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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter shrugged as best he could, "At some point she and panther boy pulled the disappearing act." He answered Priscilla with his best answer seeing as he didn't know himself.
Alli chuckled and shifted to stand beside Hunter to stand next to him. "If you wanna go, let's go." Cory crawled on top of Alli's vack, wanting to stay with them.

(Crunching the numbers their moving south west, towards the north, across a country so it would take time, about a week at top speeds for Hunter and Alli. Skipping it would be the best, unless any one wants a camp scene. @Comet, @Deadly Darkness, @Trust)
Aizen moved into the town of Lycona still working for Green-eyes the reason he left Hunter's gang was to finish his job and he did and now since Hunter's bounty kept going so Green-eyes sent Aizen to get rid of him. This wasn't going to be an easy task but, if he gets Hunter to trust him then stabs him in the back. He looked for signs that Hunter was here and immediately smelt the wet dog and followed the scent.
Alli's ears perked up when she heard something huge coming their way. "Hunter." She warned, her fur standing up as more blood dripped down her chest. She sniffed the air, smelling a cat like smell. She growled, Cory standing up on her back and looked around. "What is it Alli?" The thylacine asked, hoping onto Hunter's for a better veiw of things.

@kenryuko @Zy That Guy
Hunter skidded to a stop, and started to sniff, "I'm smelling Panther, familiar panther." He add on before shifting and sat down.
Cory moved to Hunter's shoulders once he shifted, Alli joining in the shifting and stood up, looking around for this panther he mentioned.
As Aizen moved through the town he put on his mask a white mask with a cryptic design on it, though it only covered the lower half of his face. He pulled up his hood and pressed a button on his mask, masking his scent making his smell fainter. He moved through the town in the direction of Hunter and people barely noticed him and those who did immediately turned away.

@kenryuko @Comet
Priscilla lagged a while behind, despite wanting to get to the mountains more than anyone else, she also wanted to practise scouting, she flew above the forest in griffin form, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious
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The scent faded and Alli growled. "I don't like this feeling Hun." She moved to sit by him, her feelings still on edge as she looked around. She couldn't smell it anymore, but she could sense it.

Cory moved on top of Hunter's head, standing on her back legs and looking around.

@kenryuko @Zy That Guy
After returning from his mission where he first met Hunter they injected him with this serum that made him more vicious and in his injections his panther form changed and started to look like this <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fd6d591f28a9a586e2ddeee68f22b264.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fd6d591f28a9a586e2ddeee68f22b264.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He also stopped being so serene and calm, they turned him into a monster because his mission took so long.



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Hunter scanned the trees for any sign of movement, taking a periodical sniff of the air to find anything he couldn't see, "I now the scent, it got some what more faint but is still there." Having been used to tracking from long distance he could easily pick out Aizen from a crowd to half a mile away, and from what he was getting he was looking for the group. "Calm down Alli, I know the scent and he is somewhat of a friend." He placed an hand on her knee to help calm her nerves.
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Alli jumped at his touch, lost in her own thoughts about the danger. "A somewhat old friend? Why just somewhat?" She asked, her nerves going higher.

She noticed a rather large black creature heading towards the group, it was pretty far behind so she thought it was most likely coincidence. She flew down low, revealing herself to the creature while flying just above tree level, she gave it a warning squawk in girffon form, her black scythe shining in the sunlight, held in carefully by a strap on her bag, which in turn, was wrapped around her mid section. @Zy That Guy
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Hunter looked at Alli, ignoring the thylacine on his head entirely. "We traveled with each other on our way to Evergreen. And as for why some what, we knew each other, but not well to be consider friends." He explained as he started back to his search.

"Who are you?" Aizen wasn't in his animal form but if you stood close enough to him or if you had great eyesight you could see the faint glow of panther eyes and a panther aura surrounding him. Aizen's body and voice matured in the short time away from the group. Aizen's memory was a little shaky because Green-Eyes is thorough he gave him only bad memories of Hunter but something in his body was telling him Hunter helped him in some way.

She carefully descended, a little wary of the adventurer. She entered her rather frail human form once more to allow herself to speak. "Why are you coming this way, are you following u- I mean me, if you are wondering, I haven't seen anyone past here, so it's just you, me and this beautiful forest" she asked, a pleasant tone in her voice

@Zy That Guy

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