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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Lite shrugged "Well I'm not sure if that can really,," He was cut off as the ball of ice hit him in the face, knocking him off his feet. Landing on his back, he gripped his head, confused at just what happened. Just as the earlier statement explained, Lite muttered "I'm confused at what just happened,,,"

@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
Lite shrugged "Well I'm not sure if that can really,," He was cut off as the ball of ice hit him in the face, knocking him off his feet. Landing on his back, he gripped his head, confused at just what happened. Just as the earlier statement explained, Lite muttered "I'm confused at what just happened,,,"
@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
"Ha" rick picked up lite. "Looks like you getting cold shoulder pal."

Rick said with a laugh.

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo growled at Yasero before shooting a small stream of flames at her. Yasero blocked with a stream of ice shards.

"Dang it Yey!" She laughed and cut off the flames.
Lite raised an eyebrow "Thanks for the Ice Pun, pal" he stated dryly, then straitened himself out, regaining his pride. "Huh, okay" He said, confused "Looks like they're having a bonding moment" he smirked and folded his arms.

@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
Knightling said:
Lite raised an eyebrow "Thanks for the Ice Pun, pal" he stated dryly, then straitened himself out, regaining his pride. "Huh, okay" He said, confused "Looks like they're having a bonding moment" he smirked and folded his arms.
@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
"Everyone needs someone." Rick said walking to a nearby bench. "Where is mizuti?"
"Lite... We can read each others thoughts. Every moment is bonding." Echo shook her head, looking disappointed.

"I mean, if Echo knows something, I know it as well. I can hide things from her, she can't hide them from me. But she can kick me out and snap the connection, I can't do that..." Yasero mocked sadness, stifling a laugh.
Lite smiled slightly "He's probably going Super Sayian at some unlucky person" he shrugged, then his face grew serious as he cast a warning glance at Yasero "Whatever you see" He explained "But just stay out of my head, I don't like others being in there except for Me"

@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
Yasero shrugged, not really bothered by that.

"So, uh, when can I leave the metal prison room?" Echo asked, far more confident with Yasero around.
"My advise? When you have more control over your powers" Lite replied, a sly smirk creeping onto his face "Listen, I don't want you to get the wrong idea! I'm not locking you in here, I can trust that you're reasonable enough to know that you're safer staying put. This is a Much better alternative then Jail or,,," He paused "Death.." He shrugged cheerfully "I mean, the police wouldn't have handled it as nicely"

@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
Echo shuddered. Truthfully she didn't mind the death part, but the way he said it so... Casually. Echo couldn't stand it. It was as though he didn't care about death, like life was meant to be thrown away. She'd met others like that. The one's who always attacked. The one's she wanted to help, to change their mind and show them how amazing people can be. But she couldn't do that. Not with cops out for her death. Her life as a 'normal' person where over. At least she could go with Yasero to live with the pack, she would finally be free. Free. Her eyes gleamed as she thought that. It was the one thing she always wanted but could never have. It had been stolen from humans so long ago, never to be returned.
"Looks to me as though the gears are turning" Lite pondered, folding his arms casually "So what's up? And please, no mental communication this time" He began to juggle some knives, growing bored.
Echo's thought shattered, leaving her stranded in reality. "I-it wasn't anything worth saying..." She looked down, wishing she could command wind instead, she was stuck with her worst fear.
Lite laughed, sensing her unease "Sorry, I do have a weird sense of humor sometimes" He chuckled, then put the knives away "You up for some training? I would invite you out on patrol" He smirked "But you're not ready for that yet, or we'd be out there already!"

(I'm not sure what direction to go from here)
Echo frowned, giving him her signature cold glare. -_-

She didn't appreciate people pointing out her weaknesses, most wouldn't know it, but Emily had been a mute for half her life.
Lite laughed and gave her a nudge "Aw, chill out" he stated, enjoying himself. It seemed that to people like him, life was just one big game to be played. "Okay, okay, time to be serious!" he said, trying to stop chuckling "You remember what I said earlier about directing your fire, right?"
Echo rolled her eyes, not amused. "How could I forget.... What do you want me to burn with a narrow beam of fire." She said, guessing that was what he would ask.
"Yeah!" Lite grinned, then suddenly pulled a bag of popcorn out from behind his back "This is, uh, to teach you how to control the Quantity of fire!" He explained quickly "I want you to pop all my popcorn!"
Echo sighed, a bit annoyed that her powers where being used for entertainment. "Fine. But I want a piece." She unleashed a small stream of gently flames that sent kernels popping in every direction. Including her face, causing her to cut off the flame and glare at the tiny weapons of deliciousness. "Grrr"
Lite looked around the room at all the pop corn kernals "Well that did not go as smoothly as I expected" He smirked "But can you Imagine how much fun is in store for us? We wouldn't need to get off the couch during movie nights! Just grab a bag of pop corn and cook it right now! The world is complete" He laughed, then cleared his throat "Goddamn it, I need to stop getting so distracted, already I'm goofing off, we Really need a Training Montage right now!"
Knightling said:
Lite looked around the room at all the pop corn kernals "Well that did not go as smoothly as I expected" He smirked "But can you Imagine how much fun is in store for us? We wouldn't need to get off the couch during movie nights! Just grab a bag of pop corn and cook it right now! The world is complete" He laughed, then cleared his throat "Goddamn it, I need to stop getting so distracted, already I'm goofing off, we Really need a "Training Montage right now!"
" I would like to ask what's with the popcorn?" Rick stated walking into the HQ picking up pop corn.


@Echo Dreamsong
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Lite smirked at Rick "Just testing it out" he chuckled, then stopped and grew serious. Keeping a blank face, he turned towards Echo "Annoyed? How annoyed? What's the limit? What is the point which breaks out the fire?" he questioned "I'm testing your limits, Echo, and so far they've held up Well"

@Echo Dreamsong

@Joshua matt
"Well if you really want to burn up, I can grant that." Echo channeled a few sparks out, drifting them onto Lite's clothes, causing them to slowly catch fire. "You don't want to be testing limits. Most people would have snapped a while back. I am not just a tool. I have emotions too."
Lite stepped back, patting his clothing down "Now remember my earlier instructions!" He said sternly "Have you forgotten already? When you use the fire, direct it somewhere harmless. Right now was your chance to demonstrate that, and you failed! Try again!"

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