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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
"Very well, Bulwark" Lite stated, starting to feel a little bit more hopeful "I, and Blank, will assist you any way possible in your endeavors. I've grown to become very familiar with this building, it's still running smoothly" He paused to gather his thoughts "As for recent news, it seems that we have two rival gangs at war. word on the street is that Natalia has declared war on Crimson, neither of which I have actually seen in person yet. As to the nature of the disagreement, I have no idea, but it seems that trouble is brewing. Such a war would cause great destruction, perhaps never before seen in this city before. Before you came along, I was working solo, trying to figure out a way to cripple both of them before making a move. Perhaps now a difference can be made, considering that we now have four people, I've got a friend around the city who can help out" He glanced at Blank "Remember Rick? I think I can recruit him for this New Hero Alliance" He looked over at Arthur "So, what's the plan?"


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Arthur recognized those names, but he can't recall ever coming in contact with either of the two gang-leaders. He did not like the sound of a gang war, especially one that could level a section of the city. How would he stop this? It certainly won't end in a day, no, he needed to think of how to dissolve this issue without harming any civilians. Aside from the gang war, he needed to figure out how to get the Alliance back into prominent shape, 4 people was a start, but it certainly wouldn't stop a gang war, at least not without severe casualties. He turned to the other two men and told them his plan. "Firstly if what you say is true about this gang war, it needs to be dissolved immediately. We cannot have civilians coming into contact with this conflict or they will surely die. This is something I will not stand for. Other than that, we need more hands, anyone you can find who would be willing to help out in the organization, bring them here and I will supply them with directions. Spread the message that the Heroes Alliance is back, and we will not stand for this sort of injustice. And lastly, find out where this war is taking place, and try to evacuate civilians from that area. I will remain here, surveying the building and making myself accustomed to it. If there is anything else you would like to tell me about the facility, now is the time. Also, I'd like to know your name, sir." Gesturing to Lite. The orange lights on Arthur's suit began to glow brighter as his determination rose.

@DaManofWar @Knightling
Blank nodded. "The war must be ended as soon as possible. Before it's too late." Blank now had a far off look in his eyes. The General was already planning his move. It would be hell once he struck. All to get to him....

Blank sighed. "Building the New Hero Alliance will be hard. We have to look into finding recruits, and training them. We have to work out a routine for dealing with threats. Agreed?"

@Frogtruck @Knightling
Lite smiled slightly and adjusted his goggles "My name is Lite" He replied simply "The sole caretaker of the base until you arrived" He walked over to a door and opened it, all of the spare electronics were stored there. "We have government issued phones here that the old alliance used to use, that they'd contact each other with" he explained.


Arthur looked at the old phones, thinking for a moment. "Do you know if any older members would receive a signal if you tried to use them?" He asked Lite. Like your friend said, recruiting is our top priority, along with diffusing this gang war. However we won't be able to end it in one night, it will take time and a lot of information. Finding new members, and even old ones should be an easier task and won't require as much time to do. Send out a message if you can to anyone willing to join, either through these phones or any other methods you have. I'm counting on the both of you. Together, we can protect this city from those who wish to destroy it for their own amusement." He ended his short speech with a tone of confidence.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
Blank smiled. "You are indeed strong," he told him. "I'll get to work right away. I am a cyborg after all. I should be able to find a way to locate everyone." Blank then picked up a phone, and began scrolling through it. He tapped in numbers of people who were in the contacts.

@Frogtruck @Knightling
Lite turned towards the exit, then paused "I already have one of the phones, as well as one of my friends. I'm going to head out and see who I can find to join" With that, he stepped out and fired his grapple onto a building, then flew up into he air with a laugh.
As the two men left, he gave them an encouraging nod and turned back into the building, looking over the area and thinking to himself. "What has become of this place, this town? I cannot let this happen, this gang war will tear the ground apart and throw innocent lives into the fray. Natalia and Crimson, I hope you two know what you're getting yourself into, because now I'm getting involved..." And with that final thought he began his stroll through the facility.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
Lite flew through the air gracefully, being the lithe figure that he was. When his ascent grew into descent, he spun in the air and landed on a building. Doing a role, he got to his feet and walked to the edge. "Hey, Rick!" He said into the remote "A New hero alliance has formed! I figured you might be interested, contact me soon!" He smirked confidently as he put the remote away, then crouched on the building ledge. "Now, a few Personal investigations to conduct,," he said to himself "Gotta exceed expectations, show what I'm made of" He pulled out his grapple gun.

@Joshua matt
((Yeah I'm just as confused..also @CHIMNY mizuti has telepathy after rick influenced his mind a while back. And due to mizuti's insanity he was starting to develop telepathy due to his minds instability. But in this mizuti will most likely lose this once his insanity is gone.))

Mizuti looked at rex. "I a gang war between the mafia leader natalia and crimson is going to break out if it has not already done so. Natalia wants us to take down crimson..but I have another thing as well..natalia took my sisters life as well as my mothers. I want to take her down just as much as crimson. You want a generous offer? I got one. "Mizuti opened a case full of money that he had taken from the bank while it was empty of its staff. "900,000 up front..I can increase it for you if you wish. But the rest would come in after the mission. I also must make this meeting Short as I have to meet another individual. I will leave this money to you now. But when your done either send the case back to me or keep it for yourself. I must be off now." Mizuti decided to send a shout to the open air knowing the general most likely was watching and listening. "General blanc? I wish to meet with you. I have a plan. But I require your assistance due to the fact that your the only hope I have of pulling this off...I wish to meet you in person. A place of your choosing..but I prefer somewhere high off the ground." He then sat down on a bench and waited while at the same time awaiting a response from rex.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
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Knightling said:
Lite flew through the air gracefully, being the lithe figure that he was. When his ascent grew into descent, he spun in the air and landed on a building. Doing a role, he got to his feet and walked to the edge. "Hey, Rick!" He said into the remote "A New hero alliance has formed! I figured you might be interested, contact me soon!" He smirked confidently as he put the remote away, then crouched on the building ledge. "Now, a few Personal investigations to conduct,," he said to himself "Gotta exceed expectations, show what I'm made of" He pulled out his grapple gun.
@Joshua matt
Rick heard his phone going off. "I got your msg pal, let me on some info pal." Rick waited expectantly.
Echo wandered through the streets, really quite unsure where she should go. "Maybe leaving the pack was a bad idea... What use would I have anyway." She sighed, keeping her head low.
The General scoffed. That kid didn't understand him at all.

Right when Mizuti finished, a man walked past him, and casually set a phone down next to him. Nice to hear from you again, kid. But just so you know, I don't meet anyone in person. I have better things to do then get caught up in some gang war. But anyway, what do you want?

Mizuti picked the phone up and spoke to the general. "I know which is exactly why I wanted to speak to you. I have an idea. You wish to take down both crimson and natalia correct? I know you have rejected my ideas before. But I think my mental instability could be useful. I have the ability of controlling elements of the world. Crimson has an aura based on fire and natalia has part of his aura..why not overload crimson's aura so much it implodes on him. If you were to take down crimson this way it should cause the same harmful reaction in natalia and overloading it over the limit could prove fatal. I don't like either of them general..and I'm starting to agree with your idea's. Besides. I am nuetral after all..but if I had to make a choice I would rather side with you on this. My mother which I will add was human was killed by natalia as well as my sister raven. I cannot forgive her for this..I agreed to work with her but in the end I would rather not. But since I can meet her directly. I could get some extra firepower into her vicinity. Then your men can do the rest. Look general. I know we have had disagreements in the past. But i am asking to join you because I want this insanity gone. And I want to lay my family to rest. And I cannot do either without your help. All I ask in return is that I live in peace up in the mountains where it's perfectly isolated." Mizuti sighed to himself and then spoke again. "As it stands your the only one I can trust anymore besides blank. I understand the idea of protecting humans..but where I failed to protect the ones I was born to I can still protect the other humans.." Mizuti stopped and awaited responses. He did need the generals help. He did trust the general. And if getting his old self back meant betraying natalia again he would take the chance and risk.

(So if all my characters go insane, they will gain telepathy)

Lite smirked and spoke into the radio "The Hero Alliance has been reformed, this new dude is apparently taking control. As of right now, it's just Me, Balwarck,,eh,,,I don't think I got his name correctly,,and Blank. If you join, that'll be four of us. Of course, we are trying to recruit some of the old members too, perhaps to make things the way they were" Lite cleared his throat and paced atop the building "Anyways, we've got a Storm coming, figured you'd like a heads up" He smirked "But between you and me, I'm going to see what I can do to take them both down right now. Imagine how awesome it would be if I saved the city" He put the radio down and shot his grapple onto a building, deciding to keep moving on.

@Joshua matt

"Woah!" Rex exclaimed, taking the suit case and staring at the money. It took him a while to realize exactly how much it was, and in cash. "I ain't seen nothin' like this!" He muttered "Hell, I didn't know anybody could own this much! Imagine how many shots I could buy with this!" He stroked his facial hair quickly "Money talks, pal, I'm in!"

No. You see, I'm willing to just let Crimson and Natalia fight it out for now. Once the time is right, I'll kill them both. Unless they're already dead. And then, I can just take back Blank. Surely, you didn't think I would give him up so easily. So there. The General had given his opinion. And by the way, the Heroes Alliance is back. Look into that. The General told him this for a reason. One that, once put into motion, would mean victory.

(I thought I killed your father? Please if you don't mind keep a constant story.)

Natalia received the news that most of the trucks were destroyed but she didn't care either way. Neither one of them were getting the information. Her memory was back into place so she knew major of crimson plan and was at least able to slow it down a bit. She decided to work out her case alone, she was always safer that way. Natalia was currently looking at any bases or anything that could used by him but honestly they were smaller which might there wasn't anything to really target which was actually benefital by them. She sat down at one of the clubs she owned. With a bottle of gin, whiskey was giving her bad memories at this point.

Blank was now at a club. From what he knew, places like this had mob connections. As he drank however, he saw someone he didn't expect to see.

Natalia Romanov was drinking. Blank sallowed, and walked up to her. "Hello," he said, "I tries to kill you. Remember? Maybe we can put that behind us?" Blank smiled nervously at her.

@Robyn Banks
Natalia took a swing of her drink before heading a familiar voice, she instantly knew who it was. She punched hard enough using her stength knocking him down before taking out her gun and aiming it at his head. "And why the hell would I do that? Last time I saw you I almost got blown up." Her men started to take their guns as well.

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Blank looked up at Natalia's eyes. "Well, that was removed. By myself. I'm finally free of Project Blank. I guess...I want to say sorry." Blank cast his eyes down at his feet. "I never want to kill anyone ever again." Blank looked back up at Natalia. He actually took notice of her in a different light now.

@Robyn Banks
Natalia looked at him and decided to give pity something she rarely did. "In that case I honestly could care less about you." She said looking back at the bar, unamused by the man's presents though her men kept a keen eye on him. "Apology accepted you can leave now."

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Blank sighed, and stood up. "Actually, we should talk. I have information that you may find important." Blank watched the men carefully. He wouldn't die here. He had people counting on him. Blank then turned to Natalia. "May I take a seat?"

@Robyn Banks
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Natalia shrugged gesturing to the seat next to her. "Well if you're offering, I need to know about everything about project blanc including the leader. Also if you have anything so for on crimson's whereabouts at this time." She looked at him "I expect you to leave nothing out."

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Blank took a seat next to Natalia. "First off, I want no part in this. I have no idea where Crimson is. So, I can't help you there. On Project Blanc...." Blank looked Natalia right in the eye. "The General controls a private military. One that has a massive spy network. He is a veteran of some hard tours of service. He fought in Cairo and Tehran. He saw his fellow soldiers die. But when he returned home, he saw how his living members of his company were treated by the very people they had fought to protect. And it infuriated him. He came to realise something." Blank looked at Natalia's men, suspicious. "We should take this somewhere private. He could have a spy anywhere." He whispered into her ear.

@Robyn Banks

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