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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Lite landed on the ground, then he moved down the ally silently, making sure to stay out of sight. Keeping out of the way wasn't difficult, considering how he could sense people before they could sense him. It was then that he noticed an old bar, this was the rat hole where a lot of the underworld hung out. This was perfect for his operation. Pulling out his grapple gun, he shot it into a building and landed on the roof of the bar. Now crouching there quietly, he listened to all of the gossip going on in the inside.
DaManofWar said:
Blank took a seat next to Natalia. "First off, I want no part in this. I have no idea where Crimson is. So, I can't help you there. On Project Blanc...." Blank looked Natalia right in the eye. "The General controls a private military. One that has a massive spy network. He is a veteran of some hard tours of service. He fought in Cairo and Tehran. He saw his fellow soldiers die. But when he returned home, he saw how his living members of his company were treated by the very people they had fought to protect. And it infuriated him. He came to realise something." Blank looked at Natalia's men, suspicious. "We should take this somewhere private. He could have a spy anywhere." He whispered into her ear.
@Robyn Banks
Natalia started to think if some places, they could go. She wouldn't allow anyone to enter her new mansion since what happened to the last. Only a handful of people knew its location. So she decided to go to a hotel that she owned she could easily check if there was any cameras or anything of that sort when they arrived. She got up and gesture him to follow her into her car.

Blank did as Natalia suggested, following her closely. He glanced every which way. No telling where they are. Spies. "Natalia," he told her quietly, "where is your car?"

@Robyn Banks
Blank gave a small chuckle. "I never actually had driving lessons. Most of what I currently am is new. I know how to drive, just....don't have a licence." Blank chuckled softly. He hopped in the car after Natalia. "I'd say we should get started on Project Blank."

@Robyn Banks
Lite listened carefully, since that was what he did best. This was golden to him, hearing the gossip of the street. He narrowed his eyes, hearing some familiar names. "Still, leads me nowhere" He said, jumping to the ground to continue his patrol.
Natalia placed her hand in the wheel before saying "not to burst your bubble but I don't have time to focus on that, If you didn't know I'm in a gang war at the moment. Anyways I prefer to work alone. It's safer that way. " She started to drive off.

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After his lengthy tour of the facility, Arthur made his way back to the front entrance of the building and stood outside. He turned on the radio receiver in his helmet in hopes of hearing a cry for help or a distressed call, but no such thing happened. He then figured it would be best to wait outside the front door, to greet new arrivals to the organization. So he waited again.
@Embaga Elder

As The group appeared in the Voids hideout, Void sat at the table. If we want to fight Natalia we would need a lot of firepower, that's not a problem. The tough part is executing. Void went to the news monitor and turned it to Crimson. "Explosions and dead bodies at what police say is a local gangs headquarters, suspects claimed to have seen rogue millionaire Marko Carter" the news reporter said. The CIA are also after me, my plan - bomb the CIA and blame it on Natalia, while they are occupied with each other we can blow them all up. But they have to be together at the same place somehow, but I think it's manageable. What do you think?
Blank sighed. "The war is a mistake," he told her quietly. "In the end, you will find yourself on The General's receiving end. That is what he would do. Make his move once we're all weak." Blank stared out the window. Traffic rushed past.

@Robyn Banks
[CIA Base Alpha-1 Coordinates Unknown]

"As Director Carmicheal returns to the Base he gets the R&D Team working on power suppressors while he sees news of the Embaga HQ exploding then he notices it, he sees Nathan"Well this will be interesting *Bzzt All White Hat Hackers to my office now!"Carmicheal says over the intercom commanding all of the CIA's Hackers to his office"What is it sir?"I need you to find out who Nathan is currently working for we may have a... Business Agreement on our hands"Yes Sir"The Hackers leave the office going through the whole Network to see who's Nathan's current Employer"

[blizzard CIA Lab]

"As They plan on how to find Natalie, Nathan decides to continue exploring the blocked out lab extension but Sarah tries to tell Nathan to stay, she felt lonely Nathan comforted her saying she'll never be alone telling her he needs to continue looking through the data he Kisses her on the Forehead again and leaves to the Database room"
Uhh... He kissed me again does he like me? Does he? Or is it just me or does he seem Nicer all of a sudden"Sarah thought to herself before feeling weird thinking about it and began thinking what was he like when he was a kid"

[CIA Base Alpha-1 Coordinates Unknown]

"As 3 hours pass one hacker returned to Carmichael"
By the looks of it you found out who it was?"Yes sir it's a Female age 18 Named Natalie Romanov the boss of the city's mafia"Good did you get her number?"Yes sir"Hand it to me I need to have a chat with her"

Ms. Romanov
Hello Ms. Romanov this is CIA Director Carmicheal I wish to talk about a Collaboration you help us we help you also please inform All of your hired men we might be able to help them as well if you would like to continue this conversation Go to the Coffee shop near the mall I'll be waiting for you there.

"Carmichael Left the Base and headed to the meeting location, as he got there he ordered a Cappuccino and waited for Ms. Romanov at the Small Coffee shop"

@Robyn Banks

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A man took a seat next to Carmichael. "Carmichael. It's nice to see you again." The man was dressed in a black trench coat and hat. He gazed at Carmichael. "May I ask what you're doing here?" Joseph Gardner smiled at him. He wouldn't be surprised if the director of the CIA tried to kill him.

"Ah yes hello Joseph tell me how is your Project working out for you exactly?"As Carmicheal sips from his Coffee"I'm just waiting for Ms. Romanov have you met her? Now the question is why are you here?

(Guessing they're rivals)

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"To be blunt, I've lost my best operative. But no worry. I'm gonna have some fun while I wait to get him back. From what I know, the Hero Alliance has been reborn. And he's a part of it." Joseph Gardner just waited patiently. "But you must know of the gang war. I'm gonna wait it out. Whoever wins, I'll purge. Matter of fact, I haven't met Miss Romanov yet." Joseph stood up. He clapped his hands together. "Anyway, I decided to tell you something." He looked down at Carmichael. "Stay out of my way." With that, General Blanc left. He faded into the crowd.

"Well there's the old Lieutenant I knew from my days as just a recruit for the CIA"He thought to himself Knowing his over confidence is going to kill him and yet he fears none of that, Carmichael waited still in the coffee shop waiting for Ms. Romanov"

@Robyn Banks
[blizzard CIA Lab]

"Sarah went to the Barracks to wait for Nathan she went into her underwear forgetting to lock the door and lied down on a bed, Nathan headed back to the Barracks not expecting Sarah to be there let alone to be in her undies as Nathan opens the door They make eye contact, The two started blushing until Nathan said something he would regret"So Uh... Lady Bug Panties?"Sarah blushed even more before getting mad and Throwing pants at Nathan face saying"Get Out Now!"Ok ok ok Sorry"What the hell did I just see"Nathan thought to himself"Oh My God! Doesn't he know to knock"As Sarah got up and put some clothes on she walked towards Nathan, Seeing Sarah walk towards him he knew he screwed up"Ok I'm sorry for going in there without knocking but please don't hit me cause you actually hit hard"Ok I won't hit you but please knock before entering a room, anyways I knew you like what you saw"Nathan blushed at her statement as she went into the Armory"Ok... That was awkward"

(Yes more romance between the two and yes this is where they start dating I guess, The two Polar Opposites what a weird but interesting romance)
Lite jumped down from the building and headed towards the street, nothing useful so far. Yeah, he was supposed to be recruiting, but an urgent issue had come up. The week was almost over, and he was now beginning to fear for Blanks welfare. For a moment, he paused, considering if he should ask for help, but shook his head. "I'll show 'em what I got" He said, going towards a payphone. Sure, this was the most obvious method, but it was best not to overlook anything. Grabbing the phone book, he flipped through the pages, seeing if he could find Joseph Gardners name anywhere.
"Well, well," the General murmured, "I remember you. Lite, wasn't it? Nice to see you." Joseph Gardner was now right behind him. "I see you're looking through the G section. Funny. Trying to find me?" Gardner chuckled. "Well, unfortunately, I'm off the books. Project Blank as a whole is. That's the beauty of it all." Gardner sighed, and looked up at the sky. "I want you to know something. Given the gang war, Blank's deadline has been extended. I'm gonna wait it out, then take out the victor. If there is one." The General now stared right at Lite, seemingly into his soul. "Don't try anything funny. I've got eyes everywhere. And guns."

Crimson listened to what Void plan was but none of it interested him. In fact he had another idea of his own. No but you can do that since you have a personal rivalry with the CIA but I'm gonna go at it a whole another way. He, and Zedd disappeared in a crimson light appearing in Natalia's part of town. He walks into a mafia owned restaurant and holds up his hands. I surrender.

@Robyn Banks

Miles sigh and shakes his head. I don't like what he's about to do. @CHIMNY
Lite turned around to face this unexpected appearance, obviously startled. It seemed as if he had let down his guard, but now new better. This was not something he thought would happen, yet here was was face to face with the leader of the organization. Lite gave a nervous smile and closed the book "I was just looking for an old friend, by the name of George" He joked. Using his echo location, he listened to Gardners heart beat, growing accustomed to the sound. At the mention of eyes, Lite expanded his senses, listening everywhere in the immediate radius for anything unusual. It would be hard to detect, but he had to see if he could find any leads. So far, he decided to continue his investigation with a little more secrecy. "Uh, well noted" He said calmly, while scanning the area thoroughly "I suppose it is useless to fight your Illuminati type organization,,"

The General chuckled. "Actually, I would prefer you did. If you consider Blank a comrade, defend him. Be my guest." The General clenched his fist. A metallic groan sounded. "People who don't protect their comrades are scum who deserve to die." The General suddenly perked. He lifted a finger to his ear. "You're sure?" He considered the information. "Fine. Keep watching the situation." He then turned his attention back to Lite. "I can guess that right now, you're trying to stop the gang war. But consider this. If it ends, then I will move on Blank. If it continues, you have more time. Dwell on that." The General sighed. "Do you have any other questions to ask me before I go? I'm a very busy man."

[Mall Coffee Shop]

"As Michael continues to wait for Ms. Romanov he received a text from the R&D Lab"

R&D Lab
Good Evening Director we have finished the suppressor darts it works spectacularly against most Powers.
What do you mean by most?
Aura, regenerative and Super Strength powers are reversed, Where the other powers can't use their powers these 3 are amplified ten fold so we can't use this against Nathan or Sarah sir
It's acceptable once we capture the Telekinetic we can discuss about the Regenerative and Aura powers so for now focus on one then the other that will be all for now
Yes Sir

@Robyn Banks
Lite slowly grinned "No, I have all I want to know,," He replied vaguely "You seem to expend a lot of time and money on one individual, perhaps it'd be more efficient to just create a New weapon" While he spoke, his senses began to explore the city, searching all of the restaurants to see if he could detect the right one. It seemed that many people overlooked his hearing, how sensitive it was, nothing could get past him, not a single sound. "Nice earpiece,,,takes away the hassle of using a phone, right?" Lite pulled out his grapple gun.

"Actually, the opposite is true. Making a new weapon costs millions. It was hard enough hiding it the first time. A second one might not be so lucky." With that, the General left, giving a small wave. He got into a car, and drove away.

"We'll see!" Lite said quietly, shooting his grapple onto a building and flying into the air. Now he had an idea what was going on. Crimson was at a restaurant, surrendering himself. Lite landed on a building and looked out at the city, he needed to find that restaurant, stop the surrender from happening. Just earlier when he had talked to Arthur, the gang war was to be avoided at all costs, but now the situation had changed. He had a new objective in mind, something that the others would not approve of. This was for the good of the city, and the good of Blank. He swung through the air and continued to scan every restaurant, searching for the right one...

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