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Realistic or Modern heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. ooc

No, Pakistan is West of India lol, they were part of India during British rule. There’s plenty of Pakistani expat living in where I’m from tho.
Yup, Britain being the reason we have 150 years of not having to cannibalise 50% of the population every once in a while when famine hits China or some dude lead rebellion because God told him he’s the brother of Jesus and cause like 30 million deaths. It’s a net positive for us, not sure how other fellow colonies were doing back then.
Yup, Britain being the reason we have 150 years of not having to cannibalise 50% of the population every once in a while when famine hits China or some dude lead rebellion because God told him he’s the brother of Jesus and cause like 30 million deaths. It’s a net positive for us, not sure how other fellow colonies were doing back then.
why why do i know about both of those things. not a net positive for most countries, lol
Singapore and Hong Kong, both city state build basically out of fishing village by the British Empire. I’m not sure how to feel about Singapore because since their authoritarian system works, now the leadership in China and HKSAR keeps trying to imitate them rather than giving democratic rights to the people.

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