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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Natalia had men taking out the information from the tower. As other men walked into the building entering every room. One of her higher ranks announced."All the information we could find is secured." She looked at him before adding. "Even the Data on the computers?" The man nodded "The computers were destroyed after we got the information we need. "Good transfers all the trucks of information outside of the country immediately." The man nodded as the trucks started to drive off in a secrecy location. She had special trucks for these operations and if they were interfered with in any way officers where ordered to blow it up. She took every precaution for this mission. She talked to talk on her ear piece. "Suicide bombers thank you for making this mission a success and your death will always be remembered. Activate your bombs ...now." Suddenly a huge explosion tore down the tower as she watched from a safe distance. Just as she did in the past. "Everyone move out!" And with those words the remaining men started to leave. She started to call Nathan to check if he was alright. "Nathan are you at a safe parameter away from the tower? Hello Nathan ? Answer me damn it." She still had Crimson's aura which started to fill the air. She decided to calm down as she waited for him to answer.

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"As Nathan gets a call from Natalie in his broken Visor"Kinda in the middle of something he- Bomb the tower I'll be alright remember I can regenerate, Oh and hey Miles was it? goodbye'As the explosives detonate Nathan began using his Gauntlets to thrust him out of the window"So long! miles Hahahaha"Nathan gave a sadistic laugh as he goes through a window gliding down the Embaga HQ"

@Robyn Banks

@Embaga Elder
Natalia rolled her eyes at his sadistic laugh she could hear on the phone then hung up. Crimson was going to get his aura back in about 2 hours so she didn't have that much time to eliminate him like she wanted to. The information was already out of the city which was a relief to her but she knew she would have to go pretty far to get what she was looking for. "Nathan we are going to have to leave the parameter immediately before Hothead comes back or I don't know what may happen" she said tossing him, her keys. "You drive."

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As the tower explodes one last counter measure goes off. An EMP explosion goes off disruption all the electronics in the city plus radius. Crimson appears right on time, appearing right before the trucks left firing crimson blast from his sword that was stored within it. The trucks explode in a fiery red explosion meaning Crimson was nearby. He used his sword to destroy the trucks from On top of the building, he even shot the one Natalia and Nathan was in. Void, Miles I can't do much DESTROY THEM!!!!! @Robyn Banks @VirtualNotoriety @CHIMNY
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(Actually I still your aura abilities soo and also we aren't in the trucks. Plus the trucks already left the city@Embaga Elder\[/uSER \]
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Victor looked up suddenly. He had previously been playing basketball, but now something caught his ears. It was an explosion from downtown, But not just that, he could detect EMP. "Weird" He said to himself, detecting the sound-wave easily, despite the fact that others would not. Victor frowned and sighed, setting the ball down. Atleast he had gotten a few hours off work, but now it seemed time to get back to work.
Void heard the message and it was clear. He lifted the opponents and began to orbit them around him, after gaining enough speed Void let go and they went flying away into the city. Cops and media are likely to come soon, let's leave. @Embaga Elder
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Blank had interest in a war. "Count me out," he said firmly. He left Void's base, and went back to Hero Alliance. He left Void a message with which he could contact him later. Right now, he wanted no part in war.

However, part of him wondered who would win the war. It didn't matter. In the aftermath, the General would undoubtedly make his move.

@CHIMNY @Embaga Elder
Emily shifted back to human, watching in dismay as the explosion happened.

"Y-yey... It's like they don't even care for the lives they destroy..."

"I know... But, Em, if you want... There is a village for casters... Their laws prevent this kind of thing from happening."

"Really! We must go!"

"Alright, my pack has companions there as well, so we tend to stay nearby."

"This is amazing! We must leave now! Before I change my mind about leaving."

Yasero laughed and took off, Emily in pursuit.
"As EMP goes off Nathan gear was affected he started falling from the 7th floor crashing he survived but needed time to regenerate he started walking away from the crumbling tower heading for the CIA lab Nathan told Sarah to stay in"I should go to Sarah she might be in trouble if the EMP affected the Lab the life support might not have survived"

(I did this in 4am sorry for the shortness woke up to early)
Lite flew threw the air, propelled by momentum. Shooting his grapple gun onto another building, he swooped down, then flew up and did a somersault. With deadly accuracy, he landed in front of the destroyed building. "A storm is coming,,," He smirked, scanning the building with his echo location "And something tells me this was no accident"
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[Rebuilt Heroes HQ]

'The EMP affected everything including the HQ"God D*mmit We need to head back, make sure the Lab wasn't affected Men head out we'll be back"As Carmichael and his men head out on foot towards there base"
"Yasero? Do you think..."

Yasero sighed.

"Of course... Just try not to get back in that prison. I'm not going back in there, but I'll keep in touch."

Yasero shifted back to a wolf before running back to the forest. Emily however ran to the city, a feeling of guilt and duty calling her back. She scrambled up a building with surprising ease before looking at the destruction.

"no... How many lives. How many lives where taken by this. How many never found who they are. How many never completed their goals in life. How many where like me..." She whispered, sitting on the edge.
Lite looked at the road, seeing faint tire tracks "Somebody made a quick getaway,," He said to himself, then he walked onto the road and crouched. Placing his fingers on the ground, he inspected it "Truck tires. Either the attacker, or the victim,," He looked up, using his echo location. "Traces of smoke in the air,,," He smirked "Looks like things aren't as peaceful,,"

Lite looked over at some rubble and moved it aside, then inspected the flattened rubble "Somebody fell here, looks like armor,," He looked at the ground leading away "Walked it off,,,"
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Emily decided to jump. She leapt of the building side, caught herself on a metal beam and landed neatly on the ground. "People need to learn. Math may change the world, but it could go either way. Unless we teach them to forgive, value, and love, we are all doomed." She sighed and looked at the building, deciding to attempt communication later.
Lite had detected her presence way before her arrival on the ground, of course, but didn't really pay attention until now. "An altercation,," He said to himself as he moved through the rubble, then looked up and smiled "You'd make a Great philosopher!" He joked "But seriously though, hothead, try not to burn the evidence, K?" He moved towards the road, looking to see if there were any other tire tracks.
Emily smiled a bit, blind to the joke. "That's exactly what I am. I hope I'll be remembered for it, and of course not... I'm not just a burning flame." She rolled her eyes at the thought. "Are you not going to look for survivors?
Lite turned his head slowly, his senses searching for something in particular. When he detected it, he looked over at a security camera on a lamp post. Walking over, he looked up at it, then sighed in disappointment when he remembered the result of the EMP blast. "23 people dead" he stated factually "6 survived, 9 injured" He smirked, feeling like a legit sleuth "5 cop cars on the way right now, along with 2 fire trucks, they're more equipped to search the rubble then me" He pulled out his grapple gun and shot it onto the lamp post, then flew up and landed ontop. "Oh, by the way, don't destroy anything else in the HQ, that shit is expensive" He studied the camera carefully
Emily looked at the ground, trying to decide what to say. Ahaps she could risk exposure. If the spirits would want that, she would. After a moment she made up her mind. "U-um, I think I may have a witness?" Part of her hoped that he wouldn't hear her and she wouldn't have to tell her secret.
Lite was not really sure how well she was familiar with his power, or at all, but that really didn't matter at this moment. The fact remained that somebody with echo location hears Everything, down to the single heart beat of another individual. Anybody else would have been frustrated, and perhaps told her to Speak up, that she was being too quiet. But that was not the case for Lite, since he actually considered most people too loud. Pulling out a screwdriver, he began working on dismantling the security camera, which took a lot of precision. For a moment, he didn't reply, being too caught up in work. Only after carefully pulling the camera out of its brace did he look down at her with an amused face "Who's you're witness? The Hound?" It didn't take a mind reader to tell that she seemed extremely hesitant.
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Emily frowned, now quite regretting her choice. "No. Yasero stayed in the woods while I came here in hopes of guiding the lost spirits. Altho it seems they may be willing to speak. Of course, that is 'ridiculous'." She glared down before turning to walk away, to finish what she had returned to do.
"Spirits?" Lite snickered, trying desperately to hold back the laughter, but ultimately failing. "I,,uh,,yeah! Good point! The Lost Spirits will be able to,,," He stopped speaking and burst out laughing, almost falling off the lamp post "Oh god!" He chuckled, trying to keep his balance. Slapping his head, Lite laughed some more "Makes sense, Echo! Except for the fact that they don't exist!" He bit his lip, calming down as he tried to concentrate on his work.

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