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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

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  • Villan! ;D

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[P.B. Facility]

"Ok soldiers I am proud of your sacrifice to the cause I hope to see you in heaven now, let's get this show going!"As Carmichael jumps out the soldiers follow suit they engage their wings units and glide to the roof top"Setting Breach Charges"Detonate"As the ceiling drops they see Natalie and Blank fighting a mech"Soldiers go find Nathan and Sarah I got this"As The soldier separate the Director goes after the mech"Sorry I'm late Natalie some troubles"As He throws C4 at the Mechs leg, Detonating it the mechs left lost a it of its motor functions"

@Robyn Banks

An alert sounded throughout the base. The General marched with several of his best troops. A large shotgun was slung over his shoulder. He was dressed in special armour, one that wasn't issued to that many people. He knew Carmichael would be making a move soon. To have this base spoke volumes about how effective the CIA had become. Not that he cared. He had a mission, and no one was going to stand in his way. He saw a CIA personnel round a corner. The shotgun was in his hands in a second, and a blast was fired, ending his life. "Keep moving. Let's give'em hell, boys!" The General cried.

Blank was surprised to see the CIA Director. "What are you doing here?" He asked him, bemused. This wasn't right. No one should be able to find this base.

"Heh Your "Boss" took Ms. Romanov, Nathan and Sarah, Sarah has a tracking chip that activates when she needs it too like right now"As he chucks two more C4 at it and detonating removing most motor functions in its leg as he charges at it he gets shot in the head, His body lying there until it started to move his Face started regenerating"Ugh... Ok I think I know how Nathan feels right now"As Carmicheal plants C4 under the mech, detonating disabled the mech, knowing Jospeh will be listening"Hey Jospeh that was a low blow Capturing Nathan and Sarah hope you don't see me!"


@Robyn Banks
Natalia turned to blank " Let's go. They'll be fine" she said as she choked the mech man til he went unconscious.

Blank nodded. "Alright," he told her, before gesturing for her to follow him. "C'mon!" As Blank took off running, however, the General rounded the corner. He smiled. "Well done to both of you," he said enthusiastically. "You have both passed the test. Natalia Romanov, you will make a perfect agent to accompany Blank here." Blank's eyes widened. The General giggled. "But, before that, I'm afraid the director of the CIA needs to be taught a lesson."

@VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks
"Natalie if you think they'll be fine with Joseph you are wrong i knew this man in the past he will torture them to his hearts content I assume Blank knows what I mean, we need to rescue them"As he takes the pilots ID he receives a radio call"Sir we found them"Get them out of here I'll handle this"But sir"I Said get out of here"Yes Sir"As the soldier free Nathan and Sarah they get them to a landing V-Tol"

@Robyn Banks

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"You know, Carmichael, this was all a trap really," the General smirked. "I've never liked you. This is my way of getting you out of my hair." General Blanc levelled his shotgun, and opened fire at Carmichael.

Blank grabbed Natalia's hand. "Run," he told her, before dragging her away the the General. He had to get out of here.

@VirtualNotoriety @Robyn Banks
Lite was also falling behind, but he didn't need him to be within eye sight to follow. By now, he knew that a strait on attack would not work well, so he figured on setting a trap instead. Running along the alleys, he followed his senses towards Voids location, as if he was following a map inside his head.
"Carmicheal took the shells to the chest staggered but still standing he started regenerating, At the V-Tol pad"We need to help Carmicheal"His orders say to get you two out of here"Yeah? Well f*ck that I'm going back in there to help just take Sarah with you she doesn't regenerate as fast as me"As he jumps out of the rising V-Tol taking some C4 with him as they hold Sarah from following, Nathan enters the base seeing Carmicheal shot but shocked seeing him regenerate he joins with him"I told them to get you out of here"Yeah and miss this how about no"As Nathan shoots one of the guards dead Carmicheal shoots Joseph"


@Robyn Banks
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Lite continued to follow Void from the ground, now having fallen far behind. He paused only a moment when he heard a heart beat nearby, somebody was now following him. Shrugging it off as paranoia, Lite continued on his way.

"Nathan we have a problem"Yeah I see that"As Nathan Shoots Joseph with Explosive Shells and Carmicheal just shoots back but bounces off while Carmicheal requests back up the Lt. Tells the pilot to open the hatch she tells Sarah to go they need her, She jumps out crushing the ground she sprints back to the compound as Nathan just keeps on shooting he starts to spew Napalm at Joseph"

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The General held a hand out to shield his eyes. The napalm did hit, but as it burned him, his skin started to peel off. Once it ended, the General removed his hand from his face. Part of it had burned off to reveal a metallic, robotic face. A brain sat nestled in a glass container on top of it. The General smirked. "Technology is beautiful," he said, before firing his shotgun at both Nathan and Carmichael.

Void grew tired of the waiting, the pain, the betrayal. He decided to commit suicide - Void began ascending more and more until there was no air to breathe, not to mention the coldness. Goodbye world. Void muttered before dying.

(just wanted to announce my leaving of the rp - BUT SERIOUSLY!!! ITS OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Damn, now that's an ending)

Lite listened from the ground below. He couldn't see it, but could detect the heart beat fading away. "Is he,,no,,dead?" He muttered to himself, confused.
As he was watching them he looked up and saw a black figure falling out of the sky as if it was lifeless. He watched the corpse fall to the center of town making a big equator in the ground. Big enough to see from afar. he reverted his attention to the two men still following them but staying in the shadows and keeping his distance. @CHIMNY @Frogtruck
Arthur had decided that he would not be able to catch up to the fleeing man, so he landed on the ground with a satisfying crunch. "Lite, I've lost my trace on the man, are you still able to see him?" He spoke into his radio. He decided that Lite would be better at pursuing the strange man, and began to consider his next move, and getting a strange feeling that he was being watched. He shrugged it off however, dismissing the feeling.

@Knightling @Death Reaper
"I can't see him,," Lite replied into the radio, his usual cheerful additude gone "But he's dead, he flew too high into the atmosphere" He turned and walked towards Arthurs direction, then spoke into the radio again "Somebody has been following me, I can sense it. I want you to stay in the open and keep his attention, I'm going to get out of sight and ambush him" he was speaking quietly.


@Death Reaper
Arthur looked up towards the buildings. Was that odd feeling real? Has someone actually been keeping a close eye on Arthur? Arthur started to scan his surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss out any detail. And what about the other man, he died, just like that? This city had gotten very interesting all of a sudden. Arthur did not like the way things were turning out for this place.

@Knightling @Death Reaper
Death started to think to himself 'so that was the guy i saw falling out of the air...'. he stayed in the shadows he merged with a light post to be more stealthy. Death flicked the light on and off a few times....the street light in the city didn't really work. @Frogtruck @Knightling
Arthur looked around again after receiving Lite's message, he then began to stroll down the street, attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible. After all, he was just a 6 and a half foot suit of titanium with glowing orange lights. Regardless, he followed Lite's instructions, hoping the plan would work.

@Knightling @Death Reaper

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