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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Priscilla transformed back into a human before saying "*sigh* I guess I'm only useful as a refrigerator now..." She mumbled while summoning a block of ice from the moisture in the air. "There you go..." She mumbled, trudging towards the group

Hunter laughed at both Alli's concern and Priscilla's comment, "I'm fine, and as much as I hate the legion for what they did to me, I have to admit they know what their doing." He said as he laid back, in the grass. He experienced much worse for much longer in terms of fights and pain. Though it did feel nice to have someone actively worrying over an injury of his, even if it was minor.

@Trust, @Comet
Alli nodded a thanks to Priscilla and pressed the ice cube against Hunter's cheek, sitting by him while he laid down.

@kenryuko @Trust

Cory just sniffed Aizen befor crawling up and plopping on his stomach, laying down.

@Zy That Guy (she's like a dog. xD )
(Again, if pets did drugs! And watch Batman vs superman: DoJ so ill be off for a awhile)

Hunter gave a slight nod to Alli for the chilled presence of the ice.

Alli kept it there, chuckling down at him. "You need to quit picking fights." She told him, taking the ice off his cheek and Laying beside him, looking up at the sky.

Alli moved to her side and looked at him then poked the bruise on his cheek. "Just a warm up huh?" She then chuckled and kissed his nose with a small smile.

Cory looked up from Aizen's stomach at Hunter and replied to his stare, "he's the only one who stays still and lets me lay on them." Her voice sounded like a chattering noise.

"you never asked me to..." Priscilla giggled at cory before turning into a griffon and currling next to Aizen, her was strangely warm, but that might just have been because Ice-griffons are cold-blooded @Comet
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Hunter looked at Alli before back Cory, until he settled on the clouds above with a sigh that was interrupted by thunder. "And it's gonna rain." He said dryly as he got to his feet.
Alli groaned and said, "rain rain go away, come again another day." She then stayed on the ground, not wanting to move.

Cory hopped off of Aizen's stomach and across Priscilla, shifting and then standing beside Hunter and crossing her arms. "So what are we going to do about it?"

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter glanced at Cory, before picking Alli up and heaving her so she laid across his shoulder, "We find shelter." He said before doing the same to Aizen with his other and gestured for the remaining females, and Alexander to follow him until they reached a large tree that kept the rain off of them well enough.

@Comet, @Trust, @Deadly Darkness, @Zy That Guy.
Alexander followed the group to the base of a large oak tree. It provided an adequate amount of coverage for the time being. "Not that I want anyone getting sick, but," he paused leaning back on the smooth bark of the tree. "I'd rather we get to the mountains sooner rather than later." He stated.
Alexander was replied with a flash of lightning and the roar of thunder, "Hey if you want to go out there be my guest." Hunter said as hey placed both of his passengers on the ground.

@Comet, @Zy That Guy, @Deadly Daekness.
Alli whined, "Hunter, why must you carry me?" She hung there limply, watching what was going on behind them. She had a pissed off look on her face, Cory giggling at it. "I'll get you back for this Hunter." Alli growled.

Aizen had a really bad dream where Green-Eyes was torturing him and kept trying to inject him with this long needle he tried to run away but he ended up falling off a platform and falling forever and in a flash he woke up to the sound of thunder. He clutched his aching head begging the pain to stop then he felt it a chip a chip was implanted in the side of his head and it was beeping. "Do you guys hear this."

@Comet @kenryuko @Deadly Darkness @Trust
Hunter started to observe the chip, "Looks like a tracking or mind control device." He said as he looked around the group, "Any one know brain surgery?" He asked before returning to observing the chip.
"How deep in?" Alexander questioned. He wasn't a surgeon, but he had great deal of knowledge on anatomy and surgical procedures.
Hunter shrugged, "It's close enough to be heard, but not easily." He said stepping back to let Alexander look for himself.
"No, Green-Eyes can see me from anywhere as long as he thinks about me he can find me because of his beast within. Hence the name Green-Eyes, it's probably a bomb that will go off if they sense I'm not following orders. It's a few inches deep I feel if you take it out to slowly they just press the button." Aizen started laughing feeling death really close.
Alli and Cory both shook their heads. "We can just pull it out, no quick, but not slow either." Alli suggested, moving off of Hunter's shoulder since he stopped paying attention and looked at it.

@kenryuko @Zy That Guy
Hunter's features contorted into one of thought, "We're in a life or death situation. So another Tuesday right?" He said making a joke to try and lighten the mood.
Alli chuckled with him and looked at Priscilla. "Yo can do it?" She asked, moving out of the way so Priscilla can get a better look at it.

"I would much rather handle this with surgical tools..." She mumbled, hoping they weren't expecting her to cut into the man's head with her talons, she shivered even at the thought of it. "Even just a thin knife would do" she asked
As i walk through the streets of Lycona i wonder if someone may be here to help me. I had recently heard of this place from a stranger and decided to visit. From the looks of it, it looks like a place i'll like to settle down for awhile since getting hunted almost everyday is not fun. I look around again still not seeing anyone and just gives up and decides to go eat. I didn't really have anything to eat since i was so focused on coming here. I head towards the plains where i spotted a few animals there earlier and i shift slightly allowing my fangs and claws to come out. Once i arrive in the plains i noticed a boar right away thanks to my great sense of smell. I closes in on the boar eyes shining a bright red as i pounces on the boar digging my claws into it stomach and snapping it neck with my jaws. I extract my claws but let my fangs dig into the boar with no mercy. I sit and tear into the boar stomach enjoying the taste of it.

@ Anyone

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