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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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"So it seems" Like replied "Which means that General Blanc is proceeding with his plans right now. He's going to reprogram Blank to become an assassin for him. As we speak, they have the upper hand. I say we act now"
DaManofWar said:
Blank let Natalia's hand slide out of his own. However, he still wanted her to stay by him. Finally, the van stopped. General Blanc stepped over them. "Welcome home," he said cheerfully. He opened the door from the inside, and stepped out. Several men came out, grabbing both Natalia and Blank, and taking them away. "Put them in the same cell," General Blanc ordered. The men had already been briefed on this. So, they did it. The General stood in front of the cell.
@Robyn Banks
Natalia opened her eyes getting herself up from the floor. She approached the bars. "What the hell do you want from me?" She hissed glaring at him.

"You're suffering," the General replied calmly. "How do I go about it? Have you screaming for mercy while being waterboarded? Kill you slowly over a hundred day period?" The General smiled, and then left. "I'll be back soon enough."

Blank suddenly gasped, and stood up. "Just great. I'm back here again." Blank kicked a rock away. "What to do?" He wondered aloud. He turned to Natalia. "Now would be a good time for us to just talk."

@Robyn Banks
Arthur did not like the sound of Blank being an assassin, working for the General. "Act now, I agree, but how? You say his facility is outside the city limits, that could mean anywhere."

Lite shrugged and smiled "True, it could be Anywhere, but I have a better chance of finding it then anybody else. I'm going to go out to the mountains and do some investigation, search around to see if I can dig up any information. But first, I think I must prepare for such a journey"

Natalia looked at him as if he was insane. "No this is us the time for us to break out of here. This isn't a movie , you can't just give up like that and expect someone to save you. That's not how life works" She said taking out one of her hidden knives as started to pick the lock.

Arthur looked off towards the mountains. "Fine, I will see what I can find around the city. I wish you good luck on your journey." With that last thought, he jumped away, out of sight.

Lite nodded "I'll need it" He looked up at the sky, his hand grabbing his grapple gun. Pointing the device at a tall building, he shot the grapple onto the ledge, then shot up into the air. Swinging through the city, he finally landed in front of some apartments.

[blizzard CIA Lab]

"Nathan decided to send a message to Natalie"Hey Natalie are you alright you haven't messaged me back in a while"Hey Nathan do you think what the CIA did was for the sake of Humanity?"I don't really know anymore all they've been doing was wrong to us but... Were they doing it for humanity cause if you look at it were the only people who could stand up to them we can't die per say but... I don't really know when I was experimented on it wasn't Carmicheal who was the director it was an older person but how about you"I... Don't... Really know I never heard his voice but I did hear from one of the scientists that someone named John was rising through the ranks so I am not really sure"As the two debate on weather giving them selves up to the CIA"That's it we need to find out"But what if Carmichael is worse than your old CIA director"Well then we just have to find out now won't we"The two get into their Armor and head out, an our later they head into a CIA controlled lab, Guards swarm them while the two surrender they are then they are blind folded and transferred to the Main CIA lab holding cell where Carmicheal is informed, As Carmicheal entered the holding cell Nathan questioned"Did you order the experimentation on Sarah"Uh... Yes and No"What do you mean by that?"I didn't start the experimentations on her but I didn't stop it I'm sorry"You don't say sorry to me YOU SAY SORRY TO HER! Do you not know what she had to go through!? She was tortured! Because of you"Carmicheal didn't say anything but"Why did you surrender?"I... Needed to know what we're me experimented on?"You were supposed to be earths defense from the Powers who would do otherwise like Ms. Romanov, Void, Crimson etc... I was just a Sergeant when they experimented on you and Sarah when you escaped, Well that's what your case file said, Sarah was supposed to be your Polar Opposite but she seems to be quite attracted to you"Yeah I noticed so what are you going to do now"Nothing you decide now I hold no control on you or Sarah but that doesn't stop the Other Agents from trying to capture you I can only tell them to do missions but they were given instructions from the past director to capture you by any means I can let you go but it will only be for this once take Sarah and leave I hope this makes us even"It doesn't but thanks anyways"As Nathan take Sarah and leave the CIA Lab hoping to find Natalie"

@Robyn Banks
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A sharp electrical shock zapped Natalia's knife. Blank sighed. "You don't get it. Project Blank has access to some of the most advanced technology on the planet. It wouldn't be that easy to pick a lock in here. You'd have...to..to.." Blank trailed off.

To overload it. So simple. And yet, so dangerous. Blank smiled. "Stand back," he told Natalia, pushing her aside. He then jammed his fingers into the lock. The shocks came in waves. Blank gritted his teeth. The pain was excruciating. But he was smiling.

@Robyn Banks

( a couple of hours)

Natalia dropped her knife and took a couple of steps back from the bars. When Blanks starts to overload, the bars she covered her eyes since the electricity was too blinding to watch. Honestly as long as they got out, it didn't matter what either of them did.

Lite walked into his apartment and began to pack some stuff, he would need it for the trip. After a few hours, he had everything in a big backpack. Putting it on, he walked out into the city...


Void woke up after a few hours and went to look at the voice scan. He listened to a more recent one to have a surprise. Crimson you shit, I'm taking you down! Void expected Crimson to sense his rage from wherever he is, Void smashed a chair onto the wall. He walked over to the entrance shaft and sealed it with a thermo cutter, Crimson could still teleport inside so he got a few extra turrets that he filled with tranquilizer, Void needed him alive.


Crimson appeared outside Void's base. His calm flowing aura slowly began to spike up as his rage started to come back. He takes off his jacket and a burst of energy blows around him bursting through the door.


Lite paused in the street and looked around, "I could really use a vehicle,,," He said to himself, starting to grow tired of swinging everywhere...

Embaga Elder] [CENTER] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https://media0.giphy.com/media/3hFwqgkdhC1UI/giphy.gif&hash=daecc711a1ac8ea1b6235ec20396e40a[/IMG][COLOR=#b30000] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson appeared outside Void's base. His calm flowing aura slowly began to spike up as his rage started to come back. He takes off his jacket and a burst of energy blows around him bursting through the door. [/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/tumblr_meazyriwo11rn98vpo1_r1_500-gif.197935/[/IMG][COLOR=#b30000] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26177-chimny/ said:
Void sees Crimson busting through the sealed hatch, he presses a button to stop the turrets and bots from firing at Crimson but they stayed locked at him.

What do you want?
Crimson keeps a calm expression. You already know what I want. He releases another blast the flows through the base destroying the turrents. He summons his sword and points it towards you. I came for you. @CHIMNY
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson keeps a calm expression. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]You already know what I want. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]He releases another blast the flows through the base destroying the turrents. He summons his sword and points it towards you. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]I came for you. [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26177-chimny/ said:
You cold hearted idiot!! Void screams as he grabs the sword with his telekinesis and attempts to slam it into Crimsons face, he also secretly grabbed (with telekinesis) the tranquilizer darts that remained in the turrets, ready to hit Crimson with them.
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Lite walked down the street, then found an empty alley to change into his civilian identity. After a few moments, Victor stepped out and moved down the street, trying to figure out a plan to get a vehicle...

Crimson causes his sword to vanish, as he fires volleys of crimson energy blast. Some hit some don't. The ones that doesn't hit either hits the tranquilizer darts or something else within the base. @CHIMNY
Victor gave up searching the city, knowing that he was too young to buy any vehicles. An idea popped into his head, and he headed towards the junkyard, hoping that he could find something there...

Crimson's shielded him from the darts, all except one. The effects will slowly progress, due to the fact he's getting strength from rage. As his was lifted and thrown his aura expanded and lacked onto the walls of the base holding him in place. Crimson conjures up rage energy spears and hurls them towards Void.


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