..." Arthur began bounding across the city at a faster pace now, worried for Lite, and angry at both Crimson and Natalia for starting this mess to begin with.
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"On my way." She said beginning to drive off to the park. It was by far the weirdest place she was asked to go but she ignored that fact. She stepped out of the car looking around to see if blank was there.

Robyn Banks] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Natalia turned to him.[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff][B] "Alright. State your plan."[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] She said sitting on the bench.waiting for him to speak.[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23571-damanofwar/ said:
Blank sighed. "Well," he began, "I don't really have one. The best I have is that I give myself over to him. But he will defiantly just turn me into a puppet again. I suppose we should try to draw him out. Maybe we could kill him then."
Natalia scoffed at his comment "and how should do we do that? You don't even have a plan but of course I'm of course to handle everything." She looked the other way. "Don't worry I'll find a way."

Natalia raised her eyebrow at him in confusion but realized what she said. "Don't flatter yourself. Anyways you may be cute but I'm into old fashion guys that can take charge. You're not one of them." She said as she snickered. She got up and started to walk away. She suddenly had the urge to smoke but ignored it since she wasn't going to start it now.

Blank sighed. "Well, you have no idea what is coming with the General." Blank felt the urge to follow after Natalia. He did. "Look, have you settled that gang war with Crimson?"

@Robyn Banks
Natalia looked back at him "yes we came up with a compromise." She looked away before continuing to walk. She started to drift off thinking of a plan to take him down but nothing seemed to be good.

Blank was revealed. "That's good. Otherwise-" Blank stopped. There was a man walking towards him from the other end of the park. He was dressed in military uniform. A five star general. Blank felt himself go cold. "Oh no..." He placed himself between Natalia and the General. "He's here," he told her.

@Robyn Banks
Natalia pushed blank our of the way .quickly took out her guns and started to shoot at the man. She looked at blank shooting. "What the hell are you doing?! Attack him!" It was always the time she didn't bring any men.

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Rex walked towards the bar district, feeling ontop of the world with all the money. Of course, the only problem he faced was finding a place to keep it, he didn't actually have a home. Stepping inside an alley way, he paused to light a cigarette and think

Blank just stood there frozen. The General kept walking. The bullets pinged off him. He smiled. "Well, well," he said confidently, "two birds one stone, uh? Blank won't attack me. He's a cyborg you see. In his programming are codes preventing him from attacking superiors in Project Blank." The General kept walking. "As for me..." He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a cyborg arm. "Knowledge is power." He was oozing confidence. "Had you continued the war, you wouldn't be in this position." A red dot appeared on the side of Natalia's head. "Surrender."

@Robyn Banks
Arthur heard gunshots in the distance, and immediately turned towards that direction. Had there been a robbery, or a murder? Or worse, had the gang war already started, and he would find a shoot-out between Crimson and Natalia's forces. Either way, he needed to get to the source of the gun fire. he finally spotted a park with a 3 people standing in it. He could see one of them holding a gun, but couldn't make out who the people were. 'Vandals of sorts,' He assumed, and with that he landed with a sickening thud that shook the ground a bit. He recognized Lite's friend Blank among the group, but did not know the other two. "Halt your violence," he spook out with a booming voice, "This place is a park, you should treat it with respect..."

@DaManofWar @Robyn Banks
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DaManofWar said:
Blank just stood there frozen. The General kept walking. The bullets pinged off him. He smiled. "Well, well," he said confidently, "two birds one stone, uh? Blank won't attack me. He's a cyborg you see. In his programming are codes preventing him from attacking superiors in Project Blank." The General kept walking. "As for me..." He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a cyborg arm. "Knowledge is power." He was oozing confidence. "Had you continued the war, you wouldn't be in this position." A red dot appeared on the side of Natalia's head. "Surrender."
@Robyn Banks
Natalia smirked "shoot me. You won't get anything out of me so you might as well get it over with... You'll actually be doing me a favor." She said still aiming her gun at him. She had too much pride to surrender.

The General chuckled. "No. Actually, I have something else in mind." A small wisp was heard, and dart shot into Natalia's neck. "It's more fitting for you." The General became aware of the presence of the new head of the Hero Alliance. He turned, and stared at him. "This doesn't concern you. I'm taking what's mine, and you should back off. I am General Blanc. And you aren't relevant." Suddenly, a group of vans appears, and a smoke grenade was deployed. It spread a cloud, covering the area. The General moved to take both Blank and Natalia away. He had plans for Natalia.

@Frogtruck @Robyn Banks
Natalia felt a sudden sting on her neck , she yanked the dart out but it was too late. Her vision started to get blurry as she kneeled to the ground. She aimed her gun up to shoot for the head but collapsed on the floor. as the men pulled her away, she tried to fight it but went into a deep sleep.

The General watched as both Natalia and Blank were laid side by side together. He followed them into the van. He watched Blank lovingly, with affection. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "We got you back, soldier," and with that, the vans took off, leaving for the sanctuary of Project Blank.

@Robyn Banks
The smoke engulfed Arthur, and suddenly he couldn't see. The sudden noise and commotion was too distracting to focus. Arthur quickly got pissed, who was this General Blanc, thinking he could take people? People?! Arthur was having none of this, he would not let this man take away Blank. Arthur would not stand for this blatant disregard for the Hero Alliance. His anger reached a boiling point, and his orange decals on the suit glowed a bright orange. He took his two fists above his head, and slammed the ground with both arms, sending a rippling shockwave throughout the park, the ground producing cracks in the ground.

@DaManofWar @Robyn Banks

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