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Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray , Pagemaster Pagemaster

Amelia Flemming & Daniel Hawthorne

Amelia smirked wryly at her father’s doting comment about her and her sister's teenage years. Her father was away at war for most of hers, leaving their mother to deal with her illicit affairs. Turning her attention from her father, she turned out towards the lake. Even if she enjoyed her family’s house on the other end of the lake, credit was due to whichever Hawthorne picked this plot. Pff! Hardly! Men these days have trouble keeping up with me.” She lightly joked. “Plus, I didn’t want to worry about dragging around a date tonight.” Shortly after her comment, she felt a pair of eyes on her. Tilting her head back to the party, she noticed her new brother-in-law approaching. “Play nice, Dad,” Amelia said lightly, standing up from her seat at the dock. Once up, she made her way to grab her heels and waltz off the dock. As she walked up towards the party, she passed Daniel in silence.


Daniel’s conversation with his brother was short-lived, interrupted by his father. At first, his father’s compliment brought a thankful smile. However, before he could finish his breath he managed to find a way to ruin the moment. The jostle from the clasp on the back was met with a blank stare. “Even on my damn wedding day, you can’t manage a nice thing to say about her?” He sighed, fed up with his father’s pessimism. “You’re impossible sometimes,” he continued, defeated. He didn’t have to sit here and take his father’s slander. Without another word, he strolled off. With a few drinks in his system, he didn’t want to speak ill in front of his old man. Best to leave rather than engage in his experience. Almost instantly, he snapped on a social mask. Even if his father’s words upset him, no one would know, not on his and Lillian’s big day.

Now that the chat was done with, he figured it would be polite to find Arthur Flemming. Strolling the crowds for a few minutes, he was surprised to not see his father-in-law anywhere. Looking towards the lake, he spotted two figures at the dock. If anyone had to be avoiding social graces, it was him. Before leaving the reception area, he swapped his now empty glass for a fresh glass of scotch and another for Arthur. As he approached the dock, he noticed Lily’s younger sister. The two locked eyes in passing but said nothing. Once at the dock, he gave his father-in-law a kind smile. “Thanks for doing all this, I appreciate it just as much as Lillian.” He swirled the liquor gently in its glass. Handing the glass to Arthur, he extended his in return. “To family, the bond that drives us crazy and keeps the world together.” He cheered with a smile, clinking glasses with Arthur.

Daniel would be a fool to think his father-in-law favored him. Even if that was the case, it was polite to treat him as if he did. Genuinely, he wanted to like the man and vice versa. However, something was foreboding about Arthur. He couldn’t quite place it, but deep down he knew it was a long road to earning his trust.
Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -
Interacting With: Misty Gray Misty Gray

James Hawthorne
James emerged from the main house and adjusted the cufflinks on his left sleeve. His hands were shaking and there was sweat on his forehead. He had just knocked back three Glenlivets in preparation to face the old bear, his father, Walter Hawthorne. Having barely rehearsed what he was going to say to the man, the idea of trying to explain seemed comical.​

Hey Dad, haven't seen you in three years. How's about you separate yourself from some of that fat, greasy money?

The thought sickened him, having to beg for a way back in. He had only recently reached out to the family after lamming it on the east coast. At first it was a series of letters to Daniel letting him know of his whereabouts. Everyone wondered when James planned to come home.

The cold hard truth couldn't be expressed in letters. That he needed time to process things. That he still wasn't ready to come back to the fold after all this time. He sorely missed his family, perhaps father most especially. It's just that James needed to know where they stood so they could move beyond this point.

James straightened his bowtie before approaching Walter. The man was facing away from him. He cleared his throat a couple times hoping to garner his attention.

Camp Hawthorne
- Lake Tahoe, California -

Walter Hawthorne

It was unsurprising that Daniel hadn't appreciated Walter's observations about Lily. Personally, he thought his comments about her drinking had been tame and he could have vocalised much more at that time. Of course, Daniel was blinded by love, or lust, or a mixture of both, so of course he'd refuse to see sense on the matter. After calling him impossible, Daniel soon walked away to avoid the conversation.

Deciding to leave Rhodes to do his own mingling, and not have him bleating on in defence of Lily too, Walter also walked away, albeit not in the same direction as his eldest. He slowed to a stop to take another sip of his drink and scope out the guests to try locate one of the few he'd enjoy conversing with. Instead, his eyes once more landed in the direction of the bar where Lily and Emma were conversing with a man. Something about Anton confirmed to Walter that he was linked to the line of work the two actresses were in. He also struck him as someone who women would find attractive. Yet again, he couldn't help but find distaste in how Lily was conducting herself. Having just wed his son, he didn't think she was doing herself any favours fraternising with other men instead of being seen with her family - be it the biological one or the one she'd officially wormed her way into. He was fully aware Daniel wasn't innocent where sleeping around was concerned, given his son's past antics. Still, he hoped he was taking notes and would learn to keep his wife's unladylike behaviour in check moving forward.

Walter was drawn out of his judging thoughts when he heard a sound directly behind him, followed by his youngest son addressing him. Walter slowly turned around to face the young man who he hadn't seen for years. "The wanderer returns. I might have known the promise of free alcohol and partying would have finally lured you back," he remarked. He looked James over, acknowledging he was smartly dressed and by all accounts full of health, having found his way home from the war in one piece.

"James," he finally greeted him by name. "Have you been here all along?" he asked, referring to whether he'd been present for the wedding ceremony. "I'm sure Daniel will be ecstatic you made the effort for him." Walter doubted there was any other reason for his son returning home. He certainly didn't believe he came back to see his father, given James had rarely put in the effort for him prior to the war.

Jabroni Jabroni (James)
Mentioned: ReverseTex ReverseTex (Daniel)

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