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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Echo glared at him, trying to control the flame. "Of course they don't. Like wolfs can't be intelligent or speak. Like a thirteen year old on the streets can't ever be something. Like you couldn't be shy. Of course. Spirits could never be real." She turned and left, unknowingly guiding dozens of spirits to their final resting place.
Lite smirked "Crazy chick" He said to himself, shaking his head as he watched her leave. Turning back to his work, he pulled out some batteries and hooked them up to the camera, then began to look through the footage on his remote. "Aha! got you!" He stated triumphantly as he witnessed the scene
Emily ran back to the forest. She was greeted by a full pack of wolfs.

Em, meet my pack!

A flood of voices ran in her head as she beamed, greeting each one before shifting.
ooc--guys where are we? I am going to take longer with getting wifi my home wifi was shut down. And the Hotspot is not working. Fill me in please? @Robyn Banks @anyone else
Mizuti was running through the city and stopped as he seen emily running with a pack towards the city exit and jumped over the arc way with his lightning causing a loud burst of thunder to echo. He landed on the top of the arc and spoke to all of their minds. "Where are you going...namely you emily.." MizutI extended his blade claws and used them to glide down to the ground and landed in front of her and yasero. "If you leave yiu won't be safe forever you know...the city is only the start..and with crimson running rampant..the whole world could be pulled into it if it hasn't been already...running will only get you killed you and I both know that emily...so why run now..when you could be fighting fire with fire...your flames get super charged by other fire am I right because I have an idea that I cannot pull off without you and blank..." He retracted his blade claws and his helmet folded around his head but he left his bandana on. "Emily...before you run...this k about all that could be lost of a war starts in the city it won't be the city that falls if we don't do something..please consider it emily..." Mizuti used his lightning and jumped over the pack and continued running towards the energy spike his helmet detected earlier from one of his science trinkets. He began looking for blank in the last known area he seen him. "BLAAAANK??? WE NEED TO TALK!!" He shouted with his mind. "AND I NEED TO SPEAK TO GENERAL BLANC!!!"

@Echo Dreamsong @DaManofWar
((YEE! I'm back from eating pie! That looks like an apple pie, smells like one, tastes like one, and has my parents believing it's apple, that's actually boiled ritz crackers! Awesome! I tricked them!))

Emily froze, the spirits chittered nervously around her. Emily sighed and nodded. "Yasero. I must go. I wish I could escape, but if I don't stop it now, it will consume the earth. I have to help." Yasero nodded sadly and her pack did the same. Emily took off back towards the city, truly feeling empty. She had found exactly who she was, what she had been missing, and now she was leaving it. The pain torn inside her, threatening to turn her back, only a sense of duty kept her going. Remembering the souls who would be saved, the lives spared. She had always wanted to save the world, just not as a fiery ball of doom... That hadn't been on her bucket list.
Xenn soon going back into the cold, wet night. It was raining and very cloudy outside. It was his type of weather. He walked down the empty streets almost as if it was a ghost town. It was ten thirty at night and he would usually take a walk around the neighborhood..... Like in the old days. He sighed heavily looking at the purple filled sky and walked toward the city. His neighborhood had a curfew. While walking he decided to try out his power and merged with a near by car so he can get there even faster.
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Mizuti waited and waited for a response. But still nothing as he went to use his lightning he then seen a vehicle pass him. But it had no driver. In fact it had nobody sitting in the seats he then spoke out with his mind. "Either you ARE the vehicle or that is ONE helluva power you have there....." He then walked the rest of the way for the park. Hoping rex would be there. "Rex..I'm coming I to the park now..are you there?"

@Death Reaper @Knightling
Arthur was surveying the city from the top of a tower, enjoying this brief moment when no one was calling out for help. His scan was cut short when a call came into his headset. "Bulwark, come in Bulwark, this is Hero Headquarters. We have some important information for you to hear." The call came as a bit of a surprise, Arthur rarely was contacted by HQ directly, they mostly let him patrol the city on his own, leaving him to his own thoughts and jurisdiction. "This is The Bulwark, what is it?"

"Well Arthur, due to recent events, Cassy is no longer in charge of organization, and those in charge of appointing a new Leader of the Heroes Organization, have decided to call you in to replace her. We would like for you to report back to the facility so you can be debriefed on the current situation. We are expecting you shortly." The connection ended without Arthur having a chance to respond. The Leader of Heroes, him? He rarely was in the facility, in fact it has been over a week since he was inside the building. Would he still be able to just patrol the city alone, for endless periods of time? He doubted it, he presumed a lot of paperwork and giving orders. He was honored, no doubt, but it would be a rather drastic change in his habits. He shrugged it off and assured himself he would get over the strangeness of it. He needed to be a leader now, not some sort of savior in the night like he had been up till now. With that last thought, he took a mighty leap off the building towards the headquarters.

He leaped and bounded across the city until he landed with a solid thud on the pavement out front. His suit made a satisfying compression noise as the shock absorbent boots kicked into effect, preventing his forceful landing from breaking the pavement. he looked up to the building, anxious to see what awaited him inside.
"As Nathan made his way to the CIA lab where Sarah was experimented on he called out her name trying to look for her when he was at the blast door it was shut closed he thought Sarah could be in there so he knocked Sarah was just behind the door fearing that the only person she could relate to died until she heard the knocking she opened to see Nathan alive but kinda sh*tty"Oh Thank God you're not dead"She smiled as the 28 year old hugged Nathan"Heh remember what I said we can regenerate so we're not really gonna be able to die, how is this place still functioning?"Well I closed the door and it kinda started doing stuff to protect it from most attacks like an EMP blast so what happend?"Jumped out of a 80ft building glided down as it exploded kinda normal"You do know I was locked in here very long so I don't really know that as normal"... Uh... Yeah sorry I'll just fix my gear and call Natalie for a randevou point"Nathan walks of to the armory to fix his gear while Sarah locks the blast door and explores the Lab finding a shower room thinking to herself when was the last time she took a bath she removed her armor and cloths to take a bath, she finished within 30 minutes and went to the barracks near th armory to find female clothes, Nathan repairing his Visor Helmet decides to reinforce it to resist more damage from opponents Sarah walks in with new cloths smelling fresh, Nathan finishing repairing and upgrading his helmet asks Sarah"Where'd you go to take a bath"What did your lab never have or allowed you to take showers... Guess not its near my holding cell to the right"Thx I should probably take a bath"As Nathan heads out the armory kissing Sarah on the forehead, Sarah Blushed as Nathan was out of her sight going to the bathroom"Uhh... Did he... Just kissed my forehead"Nathan finished taking a bath about 23 minutes and took new cloths from the barracks as he got back he put on his helmet and turned it back on to called Messaged Natalie"Hey Boss where's the randevou point?"Waiting for her to message back Sarah sat next to Nathan asking why was he experimented on"Well... Let's just say... I'm possibly the reason why they kinda experimented on you(please don't hit me)"An awkward moment of silence stood for about a minute till it was broken with"You're the reason why I became this... You... Assh*le I lost my Life, my memories and all that was left of it was seeing my parents die as the CIA kidnapped me!"As Sarah jabbed Nathan straight across the face making his nose bleed"Ugh Ow... You hit hard and well I deserved that"Yes, Yes you Did"I'm sorry ok I was tortured I was experimented chopped, sliced, shot multiple times everywhere! Ok"And what you think you were the only one!?"I WAS ADOPTED OK!... My adopted father worked for them and he died because of me he tried helping me escape while he was executed for treason"As Nathan started tearing up Sarah looked at him trying to comfort him"Listen what happens to me wasn't all your fault ok it was the CIA's fault they could've chosen billions of people but they chose me so I guess... We're even?"Yeah I guess"As the Sarah forgave Nathan they explored the Lab uncovering a blocked out area of the lab restricted for level 6 personnel only Nathan hacked the terminal gaining them access what they uncovered was three more rooms one being a Database of all location except the Main CIA lab but information on almost all of the personnel except those with level 7 ranks in the CIA yet the two other rooms housed Mech that was built with experimental tech they went back to the database to search for Mech Armor-XI153 the information on it was extensive it was built to resist defend against most powers which included Telekenetics, Pyrokenetics, Cryokenetics, Super Strength, Lasers, Plasma etc... But it was delayed to defend from the last power Regeneration and Aura type abilities yet it can kill almost every hero or villain"Was this... Their contingency plan against a war with Super Humans but it still can't defend from us or Anyone with Aura abilities or regeneration but all we need is defenses against voids Telekinesis This should tip the scale to our favor"Hey Nathan you should take a look at this!"Nathan walked over to Sarah seeing what she meant"Can only be piloted by those who can regenerate fast hmm... Why would they do that do you think they made this for you?"As the two decide what to do with it Nathan received a message from Natalie"

@Robyn Banks
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"Yeah I'm here!" Rex replied impatiently "Don't get your panties in a twist!" He continued to smoke his cig until it was done, then he flicked it into a trash can. Though he was thug, atleast he had the decency to sometimes put his smokes out correctly. "This had better be worth it" he growled, then cast a glare at a couple walking by "Move along,," He muttered

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As he passed by he beeped. He revved his engine going even faster. Him reaching his destination he unmerged with the car...before hand locking the door. He decided to keep it as his own. He walked down an alley way seeing a girl on the roof. He simply climbed the ladder that was at the back of the building. He then walked to her standing his ground and being in his guard. "Who are you and what are you doing up here...."

@bloodfire @Echo Dreamsong
Lite looked up, he had been in the process of repairing a melted wall from the containment cell. Due to the destruction, there was a breach in the integrity of the structure, so he was busy welding a new piece on. It would do the job until legitimate construction workers came to make a real repair. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Lite quickly took all the leather protection off and tossed it aside, glad to be done with it. Pausing, Lite sensed somebody outside the building with his echo location. He seemed to be wearing some sort of armor, and was heading right towards the HQ. Narrowing his eyes, Lite quickly equipped himself with his weapons and stalked out of the room. It had been Days since anybody had entered the building except for him. Lite was the only person who maintained the headquarters, keeping everything in order, and doing regular patrols.

The large doors to the HQ swung open dramatically as Lite stepped outside, then closed the doors behind himself. Turning towards Arthur with an expressionless face, Lite folded his arms and calmly demanded "Who are you? Why are you trying to enter my Headquarters?"

CHIMNY said:
Void heard the message and it was clear. He lifted the opponents and began to orbit them around him, after gaining enough speed Void let go and they went flying away into the city. Cops and media are likely to come soon, let's leave. @Embaga Elder
Miles appears in a puff of smoke. Boss whatever you decide I'm right behind you. Even if you want to fight who's ever coming.

Crimson looked at the destruction of his hq, and growled. He watched as he burned to the ground. Luckily nothing that important was held within the hq. The only thing he cared about was the bomb which was in a location off the records. Let's go. He said slightly showing anger. The group fades away in crimson light to only appear in Void's hideout. @CHIMNY @DaManofWar @Robyn Banks @VirtualNotoriety
Arthur looked down at the man who appeared through the door way, surprised a bit that he did not recognize him, then again why should he, Arthur rarely showed up to this place, and he almost never interacted with other heroes. "Your headquarters? Is this not the headquarters for the Heroes Organization?" He said to the man through his voice filter, giving his speech an electronic after-effect. "If this is not the headquarters for the Heroes Organization, could you kindly direct me towards it. I have urgent business to attend with there."

Joseph Gardener was busy looking over maps. A gang war. Between Crimson and Natalia? Damn. Things couldn't be working out better if he had planned it. "Gentlemen," he began, looking at the men seated before him, "we have an alluring opportunity. A gang war. At it's centre are two individuals who pose a grave threat to us. Natalia Romanov, and Crimson. As we saw on our attack on Natalia's mansion, both are dangerous. However, with their guns pointed against each other, we have the upper hand. No doubt about it. I've decided that we will wait this out before we move. Take out the victor while they're weak." Joseph Gardener clapped his hands together. "I also need to contact that unstable lad. The one who considers our key operative a brother. He called me out." The General smiled. "Might as well give him an audience."

Lite smirked slightly, his humorous side showing through as he listened to Arthur. "You Were correct" he clarified "This Was the hero HQ, but now the hero alliance is basically dissolved. Hardly anybody shows up anymore, I'm really the only person who stick around this place anymore. After the old leader mysteriously died, everyone eventually went their ways. So, yeah, you're at the right place, but you're a bit late" Lite opened the door "I mean, come on in, if you're still interested,,"

The news hit Arthur like a sack of bricks. He was late, too late to save the organization. He had been away for so long that no one contacted him when they were in need, perhaps they forgot about him until just now. He was crushed, especially to hear about Cassidy as well. He looked down solemnly for a moment before returning his gaze to the other man. "Dissolved... It's just that, I've been called in to replace... the leader of the organization. And if what you say is true, then it seems I am needed now more than ever. I will not stand by and watch as this city turns to corruption. This organization and what it stands for are all that I have now." His brief depression quickly shifted into a new burning determination, he was filled with a new drive to get the Heroes Alliance back into a position where It could successfully help those in need, and punish the villainous wrong-doers and their crimes. "I am known as The Bulwark, but you may call me Arthur," He said as began to make his way inside. "Come, there is a lot more I need to be filled in on." As he gestured to other two to follow him.

@DaManofWar @Knightling
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